* NUM NAM COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_H RW_L RW_S RW_W ICAO NAM_12 COM_12 * * ============================================================================== * * Filename "gta_satl.stx" created Sunday, 04 May 2008 at 01:14 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This is a 'beta' release to support the release of the NK ClearNav and is subject to change. * * The primary specification of the waypoint coordinates [degrees and decimal minutes] * was changed to degrees, minutes, and seconds * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5 $COUNTRY US $ALTITUDE_UNIT Feet $MAG_VAR 3W $HOME GTA Race Series South of Atlanta: Pine Mountain, LaGrange, Meadowlark, and Windrift $TIMEZONE_NAME US/Eastern $CONTRIBUTOR Chis Ruf $CONTRIBUTOR_EMAIL greeneggsandham@att.net $RW_L_UNIT Feet $CONTRIBUTION_DATE 23 January 2008 $LONGITUDE West $LATITUDE North * * ============================================================================== * * The next line defines the contents of columns. It MUST appear before the first waypoint line NUM NAM COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_H RW_L RW_S RW_W ICAO NAM_12 COM_12 * * Starting the waypoints * 1 Pine Mountain 22.8 09/27 32 50 27 84 52 57 TASFH 902 122.8 09/27 88 5002 A 100 PIM Pine Mtn 22.8 09/27 2 La Grange 22.975 13/31 33 0 32 85 4 21 TASF 693 122.975 13/31 127 5600 A 150 LGC LaGrange 22.975 13/31 3 Meadowlark 18/36 33 5 14 84 24 19 TASFP 784 18/36 180 2700 G 50 GA75 Meadowlark 18/36 4 Windrift 17/35 33 2 30 84 25 56 TASFP 780 17/35 170 3200 G 80 2GA5 Windrift 17/35 5 85 Scales Truck Scales 33 5 15 84 55 0 T 770 85 Scales Truck Scales 6 I 185 x Hwy 27 I-185xhwy27 32 57 42 84 57 21 T 850 I185xHwy27 I-185xhwy27 7 Alex City 22.7 18/36 32 54 53 85 57 47 TA 686 122.7 18/36 178 5425 A 96 ALX Alex City 22.7 18/36 8 Americus 22.8 05/23 32 6 39 84 11 20 TA 471 122.8 05/23 46 6021 A 100 ACJ Americus 22.8 05/23 9 Answered Prayer 10/28 33 15 14 85 10 13 TAP 890 10/28 100 2000 G 80 1GE3 AnswerdPray 10/28 10 Antique Acre 05/23 33 6 0 84 3 31 TAP 800 05/23 50 2500 G 75 GA59 Antique Acre 05/23 11 Ashburn 22.7 16/34 31 41 9 83 37 56 TA 389 122.7 16/34 160 3204 A 50 75J Ashburn 22.7 16/34 12 Ashland 22.9 09/27 33 17 3 85 48 33 TA 1065 122.9 09/27 90 3997 A 80 26A Ashland 22.9 09/27 13 Auburn 23.0 18/36 32 36 54 85 26 2 TA 777 123.0 18/36 181 5264 A 100 AUO Auburn 23.0 18/36 14 Beaverbrook 15/33 33 19 30 84 17 54 TAP 910 15/33 150 2100 G 150 10GA Beaverbrook 15/33 15 Beckley Farms 09/27 32 30 4 83 56 0 TAP 425 09/27 90 2400 G 40 1GE4 Beckley Frm 09/27 16 Brookline-Meadowmere 06/24 33 5 52 83 24 17 TAP 500 06/24 60 2000 G 100 9GA6 Brookline-M 06/24 17 Buena Vista 22.9 14/32 32 16 58 84 30 13 TA 682 122.9 14/32 140 3200 A 75 82A Buena Vista 22.9 14/32 18 Butler 22.9 06/24 32 34 3 84 15 3 TA 667 122.9 06/24 60 2400 G 180 6A1 Butler 22.9 06/24 19 Carrollton 22.7 17/35 33 37 55 85 9 8 TA 1161 122.7 17/35 164 5652 A 100 CTJ Carrollton 22.7 17/35 20 Cedar Ridge 22.75 18R/36L 33 15 18 84 24 1 TAP 820 122.75 18R/36L 180 3000 G 150 GA62 Cedar Ridge 22.75 18R/36L 21 Clayton 22.9 09/27 31 53 0 85 29 7 TA 435 122.9 09/27 97 5010 A 80 11A ClaytonAL 22.9 09/27 22 Cochran 22.8 05/23 32 23 58 83 16 33 TA 336 122.8 05/23 46 3202 A 50 48A Cochran 22.8 05/23 23 Cordele 23.05 10/28 31 59 20 83 46 26 TA 310 123.05 10/28 98 5001 A 150 CKF Cordele 23.05 10/28 24 De De 16/34 33 0 32 84 