++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Landing sites for Epinal, France + + + + Contributed by Michel Thomassey + + Contributed on 24 April, 2005 + + + + Formatted for the world-wide version of the software + + + + Last updated Thursday, 28 April 2005 at 03:05 GMT + + + + UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK + + + + Do not use for navigation, for flight verification only. + + + + Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct + + information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees, + + expressed or implied. + + User assumes all risk of use. + + + + Rename this file to LNDGSITE.DAT to use with your Glide Navigator. + +Delete all of the header lines in this box, down to and including the next one+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ EPN, EpnlDgnvl, 48, 12.72, 6, 26.92, 317 EPN, EpnlDgnvl, 48, 12.72, 6, 26.92, 317 CHM, Chaumouse, 48, 11.43, 6, 17.2, 325 RMR, Remiremnt, 48, 1.3, 6, 35.4, 380 EPI, EpnlMrcrt, 48, 19.5, 6, 4.0, 329 LPN, Lepange, 47, 55.3, 6, 38.0, 410 MNT, MntsrMrth, 48, 31.62, 6, 24.4, 293 RMN, Ramonchmp, 47, 53.35, 6, 43.3, 450 STD, StDieRmmx, 48, 16.03, 7, 0.48, 360 LNV, LnvllCrsm, 48, 35.68, 6, 32.57, 241 LTH, LeThillot, 47, 52.3, 6, 46.2, 495 AZL, Azelot, 48, 35.57, 6, 14.47, 293 MTZ, Metzeral, 48, 0.0, 7, 2.0, 500 PON, PntStVncn, 48, 36.08, 6, 3.43, 399 NAN, NancyEsse, 48, 41.53, 6, 13.57, 229 NFC, NefchtRcx, 48, 21.75, 5, 43.25, 372 NAC, NncMlzvll, 48, 43.47, 6, 12.43, 381 DMB, Damblain, 48, 5.17, 5, 39.83, 390 BLF, BelfrtChx, 47, 42.13, 6, 49.92, 418 VSL, Vesoul, 47, 38.42, 6, 11.88, 382 SRR, SrrbrgBhl, 48, 43.13, 7, 4.73, 265 PHL, Phalsborg, 48, 46.08, 7, 12.3, 311 MET, MtzNncLrr, 48, 58.7, 6, 14.8, 265 LNG, LngrsHngr, 47, 57.82, 5, 18.0, 421 MLH, MlhsHbshm, 47, 44.47, 7, 25.95, 241 GRS, Grostenqn, 49, 1.52, 6, 42.97, 280 SVR, Saverne, 48, 45.37, 7, 25.37, 192 SAR, SarreUnin, 48, 57.08, 7, 4.63, 256 CHA, ChmntLVnd, 48, 4.5, 5, 8.83, 358 JNV, JonvllMss, 48, 23.13, 5, 8.85, 311 MEZ, MetzFrsct, 49, 4.58, 6, 8.03, 189 STR, StrsbrgNh, 48, 33.27, 7, 46.65, 140 BSN, BesncnThs, 47, 16.48, 6, 5.02, 247 DNC, Doncourt, 49, 9.17, 5, 55.93, 244 SAE, Sarregmns, 49, 7.68, 7, 6.47, 259 BES, BesncnLVz, 47, 12.32, 6, 4.83, 388 BRL, Bar leDuc, 48, 52.1, 5, 11.12, 277 BIT, Bitche2, 49, 3.62, 7, 27.05, 305 JVN, Juvancort, 48, 6.73, 4, 49.03, 351 STI, St Dizier, 48, 38.02, 4, 54.48, 140 VRD, VrdnlRslr, 49, 7.33, 5, 28.25, 375 ETN, EtainRvrs, 49, 13.75, 5, 40.57, 235 THN, Thionvill, 49, 21.28, 6, 12.05, 159 VLL, Villerupt, 49, 24.68, 5, 53.4, 396 CHT, ChatllnSn, 47, 50.78, 4, 34.8, 277 DJN, DijonDars, 47, 23.22, 4, 56.85, 485 BRN, BrinnlCht, 48, 25.58, 4, 27.93, 116 DOL, Dole, 47, 2.57, 5, 26.1, 198 BRS, Bar/Seine, 48, 4.13, 4, 24.67, 287 CHL, Chalons, 48, 46.4, 4, 12.37, 180 SMR, Semurenxs, 47, 29.02, 4, 20.47, 320 BEN, Beaune, 47, 0.67, 4, 53.82, 198 TRS, Troyes, 48, 19.6, 4, 1.23, 119 CHO, ChlnChmpf, 46, 49.75, 4, 49.1, 189 STF, StFlrntnC, 47, 58.93, 3, 46.67, 107 RML, RomillySn, 48, 30.03, 3, 45.77, 82 RMS, Reims, 49, 12.52, 4, 9.4, 95