;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Eagleville [ Puckett Gliderport ], Tennessee + ; + ; Control Points formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by John Murphy + ; + ; Generated Monday, 09 October 2023 at 04:56 GMT + ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Puckett Eagleville" "PUCKET" "Puckett" "N3541.367" "W08636.900" "Abernathy Field" "ABRNTH" "_" "N3509.217" "W08703.417" "Amacher Strip" "AMACHR" "_" "N3518.333" "W08614.200" "Ardmore" "ARDMOR" "_" "N3458.667" "W08653.083" "Arnemann Farms" "ARNMNN" "_" "N3645.933" "W08637.100" "Arnold Air Force Base" "ARNLDR" "_" "N3523.550" "W08605.150" "Askey" "ASKEY" "_" "N3527.500" "W08657.417" "Aydelotte" "AYDLTT" "_" "N3638.567" "W08658.583" "Baker" "BAKER" "_" "N3555.267" "W08620.683" "Big Sky" "BIGSKY" "_" "N3453.133" "W08642.600" "Buck Creek Ranch" "BCKCRK" "_" "N3553.000" "W08458.133" "Cedar Glade" "CDRGLD" "_" "N3543.333" "W08616.500" "Centerville Apt" "CNTRVL" "_" "N3550.250" "W08726.717" "Cloudmont" "CLDMNT" "_" "N3432.483" "W08535.533" "Dickson Apt" "DICKSN" "_" "N3607.683" "W08725.783" "Duggers" "DUGGRS" "_" "N3350.317" "W08612.683" "Elk River" "ELKRVR" "_" "N3519.233" "W08551.217" "Epps" "EPPS" "_" "N3451.883" "W08646.217" "Fairfield" "FARFLD" "_" "N3531.150" "W08625.117" "Falcon" "FALCON" "_" "N3532.800" "W08612.467" "Fall Creek" "FLLCRK" "_" "N3602.467" "W08621.500" "Fayetteville Apt" "FTTVLL" "_" "N3503.500" "W08633.867" "Flatwood" "FLATWD" "_" "N3604.317" "W08621.267" "Flint River Ranch" "FLNTRV" "_" "N3437.150" "W08628.017" "Foreman" "FOREMN" "_" "N3627.467" "W08656.767" "Franklin County" "FRNKLN" "_" "N3512.317" "W08553.883" "Frerichs" "FRRCHS" "_" "N3439.067" "W08625.017" "Gibson" "GIBSON" "_" "N3546.100" "W08632.917" "Hawk Haven" "HWKHVN" "_" "N3541.233" "W08636.383" "Hazel Green Apt" "HZLGRN" "_" "N3454.967" "W08638.817" "Hogue" "HOGUE" "_" "N3537.883" "W08523.500" "Hohenwald Apt" "HHNWLD" "_" "N3532.767" "W08735.833" "Holenthawall" "HLNTHW" "_" "N3636.800" "W08648.617" "Hudgin Air" "HUDGNR" "_" "N3528.417" "W08640.800" "Humphreys County" "HMPHRS" "_" "N3607.000" "W08744.283" "Hunter" "HUNTER" "_" "N3541.833" "W08657.417" "Huntsville Int" "HNTSVL" "_" "N3438.233" "W08646.500" "Indian Hill Farm" "INDNHL" "_" "N3459.483" "W08539.050" "Jackson County" "JCKSNC" "_" "N3623.833" "W08538.500" "King" "KING" "_" "N3508.283" "W08604.867" "Lafayette" "LAFATT" "_" "N3631.100" "W08603.500" "Lawicki" "LAWICK" "_" "N3601.483" "W08616.317" "Lawrence County" "LWRNCC" "_" "N3439.567" "W08720.933" "Lawrenceburg Apt" "LWRNCB" "_" "N3514.050" "W08715.483" "Lebanon Apt" "LEBANN" "_" "N3611.433" "W08618.950" "Lee" "LEE" "_" "N3614.783" "W08618.167" "Lewisburg Apt" "LWSBRG" "_" "N3530.417" "W08648.233" "Long Meadow" "LNGMDW" "_" "N3539.983" "W08629.467" "Madison Co Exec" "MDSNCX" "_" "N3451.683" "W08633.450" "Marion County Brown" "MRNCNT" "_" "N3503.633" "W08535.117" "Maury Co Apt" "MAURYC" "_" "N3533.250" "W08710.733" "McDonald" "MCDNLD" "_" "N3552.050" "W08629.867" "Moontown Apt" "MONTWN" "_" "N3444.833" "W08627.683" "Murfreesboro Apt" "MRFRSB" "_" "N3552.650" "W08622.650" "Myers Smith" "MRSSMT" "_" "N3514.867" "W08607.717" "Nashville" "NSHVLL" "_" "N3607.467" "W08640.700" "Nobuzzn" "NOBZZN" "_" "N3629.183" "W08654.667" "One Grand" "1GRAND" "_" "N3606.833" "W08535.700" "Page" "PAGE" "_" "N3551.267" "W08644.750" "Palmer" "PALMER" "_" "N3441.717" "W08647.167" "Perry County" "PRRCNT" "_" "N3535.750" "W08752.600" "Pleasant Grove" "PLSNTG" "_" "N3523.933" "W08633.233" "Pryor Field" "PRRFLD" "_" "N3439.167" "W08656.717" "R and S Buzzard" "R+SBZZ" "_" "N3540.600" "W08653.800" "Ragsdale Road" "RGSDLR" "_" "N3530.950" "W08557.217" "Redstone Army" "RDSTNR" "_" "N3440.717" "W08641.083" "Rutledge" "RUTLDG" "_" "N3522.317" "W08616.017" "Shelbyville Apt" "SHLBVL" "_" "N3533.600" "W08626.550" "Shultz" "SHULTZ" "_" "N3544.933" "W08648.817" "Smithville Apt" "SMTHVL" "_" "N3559.117" "W08548.567" "Smyrna" "SMYRNA" "_" "N3600.533" "W08631.200" "Spencer" "SPENCR" "_" "N3523.250" "W08557.750" "SpringfieldRobertsnCnt" "SPRNGF" "_" "N3632.233" "W08655.233" "Stevenson" "STVNSN" "_" "N3453.183" "W08548.200" "Stones River" "STNSRV" "_" "N3558.250" "W08623.583" "Sumner County" "SMNRCN" "_" "N3622.617" "W08624.533" "T Top" "T TOP" "_" "N3541.383" "W08638.150" "The Aviation Valley" "THVVLL" "_" "N3525.317" "W08617.417" "Toy Box" "TOYBOX" "_" "N3601.167" "W08617.283" "Trione" "TRIONE" "_" "N3548.417" "W08636.733" "Tullahoma Apt" "TULLHM" "_" "N3522.800" "W08614.783" "Upper Cumberland" "UPPRCM" "_" "N3603.350" "W08531.850" "Versailles" "VRSLLS" "_" "N3543.800" "W08632.267" "Wagner" "WAGNER" "_" "N3508.383" "W08613.333" "Warren Co Apt" "WARRNC" "_" "N3541.917" "W08550.633" "Welcome" "WELCOM" "_" "N3642.667" "W08638.167" "Whitwell" "WHTWLL" "_" "N3511.017" "W08531.517" "Winchester Apt" "WNCHST" "_" "N3510.650" "W08603.967"