Epinal, France Championnat Lorraine 2005 Contributed courtesy of Michel Thomassey Last updated Thursday, 28 April 2005 at 03:05 GMT UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK Do not use for navigation, for flight verification only. Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees, expressed or implied. User assumes all risk of use. Waypoint Latitude Longitude Abbreviations for GPS ICAO 1 Epinal Dogneville 48 12.717 N 6 26.917 E EPN EPNLD EPNLDG EpnlDgnv EpnlDgnvl EpnlDgnvll EpinalDgnvll LFSE 2 Dinoze 48 8.667 N 6 29.783 E DNZ DINOZ DINOZE Dinoze Dinoze Dinoze Dinoze 3 Lac de Bouzey 48 9.817 N 6 21.283 E LBZ LBOUZ LBOUZE L Bouzey L Bouzey L Bouzey L Bouzey 4 Pont Frizon 48 17.617 N 6 22.633 E PNT PNTFR PNTFRZ PontFrzn PontFrizn PontFrizon Pont Frizon 5 Chaumousey 48 11.433 N 6 17.200 E CHM CHAMS CHAUMS Chaumous Chaumouse Chaumousey Chaumousey 6 Dompaire 48 13.167 N 6 13.617 E DMP DOMPR DOMPAR Dompaire Dompaire Dompaire Dompaire 7 Eloyes 48 5.533 N 6 36.583 E ELS ELOYS ELOYES Eloyes Eloyes Eloyes Eloyes 8 Bruyeres 48 12.317 N 6 43.133 E BRR BRURS BRUYRS Bruyeres Bruyeres Bruyeres Bruyeres 9 Autrey 48 17.883 N 6 41.417 E ATR AUTRE AUTREY Autrey Autrey Autrey Autrey 10 Charmes 48 22.683 N 6 18.100 E CHR CHRMS CHARMS Charmes Charmes Charmes Charmes 11 Remiremont 48 1.300 N 6 35.400 E RMR RMRMN RMRMNT Remirmnt Remiremnt Remiremont Remiremont 12 Gruey les Suran 48 2.317 N 6 10.983 E GRL GRLSS GRLSSR GrulsSrn GruelsSrn GrueylsSrn GrueylesSurn 13 Plombieres-les-Bains 47 57.333 N 6 26.883 E PLM PLMBR PLMBRS Plmbrsls PlmbrslsB PlmbrslsBn PlombrslsBns 14 Epinal Mirecourt 48 19.500 N 6 4.000 E EPI EPNLM EPNLMR EpnlMrcr EpnlMrcrt EpinlMrcrt EpinalMircrt LFSG 15 Baccarat 48 27.117 N 6 44.617 E BCC BCCRT BACCRT Baccarat Baccarat Baccarat Baccarat 16 Lepange 47 55.300 N 6 38.000 E LPN LEPNG LEPANG Lepange Lepange Lepange Lepange 17 Gerardmer 48 4.333 N 6 52.367 E GRR GRRDM GRRDMR Gerardmr Gerardmer Gerardmer Gerardmer 18 Mont sur Meurthe 48 31.617 N 6 24.400 E MNT MNTSR MNTSRM MntsrMrt MntsrMrth MontsrMrth MontsurMerth 19 Rupt-sur-Moselle 47 55.417 N 6 39.567 E RPT RPTSR RPTSRM RptsrMsl RptsrMsll RuptsrMsll RuptsurMosll 20 Raon-l'Etape 48 24.233 N 6 50.233 E RNL RNLTP RANLTP RaonlEtp RaonlEtap RaonlEtape Raon lEtape 21 Vittel 48 13.167 N 5 56.283 E VTT VITTL VITTEL Vittel Vittel Vittel Vittel 22 Saulxures-sur-Moselotte 47 56.733 