;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Falaise, France + ; + ; Sprint Falaisien, 2017 + ; + ; User Specified Waypoints formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Laurent Perez + ; + ; Generated Wednesday, 07 June 2017 at 02:26 GMT + ; + ; This file uses , as the decimal point in latitude and longitude 1 ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Falaise" "FALAIS" "LFAS" "N4855,633" "W00008,733" "Ablis" "ABLIS" "Pont N10/A11" "N4831,450" "E00149,983" "Alencon Valframbert" "ALNCNV" "Centre piste en dur" "N4826,850" "E00006,550" "Amboise Dierre" "AMBSDR" "_" "N4720,550" "E00056,633" "Amboise Pagode" "AMBSPG" "_" "N4723,467" "E00058,267" "Andouille le Ter" "ANDLLL" "_" "N4810,617" "W00050,983" "Anet" "ANET" "Chateau" "N4851,550" "E00126,283" "Angers Avrille" "ANGRSV" "_" "N4729,950" "W00034,533" "Angers Marce" "ANGRSM" "Intersection Taxiway-Piste" "N4733,617" "W00018,733" "Angerville" "ANGRVL" "Gare SNCF" "N4818,667" "E00200,117" "Argent/Sauldre" "ARGNTS" "_" "N4733,717" "E00226,467" "Argentan" "ARGNTN" "Hangar" "N4842,567" "W00000,117" "Aron les Ecottay" "ARNLSC" "_" "N4817,000" "W00030,950" "Aubigny/Nere" "ABGNNR" "LFEH" "N4728,817" "E00223,617" "Authon" "AUTHON" "_" "N4739,983" "E00052,000" "Auxerre Branches" "AXRRBR" "_" "N4750,717" "E00329,867" "Avord" "AVORD" "LFOA" "N4703,400" "E00238,317" "Avranches" "AVRNCH" "LFRW" "N4839,700" "W00124,317" "Aze Vendom" "AZVNDM" "_" "N4750,083" "E00100,400" "Bagnoles de lOrme" "BGNLSD" "Hangar" "N4832,750" "W00023,100" "Bailleau Armenonville" "BLLRMN" "Intersection pistes" "N4831,000" "E00138,433" "Bauge" "BAUGE" "Gare SNCF" "N4731,850" "W00006,333" "Bauge Pontigne" "BGPNTG" "_" "N4734,200" "W00004,117" "Bazoches les Bray" "BZCHSL" "_" "N4823,900" "E00311,167" "Beaugency" "BEAGNC" "_" "N4746,667" "E00137,600" "Beaumont sur Sarthe" "BMNTSR" "_" "N4813,567" "E00007,700" "Beaune la Rolande" "BNLRLN" "_" "N4804,383" "E00225,483" "Beausoleil" "BEASLL" "_" "N4746,667" "W00033,083" "Bernay St Martin" "BRNSTM" "LFPD" "N4906,167" "E00033,950" "Blois" "BLOIS" "Vieux pont sud" "N4735,100" "E00120,367" "Blois le Breuil" "BLSLBR" "LFOQ" "N4740,967" "E00112,500" "Boisville" "BOSVLL" "_" "N4818,400" "E00142,900" "Bonnetable" "BNNTBL" "Gare SNCF" "N4810,383" "E00025,167" "Bonneval" "BONNVL" "Gare SNCF" "N4811,183" "E00123,150" "Bonneville la Louvet" "BNNVLL" "_" "N4915,817" "E00022,317" "Bonnieres/Seine" "BNNRSS" "Pont/Seine" "N4902,217" "E00134,467" "Bonny/Loire" "BONNLR" "_" "N4733,550" "E00250,417" "Bouchemaine" "BOCHMN" "Pont sur la Sarthe" "N4725,233" "W00036,383" "Bourges" "BOURGS" "_" "N4703,817" "E00222,233" "Breval" "BREVAL" "Gare SNCF" "N4856,600" "E00132,600" "Briare