* NAM COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_L RW_S ICAO NAM_12 * * ============================================================================== * * Filename "glgng_04.stx" created Sunday, 04 May 2008 at 01:14 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This is a 'beta' release to support the release of the NK ClearNav and is subject to change. * * The primary specification of the waypoint coordinates [degrees and decimal minutes] * was changed to degrees, minutes, and seconds * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5 $COUNTRY AU $HOME Gulgong, New South Wales, Australia $CONTRIBUTOR_E-MAIL hmacread@bigpond.net.au * 42nd Australian National Gliding Championships 2004 $CONTEST 2005 Regatta $TIMEZONE_NAME Australia/NSW $LONGITUDE East $LATITUDE South $ALTITUDE_UNIT feet $RW_L_UNIT Feet $CONTRIBUTION_DATE 9 September 1999 $LONGITUDE East $LATITUDE South * * ============================================================================== * * The next line defines the contents of columns. It MUST appear before the first waypoint line NAM COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_L RW_S ICAO NAM_12 * * Starting the waypoints * A1 32 16 21 149 34 22 S A1 A2 32 14 6 149 32 24 S A2 A3 32 13 1 149 36 10 S A3 Albert Silo 32 21 32 147 30 50 T Albert Alectown West Silo 32 56 12 148 10 46 T Alectown Armatree 31 27 58 148 29 46 T Armatree Arthurville Silo 32 34 0 148 45 0 T Arthurville B1 32 15 47 149 28 20 S B1 B2 32 18 25 149 29 3 S B2 B3 32 16 50 149 31 56 S B3 Baan Baa 30 35 9 149 57 6 T Baan Baa Ballimore Silo 32 12 34 148 54 50 T Ballimore Barradine A/F 30 57 20 149 5 30 TA 1001 11/29 1480 Y YBAD Barradine Bellatta Silo 29 55 17 149 49 16 T Bellatta Binnaway Silo 31 33 52 149 23 4 T Binnaway Bogan Gate Silo 33 7 0 147 48 38 T Bogan Boggabri Silo 30 41 45 150 2 25 T Boggabri Bourke A/F 30 2 25 145 57 10 TA 351 126.70 05/18 1840 A YBKE Bourke Breeza Silo 31 15 10 150 27 30 T Breeza Bribbabree Silo 34 7 9 147 52 41 T Bribbabree Burren Junction A/F 30 9 30 148 58 30 TA 531 126.70 14/32 1230 V YBRJ Burren Junc C1 32 23 17 149 33 43 S C1 C2 32 19 6 149 33 5 SA 1545 C2 C3 32 20 41 149 29 2 S C3 Caragabel Silo 33 50 42 147 45 4 T Caragabel Cassilis 32 0 30 149 58 30 TA 1549 08/26 1100 D Cassilis Cobbora Town 32 3 6 149 15 0 T Cobbora Collie Road Junction 31 40 6 148 18 22 T Collie Combara Silo 31 7 32 148 22 42 T Combara Combogolong Bridge 30 24 33 148 12 6 T Combogolong Come-by-Chance 30 22 48 148 29 12 T Comebychance Condobolin 33 4 24 147 13 34 TA 650 135.25 01/10 1380 A YCDO Condobolin Condobolin Town Silo 33 5 4 147 9 36 T Condobolntwn Coolah A/F 31 46 36 149 36 30 TA 1650 127.10 08/26 1080 G YCAH Coolah Coonabarabran Silo 31 16 22 149 17 58 T Coonabarabrn Coonamble Silo 30 58 6 148 23 34 T Coonamble Cudal A/F 33 17 6 148 44 6 TA Cudal Curban Silo 31 34 22 148 33 38 T Curban Dunedoo Silo 32 1 54 149 24 22 T Dunedoo Elong Elong 32 7 20 149 2 24 T Elong