++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Control points for Castilla la Vieja, Spain + + + + Contributed by Angel Casado + + Contributed on 10 May, 1999 + + + + Formatted for the world-wide version of the software + + + + Last updated Monday, 27 May 2002 at 03:08 GMT + + + + >>>>>>>>>> UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<< + + + + Always consult the relevant publications + + for current and correct information. This + + service is provided free of charge with + + no warrantees, expressed or implied. + + User assumes all risk of use. + + + + Rename this file to TURNPTS.DAT to use with your Glide Navigator. + +Delete all of the header lines in this box, down to and including the next one+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1, Gargantilla, 40, 15.02, -5, -55.13, 642 2, PantanoRifr, 40, 51.82, -4, -5.95, 1000 3, MntgddlsVcr, 41, 22.05, -2, -9.92, 803 4, Hervas, 40, 16.53, -5, -51.38, 688 5, PntnMntgddl, 41, 22.67, -2, -10.83 6, ADFuentmlns, 40, 53.32, -4, -14.25, 1001 7, ADSantoTome, 41, 12.25, -3, -35.68, 1100 8, Almazan, 41, 29.29, -2, -31.9, 938 9, Ariza, 41, 18.83, -2, -3.29, 763 10, Ayllon, 41, 25.32, -3, -22.53, 976 11, BerlangdDr, 41, 27.96, -2, -51.57, 934 12, Cantalejo, 41, 15.58, -3, -55.54, 967 13, CiudadRdrg, 40, 35.91, -6, -31.97, 658 14, Cuellar, 41, 24.29, -4, -18.96, 878 15, ElBarcodvl, 40, 21.25, -5, -30.5 16, ElBurgodsm, 41, 35.33, -3, -4.0 17, El Espinar, 40, 43.08, -4, -15.5 18, PantnPlmcs, 41, 3.08, -2, -56.33 19, Gomara, 41, 37.49, -2, -13.42, 1050 20, Gormaz, 41, 29.7, -3, -0.39, 1038 21, LGrnjdSnld, 40, 52.38, -4, -0.3 22, La Salceda, 41, 3.93, -3, -52.95 23, Leon, 42, 35.75, -5, -35.5 24, Mengamunoz, 40, 30.12, -4, -59.86, 1316 25, Mojados, 41, 26.04, -4, -39.61, 718 26, Morondlmzn, 41, 24.96, -2, -24.71, 1010 27, Navalmanzn, 41, 12.95, -4, -15.3, 836 28, Ojos Albos, 40, 43.42, -4, -30.92 29, Olmedo, 41, 17.4, -4, -41.0, 772 30, Osorno, 42, 24.6, -4, -21.77 31, OtrdlsHrrr, 40, 48.17, -4, -12.0 32, Penafiel, 41, 35.86, -4, -7.04, 754 33, Piedrahita, 40, 27.9, -5, -19.59, 1066 34, Plasencia, 40, 1.84, -6, -5.48, 352 35, RetrtlldSr, 41, 18.75, -2, -58.76, 1243 36, Riaza, 41, 16.85, -3, -28.56, 1187 37, Riofrio, 40, 32.91, -4, -46.6, 1184 38, SnstbndGrm, 41, 34.59, -3, -12.42, 870 39, ADSanchdrn, 40, 54.33, -4, -36.57 40, Sepulveda, 41, 17.96, -3, -44.94, 1009 41, Soria, 41, 45.86, -2, -27.9, 1063 42, Tordesills, 41, 30.19, -4, --0.01, 705 43, Villacastn, 40, 46.96, -4, -24.65, 1096 44, Villatoro, 40, 33.39, -5, -6.58, 1186 45, ADSomosirr, 41, 8.78, -3, -35.63, 1500 46, ADCampolar, 40, 54.18, -4, -31.22, 1017 47, ADRbldlldM, 40, 51.92, -3, -14.87, 920 