Chatillon" "BRRCHT" "_" "N4736,683" "E00247,000" "Bricy" "BRICY" "LFOJ" "N4759,267" "E00145,633" "Brou" "BROU" "Gare SNCF" "N4813,033" "E00109,733" "Buno Bonnevaux 01" "BNBNNV" "LFFB" "N4820,800" "E00225,383" "Buzancais" "BUZNCS" "_" "N4653,267" "E00125,200" "Caen Carpiquet" "CNCRPQ" "LFRK" "N4910,400" "W00027,000" "Cailletterie" "CLLTTR" "123,5" "N4810,133" "E00235,833" "Cande" "CANDE" "Centre ville" "N4733,800" "W00101,767" "Cernaym" "CERNAM" "_" "N4822,883" "E00112,750" "Chailley" "CHAILL" "_" "N4804,933" "E00342,167" "Chalonnes/Loire" "CHLNNS" "Pont ferroviaire/Loire" "N4721,750" "W00043,117" "Chambord" "CHMBRD" "_" "N4736,950" "E00131,050" "Channay/Lathan" "CHNNLT" "_" "N4727,683" "E00014,200" "Chapelle dAngilon" "CHPLLD" "_" "N4721,817" "E00226,517" "Chapelle la Reine" "CHPLLL" "_" "N4819,283" "E00233,933" "Chartres Chateau" "CHRTRS" "Cathedrale" "N4826,883" "E00129,267" "Chartres Champhols" "CHARTR" "Installations" "N4827,567" "E00131,383" "Chateau Gontier" "CHGNTR" "Centre ville" "N4750,000" "W00042,267" "Chateau la Valliere" "CHLVLL" "Gare SNCF" "N4733,083" "E00019,317" "Chateaubriant" "CHTBRN" "Chateau" "N4743,267" "W00122,100" "Chateaudun" "CHATDN" "LFOC" "N4803,467" "E00122,767" "Chateauneuf/Cher" "CHTNFC" "LFFU" "N4652,267" "E00222,617" "Chateauneuf/Loire" "CHTNFL" "_" "N4752,083" "E00213,633" "Chateauneuf/Thymerais" "CHTNFT" "Centre ville" "N4834,800" "E00114,583" "Chateaurenard" "CHTRNR" "_" "N4755,867" "E00255,350" "Chateauroux Deols" "CHTRXD" "LFLX" "N4651,617" "E00143,267" "Chateauroux Villers" "CHTRXV" "_" "N4650,483" "E00137,367" "Chatellerault Targe" "CHTLLR" "_" "N4646,800" "E00032,983" "Chatillon Coligny" "CHTLLN" "_" "N4749,267" "E00251,017" "Chauvigny du Perche" "CHVGND" "_" "N4756,950" "E00104,133" "Chauvigny" "CHAVGN" "_" "N4634,167" "E00038,517" "Chenonceaux" "CHNNCX" "_" "N4719,483" "E00104,283" "Cherence Mantes" "CHRNCM" "Croisee des pistes" "N4904,733" "E00141,383" "Cheroy" "CHEROY" "_" "N4812,200" "E00300,033" "Cheverny" "CHEVRN" "_" "N4730,067" "E00127,517" "Chinon" "CHINON" "_" "N4709,867" "E00014,333" "Cholet aero" "CHOLTR" "120,4" "N4704,917" "W00052,483" "Cloyes/Loir" "CLOSLR" "Gare SNCF" "N4759,533" "E00114,617" "Combree" "COMBRE" "Centre ville" "N4742,283" "W00101,767" "Commerveil" "CMMRVL" "_" "N4818,933" "E00021,300" "Conches" "CONCHS" "Gare SNCF" "N4857,767" "E00056,300" "Conde/Noireau" "CONDNR" "LFAN pas utilisable" "N4853,500" "W00030,150" "Contres" "CONTRS" "_" "N4725,033" "E00125,750" "Cosnes/Loire Aero" "CSNSLR" "_" "N4721,617" "E00255,367" "Cosnes/Loire Ville" "COSNES" "_" "N4724,700" "E00255,183" "Cosse le Vivienne" "CSSLVV" "_" "N4758,367" "W00055,133" "Courcite