N 6 46.183 E SLX SLXRS SLXRSS SlxrssrM SlxrssrMs SlxrssrMsl SlxrssrMsltt 23 Ramonchamp 47 53.350 N 6 43.300 E RMN RMNCH RMNCHM Ramnchmp Ramonchmp Ramonchamp Ramonchamp 24 St. Die Remomeix 48 16.033 N 7 0.483 E STD STDRM STDRMM StDiRmmx StDieRmmx StDieRemmx StDieRemomex LFGY 25 Thillot 47 53.667 N 6 45.117 E THL THLLT THILLT Thillot Thillot Thillot Thillot 26 Luneville-Croismare 48 35.683 N 6 32.567 E LNV LNVLL LNVLLC LnvllCrs LnvllCrsm LnvllCrsmr LunevllCrsmr LFQC 27 Lehohneck 48 4.617 N 7 0.000 E LHH LHHNC LHHNCK Lehohnck Lehohneck Lehohneck Lehohneck 28 Senones 48 23.617 N 6 58.633 E SNN SENNS SENONS Senones Senones Senones Senones 29 Le Thillot 47 52.300 N 6 46.200 E LTH LTHLL LTHLLT LeThillt LeThillot Le Thillot Le Thillot 30 Azelot 48 35.567 N 6 14.467 E AZL AZELT AZELOT Azelot Azelot Azelot Azelot LFEX 31 Metzeral 48 0.000 N 7 2.000 E MTZ MTZRL METZRL Metzeral Metzeral Metzeral Metzeral 32 Ballon d'Alsace 47 49.517 N 6 50.533 E BLL BLLND BLLNDL Bllndlsc Ballndlsc Ballondlsc BallondAlsac 33 Pont St Vincent 48 36.083 N 6 3.433 E PON PNTST PNTSTV PntStVnc PntStVncn PntStVncnt PontStVincnt LFSV 34 Munster 48 2.317 N 7 8.033 E MNS MNSTR MUNSTR Munster Munster Munster Munster 35 Plancher-les-Mines 47 45.717 N 6 44.550 E PLN PLNCH PLNCHR Plnchrls PlnchrlsM PlnchrlsMn PlanchrlsMns 36 Nancy-Ochey 48 34.983 N 5 57.267 E NNC NNCCH NANCCH NancyOch NancyOche NancyOchey Nancy Ochey LFSO 37 Nancy-Essey 48 41.533 N 6 13.567 E NAN NNCSS NANCSS NancyEss NancyEsse NancyEssey Nancy Essey LFSN 38 Neufchateau-Rouceux 48 21.750 N 5 43.250 E NFC NFCHT NFCHTR NfchtRcx NefchtRcx NeufchtRcx NeufchateRcx LFFT 39 Petit Ballon 47 58.850 N 7 7.567 E PTT PTTBL PTTBLL PettBlln PetitBlln PetitBalln Petit Ballon 40 Grand Ballon 47 54.067 N 7 5.883 E GRN GRNDB GRNDBL GrndBlln GrandBlln GrandBalln Grand Ballon 41 Nancy-Malzeville 48 43.467 N 6 12.433 E NAC NNCML NNCMLZ NncMlzvl NncMlzvll NancMlzvll NancyMalzvll LFEZ 42 Damblain 48 5.167 N 5 39.833 E DMB DMBLN DAMBLN Damblain Damblain Damblain Damblain LFYD 43 Donon 48 30.750 N 7 9.883 E DNN DONON DONON Donon Donon Donon Donon 44 Belfort-Chaux 47 42.133 N 6 49.917 E BLF BLFRT BLFRTC BlfrtChx BelfrtChx BelfortChx BelfortChaux LFGG 45 Vesoul 47 38.417 N 6 11.883 E VSL VESOL VESOUL Vesoul Vesoul Vesoul Vesoul LFQW 46 Sarrebourg-Buhl 48 43.133 N 7 4.733 E SRR SRRBR SRRBRG SrrbrgBh SrrbrgBhl SarrbrgBhl SarreborgBhl