48, AD Leon, 42, 35.7, -5, -39.08, 926 49, ADSoriNmnc, 41, 49.5, -2, -28.0, 1037 50, ADCuencSts, 40, 12.25, -2, -8.63, 915 51, Bercial, 40, 54.42, -4, -26.1, 969 52, Roturas, 41, 40.09, -4, -7.02, 836 53, ADBrgsVllf, 42, 21.27, -3, -37.15, 894 54, ArandadeDr, 41, 40.36, -3, -41.28, 797 55, La Pinilla, 41, 12.46, -3, -28.27, 1550 56, Pntnlsngls, 40, 46.71, -4, -14.66, 1450 57, PnrnddBrcm, 40, 54.24, -5, -11.78, 850 58, ADVillcstn, 40, 47.03, -4, -27.77 59, LsnglsdSnR, 40, 46.61, -4, -24.15 60, Lerma, 42, 1.71, -3, -45.48, 840 61, VadlldlSrr, 40, 36.45, -5, -7.51, 1353 62, AD Ayllon, 41, 24.65, -3, -26.9, 1025 63, ADelSalbrl, 40, 36.37, -4, -47.75, 1080 64, Coca, 41, 13.17, -4, -31.25, 785 65, Hontanares, 41, 17.07, -3, -26.07, 1420 66, MedindlCmp, 41, 18.52, -4, -54.83, 720 67, PantanLnrs, 41, 31.63, -3, -32.7, 960 68, Pedraza, 41, 7.9, -3, -48.59, 1071 69, La Rasa, 41, 32.13, -3, -6.0, 920 70, Maranchon, 41, 2.93, -2, -12.35, 1254 71, La Canada, 40, 35.5, -4, -29.83 72, Bejar, 40, 23.29, -5, -45.97, 959 73, Benavente, 42, 0.17, -5, -40.72, 747 74, RiofriodRz, 41, 14.95, -3, -26.89, 1312 75, Riofriodvl, 40, 32.78, -4, -46.63 76, PntnCrddlP, 41, 53.03, -2, -42.28 77, Munana, 40, 35.44, -5, -5.49 78, Sotalbo, 40, 32.59, -4, -50.92, 1157 79, Encinillas, 41, 1.14, -4, -9.4, 949 80, PuertodMng, 40, 28.69, -5, -5.28 81, VllfrncdDr, 41, 26.05, -5, -17.91, 659 82, Sotalbos, 41, 2.01, -3, -57.1 83, MontjdTrms, 41, 22.18, -3, -11.91, 1155 84, SantaColom, 42, 22.11, -2, -39.29, 766 85, AntnsdltRy, 41, 10.0, -3, -3.5 86, CabzldlVll, 40, 11.71, -5, -48.31, 515 87, Barahona, 41, 17.78, -2, -39.37, 1137 88, PntnBrgmll, 41, 20.35, -3, -53.12, 900 89, PantanSrns, 40, 40.53, -4, -27.5, 1270 90, La Torre, 40, 35.43, -4, -57.85, 1150 91, Turegano, 41, 9.44, -4, -0.34, 935 92, Cantimpals, 41, 4.55, -4, -9.47, 906 93, Navalilla, 41, 20.51, -3, -55.86, 902 94, AD laCerra, 42, 31.28, -4, -51.4 95, Solosancho, 40, 33.32, -4, -54.29, 1119 96, Vadocondes, 41, 38.45, -3, -34.27, 817 97, Madriguera, 41, 18.83, -3, -19.67, 805 98, Navafria, 41, 3.49, -3, -49.39, 1194 99, HrrdndPnrs, 40, 33.99, -4, -33.53, 925 100, Cardenosa, 40, 44.61, -4, -44.54, 1100 101, Tremedal, 40, 20.77, -5, -36.6 102, Sigueenza, 41, 4.17, -2, -38.41, 1005 103, Abades, 40, 55.05, -4, -15.99, 971 104, Zamora, 41, 30.02, -5, -45.21, 649 105, SnLrnzdls, 40, 35.62, -4, -8.63, 1032 106, Fuentedun, 41, 26.98, -3, -58.43 107, Pedro, 40, 19.0, -3, -11.33 108, GradodlPc, 41, 18.17, -3, -14.67 109, BlasoSnch, 40, 50.37, -4, -37.3 110, LaBldlMnd, 40, 47.15, -3, -58.85 111, Pntnlspnr, 40, 47.33, -4, -6.0 112, SntDmngdl, 40, 48.81, -4, -37.9, 924 113, Milagros, 41, 34.59, -3, -41.79, 848 