*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ * + * Tasknav data for Garray, Soria-Numancia, Spain + * + * WWGC2023 + * + * Contributed by Jaume Prats + * Contribution date was 18 June 2023 + * Via Angel Casada + * File created Sunday, 18 June 2023 at 11:18 GMT + * + * Available from the Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange at + * http://soaringweb.org/TP + * or http://soaring.guenther-eichhorn.com/TP + * or http://soaring.geichhorn.com/TP + * or http://serkowski.com/soaring/TP + * or http://soaring.silentflight.ca/TP + * + * UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK + * + * Do not use for navigation, for flight verification only. + * + * Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct + * information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees, + * expressed or implied. + * User assumes all risk of use. + * + *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ABN Abanto U 410825N 0014148W AAL Adalia U 413901N 0050716W ADB AD Bejar U# 402620N 0054925W ADE AD Belena U# 410040N 0031125W ADC ADCalzadadeVldncl U# 410430N 0054340W ADO AD CorraldeAyllon U# 412431N 0032648W It does not exist as an aerodrome but it could be landable ADL AD El Carrascal U# 414929N 0045335W Private ADP AD El Pino U# 395106N 0053604W ADF AD Fuentemilanos U 405315N 0041418W ADG ADGarraySoriaNmnc U 414917N 0022836W ADA AD La Salceda U# 410356N 0035257W Two crossed tracks with bushes on the sides and the possibility of tall ADY AD La Yesa U# 395427N 0005707W ADM ADMadrigalejdlMnt U# 420804N 0034352W ADR AD Marugan U# 405438N 0042211W Secondary airstrip: 17/35 800x20 ADT ADMtlldlsCnsTrdsl U# 413150N 0045530W ADN ADNavalmoraldelMt U# 395458N 0053324W AOB Adobes U 404033N 0014043W ADI AD Pena Francia U# 403412N 0061314W ARA Adradas U 412104N 0022826W ADD ADRobledillodelVr U# 400345N 0053548W ADS AD Salamanca U# 405651N 0053019W ADU ADSantoTomedelPrt U 411215N 0033541W Secondary runway 15/33 of 900m ADZ AD Sigueenza U# 410248N 0023734W ASO AD Sotos Cuenca U# 401215N 0020838W ATO ADTorozoslaMudarr U# 414707N 0045154W ADV AD Villacastin U# 404702N 0042746W Secondary airstrip: 02/20 700x50 AGL Agallas U 402522N 0062550W AGV Aguaviva delaVega U 411737N 0022256W AGU AguilardelRioAlhm U 415742N 0015940W ALB Albarracin U 402423N 0012640W ALE Alberche U 402643N 0050639W ALC AlconadadeMaderul U 412701N 0032911W ALO Alconchel U 411221N 0020726W ALU Alcubilla U 414334N 0031819W ALD Aldea del Pinar U 415209N 0031009W ALA Aldealafuente U 414021N 0021931W ALL Aldealpozo U 414658N 0021219W ALN AldeanuevadelaSrr U 403657N 0060556W ALR Aldea Real U 411527N 0033016W ALH Aldehorno U 413046N 0034639W ADH Aldehuela U 414528N 0024627W ALF Alfaraz U 411211N 0060023W ALM Almarza U 415647N 0022809W ALZ Almazul U 413431N 0020846W AMP Ampudia U 415550N 0044546W ANV Anavieja U 415250N 0015908W AND Andadera U 415356N 0025305W ANN Anon de Moncayo U 414644N 0014316W ANT Antiguedad U 415645N 0040707W TRL AP Teruel U# 402443N 0011303W ARN Aranda de Duero U 414014N 0034108W ARD Aranda de Moncayo U 413439N 0014730W ARC Arcos del Jalon U 411254N 