;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Hayden, Colorado + ; + ; Control Points formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; + ; Generated Tuesday, 23 July 2013 at 21:21 GMT + ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Yampa Valley" "YMPVLL" "123.0" "N4028.867" "W10713.067" "Eagle Soaring" "EGLSRN" "_" "N4030.567" "W10656.583" "Craig Moffat" "CRGMFF" "122.8" "N4029.717" "W10731.300" "SteamboatSpringsBobdms" "STMBTS" "122.8" "N4030.983" "W10651.983" "Mesa 1" "MESA 1" "_" "N4024.367" "W10649.283" "Pleasant Valley" "PLSNTV" "_" "N4020.483" "W10650.967" "Lucky L Ranch" "LCKLRC" "_" "N4021.500" "W10649.800" "Skyote" "SKYOTE" "_" "N4045.483" "W10658.317" "Mesa View Ranch" "MSVWRC" "_" "N4046.500" "W10732.033" "Flying Dog Ranch" "FLNGDG" "_" "N3958.267" "W10736.667" "Dixon" "DIXON" "122.9" "N4102.250" "W10729.550" "Meeker" "MEEKER" "122.8" "N4002.933" "W10753.150" "Walden Jackson County" "WLDNJC" "122.9" "N4045.017" "W10616.300" "McElroy" "MCELRO" "122.8" "N4003.200" "W10622.150" "A A Ranch" "A A RC" "122.8" "N4109.500" "W10633.450" "Eagle County" "EGLCNT" "119.8" "N3938.567" "W10654.950" "Gypsum Creek Ranch" "GPSMCR" "_" "N3936.000" "W10658.450" "Glenwood Springs" "GLNWDS" "123.0" "N3930.367" "W10718.550" "Shively" "SHIVEL" "122.8" "N4126.617" "W10649.650" "Garfield County" "GRFLDC" "122.8" "N3931.600" "W10743.683" "Cedar Creek Ranch" "CDRCRK" "_" "N4124.550" "W10635.550" "Granby Grand County" "GRNBGR" "123.0" "N4005.400" "W10554.983" "Glen Aspen" "GLNSPN" "_" "N3923.333" "W10709.600" "Rangely" "RANGEL" "122.8" "N4005.633" "W10845.783" "Aspen" "ASPEN" "_" "N3915.600" "W10654.733" "Crystal Lakes" "CRSTLL" "_" "N4051.100" "W10537.983" "Dry Pen" "DRYPEN" "_" "N3924.133" "W10804.600" "Aspen Pitkin Co/Sardy" "ASPNPT" "118.85" "N3913.317" "W10652.100" "Rawlins Muni/Harvey" "RWLNSM" "123.0" "N4148.350" "W10712.017" "Elk Park Ranch" "ELKPRK" "_" "N4015.767" "W10526.883" "Laramie" "LARAMI" "123.05" "N4118.717" "W10540.500" "Lake County" "LKCONT" "122.8" "N3913.167" "W10618.983" "Athanasiou Valley" "ATHNSV" "_" "N3951.250" "W10528.283" "Sprague" "SPRAGU" "_" "N4028.500" "W10513.217" "Phylcon Ranch" "PHLCNR" "_" "N3907.750" "W10808.533" "Red Creek Ranch" "RDCRKR" "_" "N4104.000" "W10905.367" "Ashlawn" "ASHLWN" "_" "N4006.600" "W10514.233" "Christman" "CHRSTM" "_" "N4035.833" "W10508.617" "Boulder" "BOULDR" "122.725" "N4002.367" "W10513.550" "Skywagon Ranch" "SKWGNR" "_" "N4018.717" "W10508.750" "Lazy W" "LAZY W" "_" "N4018.817" "W10508.717" "Kellogg" "KELLGG" "_" "N4040.883" "W10508.317" "Vance Brand" "VNCBRN" "122.975" "N4009.867" "W10509.817" "Lemons Private" "LMNSPR" "_" "N3959.683" "W10513.433" "Ponds" "PONDS" "_" "N4015.900" "W10508.200" "Colorado