* NUM NAM ID COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_H RW_L RW_S ICAO * * ============================================================================== * * Filename "gross_hh.stx" created Friday, 11 May 2018 at 04:26 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.2 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This is a 'beta' release to support the release of the NK ClearNav and is subject to change. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.2 $USE_EXISTING_SUA y $HOME Große Höhe, Germany $CONTEST Gerd-Zeiger-Vergleichsfliegen 2018 $STATE_ABBREV NI $CONTRIBUTOR Kristof Woll * Header: Segelfluggruppe Bremen e.V. $URL_INFORMATION_HIDE lsvdelmenhorst.de/category/gerd-zeiger/ the contest $URL_TURNPOINTS_HIDE www.soaringspot.com/en_gb/gerd-zeiger-vergleichsfliegen-2018-grosse-hohe-2018/downloads $CONTRIBUTOR_E-MAIL info@grossehoehe.de $COUNTRY DE $TIMEZONE_NAME MET * FILENAME_3: tr6 * FILENAME_4: trm6 * FILENAME_5: trms6 * FILENAME_8: tarmstd6 $DISTANCE_UNIT Kilometers $LATITUDE North $LONGITUDE East $MILOMEI Yes $MODIFICATIONS 07 May 08: Original contribution. * (1. Vorsitzender), Ralf Herrmann * Vorsitzender), * von Seggern, * Filipczyk $ALTITUDE_UNIT METERS $RW_L_UNIT METERS $MODIFICATIONS 11 May 18: Magnetic Variation added $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 1.1E $MILOMEI Yes * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ============================================================================== * * Filename "gross_hh.stx" created Friday, 11 May 2018 at 04:26 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.2 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This is a 'beta' release to support the release of the NK ClearNav and is subject to change. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.2 $HOME Große Höhe, Germany $CONTEST Gerd-Zeiger-Vergleichsfliegen 2018 $STATE_ABBREV NI $CONTRIBUTOR Kristof Woll $CONTRIBUTOR_E-MAIL info@grossehoehe.de $COUNTRY DE $TIMEZONE_NAME MET $LATITUDE North $LONGITUDE East * (1. Vorsitzender), Ralf Herrmann * Vorsitzender), * von Seggern, * Filipczyk $ALTITUDE_UNIT METERS $RW_L_UNIT METERS $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 1.1E $DECIMAL_SEPARATOR , $CONTRIBUTION_DATE 30 April 2018 * * ============================================================================== * * The next line defines the contents of columns. It MUST