LFGT 47 Selestat 48 15.617 N 7 26.567 E SLS SLSTT SELSTT Selestat Selestat Selestat Selestat 48 Dabo Rocher 48 39.083 N 7 15.000 E DBR DBRCH DBRCHR DaboRchr DaboRochr DaboRocher Dabo Rocher 49 Haut Koenisgbourg 48 15.083 N 7 30.667 E HTK HTKNS HTKNSG HtKnsgbr HtKnsgbrg HatKnsgbrg HautKonsgbrg 50 Phalsbourg 48 46.083 N 7 12.300 E PHL PHLSB PHLSBR Phalsbrg Phalsborg Phalsbourg Phalsbourg LFQP 51 Metz Nancy Lorraine 48 58.700 N 6 14.800 E MET MTZNN MTZNNC MtzNncLr MtzNncLrr MtzNncLrrn MetzNancLrrn LFJL 52 Commercy 48 45.800 N 5 36.200 E CMM CMMRC COMMRC Commercy Commercy Commercy Commercy 53 Langres Hangar 47 57.817 N 5 18.000 E LNG LNGRS LNGRSH LngrsHng LngrsHngr LangrsHngr LangresHangr LFSU 54 Mulhouse-Habsheim 47 44.467 N 7 25.950 E MLH MLHSH MLHSHB MlhsHbsh MlhsHbshm MulhsHbshm MulhousHbshm LFGB 55 Grostenquin 49 1.517 N 6 42.967 E GRS GRSTN GRSTNQ Grostnqn Grostenqn Grostenqun Grostenquin 56 Saverne 48 45.367 N 7 25.367 E SVR SAVRN SAVERN Saverne Saverne Saverne Saverne LFQY 57 Sarre-Union 48 57.083 N 7 4.633 E SAR SRRNN SARRNN SarreUnn SarreUnin SarreUnion Sarre Union LFQU 58 Petite Pierre 48 51.750 N 7 19.500 E PET PTTPR PTTPRR PetitPrr PetitePrr PetitePirr PetitePierre 59 Chaumont-La Vendue 48 4.500 N 5 8.833 E CHA CHMNT CHMNTL ChmntLVn ChmntLVnd ChamntLVnd ChaumontLVnd LFSY 60 Joinville Mussey 48 23.133 N 5 8.850 E JNV JNVLL JNVLLM JnvllMss JonvllMss JoinvllMss JoinvilleMss LFFJ 61 Metz Frescaty 49 4.583 N 6 8.033 E MEZ MTZFR MTZFRS MtzFrsct MetzFrsct MetzFresct MetzFrescaty LFSF 62 Saint Avold Carling 49 8.250 N 6 42.600 E SNT SNTVL SNTVLD SntvldCr SntvldCrl SntvldCrln SantvldCrlng 63 Strasbourg-Neuhof 48 33.267 N 7 46.650 E STR STRSB STRSBR StrsbrgN StrsbrgNh StrsbrgNhf StrasborgNhf LFGC 64 Gray Saone 47 27.017 N 5 35.467 E GRA GRASN GRAYSN GraySaon GraySaone Gray Saone Gray Saone 65 Besancon-Thise 47 16.483 N 6 5.017 E BSN BSNCN BSNCNT BsncnThs BesncnThs BesancnThs BesanconThis LFSA 66 Doncourt 49 9.167 N 5 55.933 E DNC DNCRT DONCRT Doncourt Doncourt Doncourt Doncourt LFGR 67 Sarreguemines 49 7.683 N 7 6.467 E SAE SRRGM SRRGMN Sarrgmns Sarregmns Sarregumns Sarreguemins LFGU 68 Besancon La Veze 47 12.317 N 6 4.833 E BES BESAN BSNCNL BsncnLVz BesncnLVz BesancnLVz BesanconLaVz LFQM 69 Colombey les deux Eglises 48 13.417 N 4 52.433 E CLM CLMBL CLMBLS Clmblsdx Clmblsdxg Clmblsdxgl Clmblsdxglss 70 Bitche 49 3.000 N 7 25.500 E