0021617W ARE Arenillas U 412051N 0025044W ARV Arevalo U 410352N 0044318W AST Astudillo U 421133N 0041742W AVL Avellaneda U 402519N 0051631W AYL Ayllon U 412509N 0032226W BGN Baguena U 410224N 0012123W BHB Bahabon U 412853N 0041654W BHL Bahillo U 422632N 0043443W BNS BanosdeMontemayor U 401857N 0055133W BRH Barahona U 411807N 0023849W BRB BarbadillodeHrrrs U 420900N 0031033W BRC Barco de Avila U 402139N 0053127W BRR Barrachina U 405351N 0010825W BAR Barraco U 402844N 0043818W BAI Barrio del Centro U 404255N 0013131W BMD Beamud U 401122N 0015004W BNT Benitos U 404039N 0045641W BRT Beraton U 414302N 0014842W BRD Berdejo U 413347N 0015635W BRL Berlanga de Duero U 412755N 0025141W BRM Bermillo U 412204N 0060644W BRN Bernuy dePorreros U 410002N 0040659W BZS Bezas U 402001N 0011929W BLN Blancas U 404855N 0012900W BLS Blascojimeno U 404217N 0050626W BLC Bliecos U 413142N 0021618W BBD BobadilladelCampo U 411216N 0050117W BGJ Bogajo U 405427N 0063153W BOH Bohoyo U 401854N 0052628W BOR Bordalba U 412502N 0020441W BOD Bordecorex U 412236N 0024333W BOO Borobia U 413956N 0015351W BRA Brabos U 404643N 0045616W BRO Branosera U 425612N 0041827W BRV Brieva U 421216N 0024945W BRE Bronchales U 403033N 0013521W BTR Buitrago U 415051N 0022429W CBL Caballar U 410715N 0035755W CBN Cabanas U 403342N 0044551W CAB Cabecr09GrrSrNmnc U 414917N 0022915W CBC Cabecr27GrrSrNmnc U 414916N 0022816W CAO Cabolafuente U 411247N 0020229W CBR Cabrejas delPinar U 414752N 0025059W CLT Calatayud U 412107N 0013836W CLC Calcena U 413923N 0014304W CLD Calderuelas U 405632N 0035439W CLR Caleruega U 414931N 0032913W CMN Camanas U 403832N 0010814W CMR Camarena U 400914N 0010205W CMP Campanarios U 401519N 0052434W CAM Campillos Sierra U 400602N 0014149W CAP Campina U 420228N 0030258W CAD Campo de Cuellar U 411840N 0042202W CNL Canalejas U 413131N 0040659W CAN Canales U 421135N 0030153W CAA Canaletas U 410012N 0045401W CAI Canillas U 414518N 0040732W CNZ Canyizal U 411011N 0052159W CRB CarbonerodeAhusin U 410222N 0041413W CAR CarbonersdeGudazn U 410721N 0041600W CRN Carenas U 411641N 0014752W CRS Carsodillas U 405749N 0035756W CSN Casanova U 414103N 0032653W CSS Casas Altas U 400223N 0011549W CAS Casas Nuevas U 400541N 0012736W CST Castilfrio U 401328N 0053541W CAT Castillo U 415503N 0024326W CAL Castralvo U 401833N 0010431W CAZ Castraz U 404231N 0062009W CAE CastrejondelaPena U 424828N 0043558W CAJ Castrojeriz U 421715N 0040815W CSR Castromonte U 414611N 0050653W CAU Castronuno U 412327N 0051533W CEB Cebolla U 410940N 0033212W CEO Cebollera U 415949N 0024017W CER Cebrian U 414239N 0054522W CCL Ceclavin U 394926N 0064627W CRZ Cerezo de Abajo U 411303N 0033533W CRR Cerrogordo U 411431N 0032354W CEN Cerron U 410909N 0032812W CRV Cervatos U 421727N 0044612W CEV Cervera U 420023N 0015711W CEU Cervunal U 411023N 0033027W CTN Cetina U 411721N 0015800W CHP Chaparros U 415241N 0023003W CHR Chorron U 415731N 0024108W CIE Cierva U 400336N 0015114W CLL Cilleros U 400655N 0064734W CRC Circo de Gredos U 401509N 0051638W CRL Ciruelos U 412623N 0034211W CDD Ciudad Rodrigo U 403551N 0063156W CDS Codes