Site Freehold, New York [ Nutmeg Soaring Association ] Courtesy of Bill Kenyon Dated 24 May, 2003 Magnetic Variation 14W Time Zone Name US/Eastern File created on Monday, 26 May 2003 at 03:52 GMT The primary specification of the waypoint coordinates is degrees, minutes, and seconds UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees, expressed or implied. User assumes all risk of use. Name North/South Latitude [degrees] Latitude [minutes] Latitude [seconds] Latitude [decimal minutes] Latitude [decimal degrees] East/West Longitude [degrees] Longitude [minutes] Longitude [seconds] Longitude [decimal minutes] Longitude [decimal degrees] Elevation [F] Control P ID[3] ID[5] ID[6] ID[10] ID[12] State ICAO Identifier Freehold Airport N 42 21 51 21.85 42.3641667 W 74 3 57 3.95 -74.0658333 440 TAHSF FRH FRHLD FREHLD Freehold Freehold AP New York 1I5 Greenville-Rainbow Airport N 42 25 0 25 42.4166667 W 74 0 58 0.96667 -74.0161111 840 TA GRN GRNVL GRNVLL GrnvllRnbw GreenvllRnbw New York 1H4 Westerlo Airport N 42 31 20 31.33333 42.5222222 W 74 1 43 1.71667 -74.0286111 1400 TA WST WSTRL WESTRL Westerlo Westerlo AP New York 4B5 Heldeberg Airstrip N 42 36 40 36.66667 42.6111111 W 74 3 53 3.88333 -74.0647222 1237 TA HLD HLDBR HLDBRG HeldebergS Heldeberg AS New York NY81 Duanesburg N 42 45 30 45.5 42.7583333 W 74 7 58 7.96667 -74.1327778 710 TA DNS DNSBR DNSBRG Duanesburg Duanesburg New York 4B1 Hogan Airport N 42 46 53 46.88333 42.7813889 W 74 19 32 19.53333 -74.3255556 1260 TA HGN HOGAN HOGAN Hogan AP Hogan AP New York 51B Sharon Airport N 42 46 42 46.7 42.7783333 W 74 34 40 34.66667 -74.5777778 1508 TA SHR SHARN SHARON Sharon AP Sharon AP New York K31 Rensselaer County N 42 41 27 41.45 42.6908333 W 73 34 46 34.76667 -73.5794444 440 TA RNS RNSSL RNSSLR RnsslrCnty RensselrCnty New York 5B7 Waxwing Airport N 42 30 45 30.75 42.5125 W 74 6 53 6.88333 -74.1147222 1680 TA WXW WXWNG WAXWNG Waxwing AP Waxwing AP New York NY86 South Albany N 42 34 0 34 42.5666667 W 73 49 58 49.96667 -73.8327778 190 TA SLB SLBNY SALBNY S Albany South Albany New York 4B0 Hunter Mt Airport N 42 14 3 14.05 42.2341667 W 74 14 16 14.26667 -74.2377778 2000 TA HNT HNTRM HNTRMT Hunter Mt Hunter Mt AP New York 97NY Maben Airport N 42 16 20 16.33333 42.2722222 W 74 23 39 23.65 -74.3941667 1800 TA MBN MABEN MABEN Maben AP Maben AP New York N00 Grace's Landing Airport N 42 20 17 20.28333 42.3380556 W 74 44 57 44.95 -74.7491667 1500 TA GRC GRCSL GRCSLN GracsLndng GracesLandng New York NY48 Columbia County N 42 17 29 17.48333 42.2913889 W 73 42 37 42.61667 -73.7102778 197 TA CLM CLMBC CLMBCN ColumbCnty ColumbiaCnty New York 1B1 Walton Airport N 42 9 28 9.46667 42.1577778 W 75 8 53 8.88333 -75.1480556 1200 TA WLT WALTN WALTON Walton AP Walton AP New York 2NK7 Kingston-Ulster Airport N 41 59 7 59.11667 41.9852778 W 73 57 51 57.85 -73.9641667 