Flechig" "CRCTFL" "_" "N4817,400" "W00015,550" "Courson" "COURSN" "_" "N4736,867" "E00329,967" "Courtalain" "CORTLN" "Pointe de l'Y TGV" "N4804,783" "E00105,850" "Courtenay" "COURTN" "_" "N4802,233" "E00303,467" "Courville/Eure" "CRVLLR" "Gare SNCF" "N4827,100" "E00114,100" "Craon" "CRAON" "Centre ville" "N4751,300" "W00056,933" "Domfront" "DMFRNT" "centre ville" "N4835,583" "W00038,850" "Dordives" "DORDVS" "_" "N4809,383" "E00245,817" "Dormans" "DORMNS" "_" "N4904,433" "E00338,283" "Dragey" "DRAGEY" "_" "N4842,317" "W00129,650" "Dreux Gare" "DREXGR" "SNCF" "N4843,833" "E00122,250" "Dreux Senonc" "DRXSNN" "Military" "N4838,683" "E00105,950" "Dreux Vernouillet" "DRXVRN" "LFON" "N4842,383" "E00121,717" "Ecouis" "ECOUIS" "Centre Ville" "N4918,583" "E00125,950" "Ecrosnes" "ECRSNS" "_" "N4833,667" "E00143,817" "Epernay Gare" "EPRNGR" "_" "N4902,817" "E00357,567" "Epuisay" "EPUISA" "Carrefour Centre ville" "N4754,017" "E00055,833" "Etampes Montdesir" "ETMPSM" "LFOX" "N4822,867" "E00204,683" "Eu Mers le Treport" "EMRSLT" "LFAE" "N5004,150" "E00125,550" "Evreux Fauville" "EVRXFV" "LFOE" "N4901,717" "E00113,200" "Flers St Paul" "FLRSST" "LFOG" "N4845,133" "W00035,417" "Fontaine Simon" "FNTNSM" "_" "N4830,367" "E00059,467" "Fougeres/Bievre" "FGRSBV" "123,5" "N4727,467" "E00121,967" "Freteval" "FRETVL" "Gare SNCF" "N4753,500" "E00112,783" "Gace" "GACE" "Chateau" "N4847,750" "E00017,717" "Gaillon" "GAILLN" "Chateau centre ville" "N4909,750" "E00119,833" "Gault" "GAULT" "123,5" "N4813,150" "E00129,750" "Gien" "GIEN" "Pont" "N4741,283" "E00236,917" "Gisors" "GISORS" "Chateau centre ville" "N4916,867" "E00146,550" "Gournay" "GOURNA" "Gare SNCF" "N4928,867" "E00144,283" "Granville" "GRNVLL" "LFRF" "N4852,967" "W00133,833" "Guillandru" "GLLNDR" "_" "N4834,217" "E00116,600" "Houdan" "HOUDAN" "Stade" "N4847,233" "E00136,233" "Houville" "HOUVLL" "123,55" "N4827,183" "E00137,733" "Illiers Combray" "ILLRSC" "Gare SNCF" "N4818,250" "E00114,817" "Isdes" "ISDES" "_" "N4740,350" "E00215,317" "Issoudun le Fay" "ISSDNL" "119,75" "N4653,317" "E00202,467" "Joigny" "JOIGNY" "LFGK" "N4759,700" "E00323,517" "La Bazouge de Chemere" "LBZGDC" "_" "N4800,783" "W00029,633" "La Charite/Loire" "LCHRTL" "_" "N4710,567" "E00300,683" "La Chatre" "LACHTR" "_" "N4635,117" "E00159,800" "La Ferme des X" "LFRMDS" "_" "N4910,700" "E00059,783" "La Ferte Bernard" "LFRTBR" "Gare SNCF" "N4811,133" "E00038,400" "La Ferte Vidame" "LFRTVD" "Chateau" "N4836,083" "E00054,000" "La Ferte Mace" "LFRTMC" "eglise" "N4835,383" "W00021,383" "La Fleche" "LAFLCH" "LFAL" "N4741,567" "W00000,033" "La Gravelle" "LGRVLL" "Peage autoroute A81" "N4805,050" "W00101,367" "La Loupe" "LALOUP" "Gare SNCF" "N4828,483" "E00101,117" "La Motte Beuvron" "LMTTBV" "LFFM" "N4739,333" "E00159,267" "La