BTC BITCH BITCHE Bitche Bitche Bitche Bitche 71 Bar le Duc 48 52.100 N 5 11.117 E BRL BRLDC BARLDC BarleDuc Bar leDuc Bar le Duc Bar le Duc LFEU 72 Bitche 49 3.617 N 7 27.050 E BIT BITCE BITCH2 Bitche2 Bitche2 Bitche2 Bitche2 73 Juvancourt 48 6.733 N 4 49.033 E JVN JVNCR JVNCRT Juvancrt Juvancort Juvancourt Juvancourt LFQX 74 St Dizier 48 38.017 N 4 54.483 E STI STDZR STDIZR StDizier St Dizier St Dizier St Dizier LFSI 75 Verdun le Roselier 49 7.333 N 5 28.250 E VRD VRDNL VRDNLR VrdnlRsl VrdnlRslr VerdnlRslr VerdunleRslr LFGW 76 Etain Rouvres 49 13.750 N 5 40.567 E ETN ETNRV ETNRVR EtanRvrs EtainRvrs EtainRovrs EtainRouvres LFQE 77 Thionville 49 21.283 N 6 12.050 E THN THNVL THNVLL Thionvll Thionvill Thionville Thionville LFGV 78 Bar/Aube 48 14.483 N 4 42.433 E BRB BARAB BARAUB Bar/Aube Bar/Aube Bar/Aube Bar/Aube 79 Villerupt 49 24.683 N 5 53.400 E VLL VLLRP VLLRPT Villerpt Villerupt Villerupt Villerupt LFAW 80 Chatillon/Seine 47 50.783 N 4 34.800 E CHT CHTLL CHTLLN ChtllnSn ChatllnSn ChatillnSn ChatillonSen LFQH 81 Dijon Darois 47 23.217 N 4 56.850 E DJN DJNDR DJNDRS DijonDrs DijonDars DijonDaros Dijon Darois LFGI 82 Vitry-le-Francois 48 43.033 N 4 35.300 E VTR VTRLF VTRLFR VtrlFrnc VtrlFrncs VitrlFrncs VitryleFrncs 83 Brienne le Chateau 48 25.583 N 4 27.933 E BRN BRNNL BRNNLC BrnnlCht BrinnlCht BriennlCht BrienneleCht LFFN 84 Dole 47 2.567 N 5 26.100 E DOL DOLE DOLE Dole Dole Dole Dole LFGJ 85 Bar/Seine 48 4.133 N 4 24.667 E BRS BARSN BARSEN BarSeine Bar/Seine Bar/Seine Bar/Seine LFFR 86 Chalons 48 46.400 N 4 12.367 E CHL CHLNS CHALNS Chalons Chalons Chalons Chalons LFOK 87 Semur en Auxois 47 29.017 N 4 20.467 E SMR SMRNX SMRNXS Semurnxs Semurenxs SemurenAxs SemurenAuxos LFGQ 88 Beaune 47 0.667 N 4 53.817 E BEN BEAUN BEAUNE Beaune Beaune Beaune Beaune LFGF 89 Troyes 48 19.600 N 4 1.233 E TRS TROYS TROYES Troyes Troyes Troyes Troyes LFQB 90 Lons-le-Saunier 46 40.217 N 5 33.067 E LNS LNSLS LNSLSN LonslSnr LonsleSnr LonsleSanr LonsleSaunir 91 Chalon-Champforgueil 46 49.750 N 4 49.100 E CHO CHLNC CHLNCH ChlnChmp ChlnChmpf ChlnChmpfr ChlnChmpfrgl LFLH 92 St Florentin Cheu 47 58.933 N 3 46.667 E STF STFLR STFLRN StFlrntn StFlrntnC StFlrntnCh StFlorentnCh LFGP 93 Romilly/Seine 48 30.033 N 3 45.767 E RML RMLLS RMLLSN RomillSn RomillySn RomillySen RomillySeine LFQR 94 Reims 49 12.517 N 4 9.400 E RMS REIMS REIMS Reims Reims Reims Reims LFQA