6 39 TAP 800 16/34 160 1800 G 40 1GA6 De De 16/34 25 Deerfield 16/34 33 13 5 83 19 2 TAP 445 16/34 160 2900 G 50 9GA9 Deerfield 16/34 26 Flying N 17/35 33 10 38 84 44 55 TAP 870 17/35 170 3040 G 60 1GA2 Flying N 17/35 27 Fredonia Fields 32 59 10 85 17 43 TL 840 FredoniaFLD Fields 28 Gable Branch 1/19 50F Wide 33 13 39 84 32 40 TAP 840 01/19 10 1800 G 50 5GA0 Gable Branch 1/19 50F Wide 29 Grass Strip N/S Turf 32 56 52 85 3 1 TL 765 Grass_Strip N/S Turf 30 Greene Co 22.8 06/24 33 35 52 83 8 20 TA 677 122.8 06/24 64 5004 A 75 3J7 Greene Co 22.8 06/24 31 Griffin 23.075 14/32 33 13 37 84 16 30 TA 958 123.075 14/32 137 3701 A 75 6A2 Griffin 23.075 14/32 32 Gum Creek 06/24 33 25 16 85 9 43 TAP 1070 06/24 60 2350 G 65 8GA1 Gum Creek 06/24 33 Hutto Farm 18/36 32 41 0 83 51 25 TAP 620 18/36 180 2500 G 120 GE25 Hutto Farm 18/36 34 Jumpin J 22.8 17/35 32 41 30 84 29 50 TAP 659 122.8 17/35 170 1965 G 65 GA08 Jumpin J 22.8 17/35 35 Kaolin 23.0 12/30 32 58 0 82 50 17 TA 438 123.0 12/30 120 5015 A 75 OKZ Kaolin 23.0 12/30 36 Kershaw 09/27 32 21 31 86 7 30 TAP 225 09/27 90 4600 A 50 AL12 Kershaw 09/27 37 Lanett 22.8 08/26 32 48 43 85 13 46 TA 624 122.8 08/26 79 3148 A 80 7A3 Lanett 22.8 08/26 38 Macon 23.0 10/28 32 49 20 83 33 43 TA 437 123.0 10/28 96 4696 A 150 MAC Macon 23.0 10/28 39 Monroe 22.9 03/21 33 46 57 83 41 34 TA 867 122.9 03/21 31 5000 A 75 D73 Monroe 22.9 03/21 40 Montezuma 22.9 18/36 32 18 7 84 0 27 TA 337 122.9 18/36 181 4220 A 75 53A Montezuma 22.9 18/36 41 Newnan 22.8 14/32 33 18 42 84 46 11 TA 970 122.8 14/32 139 5500 A 100 CCO Newnan 22.8 14/32 42 Panacea 08/26 33 12 6 85 13 50 TAP 800 08/26 80 2500 G 50 5GA7 Panacea 08/26 43 Peachtree Cty 23.05 13/31 33 21 26 84 34 19 TA 808 123.05 13/31 128 5219 A 100 FFC PeachtreeCty 23.05 13/31 44 Perry GA 22.7 18/36 32 30 38 83 46 2 TA 418 122.7 18/36 179 5002 A 100 PXE PerryGA 22.7 18/36 45 Prattsburg E/W 32 43 42 84 21 24 TAP 554 E/W 090 1750 G 75 3GA1 Prattsburg E/W 46 Raju 18/36 32 4 17 84 42 52 TAP 625 18/36 180 2200 A 60 05GA Raju 18/36 47 RC Field Remote Contl 32 51 11 85 9 46 TL 600 RC Field Remote Contl 48 Reeves 22.9 13/31 32 30 53 85 52 34 TA 326 122.9 13/31 134 3207 A 75 41A Reeves 22.9 13/31 49 Roanoke 22.9 11/29 33 7 45 85 22 0 TA 907 122.9 11/29 110 3697 A 80 7A5 Roanoke 22.9 11/29 50 Roberta Industrial 07/25 32 42 50 84 1 39 TAP 505 07/25 70 3700 G 100 0GA9 Roberta Ind 07/25 51 Roosevelt 22.9 17/35 32 56 14 84 41 46 TA 880 122.9 17/35 170 3000 A 75 5A9 Roosevelt 22.9 17/35 52 Sehoy 04/22 32 13 13 85 28 5 TAP 331 04/22 40 5000 A 75 AL05 Sehoy 04/22 53 Spratling 09/27 32 14 33 85 36 4 TAP 368 09/27 90 1600 G 100 AL25 Spratling 09/27 54 Sylacauga 22.8 09/27 33 10 19 86 18 20 TA 569 122.8 09/27 91 5390 A 100 SCD Sylacauga 22.8 09/27 55 Thistle 17/35 32 55 40 84 8 29 TAP 730 17/35 170 2500 G 60 GA49 Thistle 17/35 56 Thomaston 22.8 12/30 32 57 18 84 15 51 TA 798 122.8 12/30 119 6351 A 100 OPN Thomaston 22.8 12/30 57 Troy 20.925 14/32 31 51 38 86 0 44 TA 398 120.925 14/32 143 5022 A 100 TOI Troy 20.925 14/32 58 Tuskegee 22.8 13/31 32 27 38 85 40 48 TA 264 122.8 13/31 129 5003 A 100 06A Tuskegee 22.8 13/31 59 Unknown Unconfirmed RW 33 0 24 84 50 45 TL 867 Unknown Unconfirmed RW 60 Waverly Landing 09/27 32 42 52 84 43 5 TAP 675 09/27 90 2900 G 100 1GE9 Waverly Land 09/27 61 Wrens 22.7 11/29 33 13 22 82 23 4 TA 450 122.7 11/29 110 3000 A 50 65J Wrens 22.7 11/29 62 Wrights 15/33 32 12 23 83 