;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Epinal, France + ; + ; Championnat Lorraine 2005 + ; + ; User Specified Waypoints formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Michel Thomassey + ; + ; Generated Thursday, 28 April 2005 at 03:05 GMT + ; + ; This file uses , as the decimal point in latitude and longitude 1 ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Epinal Dogneville" "EPNLDG" "_" "N4812,717" "E00626,917" "Dinoze" "DINOZE" "Cimetière américain" "N4808,667" "E00629,783" "Lac de Bouzey" "LBOUZE" "_" "N4809,817" "E00621,283" "Pont Frizon" "PNTFRZ" "_" "N4817,617" "E00622,633" "Chaumousey" "CHAUMS" "_" "N4811,433" "E00617,200" "Dompaire" "DOMPAR" "Gare" "N4813,167" "E00613,617" "Eloyes" "ELOYES" "Eglise" "N4805,533" "E00636,583" "Bruyeres" "BRUYRS" "Gare" "N4812,317" "E00643,133" "Autrey" "AUTREY" "_" "N4817,883" "E00641,417" "Charmes" "CHARMS" "Gare" "N4822,683" "E00618,100" "Remiremont" "RMRMNT" "Champ" "N4801,300" "E00635,400" "Gruey les Suran" "GRLSSR" "_" "N4802,317" "E00610,983" "Plombieres les Bains" "PLMBRS" "Gare" "N4757,333" "E00626,883" "Epinal Mirecourt" "EPNLMR" "Aéro" "N4819,500" "E00604,000" "Baccarat" "BACCRT" "Gare" "N4827,117" "E00644,617" "Lepange" "LEPANG" "Champ" "N4755,300" "E00638,000" "Gerardmer" "GRRDMR" "Gare" "N4804,333" "E00652,367" "Mont sur Meurthe" "MNTSRM" "_" "N4831,617" "E00624,400" "Rupt sur Moselle" "RPTSRM" "Gare" "N4755,417" "E00639,567" "Raon lEtape" "RANLTP" "Gare" "N4824,233" "E00650,233" "Vittel" "VITTEL" "Fermé" "N4813,167" "E00556,283" "Saulxures surMoselotte" "SLXRSS" "Gare" "N4756,733" "E00646,183" "Ramonchamp" "RMNCHM" "Champ" "N4753,350" "E00643,300" "St Die Remomeix" "STDRMM" "123,50" "N4816,033" "E00700,483" "Thillot" "THILLT" "ULM" "N4753,667" "E00645,117" "Luneville Croismare" "LNVLLC" "_" "N4835,683" "E00632,567" "Lehohneck" "LHHNCK" "Sommet" "N4804,617" "E00700,000" "Senones" "SENONS" "Gare" "N4823,617" "E00658,633" "Le Thillot" "LTHLLT" "Champ" "N4752,300" "E00646,200" "Azelot" "AZELOT" "_" "N4835,567" "E00614,467" "Metzeral" "METZRL" "Champ" "N4800,000" "E00702,000" "Ballon dAlsace" "BLLNDL" "Statue" "N4749,517" "E00650,533" "Pont St Vincent" "PNTSTV" "123,50" "N4836,083" "E00603,433" "Munster" "MUNSTR" "Gare" "N4802,317" "E00708,033" "Plancher les Mines" "PLNCHR" "Eglise" "N4745,717" "E00644,550" "Nancy Ochey" "NANCCH" "LFSO 122.10" "N4834,983" "E00557,267" "Nancy Essey" "NANCSS" "119,60" "N4841,533" "E00613,567" "Neufchateau Rouceux" "NFCHTR" "_" "N4821,750" "E00543,250" "Petit Ballon" "PTTBLL" "Sommet" "N4758,850" "E00707,567" "Grand Ballon" "GRNDBL" "Sommet" "N4754,067" "E00705,883" "Nancy Malzeville" "NNCMLZ" "130,57" "N4843,467" "E00612,433" "Damblain" "DAMBLN" "Fermé" "N4805,167" "E00539,833" "Donon" "DONON" "Antenne" "N4830,750" "E00709,883" "Belfort Chaux" "BLFRTC" "LFGG 123.5" "N4742,133" "E00649,917" "Vesoul" "VESOUL" "LFQW 