;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Franconia, New Hampshire + ; + ; Airfields formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Evan Ludeman + ; + ; Generated Tuesday, 03 September 2013 at 01:01 GMT + ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Argyle NY" "N4315.250" "W07328.250" "Ass Pirin Acres" "N4404.117" "W07322.400" "Auburn/Lewiston" "N4402.900" "W07017.017" "Augusta" "N4419.233" "W06947.833" "Axinn" "N4402.700" "W07311.367" "Back Acres" "N4324.733" "W07026.800" "Beech Hill" "N4440.000" "W06953.633" "Beekmanton VT" "N4445.750" "W07333.550" "Bennetts" "N4341.717" "W07358.750" "Bethel Rgnl" "N4425.517" "W07048.600" "Biddeford" "N4327.850" "W07028.350" "Bob Mar" "N4435.950" "W06937.433" "Bowman Field" "N4424.600" "W07008.767" "Boylan State" "N4447.400" "W07149.633" "Brandon" "N4354.067" "W07234.967" "Brookline NH" "N4244.500" "W07142.450" "Brunswick NAS" "N4353.533" "W06956.317" "Burlington" "N4428.317" "W07309.200" "Buzzys" "N4336.500" "W07058.083" "Carriers" "N4406.667" "W07226.633" "Central Maine" "N4442.933" "W06951.983" "Chapin" "N4303.000" "W07321.967" "Chickville" "N4344.000" "W07109.067" "Claremont" "N4322.233" "W07222.117" "Cliffords" "N4404.133" "W07003.867" "Cole Farm" "N4255.700" "W07058.383" "Comerford" "N4302.000" "W07225.783" "Concord" "N4312.167" "W07130.133" "Cooper Farm" "N4316.817" "W07127.400" "Country Club" "N4304.033" "W07136.667" "Dyers Landing" "N4355.067" "W07051.267" "Eagle Field" "N4348.917" "W07013.750" "Eagles Nest" "N4324.283" "W07157.017" "Errol" "N4447.550" "W07109.850" "Farr Field" "N4346.717" "W07000.783" "Franklin County" "N4456.417" "W07305.850" "Fryeburg" "N4359.467" "W07056.867" "Gadabout Gaddis" "N4502.417" "W06952.133" "Gardner" "N4233.000" "W07200.967" "Garnseys" "N4304.050" "W07334.967" "Gifford" "N4453.300" "W07130.433" "Glenns Falls" "N4320.467" "W07336.617" "Goddard" "N4248.583" "W07108.350" "Goosefair" "N4324.333" "W07025.933" "Granville" "N4325.500" "W07315.717" "Greenfield Hill" "N4502.250" "W06928.750" "Greenwoods" "N4500.550" "W07314.800" "Grignons" "N4448.583" "W06928.383" "Hampton" "N4257.750" "W07049.717" "Heaton" "N4258.083" "W07110.867" "Heber" "N4311.000" "W07337.983" "Hilltop" "N4431.000" "W07013.333" "Holloway" "N4318.000" "W07242.800" "Huff Memorial" "N4257.633" "W07139.200" "Hulett" "N4319.800" "W07314.550" "Intervale" "N4310.500" "W07147.233" "Jaffrey" "N4248.300" "W07200.183" "Keene NH" "N4253.900" "W07216.250" "Keene NY" "N4413.250" "W07347.467" "Laconia" "N4334.383" "W07125.067" "Leavitt" "N4358.350" "W07110.183" "Lightning Bolt" "N4424.067" "W07215.817" "Limington" "N4345.783" "W07040.350" "Lindbergh" "N4448.850" "W07020.717" "Littlebrook" "N4308.583" "W07046.333" "Locke Lake" "N4323.200" "W07114.000" "Mad River" "N4413.583" "W07247.717" "Manchester" "N4255.967" "W07126.150" "Manning" "N4358.883" "W07323.133" "Maple Ridge" "N4405.050" "W07037.633" "Margerison" "N4357.233" "W07008.483" "Maules Roost" "N4405.300" "W07258.933" "Meadow" "N4426.833" "W07254.883" "Meadowbrook" "N4251.600" "W07059.800" "Melrose Springs" "N4356.700" "W07319.017" "Merrymeeting" "N4400.000" "W06953.233" "Middlebury" "N4359.083" "W07305.750" "Moore" "N4338.667" "W07205.217" "Moultonboro" "N4346.100" "W07123.200" "Mount Snow" "N4255.633" "W07251.933" "Mountain View" "N4339.000" "W07108.967" "Murphy Sherwood" "N4310.767" "W07108.217" "Nashua" "N4246.900" "W07130.883" "Newfound Valley" "N4335.517" "W07145.083" "Newport NH" "N4323.283" "W07211.350" "Newton" "N4537.967" "W07014.933" "Northwood" "N4312.450" "W07113.267" "Old Acton" "N4332.233" "W07055.767" "Onyon" "N4301.150" "W07239.167" "Oxford County" "N4409.450" "W07028.883" "Pawlett Mach" "N4322.000" "W07308.883" "Payne Field" "N4451.267" "W06927.383" "Pelham Steck" "N4244.833" "W07122.150" "Pepperell" "N4241.767" "W07132.983" "Perras" "N4431.600" "W07234.883" "Perrotti" "N4320.450" "W07051.283" "Pilgrims Home" "N4259.417" "W07224.100" "Pittsfield ME" "N4446.117" "W06922.467" "Plum Island" "N4247.717" "W07050.367" "Portland" "N4338.767" "W07018.550" "Portsmouth" "N4304.683" "W07049.400" "Propwash" "N4255.017" "W07056.117" "Rangeley" "N4459.517" "W07039.883" "Robinson" "N4410.417" "W06925.717" "Rutland" "N4331.800" "W07256.983" "Sanford" "N4323.633" "W07042.483" "Santas" "N4300.267" "W07228.417" "Schroon Lake" "N4351.750" "W07344.567" "Shaw Meadow" "N4438.600" "W07311.250" "Shelburne" "N4421.633" "W07314.500" "Shirley" "N4231.633" "W07139.867" "Skydive Lebanon" "N4322.500" "W07055.750" "Skyhaven" "N4317.050" "W07055.750" "Slip Knot" "N4349.333" "W07026.567" "Smith" "N4322.133" "W07240.450" "Spencer VT" "N4406.817" "W07317.417" "Staton" "N4407.050" "W07322.717" "Sunny Hill" "N4428.100" "W06949.067" "Super Cub" "N4340.083" "W07021.783" "Swans Field" "N4430.850" "W07024.417" "Taylor" "N4436.450" "W07228.817" "Teal Farm" "N4416.950" "W07256.233" "Thomas" "N4439.617" "W07035.283" "Tib Field" "N4406.350" "W07057.367" "Ticonderoga" "N4352.633" "W07324.783" "Turners Falls" "N4235.483" "W07231.367" "Twin Eagles" "N4358.017" "W07036.067" "Twitchell" "N4411.333" "W07013.967" "Underhill" "N4430.950" "W07257.200" "Waterville" "N4432.000" "W06940.533" "Webster Field" "N4340.500" "W07029.733" "Wentworth" "N4352.400" "W07154.283" "West Burke" "N4436.783" "W07158.850" "Windsock Village" "N4349.833" "W07111.217" "Windswept" "N4307.817" "W07200.900" "Winterwood" "N4258.700" "W07100.567" "Wiscasset" "N4357.683" "W06942.750" "Zim" "N4243.600" "W07143.050"