47 11 TAP 383 15/33 150 2000 G 75 2GA3 Wrights 15/33 63 Plant W Tower Pine Mountain N Start + TP 32 53 57 84 53 39 TS 902 Plantw Tower Pim N Start + TP 64 Pine Mountain East Start 32 50 27 84 49 37 S 902 PM_St_E Pim E Start 65 Pine Mountain South Start 32 47 38 84 52 56 S 902 PM_St_S Pim S Start 66 Pine Mountain West Start 32 50 28 84 56 19 S 902 PM_St_W Pim W Start 67 Lagrange NE Start 33 2 55 85 2 13 S 693 L_St_NE LGC NE Start 68 Lagrange NW Start 33 1 52 85 7 28 S 693 L_St_NW LGC NW Start 69 Lagrange SE Start 32 58 32 85 1 44 S 693 L_St_SE LGC SE Start 70 Lagrange SW Start 32 58 1 85 6 11 S 693 L_St_SW LGC SW Start 71 Meadowlark West Start 33 4 36 84 28 4 S 784 M_St_W ML W Start 72 Windrift South Start 32 59 45 84 25 22 S 780 W_St_S WD S Start 73 Thacker Windrift E Start 18/36 33 2 41 84 23 54 ASP 920 18/36 180 2800 G 50 4GA1 Thacker WD E Start 18/36 * Abbeville 22.8 17/35 31 36 1 85 14 17 A 468 122.8 17/35 170 2915 A 80 0J0 Abbeville 22.8 17/35 Adel 22.8 05/23 31 8 16 83 27 11 A 236 122.8 05/23 47 4001 A 100 15J Adel 22.8 05/23 Aiken 22.8 07/25 33 38 58 81 41 6 A 528 122.8 07/25 60 5500 A 100 AIK Aiken 22.8 07/25 Anniston 23.0 05/23 33 35 17 85 51 29 A 612 123.0 05/23 48 7000 A 150 ANB Anniston 23.0 05/23 Athens 21.8 09/27 33 56 55 83 19 35 A 808 121.8 09/27 88 5522 A 100 AHN Athens 21.8 09/27 Augusta 18.7 17/35 33 22 12 81 57 52 A 144 118.7 17/35 168 8000 A 150 AGS Augusta 18.7 17/35 Bacon Co 22.7 15/33 31 32 10 82 30 24 A 200 122.7 15/33 151 5000 A 100 AMG Bacon Co 22.7 15/33 Baldwin Co 22.8 10/28 33 9 15 83 14 27 A 384 122.8 10/28 92 5500 A 100 MLJ Baldwin Co 22.8 10/28 Barnwell 22.8 17/35 33 15 28 81 23 18 A 246 122.8 17/35 160 5119 A 100 BNL Barnwell 22.8 17/35 Baxley 22.8 08/26 31 42 50 82 23 38 A 201 122.8 08/26 75 5003 A 75 BHC Baxley 22.8 08/26 Berrien Co 22.7 10/28 31 12 45 83 13 35 A 240 122.7 10/28 94 4006 A 75 4J2 Berrien Co 22.7 10/28 Bibb Co 22.8 10/28 32 56 13 87 5 26 A 251 122.8 10/28 100 4200 A 80 0A8 Bibb Co 22.8 10/28 Blackwell 22.7 12/30 31 25 55 85 37 14 A 356 122.7 12/30 121 5153 A 80 71J Blackwell 22.7 12/30 Brundidge 22.9 05/23 31 43 58 85 48 13 A 476 122.9 05/23 50 3000 A 80 60A Brundidge 22.9 05/23 Burke Co 22.9 08/26 33 2 29 82 0 10 A 302 122.9 08/26 71 4035 A 75 BXG Burke Co 22.9 08/26 Cairo-Grady 22.7 13/31 30 53 17 84 9 17 A 265 122.7 13/31 121 4000 A 75 70J Cairo-Grady 22.7 13/31 Camden 22.9 18/36 31 58 47 87 20 21 A 143 122.9 18/36 179 4303 A 80 61A Camden 22.9 18/36 Camilla-Mitchel 22.8 08/26 60'W 31 12 47 84 14 13 A 175 122.8 08/26 79 4005 A 60 CXU Camilla-Mitchel 22.8 08/26 60'W Carl Folsom 22.9 01/19 31 24 36 86 5 25 A 258 122.9 01/19 10 3056 A 100 14J Carl Folsom 22.9 01/19 Cartersville 23.05 01/19 34 7 23 84 50 55 A 759 123.05 01/19 03 5760 A 100 VPC Cartersville 23.05 01/19 Cedartown 22.8 09/27 34 1 7 85 8 47 A 974 122.8 09/27 97 4004 A 75 4A4 Cedartown 22.8 09/27 Centre 22.9 09/27 34 9 36 85 38 6 A 619 122.9 09/27 89 3401 A 80 C22 CentreAL 22.9 09/27 Centre-Piedmont-Cherokee 22.9 07/25 34 5 24 85 36 36 A 595 122.9 07/25 70 5500 A 100 PYP Centre-Pi-Ch 22.9 07/25 Clayton County-Tara 22.725 06/24 33 23 21 84 19 57 A 874 122.725 06/24 54 4503 A 75 4A7 ClaytonTara 22.725 06/24 Columbus 20.1 06/24 32 30 59 84 56 20 A 397 120.1 06/24 54 6997 A 150 CSG Columbus 20.1 06/24 Covington 23.0 10/28 33 37 56 83 50 51 A 809 123.0 10/28 95 5500 A 75 9A1 Covington 23.0 10/28 Craig 22.7 15/33 32 20 38 86 59 