Elong Eugara Silo 33 26 10 148 23 6 T Eugara Eumungerie Silo 31 57 36 148 37 38 T Eumungerie Fifield Hotel 32 48 50 147 27 55 T Fifield Finish 32 18 5 149 33 51 FA 1545 Finish Forbes Silo 33 22 38 148 1 8 T Forbes Garema Silo 33 33 32 147 57 3 T Garema Gilgandra A/F 31 42 50 148 38 4 TA 1050 127.10 15/33 930 G YGIL Gilgandra Gilgandra Beehive Beehive 31 44 6 148 39 32 T Gilgandrabhv Gobondery Silo 32 41 46 147 36 10 T Gobondery Goolagong Silo 33 34 11 148 27 1 T Goolagong Grenfell Silo 33 54 39 148 9 57 T Grenfell Gueirie Silo 32 23 52 148 49 37 T Gueirie Gular Silo 31 20 34 148 27 20 T Gular Gulgong A/F 32 17 54 149 33 40 TAH 1545 Gulgong Gunnedah A/F 30 57 42 150 14 45 TA 860 124.00 11/17 1660 A YGDH Gunnedah Gunningbland Township 33 8 9 147 54 53 T Gunningbland Kadungle Silo 32 46 24 147 37 48 T Kadungle Lake Cargellico Silos 33 18 34 146 22 24 T Lkcargellico Leadville Township 32 0 50 149 33 0 T Leadville Mendooran Silo 31 50 18 149 8 22 T Mendooran Merrygoen Silo 31 50 6 149 14 6 T Merrygoen Molong 33 6 0 148 52 0 T Molong Moree A/F 29 30 2 149 50 43 TA 702 126.70 01/05 1590 A YMOR Moree Mudgee A/F 32 33 54 149 36 34 TA 1552 135.25 04/16 1750 A YMDG Mudgee Mullaly Township 31 6 40 149 54 20 T Mullaly Murranbong Silo 32 10 45 148 57 50 T Murranbong Narrabri A/F 30 19 12 149 49 42 TA 791 126.70 09/18 1530 A YNBR Narrabri Narromine Beehive Silo 32 13 56 148 14 9 T Narromine Neilrex Silo 31 43 5 149 18 30 T Neilrex Nevertire Silo 31 50 56 147 43 32 T Nevertire Nyngan Terminal 31 33 4 147 12 34 TA 571 126.70 05/01 1630 A YNYN Nyngan Ootha Silo 33 7 20 147 26 48 T Ootha Parkes A/F 33 7 58 148 14 25 TA 1070 135.25 04/11 1690 A YPKS Parkes A/F Parkes Silo 33 9 4 148 11 4 T Parkes Silo Peakhill Silo 32 44 2 148 11 10 T Peakhill Pilliga 30 21 8 148 53 26 T Pilliga Premer Township 31 27 30 149 44 30 T Premer Rylestone A/F 32 46 6 149 59 30 TA 2001 09/17 750 G Rylestone Spring Ridge Silo 31 24 6 150 15 0 T Spring Ridge Tambar Springs 31 21 0 149 50 25 T Tambarsprngs The Troffs Silo 32 50 8 147 39 18 T The Troofs Tichborne 33 14 20 148 7 6 T Tichborne Tomingley Junction Road Junction 32 34 52 148 13 40 T Tomingleyjnc Tomingley Silo West Silo 32 33 50 148 9 20 T Tomingleysil Tooraweenah A/F 31 26 40 148 54 28 TA 1381 127.10 05/23 920 G YTWN Tooraweenah Tottenham Silo 32 14 44 147 21 16 T Tottenham Trangie Silo 32 2 30 147 59 4 T Trangie Trundle Silo 32 55 54 147 43 4 T Trundle Tullamore Silo 32 38 6 147 34 38 T Tullamore Ulan A/F 32 17 6 149 44 6 TA 1522 Ulan Walgett A/F 30 2 50 148 7 40 TA 440 127.10 05/18 1630 A YWLG Walgett Warren A/F 31 44 48 147 48 30 TA 669 126.70 09/03 1170 A YWRN Warren Wellington A/F 32 28 32 148 59 54 TA 1401 13/31 1150 V Wellington Wellington Silo 32 33 46 148 57 42 T Wellingtonsl West Wyalong A/F 33 56 23 147 11 26 TA 860 126.70 09/04 1590 A YWWL West Wyalong Windamere Dam Wall 32 44 1 149 46 7 T Windamere Wolar 32 22 0 149 58 0 T Wolar Yeoval Silo 32 45 10 148 39 54 T Yeoval