Roche Posay" "LRCHPS" "_" "N4647,317" "E00049,000" "La Rogerie Mayenne" "LRGRMN" "123,5" "N4818,667" "W00032,067" "La Saussaye" "LASASS" "_" "N4824,733" "E00133,217" "La Guerche de Bretagne" "LGRCHD" "Centre ville" "N4756,517" "W00113,550" "LAigle St Michel" "LGLSTM" "Hangar" "N4845,550" "E00039,500" "Landean" "LANDEN" "_" "N4825,717" "W00109,567" "Laval Entrammes" "LVLNTR" "Aerogare" "N4801,750" "W00044,567" "Le Blanc" "LEBLNC" "LFEL" "N4637,217" "E00105,133" "Le Gault St Denis" "LGLTST" "_" "N4814,600" "E00129,067" "Le Lion dAngers" "LLNDNG" "Centre ville" "N4737,500" "W00041,767" "Le Lude" "LELUDE" "Gare SNCF" "N4738,467" "E00009,383" "Le Mans Arnage" "LMNSRN" "LFRM" "N4756,917" "E00012,100" "Le Merlerault" "LMRLRL" "Gare SNCF" "N4842,133" "E00017,000" "Le Mureaux" "LEMURX" "LFXU" "N4859,900" "E00156,567" "Le Neubourg" "LENBRG" "Centre ville" "N4908,933" "E00054,083" "Le Petit Bois Landry" "LPTTBS" "123,5" "N4823,617" "E00103,450" "Le Thuit" "LETHUT" "Chateau" "N4915,367" "E00121,733" "Lencloitre" "LNCLTR" "_" "N4649,217" "E00019,867" "Les Andelys" "LSNDLS" "Pont/Seine" "N4914,200" "E00123,967" "Les deux Lacs X" "LSDXLC" "_" "N4745,350" "W00039,017" "Lessay" "LESSAY" "LFOM" "N4912,183" "W00130,450" "Lethuin" "LETHUN" "_" "N4821,983" "E00152,033" "Levroux" "LEVROX" "_" "N4658,433" "E00136,833" "Ligny le Ribault" "LGNLRB" "_" "N4742,433" "E00146,550" "Ligueil" "LIGUEL" "_" "N4702,650" "E00049,183" "Loches" "LOCHES" "Chateau" "N4707,633" "E00100,283" "Loudun" "LOUDUN" "LFDL" "N4702,233" "E00006,083" "Loulappe" "LOULPP" "_" "N4826,300" "E00116,467" "Louroux" "LOUROX" "LFJT" "N4709,000" "E00042,767" "Louviers" "LOUVRS" "Gare SNCF" "N4912,950" "E00110,683" "Louville la Chenard" "LVLLLC" "_" "N4819,400" "E00147,150" "Luigny" "LUIGNY" "Echangeur A11" "N4813,967" "E00102,033" "Luplante" "LUPLNT" "_" "N4818,000" "E00123,950" "Maintenon Gare" "MNTNNG" "Gare SNCF" "N4835,083" "E00135,583" "Maintenon Ulm" "MNTNNL" "_" "N4835,517" "E00132,267" "Malesherbes" "MLSHRB" "_" "N4817,567" "E00224,117" "Mamers" "MAMERS" "centre ville" "N4821,017" "E00022,167" "Marchenoir" "MRCHNR" "Eglise" "N4749,383" "E00123,817" "Marigny le Chatel" "MRGNLC" "_" "N4824,200" "E00344,283" "Mayenne" "MAYENN" "Gare SNCF" "N4817,983" "W00036,600" "Menarse" "MENARS" "Chateau" "N4738,367" "E00124,683" "Meon" "MEON" "_" "N4729,050" "E00008,333" "Moisy" "MOISY" "Carrefour sud ville" "N4754,217" "E00118,600" "Mont Saint Michel" "MNTSTM" "Archange" "N4838,183" "W00130,667" "Montaille S Ilm" "MNTLLS" "_" "N4756,433" "E00041,183" "Montargis Vimory" "MNTRGS" "_" "N4757,383" "E00241,283" "Montoire/Loir" "MNTRLR" "Gare SNCF" "N4745,417" "E00052,217" "Montreuil Bellay" "MNTRLB" "_" "N4707,483" "W00008,783" "Montreuil