118.15" "N4738,417" "E00611,883" "Sarrebourg Buhl" "SRRBRG" "123,50" "N4843,133" "E00704,733" "Selestat" "SELSTT" "Gare" "N4815,617" "E00726,567" "Dabo Rocher" "DBRCHR" "Eglise" "N4839,083" "E00715,000" "Haut Koenisgbourg" "HTKNSG" "Château" "N4815,083" "E00730,667" "Phalsbourg" "PHLSBR" "129,80" "N4846,083" "E00712,300" "Metz Nancy Lorraine" "MTZNNC" "118,20" "N4858,700" "E00614,800" "Commercy" "COMMRC" "_" "N4845,800" "E00536,200" "Langres Hangar" "LNGRSH" "_" "N4757,817" "E00518,000" "Mulhouse Habsheim" "MLHSHB" "LFGB 125.25" "N4744,467" "E00725,950" "Grostenquin" "GRSTNQ" "_" "N4901,517" "E00642,967" "Saverne" "SAVERN" "LFQY" "N4845,367" "E00725,367" "Sarre Union" "SARRNN" "LFQU 123.5" "N4857,083" "E00704,633" "Petite Pierre" "PTTPRR" "Château" "N4851,750" "E00719,500" "Chaumont La Vendue" "CHMNTL" "122,15" "N4804,500" "E00508,833" "Joinville Mussey" "JNVLLM" "Hangar" "N4823,133" "E00508,850" "Metz Frescaty" "MTZFRS" "LFSF 119.7" "N4904,583" "E00608,033" "Saint Avold Carling" "SNTVLD" "A4 x N33" "N4908,250" "E00642,600" "Strasbourg Neuhof" "STRSBR" "LFGC 119.25" "N4833,267" "E00746,650" "Gray Saone" "GRAYSN" "Pont" "N4727,017" "E00535,467" "Besancon Thise" "BSNCNT" "LFSA" "N4716,483" "E00605,017" "Doncourt" "DONCRT" "_" "N4909,167" "E00555,933" "Sarreguemines" "SRRGMN" "LFGU" "N4907,683" "E00706,467" "Besancon La Veze" "BSNCNL" "LFQM 122.2" "N4712,317" "E00604,833" "ColombeylesdeuxEglises" "CLMBLS" "_" "N4813,417" "E00452,433" "Bitche" "BITCHE" "Citadelle" "N4903,000" "E00725,500" "Bar le Duc" "BARLDC" "_" "N4852,100" "E00511,117" "Bitche2" "BITCH2" "Installation" "N4903,617" "E00727,050" "Juvancourt" "JVNCRT" "Hangar" "N4806,733" "E00449,033" "St Dizier" "STDIZR" "134,77" "N4838,017" "E00454,483" "Verdun le Roselier" "VRDNLR" "125,25" "N4907,333" "E00528,250" "Etain Rouvres" "ETNRVR" "120,12" "N4913,750" "E00540,567" "Thionville" "THNVLL" "Yutz" "N4921,283" "E00612,050" "Bar/Aube" "BARAUB" "Gare SNCF" "N4814,483" "E00442,433" "Villerupt" "VLLRPT" "_" "N4924,683" "E00553,400" "Chatillon/Seine" "CHTLLN" "123,50" "N4750,783" "E00434,800" "Dijon Darois" "DJNDRS" "122,60" "N4723,217" "E00456,850" "Vitry le Francois" "VTRLFR" "_" "N4843,033" "E00435,300" "Brienne le Chateau" "BRNNLC" "Hangar" "N4825,583" "E00427,933" "Dole" "DOLE" "Tavaux" "N4702,567" "E00526,100" "Bar/Seine" "BARSEN" "_" "N4804,133" "E00424,667" "Chalons" "CHALNS" "Vatry" "N4846,400" "E00412,367" "Semur en Auxois" "SMRNXS" "Hangar" "N4729,017" "E00420,467" "Beaune" "BEAUNE" "Challanges" "N4700,667" "E00453,817" "Troyes" "TROYES" "Twr Aéro" "N4819,600" "E00401,233" "Lons le Saunier" "LNSLSN" "Gare SNCF" "N4640,217" "E00533,067" "Chalon Champforgueil" "CHLNCH" "Hangar" "N4649,750" "E00449,100" "St Florentin Cheu" "STFLRN" "_" "N4758,933" "E00346,667" "Romilly/Seine" "RMLLSN" "123,50" "N4830,033" "E00345,767" "Reims" "REIMS" "Prunay" "N4912,517" "E00409,400"