* NAM COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_L RW_S ICAO * * ============================================================================== * * Filename "freiburg.stx" created Sunday, 04 May 2008 at 01:13 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This is a 'beta' release to support the release of the NK ClearNav and is subject to change. * * The primary specification of the waypoint coordinates [degrees and decimal minutes] * was changed to degrees, minutes, and seconds * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5 $HOME Freiburg, Germany $CONTEST 34. Internationalen Freiburger Segelflugwoche $CONTRIBUTOR : Akademische Fliegergruppe Freiburg $CONTRIBUTOR_E-MAIL ifsw@akaflieg-freiburg.de $COUNTRY DE $ALTITUDE_UNIT Meters $MAGNETIC_VARIATION .7 $DECIMAL_SEPARATOR , $TIMEZONE_NAME MET $ALTITUDE_UNIT Meters $RW_L_UNIT Meters $CONTRIBUTION_DATE 30 April 2004 $LONGITUDE East $LATITUDE North * * ============================================================================== * * The next line defines the contents of columns. It MUST appear before the first waypoint line NAM COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_L RW_S ICAO * * Starting the waypoints * Achern 48 37 57 8 4 10 T 142 Albstadt 48 15 2 9 3 41 TA 890 G EDSA Altdorf 48 16 15 7 50 35 TA 202 G EDSW Baden-Baden Turm 48 45 55 8 16 54 T 496 Bad Mergentheim 49 29 32 9 46 38 T 226 Bartholomä Amalienhof 48 44 16 10 0 32 TA 637 G Belchen 47 49 15 7 50 13 T 1306 Belchentunnel 47 21 27 7 50 0 T 757 Berneck Schloß 48 36 30 8 37 5 T 563 Berneck TV 48 35 20 9 44 56 T 751 Beuron Kloster Kirche 48 3 6 8 58 11 T 670 Biberach 48 6 43 9 45 50 TA 583 A EDMB Biel BHF 47 7 35 7 14 48 T 435 Blauen 47 47 15 7 44 46 T 1067 Blaubeuren 48 25 13 9 47 54 TA 661 G EDMC Blumberg 47 50 45 8 34 0 TA 718 G EDSL Brandenkopf 48 20 23 8 9 20 T 826 Bretten BHF 49 2 16 8 41 39 T 181 Bruchsal S 49 7 39 8 36 12 T 136 Chasseral 47 8 6 7 3 34 T 1500 EDTF 118.250 48 1 3 7 50 35 HSFTA 245 118.250 A EDTF Elzach BHF 48 10 16 8 4 20 T 380 Ermingen S 48 23 29 9 53 51 T 626 Farrenberg 48 23 13 9 4 40 TA 763 G Feldberg 47 52 19 8 0 29 T 1400 Freudenstadt 48 27 48 8 24 45 T 734 Gammertingen 48 14 54 9 13 16 T 680 Geisingen 47 55 30 8 39 30 T 711 Gengenbach 48 24 35 8 0 30 T 181 Glems Spei 48 29 55 9 18 0 T 624 Gutach Bru 47 54 34 8 14 2 T 870 Harburg Ze 48 46 45 10 42 2 T 431 Hayingen 48 17 8 9 28 0 TA 698 G Herten 47 33 35 7 44 45 TA 279 G EDTR Hohenzollern Erg 48 19 27 8 58 10 T 679 Horb BAB 48 26 31 8 46 32 T 431 Hornbergbecken 47 39 40 7 57 30 T 977 Hornisgrinde 48 36 38 8 12 10 T 1081 Kaysersthul AP4 Kaiser 48 4 58 7 40 21 S 325 Karlsruhe 48 58 22 8 26 45 T 129 Klippeneck 48 6 26 8 45 20 TA 914 G Läufelfin 47 22 50 7 54 4 T 752 Langenbrand 48 48 32 8 37 32 TA 691 S Mainbullau 49 41 43 9 11 5 TA 436 A EDFU Mengen 48 3 17 9 22 26 TA 550 A EDTM Mergelstetten 48 39 0 10 9 50 T 488 Michelstadt 49 40 45 8 58 25 TA 320 A EDFO Mosbach-Lohrbach 49 24 2 9 7 28 TA 314 A EDGM Motiers 46 55 4 6 36 57 TA 757 G LSTO Mudau 49 33 40 9 10 46 T 507 Musbach 48 30 21 8 28 43 TA 693 G Neresheim 48 45 24 10 20 40 T 558 Oberkirch 48 31 52 8 4 47 T 195 Obermarchtal 48 14 15 9 34 50 T 532 Offenburg 48 26 54 7 55 27 TA 153 A EDTO Ottenhoefen 48 34 11 8 8 56 T 373 Pfullendorf 47 54 34 9 15 10 TA 689 G EDTP Plettenberg 48 13 6 8 48 53 T 886 Rauhe Wanne 48 46 7 10 30 29 T 558 Reiselfingen 47 51 7 8 22 3 TA 750 G Riedlingen 48 8 43 9 28 5 TA 528 G Rosskopf AP1 48 0 45 7 54 12 S 661 Rottweil 48 11 15 8 43 20 TA 726 A EDSZ Schluchsee 47 48 5 8 11 6 T 960 Schwann Connweil 48 50 18 8 32 29 TA 469 G Schwenningen 48 4 0 8 34 20 TA 670 A EDTS Sigmaringen 48 4 44 9 13 8 T 622 St. Peter AP2 Kloster 48 1 1 8 2 1 S 730 Staufen Bu 47 52 58 7 45 9 T 500 St Blasien 47 45 39 8 7 54 T 850 St. Croix 46 49 15 6 29 50 T 1096 St Georgen 48 7 29 8 20 34 T 850 Tannheim 48 0 42 10 6 7 TA 577 G EDMT Tuttlingen 47 58 52 8 48 0 T 670 Vallorbe 46 43 16 6 22 3 T 1214 Vue des Alpes 47 4 0 6 53 0 T 1176 Walldorf 49 16 55 8 37 17 T 105 Wasseralfingen 48 51 41 10 8 20 T 702 Weißenstein 47 15 13 7 30 48 T 1237 Wemding 48 52 38 10 43 36 T 480 Winzeln Schramberg 48 16 48 8 25 44 TA 680 A EDTW Zell im Wiesenthal 47 42 23 7 51 1 T 508 Zwiefalten 48 14 0 9 27 46 T 572