149 TA KNG KNGST KNGSTN Kngstnlstr Kingstonlstr New York N20 Strip in the Woods Airport N 42 0 59 0.98333 42.0163889 W 74 2 57 2.95 -74.0491667 500 TA INT INTHW INTHWD intheWoods in the Woods New York 18NY Resnick Airport N 41 43 40 43.66667 41.7277778 W 74 22 39 22.65 -74.3775 292 TA RSN RSNCK RESNCK Resnick AP Resnick AP New York N89 Oneonta N 42 31 29 31.48333 42.5247222 W 75 3 52 3.86667 -75.0644444 1764 TA ONN ONENT ONEONT Oneonta Oneonta New York N66 Wayne Delp Airport N 42 23 58 23.96667 42.3994444 W 73 51 58 51.96667 -73.8661111 800 TA WYN WYNDL WYNDLP Wayne Delp Wayne Delp New York 33NY Mohawk Valley Airpark N 42 52 5 52.08333 42.8680556 W 74 1 43 1.71667 -74.0286111 240 TA MHW MHWKV MHWKVL MohawkVlly MohawkValley New York K13 Alexander Farm N 42 34 50.3 34.83815 42.5806358 W 73 36 58.4 36.97363 -73.6162272 525 AP ALX ALXND ALXNDR AlexndrFrm AlexanderFrm New York NY82 Amsterdam N 42 57 45.3 57.75443 42.9625739 W 74 15 13.5 15.22458 -74.2537431 340 AP AMS AMSTR AMSTRD Amsterdam Amsterdam New York NY87 Athens Emergency Med-Evac N 42 17 2 17.03333 42.2838889 W 73 50 43 50.71667 -73.8452778 145 AP ATH ATHNS ATHNSM Athnsmrgnc AthnsmrgncyM New York 57NY B Flat Farm N 42 8 26 8.43333 42.1405556 W 73 36 43 36.71667 -73.6119444 800 AP BFL BFLTF BFLTFR B FlatFarm B Flat Farm New York 3NK8 Blue Heron N 42 41 50.3 41.83787 42.6972978 W 74 11 58.5 11.97445 -74.1995742 1200 AP BLH BLHRN BLUHRN Blue Heron Blue Heron New York NK93 Blueberry N 42 17 30 17.5 42.2916667 W 75 4 0 4 -75.0666667 2100 AP BLB BLBRR BLBRRY Blueberry Blueberry New York 7NK6 Boden N 41 50 48.3 50.80502 41.8467503 W 75 26 46.6 26.77747 -75.4462911 2120 AP BDN BODEN BODEN Boden Boden Pennsylvania 2PA4 Boss N 42 42 36.3 42.60452 42.7100753 W 74 13 25.5 13.42445 -74.2237408 1330 AP BSS BOSS BOSS Boss Boss New York NK83 Boyle's Landing N 42 48 58.3 48.97108 42.8161847 W 74 37 28.5 37.47517 -74.6245861 1300 AP BYL BYLSL BYLSLN BoylsLndng BoylesLandng New York NK91 C4C N 42 49 38.3 49.63778 42.8272964 W 74 24 14.5 24.2414 -74.4040233 1110 AP C4C C4C C4C C4C C4C New York 3NY0 Catskill Valley N 42 16 50.3 16.83852 42.2806419 W 73 57 10.5 57.17452 -73.9529086 190 AP CTS CTSKL CTSKLL CtskllVlly CatskillVlly New York 2NY0 Cross' Farm N 42 33 34.3 33.57148 42.5595247 W 73 46 19.4 46.32397 -73.7720661 55 AP CRS CRSSF CRSSFR Cross Farm Cross Farm New York 4NY4 De Ronda N 42 51 35.3 51.5877 42.859795 W 74 49 27.5 49.45895 -74.8243158 1650 AP DRN DERND DEROND De Ronda De Ronda New York 3NY3 Deer Run N 42 19 25.3 19.42177 42.3236961 W 73 52 23.5 52.391 -73.8731833 320 AP DRR DERRN DEERRN Deer Run Deer Run New York NY74 Di Stefano N 42 55 19.3 55.32102 42.9220169 W 74 37 36.5 37.60855 -74.6268092 500 AP DST DSTFN DISTFN Di Stefano Di Stefano New York 3NY4 Downsville N 42 3 30.3 3.50522 42.0584203 W 75 1 13.6 1.22655 -75.0204425 1087 