appear before the first waypoint line NUM NAM ID COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_H RW_L RW_S ICAO * * Starting the waypoints * 1 **Grosse Höhe 01GRSSHH 52 59 15 8 34 23 HDT 20 123.375 1000 2 AP1 Harpsted Süd 02AP1 Abflugpunkt 1 52 53 2 8 37 54 S 3 AP2 Wildeshausen 03AP2 Abflugpunkt 2 52 54 48 8 23 35 S 4 AP3 Wildeshausen 04AP3 Abflugpunkt 3 52 52 28 8 26 56 T 5 AP4 Harpsted Nord 05 AP4 Abflugpunkt 4 52 55 30 8 33 35 S 6 Amelinghausen 06AMESEN 53 7 46 10 13 1 T 63 7 *Hodenhagen 7*HODENH Flugplatz 52 45 45 9 36 30 DT 119.0 03/21 900 G EDVH 8 *Hoya 8*HOYA Flugplatz 52 48 49 9 10 4 DT 122.475 12/30 680 G 9 Sulingen 9SULINGE Bahnhof 52 41 17 8 48 46 T 10 Lübbecke 10LUEBBE Bahnhof 52 18 37 8 36 23 T 11 Porta Westfalica 11PORMAL Denkmal 52 14 57 8 54 18 T 12 Gorleben 12GORAST Sendemast 53 3 59 11 26 32 T 13 Tangermünde 13TANTTE Elbbrücke Mitte 52 32 56 11 59 9 T 14 Haldensleben 14HALD Bahnhof 52 17 7 11 24 25 T 15 *Lüsse 15*LUESS Flugplatz 52 8 36 12 39 48 AT 16 Parchim 16PARCHI BAB 53 20 12 11 48 0 T 17 Verden Nord 17VERDEN BAB-Abfahrt 52 57 47 9 14 38 T 18 Walsrode West 18WALHRT BAB 52 51 19 9 33 28 T 19 *Höepen 19*HOLLE FlugplatzHalle 53 8 55 9 47 23 DT 20 Egestorf 20EGESTO TV-Sender 53 12 37 10 4 15 T 21 *Celle Arloh 21*CELLE Flugplatz 52 41 10 10 6 24 AT 123.65 04/22 900 G EDVC 22 Scharnebeck 22SCHARN Hebewerk 53 17 30 10 29 20 T 23 Uelzen 23UELZEN TV-Sender 52 59 37 10 31 50 T 24 *Bisperode West 24GROHND 52 4 44 9 28 34 DT 194 123.15 06/24 1130 G 25 Bielefeld 25BIELEF TV-Sender SW 52 1 4 8 28 33 T 26 *Wilsche 26*WILSC Flugplatz Halle 52 31 37 10 27 46 DT 129.975 09/27 500 G EDVQ 27 Söegel 27SOEGEL Schloß 52 50 15 7 32 19 T 28 Cloppenburg 28CLOPPE Bahnhof 52 50 49 8 3 23 T 29 Bassum 29BASSUM Bahnhof 52 51 1 8 44 22 T 30 Quakenbrück 30QUAKEN Bahnhof 52 40 40 7 56 54 T 31 Vechta 31VECHTA Bahnhof 52 43 56 8 16 42 T 32 Diepholz 32DIEPHO Bahnhof 52 36 31 8 22 51 T 33 Lingen 33LINGEN Bahnhof 52 31 12 7 19 18 T 23 34 Fuerstenau 34FUERST Bahnhof 52 31 14 7 39 53 T 35 Rahden 35RAHDEN Bahnhof 52 26 13 8 37 19 T 36 Engter 36ENGTER Sendemast 1332' 52 22 37 8 1 47 T 37 Bohmte 37BOHMTE ML-Kanal x B51 52 21 8 8 15 29 T 38 Ibbenbüren 38IBBENB KW Schornstein 52 17 30 7 44 7 T 39 Twistringen 39TWIGEN 52 47 29 8 38 40 T 54 40 Detmold 40DETMOL Hermannsdenkmal 51 54 55 8 50 23 T 41 Herford 41HERFOR Bahnhof 52 7 23 8 39 44 T 42 Petershagen 42PETERS KW-Schornstein 