16 A 166 122.7 15/33 146 8002 A 150 SEM Craig 22.7 15/33 Cuthbert 22.9 18/36 60'W 31 42 7 84 49 37 A 457 122.9 18/36 180 3000 A 60 25J Cuthbert 22.9 18/36 60'W Daniel 23.05 05/23 33 27 59 82 2 22 A 423 123.05 05/23 46 4002 A 100 DNL Daniel 23.05 05/23 Dawson 22.8 13/31 31 44 36 84 25 9 A 333 122.8 13/31 130 4510 A 75 16J Dawson 22.8 13/31 Decatur Industrial 22.975 09/27 30 58 18 84 38 15 A 141 122.975 09/27 90 5502 A 150 BGE Decatur Ind 22.975 09/27 Dothan 18.4 14/32 31 19 17 85 26 59 A 401 118.4 14/32 135 8498 A 150 DHN Dothan 18.4 14/32 Douglas 22.8 04/22 31 28 36 82 51 38 A 257 122.8 04/22 37 6005 A 100 DQH Douglas 22.8 04/22 Duke 2 06/24 32 22 54 83 3 35 AP 340 06/24 60 2000 G 75 GE26 Duke 2 06/24 Eagles Landing 18/36 33 9 36 84 21 55 AP 980 18/36 180 3500 G 100 5GA3 Eagles L 18/36 Eagles Nest 03/21 33 45 51 81 21 31 AP 460 03/21 30 1500 G 200 SC23 EaglesNest 03/21 Early Co 22.9 05/23 31 23 51 84 53 41 A 214 122.9 05/23 50 5500 A 100 BIJ Early Co 22.9 05/23 Edgefield Co 22.9 11/29 33 44 12 81 49 10 A 610 122.9 11/29 110 2640 G 85 6J6 Edgefield Co 22.9 11/29 Edwards Farm 03/21 33 50 7 85 45 50 AP 750 03/21 30 1700 G 75 3AL5 Edwards Farm 03/21 Emanuel Co 22.975 13/31 32 36 33 82 22 12 A 327 122.975 13/31 129 6021 A 100 SBO Emanuel Co 22.975 13/31 Emerald Mountain 22.8 06/24 32 27 19 86 7 9 AP 365 122.8 06/24 60 2750 G 80 2AL3 Emerald Mtn 22.8 06/24 Enterprise 22.8 05/23 31 17 59 85 54 0 A 364 122.8 05/23 52 5100 A 100 EDN Enterprise 22.8 05/23 Etowah Bend 17/35 Glider 34 12 7 84 58 38 AP 620 17/35 170 3800 G 75 8GA7 Etowah Bend 17/35 Glider Etowah Fields 09/27 34 10 31 84 55 28 AP 710 09/27 90 3400 G 100 02GE Etowah Fields 09/27 Everidge N/S 32 13 11 83 51 19 AP 450 N/S 180 2500 A 80 47GA Everidge N/S Fagundes 18/36 33 11 56 84 35 2 AP 864 18/36 180 2200 G 100 6GA1 Fagundes 18/36 Falcons Aerie 17/35 60F Wide 33 34 38 85 0 11 AP 1180 17/35 170 2000 G 60 8GA8 Falcons Aerie 17/35 60F Wide Farm 10/28 32 40 28 82 46 16 AP 375 10/28 100 2560 G 75 01GE Farm 10/28 Finkley 10/28 32 25 16 85 14 53 AP 413 10/28 100 2400 G 100 2AL8 Finkley 10/28 Fitzgerald 23.0 15/33 31 41 1 83 16 14 A 365 123.0 15/33 141 3400 G 300 FZG Fitzgerald 23.0 15/33 Flint River Nursery 18/36 60F Wide 32 10 8 83 58 25 AP 320 18/36 180 3500 G 60 GA17 Flint Rvr Nr 18/36 60F Wide Florala 23.0 04/22 31 2 33 86 18 42 A 314 123.0 04/22 40 3197 A 75 0J4 Florala 23.0 04/22 Flowers 12/30 60F Wide 32 17 6 87 31 12 AP 280 12/30 120 2000 G 60 3AL7 Flowers 12/30 60F Wide Flying C's Plantation 12/30 32 24 58 85 17 57 AP 395 12/30 120 2000 G 100 AL51 Flying CsPlt 12/30 Flying D 18/36 40F Wide 33 6 4 84 23 37 AP 838 18/36 180 1000 G 40 1GE5 Flying D 18/36 40F Wide Flying W Farms 15/33 40F Wide 33 30 28 85 11 8 AP 1010 15/33 150 2200 G 40 6GA8 Flying W Farms 15/33 40F Wide Flying X Ranch 17/35 33 9 10 86 51 5 AP 466 17/35 170 2500 G 100 5AL3 Flying X Ranch 17/35 Flying H Concord Concord Ga68 33 6 53 84 26 57 AP 800 02/20 20 2200 G 100 GA68 FlynHConcord Concord Ga68 Flying H Jackson Jackson Ga01 33 11 52 84 5 4 AP 722 18/36 180 2263 G 105 GA01 FlynHJackson Jackson Ga01 Fort Deposit 22.9 15/33 31 58 21 86 35 30 A 490 122.9 15/33 150 3593 A 78 67A Fort Deposit 22.9 15/33 Frank Sikes 22.8 04/22 31 44 10 86 15 44 A 300 122.8 04/22 40 4640 A 80 04A Frank Sikes 22.8 04/22 Franklin 22.8 14/32 32 10 1 85 48 35 A 300 122.8 14/32 140 3660 A 80 07A FranklinAL 22.8 14/32 Gragg-Wade 22.8 08/26 32 51 2 