U 410443N 0020714W COD Codos U 411742N 0012232W CLG Colgadizos U 410715N 0033834W COL Collado Hermoso U 410220N 0035510W CNG CongostodeValdavi U 424254N 0043759W CNT Contamina U 412148N 0015650W CON Contreras U 420113N 0032438W CRD Cordovilla LaReal U 420444N 0041536W COR Cornago U 420359N 0020538W CRT Cortos U 414837N 0021540W CVR Covarrubias U 412652N 0023411W CCH Cuchar U 410811N 0033244W CVS Cuevas del Valle U 401733N 0050038W DSC Descargamaria U 401821N 0062918W DEZ Deza U 412720N 0015717W DMB Dombellas U 415300N 0023412W DNS Duenas U 415242N 0043247W DRL DuruelodelaSierra U 415715N 0025555W EBR Ebrillos U 415336N 0030358W ELL El Alamo U 403355N 0052823W ELB El Burgo de Osma U 413516N 0030400W ELC El Collado U 415852N 0021641W ELN El Negredo U 411935N 0031852W ELO El Olmo U 411809N 0033944W ELP El Pimpollar U 403400N 0041707W EMB Embid U 405824N 0014245W ENC Enciso U 420856N 0021610W ERC Ercina U 403003N 0063151W ESC Escalona delPrado U 411002N 0040723W ESA EscarabajosadCllr U 412412N 0041642W ESP EspinosadeCervera U 415348N 0032809W ESI EspinosadeVllgnzl U 422854N 0042225W EST Estables U 410023N 0020127W ESE Estepa de SanJuan U 415536N 0022001W FNT Fontiveros U 405550N 0045804W FRD FOR Ademuz U# 400529N 0011237W Closed but landable FRB FOR Beteta U# 403224N 0020434W Old waterbombers airstrip FRC FORCampilldPrvnts U# 395628N 0013149W FOR FORCovaledaNavaln U# 415143N 0025657W steep slope Land at 28 FRL FORLaIglesuellTtr U# 401451N 0044721W FRM FOR Mojados U# 412757N 0044247W Old waterbombing airstrip FRP FOR Peralveche U# 403610N 0022546W FOU FOR Umbralejo U# 410637N 0031024W Waterbombers airstrip FRV FOR Valdecebro U# 402112N 0010052W Waterbombers airstrip FOV FORVillaresdeJdrq U# 410623N 0025916W FRS Fresnedoso U 402610N 0054237W FRI Frias U 402032N 0013742W FRO Frominsta U 421601N 0042414W FUE Fuentearmegil U 414253N 0031059W FUN Fuentecabron U 413024N 0031945W FUT Fuenteguinaldo U 402550N 0064035W FUL Fuentelfresno U 415401N 0022309W FUS Fuentelsaz U 410427N 0014950W FUP Fuentepinel U 412400N 0040233W FUR Fuenterrebollo U 411748N 0035552W FUU Fuentestrun U 415229N 0020455W FUO Fuentetoba U 414634N 0023337W FUI FuentiduenaCobosd U 412257N 0035539W GLV Galve de Sorbe U 411321N 0031100W GRC Garcirrey U 405410N 0060747W GRR Garray U 414854N 0022649W GMR Gomara U 413724N 0021332W GTR Gotor U 413246N 0013900W GRJ Graja U 414619N 0023924W GRV Gravalos U 420635N 0020003W GRG Griegos U 402549N 0014253W GRI Grijalba U 422552N 0040704W GRO Grio U 412214N 0012549W GRD Guardo U 424722N 0045040W GUA Guarrate U 411737N 0052629W GML Gumiel de Izan U 414616N 0034116W HDL Haedillo U 420325N 0030624W HRM Hermedes U 414909N 0041028W HER HermitadeHontanrs U 411732N 0032549W HRR HerradondePinares U 403403N 0043323W HEA Herradones U 402935N 0045219W HEE Herrera U 423538N 0041952W HEO Herreros U 414905N 0024248W HMB Hombre U 404758N 0041002W HNT Hontoria U 405441N 0040707W HRC HorcajodelasTorrs U 410354N 0050527W HOR Horcajo Medianero U 403825N 0052423W HCS Hoyocasero U 402356N 0045833W HSD Hoyos del Espino U 402126N 0051025W HRT Huertapelayo U 404657N 