* NUM NAM COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_H RW_L RW_S RW_W RW_G ICAO CIT FRE_TOWER FULL_NAME ID_10 ID_12 ID_14 ID_15 ID_16 ID_17 ID_20 ID_22 ID_3 ID_4 ID_5 ID_6 ID_7 ID_8 ID_9 MAG SEC STA TEL * * ============================================================================== * * Filename "eaglvl23.stx" created Monday, 09 October 2023 at 04:56 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.4 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This version is to support ClearNav. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.4 $MYTIMESTAMP 2023 10 08 21 56 $STATE_ABBREV TN $STATE Tennessee $CD Y $SKIP_WAYPOINT_MODE_CHANGES Y $HOME_SITE Eagleville [ Puckett Gliderport ], Tennessee $CONTRIBUTOR John Murphy $LATITUDE N $LONGITUDE W $COUNTRY US $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 3.1W $TIMEZONE_NAME US/Central $COUNTRY US $MODIFICATIONS 23 Sep 03: Original contribution. $MODIFICATIONS 23 Sep 04: Names changed and renumbered $MODIFICATIONS 26 May 06: Cedar Glade, Fall Creek, Franklin County, Gibson, Hunter, Long Meadow, McDonald, Pleasant Grove, R&S Buzzard, Stones River, and Trione landing sites given turnpoint attribute. Falcon added as a turnpoint and Lawrence Co as a landing site.   Turnpoints renumbered. $MODIFICATIONS 03 Jun 06: Lawrence County coordinates corrected. $MODIFICATIONS 29 Mar 09: All non-control point waypoints given turnpoint attribute. Airport attribute removed from several waypoints. $MODIFICATIONS 25 Jul 11: Airport attribute removed from Matthews (TN89). DO NOT LAND THERE. $MODIFICATIONS 09 Oct 11: Matthews removed as a turnpoint and replaced by Whitwell. Waypoints restored online. $MODIFICATIONS 16 Oct 11: Whitwell moved slightly. Version 2011a. $MODIFICATIONS 09 Apr 13: CD special added. $MODIFICATIONS 17 Apr 13: Airport info removed from Shultz. Version 2011b. $MODIFICATIONS 03 Apr 14: Cloudmont, Falcon, Hogue, and Long Meadow moved slightly.   Cornelia Fort, Doc Jones, Ellis, and Palmer Village-Napier deleted.   Airport attribute removed from Ragsdale Road.   Page and Lawicki added. $MODIFICATIONS 05 Oct 14: Ilec airspace file updated with AirParse Version 2.5 $MODIFICATIONS 06 Apr 14: Ragsdale Road marked as turnpoint only, and Palmer restored. Version 2014a $MODIFICATIONS 06 Oct 23: Airspace updated. $MODIFICATIONS 07 Oct 23: Airport attribute removed from Gibson. $ALTITUDE_UNIT FEET $USE_EXISTING_AIR Y $FILENAME_3 e23 $FILENAME_4 eg23 $FILENAME_5 egl23 $FILENAME_8 eaglvl23 * ============================================================================== * * Filename "eaglvl23.stx" created Monday, 09 October 2023 at 04:56 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.4 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This version is to support ClearNav. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.4 $MYTIMESTAMP 2023 10 08 21 56 $STATE_ABBREV TN $STATE Tennessee $CD Y $SKIP_WAYPOINT_MODE_CHANGES Y $HOME_SITE Eagleville [ Puckett Gliderport ], Tennessee $CONTRIBUTOR John Murphy $LATITUDE N $LONGITUDE W $COUNTRY US $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 3.1W $TIMEZONE_NAME US/Central $COUNTRY US $MODIFICATIONS 23 Sep 03: Original contribution. $MODIFICATIONS 23 Sep 04: Names changed and renumbered $MODIFICATIONS 26 May 06: Cedar Glade, Fall Creek, Franklin County, Gibson, Hunter, Long Meadow, McDonald, Pleasant Grove, R&S Buzzard, Stones River, and Trione landing sites given turnpoint attribute. Falcon added as a turnpoint and Lawrence Co as a landing site.   