*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ * + * Tasknav data for Samedan, Switzerland [ Grand Prix ] + * + * Grand Prix St. Moritz, 2010 + * + * Contributed by Segelflugzentrum Samedan + * Airport information courtesy of Michael-Lorenz Meier + * File created Saturday, 31 July 2010 at 18:47 GMT + * + * Available from the Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange at + * http://soaringweb.org/TP [ North America ] + * or http://soaring.gahsys.com/TP [ North America ] + * or http://soaring.xinqu.net/TP [ New Zealand ] + * + * UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK + * + * Do not use for navigation, for flight verification only. + * + * Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct + * information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees, + * expressed or implied. + * User assumes all risk of use. + * + *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ALI Albigna U 462013N 0093850E Staumauer ALB Albula U 463457N 0095015E Passhöhe BRN Berninapass U 462440N 0100119E Passhöhe BLR Bielerhoehe U 465505N 0100536E Berggasthaus BIV Bivio U 462805N 0093902E CAL Caiolo U# 460918N 0094759E Flugplatz CSC Casaccia U# 462318N 0093952E Aussenlandefeld CHM Chamues Ch U 463426N 0095608E Kirche/Friedhof CHV Chiavenna U 461911N 0092420E COR Corvatsch U 462717N 0094852E Talstation CRV Corvigla U 463028N 0094908E Station DVS Davos U 464754N 0094936E DVL Diavolezza U 462444N 0095756E Bergstation EHR Ehrwald U 472357N 0105513E FRN Fernsteinsee U 472050N 0104930E FLL Fluelapass U 464501N 0095650E Passhöhe FLD Fuldera U# 463653N 0102141E Aussenlandewiese GPT Gepatsch U 465721N 0104431E Stausee GLR Glurns U 464014N 0103314E HNT Hinterkirch U 465016N 0103817E Wasserfassung ISC Ischgl Fpl U# 470038N 0101711E ISH Ischgl Idealpe U 465857N 0101903E JKB Jakobshorn U 464620N 0095054E JUF Juf U 462641N 0093448E JLR Julier U 462820N 0094341E Passhöhe KNR Kaunertal U 465143N 0104236E KLS Klosters U 465211N 0095250E Platz LPR Le Prese U# 461749N 0100434E Aussenlandefeld LNR Luenersee U 470340N 0094534E See MDS Madesimo U 462604N 0092129E MDR Madrisa U 465408N 0095151E Bergstation MLJ Maloja Kulm U 462353N 0094142E MAL Maloja Palace U 462421N 0094159E MRG Marguns U 463059N 0094929E MAR Martina U 465305N 0102753E MNT Monte Masuccio U 461541N 0101111E MRT Morteratsch U 462702N 0095626E MOT Motta Naluns U 464838N 0101619E MST Muestair U 463747N 0102656E MTT Muottas Muragl U 463118N 0095407E Bergstation NDR Nauders U 465328N 0103009E Kirche NNP Nuna Pass U 464319N 0101035E OFN Ofenpass U 463822N 0101733E Passhöhe PRS Pers Gletscher U 462415N 0095737E PZM Piz Mundin U 465531N 0102551E PZN Piz Nuna U 464300N 0100946E PZS Piz S Chalambert U 464746N 0102450E POT Ponte di Legno U 461530N 0103100E PON Pontresina U 462934N 0095410E PNT Punt Muragl U 463041N 0095243E REP Report Echo U 463437N 0095542E Meldepunkt Echo RPR Report Whiskey U 462953N 0095109E Meldepunkt Whiskey RSC Reschensee U 464838N 0103212E Turm im See RTT Reutte Hoefen U# 472815N 0104133E Flugplatz SMD Samedan Flugplatz U# 463147N 0095243E Flugplatz SMN Samnaun U 465634N 0102132E SCH Schlappiner Joch U 465530N 0095428E SLS Sils Maria U 462542N 0094541E SLV Silvaplana U 462736N 0094753E SGL Soglio U 462028N 0093220E SPN Spinas U 463335N 0095043E SPL Spluegen U 463043N 0091938E STC Sta Caterina U 462440N 0102940E STM Sta Maria U 463604N 0102522E STZ Stazer U 462948N 0095207E See STL Stilfser Joch U 463131N 0102721E Passhöhe SFR Sufers U 463413N 0092203E TRS Tarasp U 464644N 0101541E Schloß TMM Timmelsjoch U 465420N 0110550E TNL Tonale U 461526N 0103505E TSC Tschirgant U 471431N 0104749E VLD Valdisotto U 462537N 0102124E VNT Venetberg U 470849N 0103735E Seilbahn VRN Vernagt U 464352N 0105100E ZRN Zernez U# 464132N 0100534E Aussenlandewiese ZRV Zervreila U 463440N 0090705E Staumauer ZL0 ZL 030 U# 463138N 0095242E Pistenende 03 ZL2 ZL 210 U# 463229N 0095323E Pistenende 04