Juigne" "MNTRLJ" "Gare SNCF" "N4731,433" "W00037,217" "Montrichard" "MNTRCH" "119,0" "N4720,133" "E00112,250" "Montsurs" "MNTSRS" "_" "N4807,267" "W00033,817" "Moret Episy" "MORTPS" "LFPU" "N4820,400" "E00247,783" "Mortagne au Perche" "MRTGNP" "LFAX" "N4832,350" "E00031,950" "Mortain" "MORTAN" "stade de foot" "N4838,617" "W00056,367" "Murs Erigne" "MRSRGN" "Echangeur N260/D748" "N4723,833" "W00030,650" "Neung/Beuvron" "NNGBVR" "_" "N4732,233" "E00148,083" "Neuvy/Barangeon" "NVBRNG" "_" "N4718,883" "E00215,350" "Nogent le Rotrou" "NGNTLR" "Gare SNCF" "N4819,550" "E00048,650" "Nonancourt" "NNNCRT" "Gare SNCF" "N4846,517" "E00111,500" "Nouans le Fuzelier" "NNSLFZ" "_" "N4732,067" "E00202,217" "Noyant" "NOYANT" "_" "N4730,233" "E00007,450" "Olle Pounce" "OLLPNC" "_" "N4821,850" "E00118,300" "Onzain" "ONZAIN" "Aerodrome prive" "N4731,467" "E00110,883" "Orleans Mezieres" "ORLNSM" "_" "N4748,800" "E00150,333" "Ouarville" "OURVLL" "_" "N4821,250" "E00146,400" "Pacy/Eure" "PACYER" "Gare SNCF" "N4900,850" "E00123,333" "Parigne lEveque" "PRGNLV" "Eglise" "N4756,367" "E00021,933" "Parthenay" "PARTHN" "_" "N4638,850" "W00014,217" "Peronville" "PRNVLL" "Gare SNCF" "N4803,600" "E00134,900" "Pervencheres" "PRVNCH" "_" "N4826,800" "E00024,267" "Piace" "PIACE" "_" "N4816,283" "E00006,767" "Pithiviers" "PTHVRS" "_" "N4809,417" "E00211,700" "Point Report Est" "PNTRPR" "_" "N4856,600" "W00005,000" "Point Report Ouest" "POINTR" "_" "N4853,617" "W00012,300" "Poitiers Biard" "PTRSBR" "_" "N4635,183" "E00018,683" "Pont de Ce" "PONTDC" "Pont N 260 sur la Loir" "N4725,267" "W00031,417" "Pont/Yonne" "PONTNN" "LFGO" "N4817,433" "E00315,050" "Pontlevoy" "PONTLV" "_" "N4723,167" "E00113,167" "Port de Piles" "PRTDPL" "_" "N4700,367" "E00036,033" "Pouance" "POUANC" "Milieu piste 11/29" "N4744,400" "W00111,400" "Putanges" "PUTNGS" "pont" "N4845,833" "W00014,667" "Romilly" "ROMILL" "123,5" "N4829,967" "E00345,700" "Romorantin Pruniers" "RMRNTN" "_" "N4718,917" "E00141,683" "Rouen Cathedrale" "RNCTHD" "_" "N4926,417" "E00105,817" "Rouen Boos" "ROUNBS" "Twr" "N4922,983" "E00110,783" "Sable/Sarthe" "SBLSRT" "Gare SNCF" "N4750,467" "W00020,467" "Saint Sulpice aero" "STSLPC" "_" "N4747,467" "W00138,283" "Saint Cyr la Campange" "STCRLC" "_" "N4915,167" "E00101,700" "Saintpierre Cheville" "SNTPRR" "_" "N4738,017" "E00027,133" "Salbris" "SALBRS" "_" "N4725,417" "E00202,917" "Santilly" "SANTLL" "_" "N4809,367" "E00151,183" "Sees" "SEES" "cathedrale" "N4836,317" "E00010,367" "Segre" "SEGRE" "Gare SNCF" "N4740,750" "W00051,933" "Senonches" "SNNCHS" "Chateau" "N4833,633" "E00102,250" "Sens" "SENS" "_" "N4812,500" "E00317,317" "Septeuil" "SEPTEL" "Centre