52 22 55 8 59 39 T 43 Nienburg 43NIEENB Weser X DB 52 40 18 9 10 47 T 44 Landesbergen 44LANDES KW-Schornstein 52 33 9 9 6 50 T 45 Ludwigslust 45LUDWIG BAB 53 25 40 11 29 50 T 46 Bleckede 46BLECKE Bahnhof 53 17 28 10 43 37 T 47 Wittenburg 47WITTEN BAB 53 29 52 11 5 36 T 48 Döemitz Elbbrücke 48DOEMIT 53 8 33 11 13 42 T 49 *Schwerin Pinow 49*SCHWE Flugplatz 53 36 52 11 33 24 AT 50 Wittenberge 50WITTEN Elbe X DB 52 59 5 11 45 31 T 51 Karstedt 51KARSTA Bahnhof 53 9 41 11 44 22 T 52 Marnitz 52MARNIT BAB 53 17 50 11 58 59 T 53 Plau 53PLAU Kirche 53 27 29 12 15 46 T 54 Meyenburg 54MEYENB BAB 53 13 58 12 12 22 T 55 Glöewen 55GLOEWE Bahnhof 52 54 9 12 4 33 T 56 Arendsee 56ARENDS Bahnhof 52 52 38 11 39 35 T 57 Osterburg 57OSTERB Bahnhof 52 47 12 11 45 45 T 58 Bismark Altmark 58BISMAR Bahnhof 52 39 55 11 33 32 T 59 Gardelegen 59GARDEL Bahnhof 52 31 8 11 24 8 T 60 Magdeburg 60MAGDEB Elbe X A2 52 13 17 11 42 11 T 61 Gentin 61GENTHI Bahnhof 52 24 11 12 9 22 T 62 Ziesar 62ZIESAR BAB 52 14 57 12 15 35 T 63 Lübz 63LUEBZ Bahnhof 53 28 25 12 1 35 T 64 Perleberg 64PERLEB Bahnhof 53 4 30 11 51 15 T 65 Rosslau 65ROSSLA Elbe X DB 51 52 55 12 13 55 T 66 Bremer Vöerde 66BREMER Bahnhof 53 28 57 9 8 23 T 67 *Karlshöefen 67*KARLS Flugplatz Halle 53 20 9 9 1 32 AT 68 Lindern 68LINDEV 52 50 30 7 44 56 T 35 69 Allertal 69ALLERT BAB Rastst. Brücke 52 41 49 9 41 18 T 70 Soltau SOLTAUSU Bahnhof 52 58 59 9 49 52 T 71 Bienenbüttel 71BIENEN Bahnhof 53 8 31 10 29 4 T 72 Wieren 72WIEREN Schleuse Nordende 52 54 47 10 36 47 T 73 Wittingen 73WITTIN ES-Kanal X DB 52 43 23 10 39 52 T 74 Zernien 74ZERNIE Sender 53 3 53 10 54 5 T 75 Bergen 75BERGEN Sendemast NW 52 53 29 10 53 58 T 76 Salzwedel 76SALZWE Lokschuppen 52 51 21 11 10 13 T 77 Klöetze 77KLOETZ Bahnhof 52 37 49 11 9 4 T 78 Holzminden 78HOLZMI Weserbrücke 51 49 52 9 26 28 T 79 Alfeld 79ALFELD Bahnhof 51 59 5 9 49 4 T 80 Northeim Nord 80NORDHE BAB 51 44 13 9 58 25 T 81 Rühden 81RUEHDE BAB 51 57 3 10 8 34 T 82 Salzgitter 82SALZGI BAB x A7 52 5 27 10 11 5 T 83 *Goslar 83*GOSLA Flugplatz Halle 51 54 35 10 27 20 DT 84 *Wolfenbüttel 84*WOLFE Flugplatz Halle 52 8 34 10 34 18 AT 123.35 07/25 760 G 85 *Stüde 85*STUED Flugplatz Halle 52 33 58 10 40 46 DT 86 Isenbüttel 86ISENBU Kanaldreieck 52 24 47 10 37 4 T 87 Öbisfelde 87OEBISF Bahnhof 52 26 22 10 59 1 T 88 Buschhaus 88BUSCHH KW-Schornstein 52 10 26 10 58 20 T 89 *Oschersleben 89*OSCHE Flugplatz 52 2 25 11 