0021640W HMD Humada U 424006N 0040502W INS Ines U 413013N 0030846W INF Infantes U 411513N 0032024W IRG Iregua U 420034N 0024451W JBL Jabaloyas U 401425N 0012427W JRB Jaraba U 411124N 0015259W JRN JarandilladelaVer U 400735N 0053930W JRT Jerte U 401320N 0054502W LLB La Alberca U 402921N 0060640W LGN Lagunanegra U 415924N 0025135W LAG Lagunillas U 405939N 0034737W LHR La Horra U 414427N 0035230W LLS La Losilla U 415225N 0021644W LNC Lancha U 403853N 0042313W LNG Langayo U 413413N 0041155W LAN Langosto U 415458N 0023619W LPV La Poveda deSoria U 420044N 0023016W LSF Las Fraguas U 414141N 0024300W LTR Latarce U 414413N 0051934W LNT La Yunta U 405453N 0014102W LBR Lebrancon U 404711N 0020243W LNR Linares deRiofrio U 403504N 0055517W LIN Linera U 410250N 0034429W LLN Llanos delEspinar U 404318N 0041541W LSN Losana U 411821N 0030512W LSR Los Rabanos U 414302N 0022833W LUB Lubia U 413900N 0023026W MDR Madrigal delaVera U 400854N 0052209W MAD Madruedano U 412227N 0030151W MGN Magana U 415359N 0020942W MJD Majadas U 401800N 0020118W MLV Malva U 413951N 0052900W MML Mamolar U 415538N 0032142W MNS MansilladelaSierr U 420912N 0025643W MRT Martialay U 414436N 0022127W MAR MartinMunzdlsPsds U 405941N 0043549W MTB Matabuena U 410542N 0034523W MTL Matalebreras U 415026N 0020248W MTM MatamaladeAlmazan U 413023N 0023825W MTP Mataporquera U 425232N 0040945W MTR Matarria U 420030N 0025749W MTT Matute U 421805N 0024737W MLD Mayalde U 411509N 0054752W MDN Mediana deVoltoya U 404203N 0043350W MED Medina del Campo U 411830N 0045518W MLG Melgar U 422415N 0041441W MNG Mengamunoz U 403006N 0045951W MIL Milagros U 413431N 0034153W MNN Minana U 413117N 0020550W MCH Mochales U 410537N 0015850W MLC Molacillos U 413459N 0053932W MLN Molina de Aragon U 405044N 0015306W MOI Molinos de Duero U 415307N 0024716W MOL Molinos U 415845N 0023833W MON MonasteriodelaSrr U 420305N 0031137W MNC Moncayo U 414713N 0015023W MNF Monfortinho U 395929N 0064955W MNR Monreal de Ariza U 411725N 0020638W MNT Montehermoso U 400736N 0062042W MOT Montejo deTiermes U 412211N 0031207W MOE Montenegro U 420502N 0024617W MRS Morasverdes U 403606N 0061632W MOR Morata U 412825N 0012833W MRL Morille U 404822N 0054152W MRN Moron de Almazan U 412449N 0022446W MOO Moros U 412350N 0014949W MUD Muda U 425233N 0042339W MJR MujerMuerta U 404816N 0040634W MUN Munogalindo U 403610N 0045402W MNP Munopedro U 405317N 0042819W MUO Munoyerro U 404525N 0045009W MRR Murero U 410932N 0012854W NVL Navalmanzano U 411255N 0041529W NAV NavalperaldePinrs U 403540N 0042439W NBR Nebreda U 415811N 0033804W NEL Neila U 420335N 0025950W NVR Nevero U 405846N 0035125W NVS NievaSantaMariRld U 410408N 0042416W NHL Nohales U 400508N 0021045W NOV Noviercas U 414242N 0020206W OCN Ocenilla U 414823N 0023716W ODN Odon U 405311N 0013402W OJC Ojacastro U 422050N 0030016W OJL Ojuel U 414257N 0021636W OLM Olmedo U 411720N 0044100W OLO Olmos U 424320N 0042529W OLV Olvega U 414645N 0015908W OLE Olves U 411421N 0013845W ORE Orea U 403004N 0014824W OTR OterodelosHerrers U 404912N 0041233W PLC PalaciosdelaSierr U 415749N 0030735W PAA PalaciosdeSalvtrr