Antique" "CLRDNT" "_" "N4007.350" "W10510.350" "Medicine Bow" "MDCNBW" "122.9" "N4153.033" "W10610.967" "3 I Rocker Ranch" "3RCKRR" "_" "N4024.933" "W10920.617" "Mesawood" "MESAWD" "_" "N3857.667" "W10757.467" "Buckhorn Ranch" "BCKHRN" "122.8" "N3851.117" "W10655.967" "Ellis Ranch" "ELLSRC" "_" "N4201.317" "W10625.467" "Daves" "DAVES" "_" "N4002.000" "W10507.433" "Sundog" "SUNDOG" "_" "N4021.033" "W10924.083" "Skylane Ranch" "SKLNRC" "_" "N4016.333" "W10501.950" "Fort Collins Loveland" "FRTCLL" "122.7" "N4027.117" "W10500.683" "North Fork Valley" "NFRKVL" "122.7" "N3849.883" "W10738.750" "Flying W Ranch" "FLNGWR" "122.8" "N3851.750" "W10749.283" "Hat" "HAT" "_" "N4030.617" "W10500.083" "Walker" "WALKER" "118.1" "N3907.350" "W10831.600" "Yankee" "YANKEE" "_" "N4038.083" "W10459.467" "Cridler" "CRIDLR" "_" "N3850.900" "W10750.000" "Redlands" "RDLNDS" "_" "N3850.200" "W10747.567" "Rocky Mountain" "RCKMTN" "118.6" "N3954.533" "W10507.033" "Dutch John" "DTCHJH" "122.9" "N4055.067" "W10923.433" "Fox Hole" "FOXHOL" "_" "N4000.283" "W10504.317" "Omega 1" "OMEGA1" "_" "N3850.133" "W10748.917" "Tall Timber" "TLLTMB" "_" "N3938.633" "W10516.050" "WKR" "WKR" "_" "N4031.250" "W10458.000" "Parkland" "PRKLND" "_" "N4004.300" "W10502.017" "Eden Ranch" "EDENRC" "_" "N3850.183" "W10751.950" "Marshdale" "MRSHDL" "_" "N3935.000" "W10518.200" "SprucePointTreeFarmLLC" "SPRCPN" "_" "N3850.000" "W10751.533" "Erie" "ERIE" "123.0" "N4000.617" "W10502.883" "Rancho De Aereo" "RNCHDR" "_" "N4012.900" "W10459.067" "Owl Canyon" "OWLCNN" "_" "N4048.283" "W10459.100" "Widner" "WIDNER" "_" "N3850.033" "W10753.533" "Montemadeira Ii" "MNTMDR" "_" "N3848.333" "W10746.450" "Doctors Mesa" "DCTRSM" "122.8" "N3851.167" "W10801.033" "Vernal" "VERNAL" "122.7" "N4026.450" "W10930.600" "Mack Mesa" "MACKMS" "122.9" "N3916.083" "W10851.850" "Lux" "LUX" "_" "N3909.133" "W10543.217" "Wings N Things +Museum" "WNGSNT" "_" "N4006.350" "W10457.283" "Burnham" "BURNHM" "_" "N4046.883" "W10455.050" "RockSpringsSweetwtrCnt" "RCKSPR" "122.8" "N4135.650" "W10903.917" "Jackrabbit" "JCKRBB" "_" "N4022.500" "W10452.367" "Reed" "REED" "_" "N4041.417" "W10452.000" "Crawford" "CRWFRD" "122.8" "N3842.250" "W10738.617" "Air Village" "AIRVLG" "_" "N4025.500" "W10935.550" "Blake" "BLAKE" "122.8" "N3847.183" "W10803.817" "Barber" "BARBER" "_" "N3846.367" "W10802.650" "Highline Farm" "HGHLNF" "_" "N4028.283" "W10448.817" "Sky Island Ranch" "SKSLND" "_" "N3844.250" "W10800.350" "Bellmore Farms" "BLLMRF" "_" "N4042.250" "W10447.867" "Mile Hi" "MILEHI" "_" "N4054.000" "W10450.033" "Westwinds" "WSTWND" "122.8" "N3845.517" "W10808.917" "Shaull Farm" "SHLLFR" "_" "N4043.300" "W10446.683" "Central