AP DWN DWNSV DWNSVL Downsville Downsville New York NY78 Elliott Homestead N 42 14 30.3 14.50515 42.2417525 W 74 41 58.6 41.97603 -74.6996006 2000 AP ELL ELLTT ELLTTH EllttHmstd ElliottHmstd New York NY95 F&F N 42 27 0.3 27.00477 42.4500794 W 75 0 58.6 0.97637 -75.0162728 1110 AP FND FANDF FANDF FandF FandF New York NY25 Galway N 43 0 33.3 0.5545 43.0092417 W 74 5 28.5 5.47433 -74.0912389 950 AP GLW GALWY GALWAY Galway Galway New York NY37 Gar N 42 45 48.3 45.80448 42.7634081 W 74 16 42.5 16.70777 -74.2784628 640 AP GAR GAR GAR Gar Gar New York 7NY1 Gardiner N 41 40 0.3 40.0056 41.66676 W 74 8 58.5 8.97538 -74.1495897 340 AP GRD GRDNR GARDNR Gardiner Gardiner New York 5NY5 Grass Land Air N 42 2 20.3 2.33883 42.0389806 W 73 17 13.4 17.22357 -73.2870594 705 AP GRS GRSSL GRSSLN GrassLandr GrassLandAir Connecticut CT04 Hiawatha N 41 54 54.3 54.9051 41.915085 W 75 21 52 21.86667 -75.3644444 1670 AP HWT HIWTH HIAWTH Hiawatha Hiawatha Pennsylvania 4PA6 Hickory Acres N 42 53 0.3 53.00437 42.8834061 W 74 41 28.5 41.47533 -74.6912556 970 AP HCK HCKRY HCKRYC Hickorycrs HickoryAcres New York NY88 Hiserts N 42 59 0 59 42.9833333 W 74 31 0 31 -74.5166667 813 AP HSR HSRTS HISRTS Hiserts Hiserts New York 3NY7 Jerry Phibbs N 42 45 30.3 45.50462 42.7584103 W 73 55 28.4 55.47408 -73.9245681 340 AP JRR JRRYP JRRYPH JerryPhbbs Jerry Phibbs New York NK43 Klaverack N 42 15 44.3 15.73855 42.2623092 W 73 41 46.4 41.77398 -73.6962331 250 AP KLV KLVRC KLVRCK Klaverack Klaverack New York 04NY Knapp N 42 37 45 37.74967 42.6291611 W 74 49 15 49.24983 -74.8208306 1300 AP KNP KNAPP KNAPP Knapp Knapp New York 6NK0 Longwell N 43 0 3.3 0.05433 43.0009056 W 74 11 13.5 11.2245 -74.187075 800 AP LNG LNGWL LNGWLL Longwell Longwell New York 4NK8 Mason Airway N 42 19 29.3 19.48832 42.3248053 W 74 59 10.6 59.1764 -74.9862733 2170 AP MSN MSNRW MSNRWY MasonAirwy Mason Airway New York 9NY6 Meerwarth N 42 57 2 57.03333 42.9505556 W 73 20 5 20.08333 -73.3347222 640 AP MRW MRWRT MRWRTH Meerwarth Meerwarth New York 6NK2 Moseleys N 42 54 20.3 54.338 42.9056333 W 73 25 43.4 25.72343 -73.4287239 540 AP MSL MSLYS MOSLYS Moseleys Moseleys New York NY67 Mountain Top N 42 29 14.3 29.23798 42.4872997 W 74 46 48.6 46.80925 -74.7801542 1960 AP MTN MTNTP MTNTOP Mtn Top Mountain Top New York NY02 Nellis N 42 57 30.3 57.50432 42.9584053 W 74 40 43.5 40.72533 -74.6787556 700 AP NLL NELLS NELLIS Nellis Nellis New York NY20 North Canaan N 42 2 43.3 2.72218 42.0453697 W 73 20 19.4 20.32365 -73.3387275 658 AP NCN NCANN NCANAN N Canaan North Canaan Connecticut CT24 O'Riley N 42 58 32.3 58.53763 42.9756272 W 74 43 47.5 43.7921 -74.7298683 700 AP ORL ORILY ORILEY ORiley ORiley New York NY71 Old Rhinebeck N 41 58 17.3 58.28885 41.9714808 W 73 51 46.5 51.77465 -73.8629108 323 AP OLD OLDRH OLDRHN OldRhinbck OldRhinebeck New York NY94 Orson N 41 50 32.3 50.53837 