;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Marana, Arizona [ El Tiro ] + ; + ; Region 9 Sports/Club Class, 2023 + ; + ; User Specified Waypoints formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Eric Redweik + ; + ; Generated Thursday, 04 May 2023 at 03:49 GMT + ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "El Tiro Gliderport" "ELTRGP" "_" "N3225.700" "W11123.383" "Start Finish" "STRT F" "_" "N3225.700" "W11123.383" "Start A" "STRT A" "_" "N3231.167" "W11123.883" "Start B" "STRT B" "_" "N3225.733" "W11118.283" "Start C" "STRT C" "_" "N3220.017" "W11123.600" "Start D" "STRT D" "_" "N3225.300" "W11130.417" "Ajo Eric Marcus Muni" "AJRCMR" "_" "N3227.167" "W11251.683" "Ak Chin Farm Strip" "AKCHNF" "_" "N3259.450" "W11201.417" "Ak Chin Regional" "AKCHNR" "_" "N3259.433" "W11155.133" "Amado" "AMADO" "_" "N3144.417" "W11103.917" "Ammon" "AMMON" "_" "N3201.483" "W10957.583" "Angel Field" "ANGLFL" "_" "N3236.400" "W10956.983" "Apache Lake" "APCHLK" "_" "N3334.767" "W11116.117" "Arivaca Field" "ARVCFL" "_" "N3134.417" "W11120.217" "AV Ranch" "AV RC" "_" "N3249.117" "W11019.067" "Baboquivari Peak" "BBQVRP" "_" "N3146.267" "W11135.700" "Bakers Acres" "BKRSCR" "_" "N3233.983" "W11143.600" "Bassett Peak" "BSSTTP" "_" "N3230.383" "W11016.800" "Benson Muni" "BNSNMN" "_" "N3159.967" "W11021.450" "Biosphere Strip" "BISPHR" "_" "N3235.433" "W11050.967" "Bisbee Douglas Intl" "BSBDGL" "_" "N3127.933" "W10936.267" "Bisbee Muni" "BISBMN" "_" "N3122.150" "W10953.033" "Bowie Airstrip" "BOWIES" "_" "N3218.550" "W10924.767" "Buckelew West" "BCKLWW" "_" "N3204.717" "W11120.517" "Buckeye Muni" "BUCKMN" "_" "N3325.233" "W11241.167" "Buenos Aires Airstrip" "BNSRSS" "_" "N3135.300" "W11131.700" "C and L Ranch" "C +LRC" "_" "N3144.267" "W11037.583" "Canyon Lake" "CANNLK" "_" "N3332.617" "W11126.183" "Casa Grande Muni" "CSGRND" "_" "N3257.300" "W11146.017" "Cascabel Strip" "CASCBL" "_" "N3218.050" "W11021.867" "Central CascabelFields" "CNTRLC" "_" "N3214.083" "W11019.683" "China Peak" "CHINPK" "_" "N3240.967" "W11019.317" "Chiricahua Peak" "CHRCHP" "_" "N3151.050" "W10916.983" "Circle H Ranch" "CRCHRC" "_" "N3129.817" "W10923.550" "Cochise College" "CCHSCL" "_" "N3122.267" "W10941.433" "Continental" "CNTNNT" "_" "N3150.750" "W11058.533" "Coolidge Muni" "CLDGMN" "_" "N3256.167" "W11125.583" "Coyote Store Rd" "CTSTRR" "_" "N3202.433" "W11128.983" "Diamond Bell" "DMNDBL" "_" "N3202.550" "W11121.217" "Dos Titos" "DOSTTS" "_" "N3216.533" "W11126.867" "Douglas Muni" "DGLSMN" "_" "N3120.550" "W10930.383" "EL Ranchito Fields" "ELRNCH" "_" "N3248.983" "W11041.700" "Eloy Muni" "ELOYMN" "_" "N3248.400" "W11135.200" "Estrella" "ESTRLL" "_" "N3305.117" "W11209.683" "Ethnos Air" "ETHNSR" "_" "N3136.033" "W10939.683" "FlorenceAeromodelerPrk" "FLRNCR" "_" "N3259.133" "W11121.433" "Four Peaks" "FORPKS" "_" "N3341.000" "W11119.000" "Gas Line Strip" "GASLIN" "_" "N3222.517" "W11122.183" "Gila Bend Muni" "GLBNDM" "_" "N3257.617" "W11240.417" "Grapevine Airstrip" "GRPVNS" "_" "N3338.450" "W11103.417" "Gu Achi Peak" "GUCHPK" "_" "N3220.850" "W11152.617" "Helvetia Mine" "HLVTMN" "_" "N3154.217" "W11047.150" "I 19 Fields" "I19FLD" "_" "N3132.517" "W11102.217" "Inde Motorsports Ranch" "INDMTR" "_" "N3213.483" "W11000.467" "Kearny" "KEARNY" "_" "N3302.833" "W11054.550" "Keystone