05 Oct 14: Ilec airspace file updated with AirParse Version 2.5
02 Feb 07: Version 2007. Big Tank changed to turnpoint only. Cattleman's, ELP VOR, EWM VOR, Ft Hancock, Horizon City, HUP VOR, Lake El Paso, Mt Livermore, Pine Springs, SFL VOR, Valentine, and Wind Mountain added. Mt Guadalupe moved. Allison Ranch, Beckett Farm, Chaney San Francisco Ranch, Chloride, Columbus, Denver City, Dry Lake, First Aero Squadron, G Bar F Ranch, Hamilton Aircraft,, Hueco Tanks Rd, Jal, Jewett Mesa, Ranch Airport, Socorro, Two Leggs, Water Plant, and Whitewater Mesa Ranch removed.
24 May 05: Original contribution.
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John Leibacher
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