ville" "N4853,533" "E00140,800" "Serifontaine" "SRFNTN" "Gare" "N4921,433" "E00145,817" "Sezanne St Remy" "SZNNST" "LFFZ" "N4842,667" "E00345,833" "Sille le Guillaume" "SLLLGL" "Chateau" "N4810,917" "W00006,983" "Soucelle" "SOUCLL" "123,5" "N4734,833" "W00024,717" "Souesmes" "SOUSMS" "_" "N4726,883" "E00212,667" "Soulaire" "SOULAR" "_" "N4733,933" "W00033,000" "St Andre de lEure Aero" "STNDRD" "Hangar" "N4853,517" "E00114,633" "St Andre delEureEglise" "STANDR" "Eglise" "N4854,367" "E00116,583" "St Calais" "STCALS" "Eglise" "N4755,283" "E00044,817" "St Lambert du Lattay" "STLMBR" "Eglise/N160 N Chemille" "N4718,100" "W00037,817" "St Sigismondm" "STSGSM" "_" "N4726,383" "W00056,183" "St Aignan" "STAGNN" "_" "N4716,167" "E00122,483" "St Benoit/Loire" "STBNTL" "123,55" "N4747,483" "E00220,167" "St Denis Orleans" "STDNSR" "_" "N4753,917" "E00209,817" "St Fargeau" "STFARG" "_" "N4738,300" "E00304,350" "St Florentin Cheu" "STFLRN" "LFGP" "N4758,850" "E00346,667" "Ste GauburgeSteColombe" "STGBRG" "Gare SNCF" "N4843,050" "E00025,783" "Sully/Loire" "SULLLR" "_" "N4746,200" "E00222,417" "Thiron Gardais" "THRNGR" "_" "N4818,600" "E00059,683" "Thivars" "THIVRS" "Echangeur A11" "N4821,783" "E00126,800" "Thouars" "THOURS" "_" "N4657,717" "W00009,433" "Thury Harcourt" "THRHRC" "place" "N4859,150" "W00028,700" "Tilly" "TILLY" "Chateau d'eau" "N4908,750" "E00132,317" "Toucy" "TOUCY" "_" "N4744,117" "E00317,617" "Tournon St Martin" "TRNNST" "_" "N4644,267" "E00057,533" "Tours Sorigny" "TRSSRG" "_" "N4715,883" "E00042,167" "Tours Val de Loire" "TRSVLD" "LFOT" "N4725,917" "E00043,383" "Toury" "TOURY" "_" "N4811,317" "E00155,667" "Troo" "TROO" "Aerodrome prive" "N4745,750" "E00044,017" "Trun" "TRUN" "centre ville" "N4850,617" "E00001,933" "Vaiges" "VAIGES" "Eglise" "N4802,550" "W00028,717" "Val de Reuil" "VALDRL" "_" "N4916,933" "E00113,883" "Vatan" "VATAN" "_" "N4704,483" "E00148,633" "Vendome" "VENDOM" "Gare SNCF" "N4748,067" "E00103,983" "Verneuil/Avre" "VRNLVR" "Gare SNCF" "N4844,500" "E00055,850" "Vesly le Noyers" "VSLLNR" "_" "N4915,567" "E00139,583" "Viabon Eglise" "VBNGLS" "_" "N4815,750" "E00131,417" "Viabon" "VIABON" "_" "N4812,983" "E00142,183" "Viabon Voves Mel" "VBNVVS" "123,45" "N4812,617" "E00140,433" "Vierzon Mereau" "VRZNMR" "_" "N4711,833" "E00204,000" "Villeneuve lArcheveque" "VLLNVL" "_" "N4814,267" "E00333,083" "Villeromain" "VLLRMN" "Rond point" "N4744,017" "E00108,550" "Vimont" "VIMONT" "_" "N4907,350" "W00012,000" "Vimoutiers" "VIMTRS" "centre ville" "N4855,700" "E00011,867" "Vitre" "VITRE" "Chateau" "N4807,617" "W00112,583" "Voulx" "VOULX" "_" "N4816,850" "E00258,150" "Vouzeron" "VOUZRN" "_" "N4715,133" "E00215,033" "Voves" "VOVES" "Gare SNCF" "N4816,467" "E00137,333"