Turnpoints renumbered. $MODIFICATIONS 03 Jun 06: Lawrence County coordinates corrected. $MODIFICATIONS 29 Mar 09: All non-control point waypoints given turnpoint attribute. Airport attribute removed from several waypoints. $MODIFICATIONS 25 Jul 11: Airport attribute removed from Matthews (TN89). DO NOT LAND THERE. $MODIFICATIONS 09 Oct 11: Matthews removed as a turnpoint and replaced by Whitwell. Waypoints restored online. $MODIFICATIONS 16 Oct 11: Whitwell moved slightly. Version 2011a. $MODIFICATIONS 09 Apr 13: CD special added. $MODIFICATIONS 17 Apr 13: Airport info removed from Shultz. Version 2011b. $MODIFICATIONS 03 Apr 14: Cloudmont, Falcon, Hogue, and Long Meadow moved slightly.   Cornelia Fort, Doc Jones, Ellis, and Palmer Village-Napier deleted.   Airport attribute removed from Ragsdale Road.   Page and Lawicki added. $MODIFICATIONS 05 Oct 14: Ilec airspace file updated with AirParse Version 2.5 $MODIFICATIONS 06 Apr 14: Ragsdale Road marked as turnpoint only, and Palmer restored. Version 2014a $MODIFICATIONS 06 Oct 23: Airspace updated. $MODIFICATIONS 07 Oct 23: Airport attribute removed from Gibson. $ALTITUDE_UNIT FEET $USE_EXISTING_AIR Y $FILENAME_3 e23 $FILENAME_4 eg23 $FILENAME_5 egl23 $FILENAME_8 eaglvl23 * ============================================================================== * * Filename "eaglvl23.stx" created Monday, 09 October 2023 at 04:56 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.4 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This version is to support ClearNav. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.4 $MYTIMESTAMP 2023 10 08 21 56 $STATE_ABBREV TN $HOME_SITE Eagleville [ Puckett Gliderport ], Tennessee $CONTRIBUTOR John Murphy $LATITUDE N $LONGITUDE W $COUNTRY US $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 3.1W $TIMEZONE_NAME US/Central $COUNTRY US $ALTITUDE_UNIT FEET $USE_EXISTING_AIR Y $RW_L_UNIT Feet $CONTRIBUTION_DATE 08 October 2023 * * ============================================================================== * * The next line defines the contents of columns. It MUST appear before the first waypoint line NUM NAM COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_H RW_L RW_S RW_W RW_G ICAO CIT FRE_TOWER FULL_NAME ID_10 ID_12 ID_14 ID_15 ID_16 ID_17 ID_20 ID_22 ID_3 ID_4 ID_5 ID_6 ID_7 ID_8 ID_9 MAG SEC STA TEL * * Starting the waypoints * 1 Puckett-Eagleville Puckett 35 41 22 86 36 54 HSFTD 780 122.9 14/32 140 2200 T 140 50M Eagleville Puckett Gliderport PuckettEgl PuckettEaglv PuckettEaglvll PuckettEaglevll PuckettEaglevill PuckettEagleville Puckett Eagleville Puckett Eagleville PUK PUCK PUCKT Pucket Puckett Pckttglv PuckettEg 01W Atlanta Tennessee 931-294-2280 2 Abernathy Field 35 9 13 87 3 25 TA 689 122.8 15/33 153 4998 A 75 -0.8 GZS Pulaski Abernathy Field Airport AbernthFld AbernathyFld AbernathyField Abernathy Field Abernathy Field Abernathy Field Abernathy Field Abernathy Field ABR ABRN ABRNT Abrnth AbrnthF AbrnthFl AbrnthFld 02W Atlanta Tennessee 931-363-6827 3 Amacher Strip 35 18 20 86 14 12 TAP 1080 128.325 N/S 180 2000 T 75 TN39 Tullahoma Amacher Strip Airport Amacher Amacher Amacher Strip Amacher Strip Amacher Strip Amacher Strip Amacher Strip Amacher Strip AMC AMCH AMCHR Amachr Amacher Amacher Amacher 01W Atlanta Tennessee 4 Ardmore 34 58 40 86 53 5 TA 920 122.9 01/19 10 2700 T 100 -EST 1M3 Ardmore Ardmore Airport Ardmore Ardmore Ardmore Ardmore Ardmore Ardmore Ardmore Ardmore ARD ARDM ARDMR Ardmor Ardmore Ardmore Ardmore 00W Atlanta Alabama 205-423-2736 5 Arnemann Farms 36 45 56 86 37 6 TAP 504 118.175 10/28 100 3200 A 75 0KY1 Franklin Arnemann Farms Airport ArnmnnFrms ArnemannFrms Arnemann Farms Arnemann Farms Arnemann Farms Arnemann Farms Arnemann Farms Arnemann Farms ARN ARNM ARNMN Arnmnn ArnmnnF ArnmnnFr ArnmnnFrm 01W ST Louis Kentucky 502-586-6694 6 Arnold Air Force Base 35 23 33 86 5 9 TY 1067 128.325 03/21 30 6000 A 150 AYX Tullahoma Arnold Air Force Base ArnldrFrcB ArnoldrFrcBs ArnoldAirFrcBs ArnoldAirForcBs ArnoldAirForceBs ArnoldAirForceBas Arnold Air ForceBase Arnold Air Force Base ARO ARNL ARNLD Arnldr ArnldrF ArnldrFr ArnldrFrc 01W Atlanta Tennessee 931-454-6654 7 Askey 