86 36 41 A 585 122.8 08/26 78 4008 A 100 02A Gragg-Wade 22.8 08/26 Great Oaks 17/35 33 55 23 82 39 10 AP 530 17/35 170 2500 G 75 69GE Great Oaks 17/35 Gwinnett 21.8 07/25 33 58 41 83 57 45 A 1061 121.8 07/25 64 6000 A 100 LZU Gwinnett 21.8 07/25 Haciend De Gay 17/35 32 39 48 82 4 31 AP 328 17/35 170 2000 G 80 7GA3 HaciendDeGay 17/35 Halls Flying Ranch 01/19 50F Wide 33 21 22 84 22 2 AP 800 01/19 10 2150 G 50 0GA0 Halls Fly R 01/19 50F Wide Harman 14/32 33 29 3 81 49 33 AP 458 14/32 140 2000 G 70 SC20 Harman 14/32 Hawk 11/29 33 18 26 86 24 13 AP 420 11/29 110 3400 G 75 AL92 Hawk 11/29 Hawkinsville 22.9 10/28 32 17 1 83 26 19 A 270 122.9 10/28 100 3000 A 60 51A Hawkinsville 22.9 10/28 Hay 12/30 50F Wide 33 31 2 83 26 23 AP 650 12/30 120 3000 G 50 1GE7 Hay 12/30 50F Wide Hayes E/W 31 50 23 84 28 54 AP 401 E/W 090 2600 G 110 9GA3 Hayes E/W Hazlehurst 22.8 14/32 31 53 5 82 38 51 A 255 122.8 14/32 141 4508 A 75 AZE Hazlehurst 22.8 14/32 Headland 22.9 17/35 31 21 51 85 18 42 A 359 122.9 17/35 175 2885 G 162 0J6 Headland 22.9 17/35 Headquarters 18/36 50F Wide 34 6 20 85 33 57 AP 610 18/36 180 2000 G 50 AL27 Headquarters 18/36 50F Wide Heart Georgia 19.425 02/20 32 12 59 83 7 43 A 304 119.425 02/20 15 6506 A 100 EZM HeartGA 19.425 02/20 Holt 11/29 60F Wide 32 21 39 82 19 5 AP 280 11/29 110 2600 G 60 13GE Holt 11/29 60F Wide House Movers 10/28 60F Wide 33 51 4 81 32 54 AP 540 10/28 100 2600 G 60 SC46 House Movers 10/28 60F Wide Howard 02/20 33 21 5 83 57 50 AP 720 02/20 20 1700 G 100 GA02 Howard 02/20 Jones Light 05/23 Turf 32 31 3 85 4 47 L 440 05/23 Jones Light 05/23 Turf Jordans 08/26 31 26 19 84 42 30 AP 250 08/26 80 3000 G 75 GA22 Jordans 08/26 Kenley 22.8 Ne/Sw 33 16 8 84 29 50 AP 780 122.8 NE/SW 045 2600 G 100 GA61 Kenley 22.8 Ne/Sw Kennedy Intra 23.075 10/28 33 31 35 83 38 17 AP 695 123.075 10/28 100 3900 G 75 2GA0 Kennedy Intl 23.075 10/28 Kintail Farm 03/21 33 49 32 83 38 23 AP 810 03/21 30 3000 V 100 GA00 Kintail Farm 03/21 Kitchens E/W 33 8 4 84 15 15 AP 800 E/W 090 2000 G 80 4GA7 Kitchens E/W Klockner 15/33 33 42 31 83 34 45 AP 740 15/33 150 1900 G 80 GA15 Klockner 15/33 Kolibri 01/19 33 34 41 84 54 25 AP 1100 01/19 10 2000 G 100 6GA5 Kolibri 01/19 Lawson AAF 19.05 15/33 Mil 32 20 14 84 59 29 Y 232 119.05 15/33 150 10000 A 150 LSF Lawson AAF 19.05 15/33 Mil Leesburg 18/36 31 46 31 84 7 30 AP 260 18/36 180 3100 A 75 8GA3 Leesburg 18/36 Lenora 06/24 33 48 16 83 59 47 AP 940 06/24 60 2600 G 100 2GA9 Lenora 06/24 Little Texas 10/28 60F Wide 32 27 13 85 33 29 AP 500 10/28 100 2000 G 60 27AL Little Texas 10/28 60F Wide Little Tobesofkee 17/35 32 59 2 84 5 44 AP 755 17/35 170 3000 G 100 GA86 Litl Tobesfk 17/35 Logan 05/23 31 6 10 86 3 44 A 200 05/23 50 3256 A 75 1A4 Logan 05/23 Lola N/S 33 43 29 83 58 33 AP 870 N/S 180 1500 G 100 36GA Lola N/S Lost Creek Farms 09/27 31 6 19 83 59 56 AP 310 09/27 90 2300 G 90 9GA2 Lost Crk Frm 09/27 Louisville 22.9 13/31 32 59 10 82 23 5 A 328 122.9 13/31 130 5000 A 100 2J3 Louisville 22.9 13/31 Lucky Lairds 05/23 60F Wide 33 38 27 84 54 18 AP 1130 05/23 50 1650 G 60 81GA Lucky Lairds 05/23 60F Wide Lyons Landing 09/27 33 34 23 84 54 35 AP 1080 09/27 90 1800 G 100 5GA2 Lyons Lnd 09/27 Mac Crenshaw 22.8 14/32 31 50 44 86 36 39 A 451 122.8 14/32 140 5500 A 80 PRN Mac Crenshaw 22.8 14/32 Mack's 01/19 32 10 17 83 45 21 AP 400 01/19 10 3000 G 75 2GA4 Macks 01/19 Madison 22.8 14/32 33 36 44 83 27 38 A 694 122.8 