U 403549N 0054238W PLN Palencia U 420033N 0043147W PAL Palenzuela U 420544N 0040749W PLM Palomero U 401531N 0061523W PNT Pantano deAlarcon U 393912N 0021255W PRD Pardos U 405652N 0015531W PRR Parrilla U 413228N 0043158W PAY Payo U 401713N 0064340W PZN Pazuengos U 421906N 0025534W PDR PedrajasdeSanstbn U 412021N 0043448W PED Pedraza de Alba U 404516N 0052231W PER Pedrosa U 411253N 0032356W PEO Pedrosillo deAlba U 404921N 0052344W PES Pedroso U 394959N 0062441W PND Pena de Cabra U 404359N 0055559W PNR PenarandadeBrcmnt U 405414N 0051210W PNL Penyalara U 405046N 0035730W PRC Peracense U 403831N 0012816W PRL PeralejosdlsTrchs U 403535N 0015430W PEA Perales U 401319N 0055336W PEE Pereruela U 412500N 0055238W PNJ Pinajarro U 401806N 0054351W PIN Pinilla U 411213N 0032821W PII Pinilletas U 415225N 0033710W PLS Plasencia U 400155N 0060527W PBL Poblacion U 414705N 0042512W PVD PovedadelasCintas U 410251N 0051544W PTS Poyatos U 402523N 0020257W PZL Pozalmuro U 414629N 0020608W POZ Pozanco U 404805N 0044002W POO Pozondon U 403345N 0012807W POU Pozuel U 412112N 0020923W PRA Prados Redondos U 404705N 0014740W PRS PresadeLinarsdlrr U 413139N 0033321W PBS Puebas U 404738N 0013624W PRT PuertodVlltrCssdl U 403142N 0051158W QMD Quemada U 410518N 0034042W QNT Quintana Redonda U 413825N 0023655W QUI Quintanarejo U 415833N 0024653W QUN Quintanarraya U 414715N 0032017W RBL Rebollo de Duero U 412902N 0024350W RNS Reinosa U 430004N 0040817W RNB Renieblas U 414912N 0022220W RVN Revenga U 405206N 0040548W REV Reventon U 405437N 0035631W RLB Riolobos U 395443N 0061451W RSC Rioseco de Soria U 413832N 0025028W RDN Rodenas U 403649N 0013428W RML Romalo U 410050N 0035154W RTR Roturas U 414005N 0040707W ROL Royuela U 415958N 0035727W RUB Rubielos U 404615N 0011233W SLM Salamanca Matacan U# 405707N 0053007W SLS SalasdelosInfnts1 U 420122N 0031712W SAL SalasdelosInfnts2 U 420124N 0031711W SMB Samboal U 411529N 0042502W SNC Sancho U 401209N 0053013W SNS SanEstebandeGormz U 413425N 0031219W SNL SanIldefonsolGrnj U 405407N 0040041W SNP San PedroManrique U 420149N 0021351W SAN Santa Eulalia U 403359N 0011845W SNT Santa U 401818N 0050502W SAT SantiustdSnJnBtst U 410919N 0043423W SAO Santovenia U 405759N 0042832W SNV SanVicentedelPalc U 411309N 0045105W SQL SauquillodeBonics U 413504N 0022020W SQR Sequera delFresno U 412203N 0033249W SRR SerradilladelLlan U 403002N 0062121W SER Serrota U 403027N 0050429W SSM Sisamon U 411016N 0020015W SLD Soliedra U 412811N 0022254W SMS Somosierra U 410759N 0033455W SOR Soria U 414547N 0022751W STR Sotresgudo U 423448N 0041037W SLL Suellacabaras U 415113N 0021325W TJC Tajueco U 413212N 0025057W TRV Taravilla U 404150N 0015808W TRD Tardelcuende U 413544N 0023840W TAR Tardesillas U 414948N 0022732W TRT Tartanedo U 410105N 0015058W TER Tera U 415446N 0022850W TRR Terrazas U 415857N 0023428W TRZ Tierzo U 404454N 0015328W TNS Tinosillos U 405603N 0044339W TOR Torlengua U 412714N 0020947W TRN Tornos U 405751N 0012602W TOO Toro Ortsmi U 413116N 0052335W TOL TorralbadelosFrls U 410212N 0013942W TOA Torralba deRibota U 412506N 0014104W TOE Torremocha