Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange

Unofficial Coordinates for the Hobbs, New Mexico Control Points

Contest: World Class Nationals, 2004

Courtesy of Jo Ann and Bob Dittert ( Bjdittert(at) )
Dated: 02 March, 1999

Updated courtesy of John Godfrey 'QT' ( quebectango(at) ), and John Good

Updated: 24 July, 2004

Magnetic Variation: 7.7E, Datum: 100
Time zone: US/Mountain, summer offset from GMT is -6:00 and in winter it is -7:00.

The primary specification of the waypoint coordinates is degrees and decimal minutes


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  ID  NumberName                         Codes               Links                Latitude    Longitude        Latitude     Longitude   Elevation   ICAO    Frequency  R/W Direction  R/W Length   R/W Width  R/W Surface
                                                                                  °  '  "      °  '  "         °   '         °   '         Feet       ID                                  Feet                             

  1  Hobbs                        TA     Q,I,Z,R,T,O,g,S,V,M,G                32 45 30 N  103 13 28 W  or  32 45.500 N  103 13.467 W     3707             35>Mid30/12        0.5       248                                                                             
  2  Abandoned                    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              32 56 38 N  103 07 25 W  or  32 56.634 N  103 07.417 W     3700             35>17               14        31                                                                             
  3  Andrews                      TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              32 19 16 N  102 31 41 W  or  32 19.267 N  102 31.684 W     3178             33>X33 122.8        50       135       122.8                                                                 
  4  Big Spring                   TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              32 12 08 N  101 31 18 W  or  32 12.133 N  101 31.300 W     2593             35>7/25122.8       106       119       25122.8                                                               
  5  Brownfield                   TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              33 09 57 N  102 11 49 W  or  33 09.952 N  102 11.820 W     3263             2>20int122.8        65        72       122.8                                                                 

  6  Caprock Station              T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              33 19 55 N  103 33 57 W  or  33 19.918 N  103 33.952 W     4200             6>24                44       341                                                                             
  7  Coleman Cattle Company NR 1  TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              32 32 03 N  101 43 30 W  or  32 32.056 N  101 43.506 W     2820             16/34 47a           88       108                                                                             
  8  Crane                        TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              31 24 31 N  102 21 21 W  or  31 24.517 N  102 21.350 W     2552             33>15 122.9        106       159       122.9                                                                 
  9  Crossroads                   T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              33 30 45 N  103 20 46 W  or  33 30.751 N  103 20.768 W     4118             W Vil>508/18        52       360                                                                             
 10  Denver City                  TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              32 58 04 N  102 51 11 W  or  32 58.066 N  102 51.183 W     3575             4>INT8/24           25        64                                                                             

 11  Eunice                       TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              32 27 02 N  103 14 36 W  or  32 27.033 N  103 14.601 W     3569             36>18               22       192                                                                             
 12  Hagerman Cut-off             T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              33 00 31 N  103 48 05 W  or  33 00.517 N  103 48.083 W     4450             S>INTS172/31        38       305                                                                             
 13  Hamilton                     TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              32 43 57 N  102 57 00 W  or  32 43.952 N  102 57.000 W     3520             9>27end Dust        16       105                                                                             
 14  Hereford                     TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              34 51 06 N  102 19 53 W  or  34 51.100 N  102 19.885 W     3783             3>21 122.8         153        27       122.8                                                                 
 15  Intersection 180 & 303       T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              32 42 40 N  102 26 01 W  or  32 42.668 N  102 26.016 W     3225             1miw>Intsn          46       102                                                                             

 16  Jal                          TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              32 07 30 N  103 09 25 W  or  32 07.500 N  103 09.417 W     3115             1>19                44       183                                                                             
 17  Kenna                        T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              33 50 33 N  103 46 20 W  or  33 50.551 N  103 46.334 W     4650             TWNCNT>N RD         81       345                                                                             
 18  Lamesa                       TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              32 44 49 N  101 54 51 W  or  32 44.818 N  101 54.851 W     2998             34>16 122.8         76        98       122.8                                                                 
 19  Levelland                    TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              33 33 30 N  102 22 22 W  or  33 33.500 N  102 22.367 W     3508             08/26 27T           74        49                                                                             
 20  Littlefield                  TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              33 55 13 N  102 23 15 W  or  33 55.217 N  102 23.250 W     3614             1>19 122.8          93        38       122.8                                                                 

 21  Lovington                    TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              32 57 00 N  103 24 24 W  or  32 57.000 N  103 24.400 W     3978             30>INTS 3/30        17       327                                                                             
 22  Mabee Ranch                  TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              32 13 01 N  102 09 35 W  or  32 13.023 N  102 09.591 W     2862             06/24 41a           72       129                                                                             
 23  Maljamar                     T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              32 50 51 N  103 45 47 W  or  32 50.851 N  103 45.785 W     4172             S Ints>Tncnt        32       288                                                                             
 24  Monahans                     TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              31 34 42 N  102 54 41 W  or  31 34.701 N  102 54.684 W     2613             1>19 122.8          84       175       122.8                                                                 
 25  Morton                       TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              33 43 43 N  102 44 27 W  or  33 43.718 N  102 44.451 W     3746             4>22 122.8          72        30       122.8                                                                 