14/32 141 3806 A 75 52A Madison 22.8 14/32 Mallards 07/25 33 21 56 84 9 55 AP 837 07/25 70 2800 G 150 GA04 Mallards 07/25 Maxwell AFB 18.15 15/33 Mil 32 22 45 86 21 45 Y 171 118.15 15/33 148 8013 A 150 MXF Maxwell AFB 18.15 15/33 Mil McClellan 09/27 30 46 44 83 12 7 AP 229 09/27 90 2500 G 250 7GA2 Mcclellan 09/27 McCormick County 22.9 18/36 33 54 29 82 16 1 A 459 122.9 18/36 177 3598 A 75 S19 McCormick Co 22.9 18/36 McGowin 17/35 31 40 51 86 40 55 AP 400 17/35 170 3000 G 100 5AL1 McGowin 17/35 McIntosh 04/22 50F Wide 33 27 21 84 56 35 AP 771 04/22 40 2480 G 50 95GA Mcintosh 04/22 50F Wide McLendon Fay N/S 33 29 29 84 29 22 AP 900 N/S 180 1433 G 75 GA94 McLendnFay N/S McLendon Mulberry Grove 18/36 60F Wide 32 40 18 84 56 2 L 650 18/36 MclendonMG 18/36 60F Wide McMinn 22.8 08/26 33 44 24 85 49 33 A 680 122.8 08/26 80 2650 A 30 25A McminnAL 22.8 08/26 Metter 23.0 10/28 32 22 26 82 4 45 A 197 123.0 10/28 93 3612 A 75 MHP Metter 23.0 10/28 Miami Valley Farm 18/36 32 32 56 83 48 7 AP 468 18/36 180 3600 G 75 GA99 Miami Valy 18/36 Middle Georgia 20.775 05/23 32 41 34 83 38 57 A 354 120.775 05/23 48 6501 A 150 MCN Middle GA 20.775 05/23 Middleton 22.7 01/19 31 24 57 87 2 39 A 259 122.7 01/19 05 4000 A 150 GZH Middleton 22.7 01/19 Midville 13/31 32 50 43 82 16 15 AP 265 13/31 130 2600 G 80 92GE Midville 13/31 Millen 22.9 17/35 32 53 37 81 57 55 A 237 122.9 17/35 168 4000 A 75 2J5 Millen 22.9 17/35 Montgomery 12.1 10/28 32 18 2 86 23 38 A 221 112.1 10/28 96 9010 A 150 MGM Montgomery 12.1 10/28 Monticello Sky Ranch 14/32 33 19 57 83 43 37 AP 690 14/32 140 3900 G 80 GA06 MonticeloSky 14/32 Morgan Farm 12/30 33 35 45 83 48 15 AP 700 12/30 120 2850 G 70 GA82 Morgan Farm 12/30 Moultrie 22.8 04/22 31 5 6 83 48 12 A 294 122.8 04/22 39 5129 A 100 MGR Moultrie 22.8 04/22 Murphree 09/27 30F Wide 33 20 10 84 54 50 AP 760 09/27 90 1200 G 30 26GA Murphree 09/27 30F Wide Murphy's Landing 07/25 50F Wide 33 15 31 84 50 41 AP 820 07/25 70 2000 G 50 80GA Murphys Land 07/25 50F Wide Narrow Very Narrow 18/36 33 4 55 85 1 7 LP 650 18/36 180 1700 G 50 GA44 Narrow Very Narrow 18/36 Oak Ridge Plantation 22.8 16/34 31 22 0 83 45 18 AP 350 122.8 16/34 160 3400 G 150 13GA OakRidge Plt 22.8 16/34 Paces South Farms 2/20 50F Wide 32 48 32 82 23 7 AP 275 02/20 20 3500 G 50 82GA Paces So Frm 2/20 50F Wide Panther Creek 09/27 50F Wide 33 28 0 84 51 58 AP 850 09/27 90 2500 G 50 17GA Panther Crek 09/27 50F Wide Paso Fino Farm 03/21 30 53 14 83 24 58 AP 200 03/21 30 3000 G 100 0GA8 Paso Fino Fm 03/21 Pea Patch 18/36 33 18 7 82 10 20 AP 434 18/36 180 2500 G 200 61GA Pea Patch 18/36 Peach State 22.8 13/31 33 11 3 84 22 44 A 926 122.8 13/31 130 2400 G 100 GA2 Peach St 22.8 13/31 Pecan Patch 09/27 33 19 53 84 16 0 AP 860 09/27 90 1045 G 80 0GE4 Pecan Patch 09/27 Perry SC 07/25 33 37 46 81 19 47 AP 438 07/25 70 5000 G 100 SC95 PerrySC 07/25 Peterson 22.8 18/36 32 5 19 84 22 21 A 526 122.8 18/36 181 3255 G 230 7A9 Peterson 22.8 18/36 Pine Hill 22.9 09/27 31 58 7 87 35 44 A 123 122.9 09/27 90 4462 A 80 71A Pine Hill 22.9 09/27 Pinebloom Plantation 09/27 31 24 11 84 19 22 AP 170 09/27 90 5600 A 75 GA14 Pinebloom Pl 09/27 Pinebrook 18/36 33 15 35 84 20 58 AP 820 18/36 180 2800 D 100 5GA5 Pinebrook 18/36 Poole Farm 17/35 33 40 50 83 51 10 AP 830 17/35 170 2000 G 200 2GA1 Poole Frm 17/35 Prater Ranch 14/32 33 50 36 82 28 44 AP 460 14/32 140 3200 G 140 3GE8 Prater Ranch 14/32 Prattville-Grouby 