Towers" "KSTNTW" "_" "N3152.617" "W11112.900" "King Anvil Ranch" "KNGNVL" "_" "N3159.367" "W11123.083" "Kitt Peak" "KITTPK" "_" "N3157.800" "W11136.017" "La Cholla Airpark" "LACHLL" "_" "N3226.800" "W11100.167" "Lake St Clair" "LKSTCL" "_" "N3239.083" "W11156.833" "Lakeside Airpark" "LAKESD" "_" "N3306.750" "W11239.700" "Landfill Strip" "LNDFLL" "_" "N3241.000" "W11117.317" "Leroy" "LEROY" "_" "N3206.783" "W10945.700" "Lordsburg Muni" "LRDSBR" "_" "N3220.000" "W10841.500" "Manville and Sandario" "MNVLL+" "_" "N3217.500" "W11113.083" "Marana Regional" "MRNRG." "_" "N3224.567" "W11113.100" "McKinley Ranch Strip" "MCKNLR" "_" "N3305.367" "W11117.833" "Mica Mountain" "MICMTN" "_" "N3213.033" "W11031.667" "Motown" "MOTOWN" "_" "N3255.500" "W11215.567" "Mt Graham" "MTGRHM" "_" "N3242.233" "W10953.050" "Mt Lemmon" "MTLMMN" "_" "N3226.550" "W11047.350" "Mt Washington" "MTWSHN" "_" "N3120.983" "W11043.500" "Mystery Well Ranch" "MSTRWL" "_" "N3148.583" "W10903.517" "Newman Peak" "NWMNPK" "_" "N3243.133" "W11124.017" "Night Sky Fields" "NGHTSK" "_" "N3227.350" "W11144.883" "Nogales Airport" "NOGALS" "_" "N3125.067" "W11050.867" "Pecan Road Fields" "PCNRDF" "_" "N3237.517" "W11119.933" "Pescadero Peak" "PSCDRP" "_" "N3211.067" "W11123.983" "Picacho Peak" "PCCHPK" "_" "N3238.000" "W11123.983" "Pinal Airpark" "PINAL" "_" "N3230.583" "W11119.517" "Pinal Peak" "PINLPK" "_" "N3317.800" "W11050.733" "Potters Field" "PTTRSF" "_" "N3252.433" "W11157.583" "Pretzer Strip" "PRETZR" "_" "N3240.200" "W11132.583" "Price Range" "PRCRNG" "_" "N3152.667" "W10931.417" "Ragged Top" "RGGDTP" "_" "N3226.983" "W11129.517" "Rancho Laos" "RNCHLS" "_" "N3150.333" "W11124.017" "Rancho San Marcos" "RNCHSN" "_" "N3137.183" "W11002.850" "Redfield Canyon" "RDFLDC" "_" "N3225.383" "W11029.367" "Redrock" "REDRCK" "_" "N3235.300" "W11120.083" "Reiley Peak" "REILPK" "_" "N3222.467" "W11005.000" "Rincon Peak" "RNCNPK" "_" "N3207.217" "W11031.433" "Robles Junction" "ROBLES" "_" "N3204.600" "W11118.817" "Ruby Star Airpark" "RUBSTR" "_" "N3154.500" "W11107.333" "Ryan Field" "RYNFLD" "_" "N3208.533" "W11110.467" "Safford Regional" "SFFRDR" "_" "N3251.200" "W10938.100" "San Carlos Apache" "SNCRLS" "_" "N3321.183" "W11040.050" "San Manuel" "SANMNL" "_" "N3238.183" "W11038.833" "Santa Rosa" "SANTRS" "_" "N3220.733" "W11205.300" "Sasabe Border Patrol" "SSBBRD" "_" "N3129.667" "W11132.717" "Sasco" "SASCO" "_" "N3232.933" "W11126.417" "Sawtooth Arpt" "SWTTHR" "_" "N3239.650" "W11140.900" "Schuk Toak Farms" "SCHKTK" "_" "N3211.833" "W11116.300" "Sells" "SELLS" "_" "N3155.950" "W11153.650" "Serene Field" "SRNFLD" "_" "N3259.800" "W11216.350" "Superior Muni" "SPRRMN" "_" "N3316.800" "W11107.883" "Superstitions" "SPRSTT" "_" "N3328.067" "W11108.633" "Table Top" "TABLTP" "_" "N3244.933" "W11207.400" "The Ultralight Strip" "THLTRL" "_" "N3217.683" "W11120.667" "Tombstone Muni" "TMBSTN" "_" "N3140.283" "W11001.300" "Tucker Rd Field" "TCKRRD" "_" "N3220.150" "W11120.717" "Twin Hawks Airpark" "TWNHWK" "_" "N3231.667" "W11111.750" "Volcano" "VOLCAN" "_" "N3230.517" "W11133.317" "Waterman" "WATRMN" "_" "N3221.733" "W11127.483" "West Nogales" "WNOGLS" "_" "N3122.017" "W11107.033" "Willcox" "WILLCX" "_" "N3214.717" "W10953.667" "Willow Springs AS" "WLLWSP" "_" "N3242.583" "W11052.733" "Wrightson Peak" "WRGHTS" "_" "N3142.267" "W11050.700"