U 405331N 0020304W TOI TorrijodelaCanada U 412827N 0015238W TOJ Torrijote U 404938N 0012011W TOU Torrubia de Soria U 413749N 0020529W TOT Tortuera U 405514N 0014736W TRG Tragacete U 402104N 0015100W TRA Traid U 404026N 0014839W TRM Tramacastiel U 401119N 0011427W TEM Tremedal U 403319N 0013929W TRE Treme U 410431N 0061100W TRI Triollo U 425529N 0044051W UCR Ucero U 414304N 0030304W ULM ULM Alcazaren U 412217N 0044145W ULA ULM Arcones U 410653N 0034401W ULC ULM Coria U 395904N 0063317W ULE ULMElSlbrlVllmbls U 403616N 0044731W 06/24: 500m. 01/19: 600m ULF ULM Fontioso U 415600N 0034706W ULL ULM Lanzahita U 401110N 0045647W Paragliding airstrip.01/19: 330m. 05/23: 200m. ULP ULM Piedrahita U 402847N 0052138W ULT ULMTorremochdlJlc U 403612N 0011555W ULV ULM Villoldo U 421555N 0043850W USD Used U 410513N 0013059W VLB Valbonilla U 421154N 0041113W VLD Valdegrulla U 413935N 0030938W VAL Valdematanza U 415603N 0031248W VAD Valdeprado U 415619N 0020633W VAE Valdezate U 413608N 0035549W VAU Valdunquillo U 420234N 0051847W VLG Valganyon U 421616N 0030449W VNT Ventalbo U 412343N 0053154W VIL Vilada U 421504N 0045800W VLL Villaciervos U 414555N 0023734W VIA Villafrechos U 415337N 0051306W VIF Villafruela U 415505N 0035442W VIH Villaherreros U 422319N 0042746W VIP Villalpando U 415158N 0052445W VIR Villaramiel U 420235N 0045442W VIS VillasiladeValdav U 423155N 0043331W VIT Villastar U 401657N 0010904W VIU Villatuelda U 414857N 0035255W VIV Villavaquerin U 413827N 0042635W VIE Villel U 410907N 0020858W VIO Villoldo U 421446N 0043547W VNG Viniegra U 421415N 0025757W VNS Vinuesa U 415527N 0024746W ZCB ZACabrejasdelPinr U# 414815N 0025300W Cables in the northern part. Several landing fields in the area. Land ac ZCL ZA Calamocha U# 405408N 0011732W Abandoned Military AD ZAC ZA Calatanazor U# 414201N 0024945W Several landing fields in the area. Electric line crossing the fields to ZCM ZACampolaraMunpdr U# 405410N 0043115W Old closed airfield ZCS ZA Casarejos U# 414734N 0030327W Several landing fields around the access road. Scattered trees in the co ZAU ZA Cubillos U# 414417N 0025652W Land access by road SO-V-9102 from Cubillos (abandoned town). Cables to ZLV ZA El Vado U# 410234N 0031814W Old waterbombers airstrip ZFR Zafrila U 401203N 0013704W ZGL ZA Gallegos U# 410411N 0034558W Old waterbombers airstrip (2013). Big slope. Difficult access with trail ZHR ZA Herreros U# 415016N 0024353W North Course: 900 m. South Field: 400M Pegado to the Cuerda del Pozo Res ZNV ZA Navaluenga U# 402459N 0044015W Parallel to road AV 902 ZPD ZAPedrajasdSnstbn U# 414908N 0023450W ZQN ZA Quintanar U# 415725N 0030207W Attention! Another large field to the south unlandable with scattered la ZSL ZA Salas U# 420039N 0031614W ZSN ZA Sanchidrian U# 405353N 0043634W Possibility of high grass and potholes. ZTR ZATorrecaballeros U# 410005N 0040024W ATTENTION: Telephone line to the north within the field parallel to the ZVL ZA Villaumbrales U# 420547N 0043547W Old closed ULM airstrip ZAV ZA Vilviestre U# 415232N 0023838W Various landing fields in the area ZZN Zuzones U 413721N 0032732W