Colorado" "CNTRLC" "122.8" "N3848.850" "W10607.233" "Pinyon" "PINYON" "_" "N3900.167" "W10842.617" "Tonga" "TONGA" "_" "N4010.033" "W10447.567" "Roubideau" "ROUBID" "_" "N3843.567" "W10807.733" "Pelican Lake" "PLCNLK" "_" "N4010.883" "W10940.350" "Kugel Strong" "KGLSTR" "_" "N4012.750" "W10444.667" "Antelope" "ANTELP" "_" "N3901.333" "W10536.900" "Manila" "MANILA" "122.8" "N4059.183" "W10940.717" "Cheyenne/Jerry Olson" "CHNNJR" "118.7" "N4109.333" "W10448.633" "Crop Air" "CROPAR" "_" "N4030.750" "W10439.117" "Platte Valley" "PLTTVL" "122.9" "N4006.167" "W10442.067" "Gunnison Crested Butte" "GNNSNC" "122.7" "N3832.033" "W10655.983" "Greeley Weld County" "GRLWLD" "122.8" "N4026.250" "W10438.000" "GTRGrnRvrntrglctcSpcpr" "GTRGRN" "122.9" "N4127.483" "W10929.400" "Van Aire" "VANAIR" "_" "N3958.983" "W10442.283" "Clifford" "CLFFRD" "_" "N3834.500" "W10757.533" "Easton" "EASTON" "122.9" "N4019.633" "W10436.567" "Westwater" "WSTWTR" "_" "N3908.800" "W10908.700" "Paradise" "PARADS" "_" "N4026.467" "W10950.817" "Sloan" "SLOAN" "_" "N4109.417" "W10442.500" "Hay Fever Farm" "HFVRFR" "_" "N4032.750" "W10433.867" "Beaugh" "BEAUGH" "_" "N4020.433" "W10434.400" "Flying M Ranch" "FLNGMR" "_" "N3829.283" "W10740.450" "Centennial" "CNTNNL" "118.9" "N3934.200" "W10450.967" "Montrose" "MONTRS" "122.8" "N3830.583" "W10753.650" "Denver" "DENVER" "118.75" "N3951.700" "W10440.383" "Buckley AFB" "BCKLFB" "119.675" "N3942.100" "W10445.117" "Land" "LAND" "_" "N4005.750" "W10435.367" "Simons" "SIMONS" "_" "N3942.983" "W10443.950" "Robbins" "ROBBNS" "_" "N4215.600" "W10551.533" "Skyview" "SKYVIW" "_" "N4113.033" "W10435.033" "Greggs Nr 1" "GRGGSN" "_" "N3953.367" "W10432.700" "Harriet Alexander" "HRRTLX" "122.7" "N3832.300" "W10602.917" "Dodsworth" "DDSWRT" "_" "N3833.083" "W10559.533" "Flying E" "FLYING" "_" "N3957.483" "W10429.133" "Horseshoe" "HORSSH" "_" "N4006.500" "W10425.867" "Vowers Ranch" "VWRSRC" "_" "N4137.333" "W10447.117" "Two Bar Ranch" "TWBRRC" "_" "N4155.983" "W10505.100" "Farm" "FARM" "_" "N4005.900" "W10425.517" "Front Range" "FRNTRN" "119.025" "N3947.050" "W10432.250" "JJS" "JJS" "_" "N3957.850" "W10427.783" "Roosevelt" "ROSVLT" "122.8" "N4016.700" "W11003.083" "Perry Park" "PRRPRK" "_" "N3915.000" "W10453.450" "Everitt" "EVERTT" "_" "N3931.750" "W10439.483" "Kelgun" "KELGUN" "_" "N3918.417" "W10448.950" "Cass" "CASS" "_" "N4037.333" "W10420.667" "Reed Hollow Ranch" "RDHLLW" "_" "N3922.300" "W10444.583" "Air Dusters" "ARDSTR" "_" "N4005.600" "W10422.517" "Hendricks W Creek Rc" "HNDRCK" "_" "N3842.333" "W10856.233" "J and S" "J + S" "_" "N3949.733" "W10426.233" "Hoy" "HOY" "_" "N3950.150" "W10425.333" "Harrington Ranch" "HRRNGT" "_" "N3937.783" "W10431.117" "Van Slyke" "VANSLK" "_" "N3941.767" "W10428.550" "Logan" "LOGAN" "_" "N3951.383" "W10423.767" "Yoder" "YODER" "_" "N3949.183" "W10424.550" "Granite