114, ADlTtrCsv, 40, 14.63, -4, -47.67 115, ADelCasar, 40, 44.15, -3, -25.53 116, ADCamrnll, 40, 1.22, -4, -4.38 117, ADMdrdBrj, 40, 28.4, -3, -33.57 118, ADMdrdCtr, 40, 22.32, -3, -46.95 119, ADMdrdGtf, 40, 17.72, -3, -43.35 120, ADClmnrVj, 40, 41.47, -3, -45.51 121, ADTrrjndr, 40, 29.28, -3, -27.42, 665 122, ADVllnvdl, 40, 34.07, -3, -59.47, 744 123, ADLgrngnc, 40, 27.15, -2, -19.15 124, Burgos, 42, 20.53, -3, -42.17, 929 125, Avila, 40, 39.42, -4, -41.78, 1131 126, Roa, 41, 41.9, -3, -55.59, 820 127, OlmedlldR, 41, 47.08, -3, -55.94, 840 128, Villafrul, 41, 55.18, -3, -54.68, 896 129, Valladold, 41, 39.21, -4, -43.32, 698 130, Palencia, 42, 0.54, -4, -32.0, 734 131, Segovia, 40, 57.06, -4, -7.43, 1002 132, AD Loring, 40, 39.93, -3, -36.13 133, ADVldtrrs, 40, 43.43, -3, -29.63 134, PantanoSe, 40, 41.0, -4, -29.0, 1270 135, TrrSrrstr, 40, 15.75, -8, -28.0 136, Bocegulls, 41, 20.29, -3, -38.22, 952 137, Aranjuez, 40, 2.08, -3, -36.09, 489 138, Escalona, 40, 10.02, -4, -24.02, 459 139, Arcones, 41, 7.18, -3, -43.38, 1153 140, Pradena, 41, 8.4, -3, -41.23, 1124 141, Cerezdrrb, 41, 14.28, -3, -33.41, 1129 142, Gallegos, 41, 4.54, -3, -47.08, 1241 143, Trrcbllrs, 40, 59.65, -4, -1.4, 1152 144, Aldealpoz, 41, 46.96, -2, -12.32, 1050 145, Munogalnd, 40, 36.3, -4, -54.0, 1128 146, ADGallegs, 41, 4.25, -3, -45.83 147, PalacdRfr, 40, 52.52, -4, -8.98, 1000 148, LaCrzdHrr, 40, 42.82, -4, -28.58 149, El Muyo, 41, 16.75, -4, -11.3 150, Alcazar, 41, 21.83, -4, -41.5 151, Arones, 41, 6.5, -3, -43.17 152, ELBurgdsm, 41, 35.42, -3, -1.55 153, Buitrago, 40, 59.0, -3, -39.18 154, Cantaloja, 41, 13.72, -3, -16.17 155, Cerezo, 41, 14.1, -3, -32.62 156, FactorDyc, 40, 55.52, -4, -4.38 157, Ftcambr, 41, 30.05, -3, -18.33 158, Galvdso, 41, 13.23, -3, -10.57 159, Hienden, 41, 6.13, -2, -59.32 160, Larasa, 41, 30.92, -3, -5.57 161, Navalpe, 40, 35.18, -4, -24.9 162, Piedrah, 40, 28.83, -5, -21.6 163, Prdena, 41, 9.63, -3, -41.22 164, Recuerd, 41, 28.98, -3, -0.0 165, Riza, 41, 16.33, -3, -30.92 166, Santill, 40, 44.4, -3, -48.88 167, Torrecaba, 40, 59.67, -4, -0.65 168, Urraca, 40, 40.25, -4, -32.33 169, Tornavacs, 40, 15.33, -5, -41.23, 871 170, Aldeapozo, 41, 46.97, -2, -12.3 171, PrtdlPnNg, 40, 25.3, -5, -18.2 172, Siguero, 41, 10.68, -3, -36.22 173, ADAlcazrn, 41, 22.37, -4, -41.17 174, Becerril, 41, 17.67, -3, -21.5 175, ADCasrrbs, 40, 14.1, -4, -1.58 176, ADlCrrscl, 41, 49.48, -4, -53.58 177, ADLgdLlnr, 43, 25.78, -5, -51.4 178, ADMdrgljd, 42, 7.93, -3, -43.83 179, ADMtlldls, 41, 31.83, -4, -55.5 180, AD Rozas, 43, 7.02, -7, -28.22 181, ADTorozos, 41, 47.03, -4, -51.9 182, ADVllfrml, 43, 33.15, -7, -5.27 183, ADAlmorox, 40, 12.57, -4, -22.92