++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Control points for Gulgong, New South Wales, Australia + + + + Contributed by Hugh Macready + + Updated by Tim Shirley + + Contributed on 9 September, 1999 + + + + Formatted for the world-wide version of the software + + + + Last updated Wednesday, 26 November 2003 at 13:18 GMT + + + + UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK + + + + Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct + + information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees, + + expressed or implied. + + User assumes all risk of use. + + + + Rename this file to TURNPTS.DAT to use with your Glide Navigator. + +Delete all of the header lines in this box, down to and including the next one+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1, A1, -32, -16.34, 149, 34.37 2, A2, -32, -14.1, 149, 32.41 3, A3, -32, -13.02, 149, 36.17 4, Albert, -32, -21.53, 147, 30.83 5, Alectown, -32, -56.2, 148, 10.77 6, Armatree, -31, -27.97, 148, 29.77 7, Arthurville, -32, -34.0, 148, 45.0 8, B1, -32, -15.79, 149, 28.34 9, B2, -32, -18.41, 149, 29.04 10, B3, -32, -16.83, 149, 31.94 11, Baan Baa, -30, -35.15, 149, 57.1 12, Ballimore, -32, -12.57, 148, 54.83 13, Barradine, -30, -57.33, 149, 5.5, 1001 14, Bellatta, -29, -55.28, 149, 49.27 15, Binnaway, -31, -33.87, 149, 23.07 16, Bogan Gate, -33, -7.0, 147, 48.63 17, Boggabri, -30, -41.75, 150, 2.42 18, Bourke, -30, -2.42, 145, 57.17, 351 19, Breeza, -31, -15.17, 150, 27.5 20, Bribbabree, -34, -7.15, 147, 52.68 21, BurrenJunc, -30, -9.5, 148, 58.5, 531 22, C1, -32, -23.28, 149, 33.71 23, C2, -32, -19.11, 149, 33.09, 1545 24, C3, -32, -20.69, 149, 29.04 25, Caragabel, -33, -50.7, 147, 45.07 26, Cassilis, -32, -0.5, 149, 58.5, 1549 27, Cobbora, -32, -3.1, 149, 15.0 28, Collie, -31, -40.1, 148, 18.37 29, Combara, -31, -7.53, 148, 22.7 30, Combogolng, -30, -24.55, 148, 12.1 31, ComebyChnc, -30, -22.8, 148, 29.2 32, Condobolin, -33, -4.4, 147, 13.57, 650 33, CondblnTwn, -33, -5.07, 147, 9.6 34, Coolah, -31, -46.6, 149, 36.5, 1650 35, Coonabrbrn, -31, -16.37, 149, 17.97 36, Coonamble, -30, -58.1, 148, 23.57 37, Cudal, -33, -17.1, 148, 44.1 38, Curban, -31, -34.37, 148, 33.63 39, Dunedoo, -32, -1.9, 149, 24.37 40, ElongElong, -32, -7.33, 149, 2.4 41, Eugara, -33, -26.17, 148, 23.1 42, Eumungerie, -31, -57.6, 148, 37.63 43, Fifield, -32, -48.83, 147, 27.92 44, Finish, -32, -18.08, 149, 33.85, 1545 45, Forbes, -33, -22.63, 148, 1.13 46, Garema, -33, -33.53, 147, 57.05 47, Gilgandra, -31, -42.83, 148, 38.07, 1050 48, GilgndrBhv, -31, -44.1, 148, 39.53 49, Gobondery, -32, -41.77, 147, 36.17 50, Goolagong, -33, -34.18, 148, 27.02 51, Grenfell, -33, -54.65, 148, 9.95 52, Gueirie, -32, -23.87, 148, 49.62 53, Gular, -31, -20.57, 148, 27.33 54, Gulgong, -32, -17.9, 149, 33.67, 1545 55, Gunnedah, -30, -57.7, 150, 14.75, 860 56, Gunnngblnd, -33, -8.15, 147, 54.88 57, Kadungle, -32, -46.4, 147, 37.8 58, LkCargellc, -33, -18.57, 146, 22.4 59, Leadville, -32, -0.83, 149, 33.0 60, Mendooran, -31, -50.3, 149, 8.37 61, Merrygoen, -31, -50.1, 149, 14.1 62, Molong, -33, -6.0, 148, 52.0 63, Moree, -29, -30.03, 149, 50.72, 702 64, Mudgee, -32, -33.9, 149, 36.57, 1552 65, Mullaly, -31, -6.67, 149, 54.33 66, Murranbong, -32, -10.75, 148, 57.83 67, Narrabri, -30, -19.2, 149, 49.7, 791 68, Narromine, -32, -13.93, 148, 14.15 69, Neilrex, -31, -43.08, 149, 18.5 70, Nevertire, -31, -50.93, 147, 43.53 71, Nyngan, -31, -33.07, 147, 12.57, 571 72, Ootha, -33, -7.33, 147, 26.8 73, Parkes A/F, -33, -7.97, 148, 14.42, 1070 74, ParkesSilo, -33, -9.07, 148, 11.07 75, Peakhill, -32, -44.03, 148, 11.17 76, Pilliga, -30, -21.13, 148, 53.43 77, Premer, -31, -27.5, 149, 44.5 78, Rylestone, -32, -46.1, 149, 59.5, 2001 79, SpringRidg, -31, -24.1, 150, 15.0 80, TmbrSprngs, -31, -21.0, 149, 50.42 81, The Troffs, -32, -50.13, 147, 39.3 82, Tichborne, -33, -14.33, 148, 7.1 83, TomnglyJnc, -32, -34.87, 148, 13.67 84, TominglySl, -32, -33.83, 148, 9.33 85, Tooraweenh, -31, -26.67, 148, 54.47, 1381 86, Tottenham, -32, -14.73, 147, 21.27 87, Trangie, -32, -2.5, 147, 59.07 88, Trundle, -32, -55.9, 147, 43.07 89, Tullamore, -32, -38.1, 147, 34.63 90, Ulan, -32, -17.1, 149, 44.1, 1522 91, Walgett, -30, -2.83, 148, 7.67, 440 92, Warren, -31, -44.8, 147, 48.5, 669 93, Wellington, -32, -28.53, 148, 59.9, 1401 94, WellngtnSl, -32, -33.77, 148, 57.7 95, W Wyalong, -33, -56.38, 147, 11.43, 860 96, Windamere, -32, -44.02, 149, 46.12 97, Wolar, -32, -22.0, 149, 58.0 98, Yeoval, -32, -45.17, 148, 39.9