41.8423061 W 75 26 10.6 26.17745 -75.4362908 2100 AP ORS ORSON ORSON Orson Orson Pennsylvania 7PA4 Piolis Brookside N 41 51 55.3 51.92223 41.8653706 W 74 19 58.5 19.9757 -74.3329283 1060 AP PLS PLSBR PLSBRK PiolsBrksd PiolisBroksd New York 6NY7 Rocky Reef Farm N 41 55 15.3 55.2555 41.920925 W 73 40 13.4 40.22417 -73.6704028 450 AP RCK RCKYR RCKYRF RockyRfFrm RockyReefFrm New York 0NK8 Roxbury Runway N 42 17 50.3 17.8384 42.2973067 W 74 32 53.5 32.89243 -74.5482072 1600 AP RXB RXBRY RXBRYR Roxbury RW Roxbury RW New York 1NK0 Russell N 42 52 12.3 52.20442 42.8700736 W 74 29 57.5 29.95827 -74.4993044 700 AP RSS RSSLL RUSSLL Russell Russell New York NY51 S.O.P. N 42 5 46.3 5.77207 42.0962011 W 73 51 19.5 51.32452 -73.8554086 190 AP SOP SOP SOP SOP SOP New York NK06 Sandy Plains N 42 16 19 16.31667 42.2719444 W 73 56 5 56.08333 -73.9347222 200 AP SND SNDYP SNDYPL SandyPlans Sandy Plains New York 7NK3 Sha-Wan-Ga Valley N 41 34 17.3 34.28895 41.5714825 W 74 24 8.6 24.14265 -74.4023775 437 AP SHW SHWNG SHWNGV ShaWnGVlly ShaWanGaVlly New York 8NY7 Sheeley's Farm N 41 49 54.3 49.90557 41.8317594 W 74 7 47.5 7.79195 -74.1298658 260 AP SHL SHLYS SHLYSF SheelysFrm SheeleysFarm New York NK08 Sherwood Farm N 42 53 37.3 53.62132 42.8936886 W 73 30 28.4 30.47353 -73.5078922 530 AP SHE SHRWD SHRWDF SherwodFrm SherwoodFarm New York 7NY6 Six Ponds N 42 50 28.3 50.471 42.8411833 W 74 10 43.5 10.72433 -74.1787389 1125 AP SXP SXPND SXPNDS Six Ponds Six Ponds New York 3NY6 Skytop N 41 52 30.3 52.50528 41.8750881 W 74 58 48.6 58.80987 -74.9801644 2094 AP SKY SKYTP SKYTOP Skytop Skytop New York NY03 Snow N 42 57 24.3 57.40448 42.9567414 W 74 4 53.5 4.89102 -74.0815169 775 AP SNW SNOW SNOW Snow Snow New York NY58 Sunhillow N 42 49 13.3 49.22117 42.8203528 W 74 8 53.5 8.891 -74.1481833 1260 AP SNH SNHLL SNHLLW Sunhillow Sunhillow New York 8NY5 Tomahawk Hills N 42 23 59.3 23.98818 42.3998031 W 74 54 22.6 54.37622 -74.9062703 2380 AP TMH TMHWK TMHWKH TomhwkHlls TomahawkHlls New York 5NY1 Tomcat N 42 56 3.4 56.0559 42.934265 W 74 39 8.6 39.143 -74.6523833 460 AP TMC TOMCT TOMCAT Tomcat Tomcat New York 44NY Tri County Airways N 42 44 20.3 44.33763 42.7389606 W 75 18 0.6 18.01003 -75.3001672 1150 AP TRC TRCNT TRCNTY TrCntyrwys TriContyrwys New York NY53 Valley View N 42 38 51.3 38.8545 42.647575 W 74 23 14.5 23.2415 -74.3873583 1160 AP VLL VLLYV VLLYVW ValleyView Valley View New York 7NK0 Wandervogel N 42 43 5.3 43.08787 42.7181311 W 74 9 48.5 9.8077 -74.1634617 1260 ATPD WND WNDRV WNDRVG Wandervogl Wandervogel New York NY77 Watercolor N 42 47 5 47.08333 42.7847222 W 74 48 9 48.15 -74.8025 1993 AP WTR WTRCL WTRCLR Watercolor Watercolor New York 43NY Wenskoski N 42 59 50.3 59.83777 42.9972961 W 74 14 43.5 14.7246 -74.24541 800 AP WNS WNSKS WNSKSK Wenskoski Wenskoski New York 0NY8 West Township N 42 42 1.3 42.02122 