 26  Muleshoe                     TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              34 11 01 N  102 38 57 W  or  34 11.016 N  102 38.952 W     3778             7>25               104        26                                                                             
 27  Pecos                        TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              31 22 57 N  103 30 38 W  or  31 22.943 N  103 30.641 W     2613             16/34 47a           97       198                                                                             
 28  Plains                       TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              33 12 42 N  102 50 03 W  or  33 12.701 N  102 50.050 W     3678             35>17 122.9         38        43       122.9                                                                 
 29  Portales                     TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              34 08 18 N  103 24 54 W  or  34 08.300 N  103 24.901 W     4076             1>19                96         1                                                                             
 30  Post                         TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              33 11 55 N  101 20 16 W  or  33 11.918 N  101 20.267 W     2545             35>17 122.9        113        82       122.9                                                                 

 31  Railroad Crossing            T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              32 31 47 N  103 48 40 W  or  32 31.785 N  103 48.668 W     3500                                 38       253                                                                             
 32  Reese Auxillary              T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              33 21 06 N  102 22 13 W  or  33 21.095 N  102 22.216 W     3450             Not Landable        64        58                                                                             
 33  Reese Center                 TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              33 35 42 N  102 02 03 W  or  33 35.706 N  102 02.058 W     3330             Reese Hangar        89        57                                                                             
 34  Seagraves                    TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              32 57 02 N  102 32 53 W  or  32 57.033 N  102 32.885 W     3366             35>17               41        79                                                                             
 35  Seminole                     TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              32 39 54 N  102 38 54 W  or  32 39.901 N  102 38.901 W     3283             08/26 54a           34       109                                                                             

 36  Slaton                       TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              33 29 05 N  101 39 38 W  or  33 29.088 N  101 39.641 W     3123             08/26 23.0         103        68       23.0                                                                  
 37  Tahoka                       TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              33 10 17 N  101 49 24 W  or  33 10.284 N  101 49.400 W     3126             08/26 25G           86        78                                                                             
 38  Tatum                        TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              33 15 32 N  103 16 50 W  or  33 15.534 N  103 16.835 W     3986             35>17 122.8         35         2       122.8                                                                 
 39  Tulia                        TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              34 33 38 N  101 47 00 W  or  34 33.634 N  101 47.000 W     3500             SW4>22 123.6       149        41       123.6                                                                 
 40  Vega                         TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              35 14 13 N  102 23 52 W  or  35 14.220 N  102 23.867 W     3995             17/35 122.9        177        23       122.9                                                                 

 41  Wink                         TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              31 46 40 N  103 12 27 W  or  31 46.668 N  103 12.451 W     2818             South End           68       187                                                                             
 50  Start-Finish                 HSFA   Q,I,Z,R,T,O,g,S,V,M,G                32 45 43 N  103 13 00 W  or  32 45.718 N  103 13.007 W     3707             Start/Finish                                                                                                 
 51  Start A                      S      Q,I,Z,R,T,O,g,S,V,M,G                32 50 04 N  103 13 00 W  or  32 50.060 N  103 13.007 W     3707             Start A            5.0         8                                                                             
 52  Start B                      S      Q,I,Z,R,T,O,g,S,V,M,G                32 45 43 N  103 07 50 W  or  32 45.718 N  103 07.840 W     3707             Start B            5.0        98                                                                             
 53  Start C                      S      Q,I,Z,R,T,O,g,S,V,M,G                32 41 23 N  103 13 00 W  or  32 41.380 N  103 13.007 W     3707             Start C            5.0       188                                                                             

 54  Start D                      S      Q,I,Z,R,T,O,g,S,V,M,G                32 45 43 N  103 18 10 W  or  32 45.718 N  103 18.170 W     3707             Start D            5.0       278                                                                             
 71  Arkansas Junction            T      Q,I,Z,R,T,O,g,S,V,M,G                32 41 51 N  103 21 20 W  or  32 41.850 N  103 21.333 W     3800                                9.2       249                                                                             
 72  State Line Rd                T      Q,I,Z,R,T,O,g,S,V,M,G                32 43 33 N  103 03 29 W  or  32 43.550 N  103 03.483 W     3579                                9.6       113                                                                             
 73  Navajo Refinery              T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              32 53 11 N  103 18 24 W  or  32 53.183 N  103 18.400 W     3838                                 10       336                                                                             
 74  Monument                     T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              32 36 51 N  103 18 59 W  or  32 36.850 N  103 18.984 W     3591                                 12       217                                                                             

 75  Buckeye                      T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              32 48 09 N  103 30 16 W  or  32 48.150 N  103 30.267 W     3990                                 17       287                                                                             
 76  Higginbotham                 T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              32 54 04 N  102 59 36 W  or  32 54.067 N  102 59.600 W     3615                                 16        61                                                                             
 77  Marathon Rd                  T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              32 37 30 N  103 30 57 W  or  32 37.500 N  103 30.950 W     3734                                 20       249                                                                             
 78  Denton Gas                   T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              33 03 01 N  103 10 21 W  or  33 03.017 N  103 10.350 W     3807                                 20        15                                                                             
 79  Oasis Gin                    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              32 36 50 N  102 54 33 W  or  32 36.833 N  102 54.550 W     3437                                 21       127                                                                             

 80  Pleasant Hill                T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              33 03 05 N  102 36 29 W  or  33 03.083 N  102 36.483 W     3447                                 41        68                                                                             
 81  Tokio                        T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              33 10 58 N  102 34 04 W  or  33 10.967 N  102 34.067 W     3492                                 48        60                                                                             
 82  Komegay                      T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              32 33 00 N  103 04 00 W  or  32 33.000 N  103 04.000 W     3531                                 17       157                                                                             

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