Site Gorizia, Italy Contest Campionati Italiani de Vola a Vela, 2002 [ Italian National Gliding Championship, 2002 ] and Trofeo "Alpe Adria", 2002 Courtesy of Aeroclub Giuliano Airport information courtesy of Michael-Lorenz Meier Dated 02 March, 2002 Time Zone Name MET File created on Sunday, 03 March 2002 at 03:53 GMT The primary specification of the waypoint coordinates is degrees and decimal minutes >>>>>>>>>> UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<< Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees, expressed or implied. User assumes all risk of use. Name North/South Latitude [degrees] Latitude [minutes] Latitude [seconds] Latitude [decimal minutes] Latitude [decimal degrees] East/West Longitude [degrees] Longitude [minutes] Longitude [seconds] Longitude [decimal minutes] Longitude [decimal degrees] Elevation [Meters] Control P Turnpoint ID[3] ID[5] ID[6] ID[10] ID[12] ICAO Identifier III Armata N 45 55 52 55.87 45.9311667 E 13 37 44 37.74 13.629 80 L emergency field Irm IIrmt IIIrmt III Armata III Armata Mossa N 45 55 27 55.45 45.9241667 E 13 32 34 32.56 13.5426667 55 z ULM airfield Mss Mossa Mossa Mossa Mossa Preval N 45 57 18 57.3 45.955 E 13 32 11 32.18 13.5363333 55 L emergency field Prv Prevl Preval Preval Preval Sabotino N 45 58 28 58.46 45.9743333 E 13 38 20 38.34 13.639 95 L emergency field Sbt Sabtn Sabotn Sabotino Sabotino Ajsevica N 45 56 30 56.5 45.9416667 E 13 42 13 42.21 13.7035 85 z N.Gorica ULM airfield Ajs Ajsvc Ajsevc Ajsevica Ajsevica Ajdovscina N 45 53 13 53.22 45.887 E 13 53 31 53.51 13.8918333 115 A airfield Ajd Ajdvs Ajdvsc Ajdovscina Ajdovscina LJAJ Lesce Bled N 46 21 29 21.49 46.3581667 E 14 10 25 10.41 14.1735 505 A airfield Lsc LscBl LscBld Lesce Bled Lesce Bled LJBL Bovec N 46 19 56 19.93 46.3321667 E 13 33 13 33.21 13.5535 435 A airfield Bvc Bovec Bovec Bovec Bovec LJBO Brnik N 46 13 30 13.5 46.225 E 14 27 15 27.25 14.4541667 390 A airport int. Brn Brnik Brnik Brnik Brnik LJLJ Celje N 46 14 38 14.63 46.2438333 E 15 13 32 13.54 15.2256667 245 A airfield Clj Celje Celje Celje Celje LJCL Cepovan N 46 2 7 2.12 46.0353333 E 13 47 0 47 13.7833333 570 L emergency field Cpv Cepvn Cepovn Cepovan Cepovan Cerknica N 45 46 45 46.75 45.7791667 E 14 23 11 23.19 14.3865 550 L emergency field Crk Crknc Cerknc Cerknica Cerknica Divaca N 45 41 7 41.12 45.6853333 E 13 59 18 59.3 13.9883333 420 A airfield Dvc Divac Divaca Divaca Divaca Dolenja Vas N 46 12 35 12.59 46.2098333 E 14 13 26 13.43 14.2238333 420 L emergency field Dln DlnjV DlnjVs DolenjaVas Dolenja Vas Gorenja Vas N 46 6 31 6.51 46.1085 E 14 9 32 9.53 14.1588333 405 L emergency field Grn GrnjV GrnjVs GorenjaVas Gorenja Vas Gozd-Martuljek N 46 28 50 28.84 46.4806667 E 13 51 29 51.49 13.8581667 730 L emerg.field Gzd GzdMr GzdMrt GozdMrtljk GozdMartuljk Grosuplje N 45 57 34 57.56 45.9593333 E 14 39 56 39.94 14.6656667 350 z ULM airfield Grs Grspl Grsplj Grosuplje Grosuplje Jezersko N 46 24 22 24.37 46.4061667 E 14 30 39 30.65 14.5108333 905 L emergency field Jzr Jzrsk Jezrsk Jezersko Jezersko Kobarid N 46 14 49 14.81 46.2468333 E 13 32 25 32.42 13.5403333 235 L emergency field Kbr Kobrd Kobard Kobarid Kobarid Kocevje N 45 39 39 39.65 45.6608333 E 14 50 47 50.78 14.8463333 480 z ULM airfield Kcv Kocvj Kocevj Kocevje Kocevje Konjice N 46 18 28 18.47 46.3078333 E 15 29 43 29.71 15.4951667 285 A airfield Knj Konjc Konjic Konjice Konjice Libelice N 46 37 25 37.42 46.6236667 E 14 57 19 57.32 14.9553333 450 z ULM airfield Lbl Liblc Libelc Libelice Libelice Nova Vas N 45 