42.7003536 W 74 9 18.5 9.30773 -74.1551289 1260 AP WTW WTWNS WTWNSH W Township W Township New York 6NY4 Westwind Farm N 42 59 0.3 59.0045 42.9834083 W 74 0 58.5 0.97427 -74.0162378 800 AP WES WSTWN WSTWND WestwndFrm WestwindFarm New York 0NK2 Airhaven N 41 49 57.3 49.95558 41.8325931 W 73 52 33.5 52.55807 -73.8759678 450 A ARH ARHVN AIRHVN Airhaven Airhaven New York 09N Albany N 42 44 53.2 44.88717 42.7481194 W 73 48 10.7 48.17872 -73.8029786 285 A ALB ALBNY ALBANY Albany Albany New York ALB Burrello-Mechanicville N 42 53 35.3 53.58795 42.8931325 W 73 40 6.4 40.10707 -73.6684511 195 A BRR BRRLL BRRLLM BrrllMchnc BrrllMchncvl New York K27 Cooperstown-Westville N 42 37 45.3 37.75455 42.6292425 W 74 53 27.6 53.45927 -74.8909878 1260 A CPR CPRST CPRSTW CprstwnWst CprstwnWstvl New York K23 Fulton County N 42 59 53.6 59.89273 42.9982122 W 74 19 46.4 19.77307 -74.3295511 881 A FLT FLTNC FLTNCN FultonCnty FultonCounty New York NY0 Great Barrington N 42 11 3.2 11.05285 42.1842142 W 73 24 11.7 24.19443 -73.4032406 739 A GRT GRTBR GRTBRR GrtBrrngtn GreatBrrngtn Massachusetts GBR Green Acres N 42 8 55.3 8.922 42.1487 W 73 45 3.5 45.05757 -73.7509594 295 A GRE GRNCR GRNCRS GreenAcres Green Acres New York 1A1 Kline Kill N 42 21 0.3 21.0051 42.350085 W 73 38 13.4 38.22378 -73.6370631 380 A KLN KLNKL KLNKLL Kline Kill Kline Kill New York NY1 Knox N 42 43 46.3 43.7712 42.72952 W 74 9 50.5 9.84102 -74.1640169 1130 A KNX KNOX KNOX Knox Knox New York N65 Monticello N 41 37 20.2 37.33617 41.6222694 W 74 42 5.5 42.091 -74.7015167 1545 A MNT MNTCL MNTCLL Monticello Monticello New York N37 Pittsfield N 42 25 36.6 25.6108 42.4268467 W 73 17 34.5 17.57568 -73.2929281 1194 A PTT PTTSF PTTSFL Pittsfield Pittsfield Massachusetts PSF Round Lake Airport N 42 55 45.3 55.75457 42.9292428 W 73 46 13.4 46.22387 -73.7703978 175 A RND RNDLK RONDLK Round Lk Round Lk AP New York W57 Schenectady County N 42 51 8.8 51.14733 42.8524556 W 73 55 43.9 55.73205 -73.9288675 378 A SCH SCHNC SCHNCT SchnctdyCn SchnctdyCnty New York SCH Sidney N 42 18 9.3 18.1548 42.30258 W 75 24 57.4 24.95738 -75.4159564 1027 A SDN SIDNY SIDNEY Sidney Sidney New York N23 Sky Park N 41 59 4.5 59.075 41.9845833 W 73 50 9.5 50.15793 -73.8359656 323 A SKP SKYPR SKYPRK Sky Park Sky Park New York 46N Sullivan County N 41 42 5.9 42.09895 41.7016492 W 74 47 42 47.70083 -74.7950139 1403 A SLL SLLVN SLLVNC SullvnCnty SullivanCnty New York MSV White Birch N 42 3 0.3 3.00512 42.0500853 W 75 18 3.6 18.06037 -75.3010061 1860 A WHT WHTBR WHTBRC WhiteBirch White Birch New York 4N8 William H. Morse N 42 53 28.8 53.47995 42.8913325 W 73 14 47.1 14.78445 -73.2464075 826 A WLL WLLMH WLLMHM WillimHMrs WilliamHMors Vermont DDH Wurtsboro-Sullivan County N 41 35 49.9 35.83227 41.5972044 W 74 27 30.3 27.50443 -74.4584072 560 A WRT WRTSB WRTSBR WrtsbrSllv WrtsbrSllvnC New York N82