Mountain Lodge" "GRNTMT" "_" "N3824.967" "W10603.500" "Hubbard" "HUBBRD" "_" "N3841.000" "W10859.033" "Youngs" "YOUNGS" "_" "N3941.467" "W10424.933" "William Leon Schawo" "WLLMLN" "_" "N4040.250" "W10412.500" "Safer" "SAFER" "_" "N3923.683" "W10432.817" "Coyote Creek Ranch" "CTCRKR" "_" "N3840.350" "W10520.167" "Pine View" "PINEVW" "_" "N3920.667" "W10434.867" "Ambrosich" "AMBRSC" "_" "N3913.067" "W10440.817" "Phifer" "PHIFER" "122.9" "N4203.333" "W10455.717" "Flyin B Ranch" "FLNBRC" "_" "N3919.400" "W10434.400" "Dietrichs" "DTRCHS" "_" "N3919.950" "W10433.983" "Westberg Rosling Farms" "WSTBRG" "_" "N4002.833" "W10412.567" "Comanche LLC" "CMNCHL" "_" "N3944.833" "W10418.783" "Comanche Springs Ranch" "CMNCHS" "_" "N3943.250" "W10419.383" "Kelly" "KELLY" "123.05" "N3913.483" "W10438.400" "Circle 8 Ranch" "CRC8RC" "_" "N3920.083" "W10432.783" "D Bar D" "D BARD" "_" "N3916.883" "W10434.383" "Butler" "BUTLER" "_" "N4106.350" "W10412.450" "USAF Academy" "USFCDM" "118.125" "N3858.183" "W10448.767" "Flying M and M Ranch" "FLNGM+" "_" "N3813.167" "W10812.783" "Mountain View Ranch" "MTNVWR" "_" "N3906.583" "W10439.233" "Spickard Farm" "SPCKRD" "_" "N3942.000" "W10415.033" "Jasper Ridge Ranch" "JSPRRD" "_" "N3904.817" "W10440.783" "Tezak" "TEZAK" "_" "N3824.650" "W10536.233" "Lowe" "LOWE" "_" "N3823.900" "W10537.217" "Pine Bluffs" "PNBLFF" "122.8" "N4109.150" "W10408.083" "Duchesne" "DUCHSN" "122.8" "N4011.517" "W11022.867" "Bijou Basin" "BIJBSN" "_" "N3954.500" "W10407.567" "Sky Haven" "SKYHVN" "_" "N3942.817" "W10411.633" "American Falconry" "AMRCNF" "_" "N4253.383" "W10640.500" "Cherokee Trail Ranch" "CHRKTR" "_" "N3906.633" "W10435.033" "Wagonhound" "WGNHND" "_" "N4235.200" "W10532.300" "Chenoweth" "CHNWTH" "_" "N3918.200" "W10424.850" "Tavapats Ranch" "TVPTSR" "_" "N3929.000" "W11009.050" "Comanche Creek" "CMNCHC" "_" "N3915.817" "W10425.617" "Kent" "KENT" "_" "N4014.950" "W10359.700" "Vallery" "VALLER" "_" "N4014.333" "W10359.533" "Hopkins" "HOPKNS" "122.8" "N3814.333" "W10833.800" "Fat Chance" "FTCHNC" "_" "N3906.367" "W10432.633" "Williams Ranch CO 2" "WLLMSR" "_" "N3809.750" "W10820.417" "Chaparral" "CHPRRL" "_" "N3927.833" "W10415.467" "G W Flanders Ranch" "GWFLND" "_" "N3859.000" "W10438.033" "Casper/Natrona County" "CSPRNT" "118.3" "N4254.483" "W10627.867" "East Moore" "EMOORE" "_" "N3940.233" "W10408.167" "Williams Ranch CO 1" "WILLIA" "_" "N4036.250" "W10356.367" "Wilson Ranch CO 2" "WLSNRC" "_" "N3803.167" "W10758.767" "Snell N Laramie River" "SNLLNL" "_" "N4218.417" "W10456.200" "Bijou Bottom" "BJBTTM" "_" "N3916.750" "W10420.583" "Wirth" "WIRTH" "_" "N4030.817" "W10354.717" "Saguache" "SAGUCH" "122.9" "N3805.967" "W10610.467" "Lake Creek