12 32 AT 129.4 11/29 600 G EDOL 90 Uchte 90 UCHTE 52 30 8 8 54 31 T 40 91 *Bad Zwischenahn 91*BAATZ Flugplatz 53 12 37 7 59 19 AT 9 123.5 09/27 90 900 G 92 Barnstorf 92BARORF 52 42 26 8 30 36 T 29 93 Bassum 93BASMTV TV 52 50 3 8 41 42 T 94 Dammerberge 94DAMTTE Raststütte 52 32 24 8 6 48 T 74 95 Thylsfelder 97THYRRE Talsperre 52 56 9 7 55 34 T 23 96 *Berliner Heide 96BERIDE 52 40 11 10 22 14 AT 69 123.5 03/21 30 1070 G 97 Bruchhausen Vilsen 97BRUSEN 52 49 40 8 59 28 T 16 98 Aschendorf 98ASCHEN 53 3 7 7 20 12 T 2 99 Döerpen 99DOEPEN 52 58 59 7 22 2 T 7 A1 Haselünne A1HASNNE 52 40 16 7 29 12 T 17 A2 Bersenbrück A2BERüCK 52 33 4 7 56 33 T 36 A2 Friesoythe A2FRIATZ UL-Platz 53 1 46 7 48 0 zT 6 124.0 08/26 80 340 G A3 Oldenburg A3OLDURG 53 8 39 8 13 22 T 3 A4 Oldenburg Hatten A4OLDTEN 53 4 7 8 18 45 AT 9 118.175 06/24 60 770 G EDWH A5 Elsfleth A5ELSETH 53 14 2 8 27 51 T 2 A6 Barssel A5BARSEL 53 9 52 7 47 39 AT 3 122.0 12/30 120 770 G EDXL A7 Filsum A7FILSUM 53 15 0 7 38 4 T 3 A8 Leer A8 LEER 53 16 19 7 26 31 AT 130.775 08/26 80 1200 A EDWF A9 Großenkneten GROSSTEN 52 57 19 8 13 43 T 37 B1 Wohlthöfen WOHLTH 53 20 33 8 47 7 T 26 B2 Güstrow B2GUEHOF Bahnhof 53 46 20 12 19 0 T B3 Wolfsburg B3WOLERK Kraftwerk 52 27 42 10 44 13 T 55 B4 Hagenow B4HAGNOW 53 29 9 11 16 17 T 34 B5 Winsen B5WINSEN 52 40 40 9 54 30 T B6 Röebel B6ROEHRT BAB 53 21 54 12 28 9 T 74 B7 *Höelleberg *HOELEBE 51 36 39 9 23 55 AT 257 122.0 08/26 80 520 G EDVL B8 Verden Ost VERDEHRT BAB-Abfahrt 52 56 3 9 16 56 T B9 Lehrde B9LEHRDE x BAB 52 53 59 9 24 57 T C1 Lüdinge LUEDINGE Gleitschirmplatz 53 0 16 9 29 13 LT 40 123.425 180 C3 Schwarmstedt C3SCHHOF Bahnhof 52 40 43 9 37 29 T 30 C4 Gockenholz x C4GOCLZX 52 37 59 10 13 21 T 45 C5 Eschede ESCHEHOF Bahnhof 52 44 26 10 13 47 T C6 Rennau C6RENBAB BAB 52 16 53 10 55 21 T 118 C7 Magdeburg C7MAGABX BAB X 52 10 6 11 32 43 T 73 C8 Burg C8BUROST BAB Ost 52 13 57 11 53 33 T 65 C9 Köeselitz C9KOEBAB BAB 51 57 50 12 28 0 T D1 Wittenberg WITTEGLX Elbe 51 51 25 12 39 0 T D2 *Neuruppin D2*NEATZ Flugplatz 52 56 34 12 46 46 AT 43 123.35 10/28 100 1260 G D3 Dissen D3DISHOF Bahnhof 52 6 40 8 11 25 T D4 Zeven D4ZEVHOF Bahnhof 53 16 56 9 16 43 T 25 D5 Löeningen D5LOEHOF Bahnhof 52 44 11 7 45 34 T 24 D6 Sprakensehl SPRAKLTV TV 52 47 40 10 32 5 T 126 D7 Rethem D4RETCHE Kirche 52 47 11 9 23 1 T D8 Steimbke C3STECHE Kirche 52 39 25 9 23 22 T 23 ZZ Ziel 99ZIEL 52 58 30 8 34 50 FD 20