22.8 09/27 32 26 19 86 30 46 A 225 122.8 09/27 89 5400 A 100 1A9 Prattvil-Grb 22.8 09/27 Peachtree Macon 18/36 32 34 13 83 43 19 AP 447 18/36 180 2700 G 100 5GE1 Ptree Macon 18/36 Quitman 22.9 09/27 30 48 18 83 35 13 A 185 122.9 09/27 90 3600 A 75 4J5 Quitman 22.9 09/27 Rainbow 18/36 60F Wide 32 49 58 84 32 16 AP 780 18/36 180 1800 G 60 6GE2 Rainbow 18/36 60F Wide Rainey 08/26 33 9 0 87 26 30 AP 300 08/26 80 2000 G 100 AL02 Rainey 08/26 Rhodes Air 08/26 33 9 45 81 46 6 AP 195 08/26 80 1650 G 75 3GA7 Rhodes Air 08/26 Richter 10/28 31 44 55 83 34 25 AP 357 10/28 100 4693 G 100 GE12 Richter 10/28 Ridgeview 12/30 60F Wide 33 4 52 84 21 36 AP 854 12/30 120 2100 G 60 GA10 Ridgeview 12/30 60F Wide River Bend 17/35 50F Wide 33 18 16 84 8 12 AP 718 17/35 170 1300 G 50 GE33 River Bend 17/35 50F Wide Robins AFB 19.475 Military 32 38 25 83 35 31 Y 294 119.475 15/33 150 12001 T 300 WRB Robins AFB 19.475 Military Rolling Meadows 18/36 33 23 3 84 37 55 AP 808 18/36 180 1800 G 140 29GA RollingMeado 18/36 Roney Farms 09/27 32 9 0 83 51 41 AP 352 09/27 90 2900 G 80 5GA6 Roney Frm 09/27 Rust 22.9 E/W 33 19 58 84 24 3 A 810 122.9 E/W 090 2750 G 120 3RU Rust 22.9 E/W S & S Landing N/S 33 9 38 84 19 7 AP 992 N/S 180 2500 G 145 8GA6 S&S Lnd N/S S & S Flying Service 18/36 32 6 16 83 28 59 AP 260 18/36 180 3000 G 100 44GA S&S Flying S 18/36 Sandy Hill 22.75 10/28 33 13 16 81 59 43 AP 310 122.75 10/28 100 1900 G 75 GE30 Sandy Hill 22.75 10/28 Sebastian Cove 08/26 33 27 15 83 16 40 AP 490 08/26 80 2700 G 175 32GA Sebastian Cv 08/26 Seven Lakes 18/36 33 19 28 83 54 59 AP 630 18/36 180 2930 G 130 62GA Seven Lakes 18/36 Shade Tree 08/26 50F Wide 33 9 47 84 26 41 AP 850 08/26 80 2400 G 50 GA73 Shade Tree 08/26 50F Wide Sharpe 14/32 32 29 31 85 46 32 AP 253 14/32 140 5300 A 46 AL73 Sharpe 14/32 Shelby 22.7 15/33 33 10 37 86 46 58 A 587 122.7 15/33 157 5000 A 75 EET Shelby 22.7 15/33 Shilo Farms 17/35 30 55 52 83 23 1 AP 211 17/35 170 3350 G 75 1GA5 Shilo Farms 17/35 Skyharbor 22.9 06/24 32 22 0 87 6 15 A 125 122.9 06/24 60 2500 G 170 S63 Skyharbor 22.9 06/24 Sleepy Hollow 16/34 33 41 35 83 39 28 AP 750 16/34 160 2600 A 22 18GA Sleepy Holow 16/34 Smart Road 09/27 60'W 31 44 26 86 0 25 AP 425 09/27 90 2100 G 60 AL77 Smart Road 09/27 60'W Smisson N/S 33 34 14 84 53 52 AP 1044 N/S 180 2350 G 100 7GA9 Smisson N/S Smith Greensboro 01/19 33 40 34 83 15 34 AP 550 01/19 10 2500 G 100 2GE3 SmithGsb 01/19 Smith Macon 09/27 32 36 8 83 45 15 AP 475 09/27 90 2800 G 80 GE27 SmithMacon 09/27 Snow Hill 18/36 32 15 47 83 47 14 AP 465 18/36 180 3800 G 75 94GA Snow Hill 18/36 Sommerset 07/25 32 43 7 85 22 1 AP 820 07/25 70 2250 G 100 AL89 Sommerset 07/25 South Alabama 19.55 11/29 31 18 32 86 23 38 A 310 119.55 11/29 107 5001 A 100 79J South Ala 19.55 11/29 South One Ten 17/35 31 10 43 83 13 36 AP 225 17/35 170 3000 G 70 1GA8 South1Ten 17/35 Southwest Georgia 20.25 04/22 31 32 8 84 11 40 A 197 120.25 04/22 42 6601 A 150 ABY Southwest GA 20.25 04/22 Spence 23.0 14/32 31 8 16 83 42 15 A 292 123.0 14/32 139 4500 C 75 MUL Spence 23.0 14/32 Spring Valley Farm 06/24 33 47 49 83 51 5 AP 920 06/24 60 3000 G 100 6GA4 Spring ValyF 06/24 St Clair 23.05 02/20 33 33 32 86 14 57 A 485 123.05 02/20 22 5001 A 80 PLR St Clair 23.05 02/20 Stockmar 10/28 50F Wide 33 45 23 84 53 5 AP 1110 10/28 100 4500 A 50 20GA Stockmar 10/28 50F Wide Striplin 18/36 31 4 59 85 41 1 AP 255 18/36 180 2600 G 80 AL62 Striplin 