Ranch" "LKCRKR" "_" "N3817.500" "W10536.667" "Harford" "HARFRD" "122.9" "N4255.467" "W10618.567" "Bijou Springs Ranch" "BJSPRN" "_" "N3907.167" "W10425.917" "Meadow Lake" "MEDWLK" "122.7" "N3856.750" "W10434.200" "CityColorado Springs" "CTCLRD" "118.5" "N3848.350" "W10442.050" "Aero Bear" "AEROBR" "_" "N3911.900" "W10419.750" "Chamberlain BrothersRc" "CHMBRL" "_" "N4245.133" "W10537.183" "Castle Lakes" "CSTLLK" "_" "N3754.550" "W10721.017" "Fort Bridger" "FRTBRD" "122.8" "N4123.600" "W11024.367" "Camp Guernsey" "CMPGRN" "126.2" "N4215.583" "W10443.700" "Telluride" "TELLRD" "123.0" "N3757.233" "W10754.533" "Hunt" "HUNT" "122.8" "N4248.933" "W10843.700" "Fort Morgan" "FRTMRG" "123.05" "N4020.050" "W10348.217" "Canyonlands" "CNNLND" "122.8" "N3845.300" "W10945.283" "Braun" "BRAUN" "_" "N3827.317" "W10505.033" "Butts AAF" "BUTTSF" "108.8" "N3840.783" "W10445.650" "Thomas" "THOMAS" "122.9" "N4231.200" "W10501.200" "Fremont County" "FRMNTC" "122.8" "N3825.700" "W10506.367" "Sky Ranch" "SKY RC" "_" "N3829.267" "W10926.917" "Schantz" "SCHNTZ" "_" "N3917.783" "W10407.500" "Calhan" "CALHAN" "122.725" "N3902.900" "W10417.583" "Mineral County" "MNRLCN" "122.9" "N3749.333" "W10655.800" "Converse County" "CNVRSC" "122.8" "N4247.833" "W10523.150" "Colorado Springs East" "CLRDSP" "122.9" "N3852.450" "W10424.583" "Underwood" "UNDRWD" "_" "N4251.067" "W10529.767" "Morris" "MORRIS" "_" "N3950.100" "W10344.133" "Riverton" "RIVRTN" "122.8" "N4303.850" "W10827.583" "La Sal Junction" "LSLJNC" "_" "N3818.500" "W10923.783" "Caveman Ranch" "CVMNRC" "_" "N3828.367" "W10939.600" "Green River" "GRNRVR" "122.8" "N3857.683" "W11013.650" "KimballMunRobertEArraj" "KMBLLM" "122.8" "N4111.283" "W10340.650" "Thunder Ridge" "THNDRR" "_" "N4015.467" "W11051.517" "Brush" "BRUSH" "122.8" "N4015.867" "W10334.533" "Geary Ranch" "GEARRC" "_" "N3802.750" "W10528.283" "Tranquila" "TRANQL" "_" "N3853.167" "W10414.933" "Morning Shadows Ranch" "MRNNGS" "_" "N3744.417" "W10631.533" "Torrington" "TRRNGT" "122.8" "N4203.867" "W10409.167" "USAFAcademyBullseyeAux" "USAFAC" "122.725" "N3845.467" "W10418.500" "Carbon CountyBuckDavis" "CRBNCN" "122.8" "N3936.833" "W11045.083" "Leach" "LEACH" "122.8" "N3747.100" "W10602.817" "Astronaut KentRominger" "ASTRNT" "122.9" "N3742.833" "W10621.117" "Kemmerer" "KEMMRR" "122.8" "N4149.450" "W11033.417" "Shoshoni" "SHOSHN" "122.9" "N4315.067" "W10807.317" "Metrogro Farm" "MTRGRF" "_" "N3929.767" "W10343.417" "Chapman" "CHAPMN" "122.8" "N3740.500" "W10633.367" "Silver West" "SILVRW" "122.9" "N3800.667" "W10522.367" "West Pueblo" "WPUEBL" "_" "N3821.800" "W10444.283" "Bridger Creek" "BRDGRC" "_" "N4320.433" "W10741.217" "Mineral Canyon" "MINERA" "_" "N3832.000" "W10959.000" "Svitak" "SVITAK" "_" "N4202.700" "W10357.950"