;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Ferrara, Italy + ; + ;Coppa Citta di Ferrara, Campionato Italiano Classe Unica, Campionato Italiano Classe 10 Metri, Campionato Italiano Classe Club, Gara di Promozione, 2022+ ; + ; User Specified Waypoints formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Luigi Croce + ; + ; Generated Saturday, 30 April 2022 at 17:38 GMT + ; + ; This file uses , as the decimal point in latitude and longitude 1 ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Chiesuol del Fosso" "CHSLDL" "_" "N4448,200" "E01134,533" "FerraraEsagonoClubHous" "FRRRSG" "_" "N4448,450" "E01136,717" "Ferrara Ippodromo" "FRRRPP" "_" "N4449,617" "E01136,800" "Ferrara PiazzaAriostea" "FRRRPZ" "_" "N4450,483" "E01137,600" "Ferrara Quadrifoglio" "FRRRQD" "_" "N4447,700" "E01138,300" "Ferrara Trag 1" "FRRRTR" "_" "N4448,667" "E01135,583" "Ferrara Trag 2" "FERRAR" "_" "N4448,800" "E01136,417" "Ferrara Est" "FRRRST" "_" "N4448,700" "E01137,117" "Ferrara Ovest" "FRRRVS" "_" "N4448,800" "E01136,517" "Coronella" "CORNLL" "_" "N4448,217" "E01131,567" "Aguscello" "AGSCLL" "_" "N4447,383" "E01140,167" "Albaredo dAdige" "ALBRDD" "_" "N4519,133" "E01116,467" "Ambrogio" "AMBROG" "_" "N4454,750" "E01154,633" "Arzignano" "ARZGNN" "_" "N4531,500" "E01120,000" "Badia Polesine" "BDPLSN" "_" "N4506,000" "E01129,500" "Bondeno" "BONDEN" "_" "N4453,700" "E01124,233" "Brescello" "BRSCLL" "_" "N4452,583" "E01030,800" "Cadelbosco" "CDLBSC" "_" "N4445,500" "E01036,000" "Calcatonega" "CLCTNG" "_" "N4510,933" "E01138,500" "Carpi" "CARPI" "_" "N4446,983" "E01052,717" "Castagnaro" "CSTGNR" "_" "N4507,150" "E01124,367" "Castelnuovo Bariano" "CSTLNV" "_" "N4501,367" "E01118,083" "Castelnuovo de Sotto" "CASTEL" "_" "N4448,983" "E01033,783" "Codigoro" "CODIGR" "_" "N4449,850" "E01206,333" "Cologna" "COLOGN" "_" "N4518,533" "E01123,133" "Copparo" "COPPAR" "_" "N4453,433" "E01149,100" "Correggio" "CORRGG" "_" "N4446,267" "E01046,750" "Este" "ESTE" "_" "N4513,800" "E01139,483" "Fiesso Umbertiano" "FSSMBR" "_" "N4457,500" "E01136,000" "Finale Emilia" "FINLML" "_" "N4450,133" "E01117,500" "Francolino" "FRNCLN" "_" "N4453,833" "E01139,583" "Fratta Polesine" "FRTTPL" "_" "N4501,667" "E01138,133" "Gambulaga" "GAMBLG" "_" "N4444,700" "E01147,317" "Guastalla" "GUSTLL" "_" "N4455,267" "E01039,250" "Jolanda di Savoia" "JLNDDS" "_" "N4453,117" "E01158,633" "Legnago" "LEGNAG" "_" "N4512,050" "E01118,600" "Lonigo" "LONIGO" "_" "N4523,300" "E01123,100" "Massa Fiscaglia" "MSSFSC" "_" "N4447,000" "E01200,167" "Medolla" "MEDOLL" "_" "N4450,900" "E01104,300" "Medaglino" "MEDGLN" "_" "N4511,500" "E01131,000" "Merlara" "MERLAR" "_" "N4510,083" "E01126,500" "Minerbe" "MINERB" "_" "N4515,000" "E01119,000" "Mirandola" "MIRNDL" "_" "N4453,000" "E01104,000" "Moglia" "MOGLIA" "_" "N4456,000" "E01055,000" "Montagnana" "MNTGNN" "_" "N4513,383" "E01128,167" "Montagnana E" "MONTAG" "_" "N4515,000" "E01128,317" "Montagnana N" "MONTAN" "_" "N4517,317" "E01124,983" "Montagnana O" "MONTAA" "_" "N4515,000" "E01121,700" "Montagnana S" "MONTAS" "_" "N4512,683" "E01124,983" "Montebello Vicentino" "MNTBLL" "_" "N4527,300" "E01123,000" "Novellara" "NOVLLR" "_" "N4450,733" "E01043,850" "Noventa" "NOVENT" "_" "N4517,467" "E01132,417" "Novi di Modena" "NVDMDN" "_" "N4453,500" "E01054,000" "Ostiglia" "OSTIGL" "_" "N4503,333" "E01108,700" "Pilas" "PILAS" "_" "N4456,833" "E01117,283" "Poggio Rusco" "PGGRSC" "_" "N4459,000" "E01107,000" "Polese" "POLESE" "_" "N4457,550" "E01144,167" "Pomposa" "POMPOS" "_" "N4449,733" "E01210,717" "Ponso" "PONSO" "_" "N4511,567" "E01135,183" "Portomaggiore" "PRTMGG" "_" "N4441,500" "E01148,417" "Poviglio" "POVIGL" "_" "N4450,500" "E01032,000" "Pratofontana" "PRTFNT" "_" "N4443,967" "E01039,783" "Quistello" "QUSTLL" "_" "N4500,433" "E01059,200" "Reggiolo" "REGGIL" "_" "N4455,117" "E01048,267" "San Bonifacio" "SNBNFC" "_" "N4523,867" "E01117,733" "San Felice sul Panaro" "SNFLCS" "_" "N4451,000" "E01109,000" "Sardagnola" "SRDGNL" "_" "N4504,383" "E01120,200" "Serravalle" "SRRVLL" "_" "N4457,767" "E01202,333" "Soave" "SOAVE" "_" "N4525,067" "E01114,900" "Sossano" "SOSSAN" "_" "N4521,500" "E01130,367" "Sovizzo" "SOVIZZ" "_" "N4531,650" "E01126,817" "Thiene" "THIENE" "_" "N4537,667" "E01129,583" "Torretta" "TORRTT" "_" "N4505,450" "E01117,333" "Trecenta" "TRECNT" "_" "N4502,000" "E01127,500" "Tregnago" "TREGNG" "_" "N4529,967" "E01111,217" "Treponti" "TREPNT" "_" "N4502,750" "E01135,000" "Tresigallo" "TRSGLL" "_" "N4449,067" "E01153,633" "Vigarano Pieve" "VGRNPV" "_" "N4451,833" "E01130,583" "Villa Fora" "VILLFR" "_" "N4506,200" "E01133,233" "Voghiera" "VOGHIR" "_" "N4445,833" "E01144,767" "Zimella" "ZIMELL" "_" "N4520,500" "E01122,500"