46 35 46.59 45.7765 E 14 29 57 29.95 14.4991667 720 L emergency field NvV NovVs NovaVs Nova Vas Nova Vas Novo Mesto N 45 48 38 48.63 45.8105 E 15 6 47 6.78 15.113 170 A airfield NvM NvMst NovMst Novo Mesto Novo Mesto Podpec N 45 58 28 58.47 45.9745 E 14 25 5 25.08 14.418 290 A airfield Pdp Podpc Podpec Podpec Podpec Postojna N 45 45 12 45.2 45.7533333 E 14 11 43 11.72 14.1953333 530 A airfield Pst Pstjn Postjn Postojna Postojna Prebold N 46 14 37 14.61 46.2435 E 15 4 38 4.63 15.0771667 285 z ULM airfield Prb Prbld Prebld Prebold Prebold Prilozje N 45 35 31 35.52 45.592 E 15 15 52 15.86 15.2643333 180 A airfield Prl Prlzj Prilzj Prilozje Prilozje Sentvid N 45 56 32 56.54 45.9423333 E 14 51 18 51.3 14.855 345 A airfield Snt Sntvd Sentvd Sentvid Sentvid Skofja Loka N 46 9 23 9.39 46.1565 E 14 18 10 18.17 14.3028333 345 L emerg. field Skf SkfjL SkfjLk SkofjaLoka Skofja Loka Slovenj Gradec N 46 28 18 28.3 46.4716667 E 15 7 1 7.01 15.1168333 500 A airfield Slv Slvnj SlvnjG SlovnjGrdc SlovenjGradc LJSG Smartno N 46 13 7 13.11 46.2185 E 14 44 26 44.43 14.7405 480 L emergency field Smr Smrtn Smartn Smartno Smartno Tolmin N 46 11 19 11.31 46.1885 E 13 42 18 42.3 13.705 165 L emergency field Tlm Tolmn Tolmin Tolmin Tolmin Velenje N 46 23 48 23.8 46.3966667 E 15 2 40 2.66 15.0443333 380 A airfield Vln Velnj Velenj Velenje Velenje LJVE Zagorje N 46 8 40 8.67 46.1445 E 15 0 7 0.11 15.0018333 345 A airfield Zgr Zagrj Zagorj Zagorje Zagorje Campoformido N 46 1 53 1.88 46.0313333 E 13 11 13 11.22 13.187 95 A airfield Cmp Cmpfr Cmpfrm Campoformd Campoformido LIPD Enemonzo N 46 24 12 24.2 46.4033333 E 12 53 1 53.02 12.8836667 390 A airfield Enm Enmnz Enemnz Enemonzo Enemonzo Galiano N 46 3 20 3.34 46.0556667 E 13 25 40 25.67 13.4278333 60 z ULM airfield Gln Galin Galian Galiano Galiano Gorizia N 45 54 22 54.37 45.9061667 E 13 35 58 35.97 13.5995 63 A airfield Grz Goriz Gorizi Gorizia Gorizia LIPG Maniago N 46 7 47 7.78 46.1296667 E 12 43 30 43.5 12.725 260 Y military airfield Mng Manig Maniag Maniago Maniago Paluzza N 46 32 58 32.97 46.5495 E 13 0 4 0.07 13.0011667 680 L emergency field Plz Palzz Paluzz Paluzza Paluzza Rivoli Di Osoppo N 46 14 3 14.05 46.2341667 E 13 4 48 4.8 13.08 165 A airfield Rvl RvlDs RvlDsp RivoliDspp RivoliDiOspp S. Mauro N 46 4 1 4.02 46.067 E 13 22 13 22.22 13.3703333 100 A airfield SMr SMaur SMauro S Mauro S Mauro Tramonti N 46 17 7 17.12 46.2853333 E 12 48 7 48.12 12.802 390 L emergency field Trm Trmnt Tramnt Tramonti Tramonti Feldkirchen N 46 42 32 42.54 46.709 E 14 4 39 4.65 14.0775 520 A airfield Fld Fldkr Fldkrc Feldkirchn Feldkirchen LOKF Ferlach N 46 31 52 31.86 46.531 E 46 31 52 31.86 46.531 480 A airfield Frl Frlch Ferlch Ferlach Ferlach Friesach N 46 55 42 55.7 46.9283333 E 14 25 59 25.98 14.433 630 A airfield Frs Frsch Frisch Friesach Friesach LOKH Lienz / Nikolsdorf N 46 47 54 47.9 46.7983333 E 12 53 10 53.17 12.8861667 640 A airfield Lnz LnzNk LnzNkl LnzNklsdrf LienzNklsdrf LOKL Mauterndorf N 47 7 58 7.96 47.1326667 E 13 41 46 41.76 13.696 1110 A airfield Mtr Mtrnd Mtrndr Mauterndrf Mauterndorf LOSM Noetsch N 46 34 53 34.88 46.5813333 E 13 37 46 37.76 13.6293333 550 A airfield Nts Ntsch Notsch Noetsch Noetsch LOKN Wolfsberg N 46 49 6 49.1 46.8183333 E 14 49 35 49.58 14.8263333 455 A airfield Wlf Wlfsb Wlfsbr Wolfsberg Wolfsberg LOKW Grobnik N 45 22 41 22.68 45.378 E 14 30 0 30 14.5 300 A airfield Grb Grbnk Grobnk Grobnik Grobnik Lucko N 45 46 9 46.15 45.7691667 E 15 51 26 51.44 15.8573333 125 A airfield Lck Lucko Lucko Lucko Lucko LDZL