18/36 Sunbelt 09/27 31 6 41 83 41 3 AP 230 09/27 90 2400 G 70 09GA Sunbelt 09/27 Sunset E 15/33 33 44 0 83 49 8 AP 780 15/33 150 2100 G 150 0GA6 SunsetE 15/33 Sunset W 04/22 33 21 33 85 7 3 AP 740 04/22 40 2000 G 75 7GE5 SunsetW 04/22 Sylvester 22.8 01/19 31 33 23 83 53 39 A 403 122.8 01/19 10 3293 A 75 SYV Sylvester 22.8 01/19 T W Spear 4/22 30F Wide 31 58 29 86 17 38 AP 438 04/22 40 2909 A 30 4AL9 T W Spear 4/22 30F Wide Takle 08/26 33 2 30 84 24 45 AP 850 08/26 80 2500 G 150 GA74 Takle 08/26 Talladega 22.8 03/21 33 34 12 86 3 3 A 529 122.8 03/21 35 6001 A 100 ASN Talladega 22.8 03/21 Tallassee Plantation 18/36 31 35 1 84 23 26 AP 240 18/36 180 4200 G 200 GA12 Tallassee Pl 18/36 Taylor 10/28 50F Wide 33 43 27 83 34 1 AP 710 10/28 100 2100 G 50 GA16 Taylor 10/28 50F Wide Telfair 22.9 03/21 32 5 45 82 52 48 A 202 122.9 03/21 23 4030 A 75 MQW Telfair 22.9 03/21 Thomasville 23.075 04/22 30 54 6 83 52 52 A 264 123.075 04/22 40 5496 A 100 TVI Thomasville 23.075 04/22 Thomson-McDuffie 22.8 10/28 33 31 47 82 30 59 A 498 122.8 10/28 93 5200 A 100 HQU Thomson-McD 22.8 10/28 Tifton 22.7 15/33 31 25 44 83 29 19 A 355 122.7 15/33 149 5504 A 100 TMA Tifton 22.7 15/33 Toland 13/31 33 9 50 84 12 49 AP 800 13/31 130 1800 G 100 77GA Toland 13/31 Town & Country 16/34 50F Wide 33 29 24 86 24 45 AP 730 16/34 160 1000 G 50 3AL6 Town & Cntry 16/34 50F Wide Treutlen 22.9 16/34 50F W 32 23 15 82 33 48 A 345 122.9 16/34 160 3000 A 50 4J8 Treutlen 22.9 16/34 50F W Tri-L Acres 05/23 33 14 55 86 35 51 AP 580 05/23 50 2900 G 250 1AL2 Tri-L Acres 05/23 Twin Lakes 22.9 06/24 60F W 33 38 44 81 52 1 A 540 122.9 06/24 60 4000 A 60 S17 Twin Lakes 22.9 06/24 60F W Vaiden 22.8 16/34 32 30 38 87 23 5 A 225 122.8 16/34 160 6377 A 80 A08 Vaiden 22.8 16/34 Valdosta 20.9 17/35 30 46 53 83 16 34 A 203 120.9 17/35 171 8002 A 150 VLD Valdosta 20.9 17/35 Vidalia 22.8 13/31 32 11 34 82 22 16 A 275 122.8 13/31 132 5000 C 150 VDI Vidalia 22.8 13/31 Vintage 16/34 33 8 0 84 22 39 AP 873 16/34 160 2350 G 100 3GA9 Vintage 16/34 W H Bud Barron 22.7 02/20 32 33 52 82 59 7 A 309 122.7 02/20 16 6002 A 150 DBN WH B Barron 22.7 02/20 Walker 09/27 40F Wide 33 27 7 84 24 34 AP 875 09/27 90 2000 G 40 GA90 Walker 09/27 40F Wide Wallace 01/19 60F Wide 34 8 9 85 6 44 AP 810 01/19 10 1856 G 60 GA77 Wallace 01/19 60F Wide Ware Island N/S 32 56 45 86 30 50 AP 344 N/S 180 2500 G 160 01AL Ware Island N/S Warner Robin 22.9 09/27 32 33 38 83 40 36 A 409 122.9 09/27 90 2833 G 130 5A2 Warner Robin 22.9 09/27 Washington-Wilkes Co 22.7 13/31 33 46 46 82 48 57 A 646 122.7 13/31 126 4020 A 75 IIY Washgtn-Wlk 22.7 13/31 Weedon 22.8 18/36 31 57 5 85 7 44 A 285 122.8 18/36 184 5000 A 100 EUF Weedon 22.8 18/36 Wetumpka 23.05 18/36 32 31 46 86 19 42 A 197 123.05 18/36 180 2876 G 130 08A Wetumpka 23.05 18/36 Wexford Landing 04/22 33 34 42 81 30 42 AP 350 04/22 40 4200 G 200 4SC7 Wexford Lnd 04/22 Whitehall 07/25 32 29 56 83 11 30 AP 350 07/25 70 4017 G 70 4GE3 Whitehall 07/25 Willow Point 8/26 60F Wide 32 48 13 85 58 50 AP 551 08/26 80 4500 A 60 AL71 Willow Point 8/26 60F Wide Willow Pond 14/32 33 25 25 84 30 0 AP 868 14/32 140 3000 G 65 19GA Willow Pond 14/32 Winder 23.0 13/31 33 58 58 83 40 3 A 943 123.0 13/31 129 5500 A 100 WDR Winder 23.0 13/31 Windy Hill 14/32 60F Wide 33 32 48 83 48 20 AP 740 14/32 140 2000 G 60 GA83 Windy Hill 14/32 60F Wide Zips 10/28 33 27 10 84 5 43 AP 880 10/28 100 2700 G 100 63GA Zips 10/28