* NUM NAM COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT FRE ICAO COM_12 COMMENT * * ============================================================================== * * Filename "hobbs126.stx" created Sunday, 04 May 2008 at 01:14 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This is a 'beta' release to support the release of the NK ClearNav and is subject to change. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5 $COUNTRY US $HOME_SITE Hobbs, New Mexico $CONTEST 1-26 Championships $CONTRIBUTOR Jo Ann and Bob Dittert $CONTRIBUTOR_E-MAIL Bjdittert@aol.com $LATITUDE North $LONGITUDE West $ALTITUDE_UNIT Feet $TIMEZONE_NAME US/Mountain $DATUM 100 $MAGNETIC_VARIATION -9.1 $RW_L_UNIT Feet $CONTRIBUTION_DATE March 02 1999 $LONGITUDE West $LATITUDE North * * ============================================================================== * * The next line defines the contents of columns. It MUST appear before the first waypoint line NUM NAM COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT FRE ICAO COM_12 COMMENT * * Starting the waypoints * 1 Hobbs S end RW 35 32 45 30 103 13 28 ATP4 3707 HBB 35>mid30/12 03/21 70A 2 Abandoned S end RW 35 32 56 38 103 07 25 T1 3700 35>17 3 Andrews S end RW 33 32 19 16 102 31 41 AT 3178 122.8 E11 33>X33 122.8 02/20 29A 4 Arkansas Junction 32 41 51 103 21 20 T 5 Brownfield S end RW 2 33 09 57 102 11 49 AT1 3263 122.8 Q26 2>20int122.8 02/20 52A 6 Buckeye 32 48 09 103 30 16 T 7 Caprock Station SW end RW 6 33 19 55 103 33 57 T 4200 6>24 8 Crossroads Rt 508 W Rt 18 33 30 45 103 20 46 T 4100 W Vil>508/18 9 Denton Gas Plant 33 03 01 103 10 21 T 10 Denver City SW end RW 4 32 58 04 102 51 11 AT1 3575 E57 4>Int8/24 04/22 58A 11 Eunice S end RW 36 32 27 02 103 14 36 AT 3569 E04 36>18 10/28 23G 12 Hamilton W End RW 32 43 57 102 57 00 ATP1 3520 5TA0 9>27end dust E/W 37T 13 Higginbotham 32 54 04 102 59 36 T1 14 Intersection 180 & 303 1 M W Int 32 42 40 102 26 01 T1 3250 1miW>Intsn 15 Jal S end RW 1 32 07 30 103 09 25 AT 3115 E26 1>19 01/19 47A 16 Lamesa S end RW 34 32 44 49 101 54 51 AT1 2997 122.8 2F5 34>16 122.8 07/25 40A 17 Levelland 33 33 30 102 22 22 TA1 3508 122.8 Q24 18 Lovington SE end RW 30 32 57 00 103 24 24 AT 3974 E06 30>Ints 3/30 03/21 60A 19 Maljamar Int S 32 50 51 103 45 47 T 4172 S Ints>TnCnt 20 Marathon Rd. 32 37 30 103 30 57 T 21 Morton SW end RW 4 33 43 43 102 44 27 AT 3750 122.8 F85 4>22 122.8 04/22 34A 22 Monument 32 36 51 103 18 59 T 23 Navajo Refinery 32 53 11 103 18 24 T 24 Oasis Gin 32 36 50 102 54 33 T1 25 Plains S end RW 35 33 12 42 102 50 03 AT 3678 122.9 F98 35>17 122.9 08/26 20D 26 Pleasent Hill Gin 33 03 05 102 36 29 T1 27 Seagraves SW end RW 4 32 57 02 102 32 53 AT1 3366 122.9 F97 4>22 122.9 04/22 40A 28 Seminole S end RW 35 32 39 54 102 38 54 AT1 3283 122.8 31F 35>17 122.8 08/26 54A 29 State Line Rd. 32 43 33 103 03 29 T1 30 Tatum SW end RW 5 33 15 32 103 16 50 AT 3986 E07 5>23 12/30 29A 31 Tokio 33 10 58 102 34 04 T1 * Starting Non-contest Turnpoints ****************** * that TP's are specicfied in dms, and these in dm * seconds MUST be blank, not 0 32 Start Gate North End 32 46.483 103 13.067 s 3707 North End 33 Start Gate South End 32 45.917 103 13.067 s 3707 South End 34 Finish Gate West End 32 45.917 103 13.067 s 3707 North End 35 Finish Gate East End 32 46.083 103 12.817 s 3707 South End 36 Start Gate Center 32 46.183 103 13.517 AS 3707 260 or 080 37 Finish Gate Center 32 45.992 103 12.924 HAF 3707 230 or 050 * Starting Non-contest Turnpoints ****************** 38 East IP Bus Barn 32 46.4 103 11.650 s 3707 Bus Barn 39 Northwest IP Wind Mill & Hi Line 32 47.283 103 15.950 s 3707 WindMillHiLn 40 West IP Wooden Windmill 32 46.183 103 14.967 s 3707 WoodWindmill * Starting Private Airports ************************ 41 Biggin Hill 33 44 54.310 102 4 1.624 AVP 3330 TA67 12/30 30T 42 Coleman Cattle Company NR 1 32 32 3.396 101 43 30.492 AVP 2820 75TA 16/34 47A 43 L P Askew Farms 33 2 .340 101 56 1.579 AVP 3110 00XS 17/35 15T 44 Mc Nabb Farm 33 24 23.317 102 4 36.614 AVP 3315 55F 01/19 15T 45 Mabee Ranch 32 13 1.413 102 9 35.517 AVP 2862 7TX5 06/24 41A 46 Seminole Spraying Service 32 43 5.379 102 44 17.694 AVP 3372 E39 08/26 27G 47 Thorp 32 34 40.379 101 55 51.541 AVP 2900 9F3 15/33 26D 48 Two Leggs 32 56 30.370 103 1.779 AVP 3625 1TA5 08/26 36T * Starting Public Airports ************************* 49 Hobbs Municipal 32 41 15.1 103 13 1.3 AV 3661 HOB 03/21 20.65 50 T-Bar 33 10 37.334 101 49 11.564 AV 3126 2F4 08/26 22.8