35 27 30 86 57 25 TAP 810 135.775 16/34 160 1650 T 150 9TN5 Culleoka Askey Field Airport Askey Askey Askey Askey Askey Askey Askey Askey ASK ASKE ASKEY Askey Askey Askey Askey 01W Atlanta Tennessee 931-987-2433 8 Aydelotte 36 38 34 86 58 35 T 545 120.675 13/31 130 2200 A 75 TN51 Springfield Aydelotte STOLport Aydelotte Aydelotte Aydelotte Aydelotte Aydelotte Aydelotte Aydelotte Aydelotte ADL ADLT ADLTT Aydltt Aydeltt Aydelott Aydelotte 00W ST Louis Tennessee 615-696-2887 9 Baker 35 55 16 86 20 41 TAP 560 133.975 18/36 180 2000 T 75 8TN6 Murfreesboro Baker Field Airport Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker BKR BAKR BAKER Baker Baker Baker Baker 02W Atlanta Tennessee 615-895-5529 10 Big Sky 34 53 8 86 42 36 TAP 830 120.00 18/36 180 2450 T 80 AL93 Huntsville Big Sky Airport Big Sky Big Sky Big Sky Big Sky Big Sky Big Sky Big Sky Big Sky BGS BGSK BIGSK BigSky Big Sky Big Sky Big Sky 01W Atlanta Alabama 256-858-9558 11 Buck Creek Ranch 35 53 0 84 58 8 TAP 549 11/29 110 2200 G 75 4TN2 Crossville BuckCrekRc Buck CreekRc Buck Creek Rc Buck Creek Rc Buck Creek Ranch Buck Creek Ranch Buck Creek Ranch Buck Creek Ranch BCK BCKC BCKCR BckCrk BckCrkR BckCrkRc BuckCrkRc 02W Tennessee 931-484-8553 12 Cedar Glade 35 43 20 86 16 30 TAP 770 122.8 04/22 40 2200 T 70 TN83 Murfreesboro Cedar Glade Aerodrome CedarGlade Cedar Glade Cedar Glade Cedar Glade Cedar Glade Cedar Glade Cedar Glade Cedar Glade CDR CDRG CDRGL CdrGld CedrGld CedarGld CedarGlad 01W Atlanta Tennessee 615-895-2869 13 Centerville Apt 35 50 15 87 26 43 TA 768 122.8 02/20 18 4002 A 75 GHM Centerville Centerville Municipal Airport Centervill Centerville Centerville AP Centerville Apt Centerville Apt Centerville Apt Centerville Apt Centerville Apt CNT CNTR CNTRV Cntrvl Cntrvll Centrvll Centervll 00E Atlanta Tennessee 931-729-0007 14 Cloudmont 34 32 29 85 35 32 TAP 516 18/36 180 2450 G 80 AL09 Mentone Cloudmont Cloudmont Cloudmont Cloudmont Cloudmont Cloudmont Cloudmont Cloudmont CLD CLDM CLDMN Cldmnt Clodmnt Cloudmnt Cloudmont 01W Alabama (256) 634-4344 15 Dickson Apt 36 7 41 87 25 47 TA 892 122.8 17/35 172 4002 A 75 PART M02 Dickson Dickson Municipal Airport Dickson AP Dickson Apt Dickson Apt Dickson Apt Dickson Apt Dickson Apt Dickson Apt Dickson Apt DCK DCKS DCKSN Dicksn Dickson Dickson Dickson 01W ST Louis Tennessee 615-446-5962 16 Dugger's 33 50 19 86 12 41 TAP 171 10/28 100 2600 G 100 AL60 Ashville Duggers Duggers Duggers Duggers Duggers Duggers Duggers Duggers DGG DGGR DGGRS Duggrs Duggers Duggers Duggers 01W Alabama 205-594-5594 17 Elk River 35 19 14 85 51 13 TAP 995 121.675 10/28 100 3400 T 250 7TN1 Pelham Elk River Airfield Elk River Elk River Elk River Elk River Elk River Elk River Elk River Elk River ELK ELKR ELKRV ElkRvr ElkRivr ElkRiver Elk River 01W Atlanta Tennessee 800-525-5690 18 Epps 34 51 53 86 46 13 TAP 820 120.00 01/19 10 2300 T 200 00AL Harvest Epps Airpark Epps Epps Epps Epps Epps Epps Epps Epps EPP EPPS EPPS Epps Epps Epps Epps 00W Atlanta Alabama 256-837-2224 19 Fairfield 35 31 9 86 25 7 T 800 119.275 06/24 60 2300 T 100 Shelbyville Fairfield Airpark Fairfield Fairfield Fairfield Fairfield Fairfield Fairfield Fairfield Fairfield FRF FRFL FRFLD Farfld Fairfld Fairfild Fairfield 02W Atlanta Tennessee 615-685-1141 20 Falcon 35 32 48 86 12 28 TL 1129 122.9 Falcon Falcon Falcon Falcon Falcon Falcon Falcon Falcon FLC FLCN FALCN Falcon Falcon Falcon Falcon 21 Fall Creek 36 2 28 86 21 30 TAP 675 122.7 18/36 180 2700 T 80 TN96 Lebanon Fall Creek Field Airport Fall Creek Fall Creek Fall Creek Fall Creek Fall Creek Fall Creek Fall Creek Fall Creek FLL FLLC FLLCR FllCrk FallCrk FallCrek FallCreek 01W Atlanta Tennessee 615-443-1811 22 Fayetteville Apt 35 3 30 86 33 52 TA 984 122.8 02/20 14 4899 A 100 0.4 FYM Fayetteville Fayetteville Municipal Airport Fayettevll Fayetteville Fayetteville Fayetteville AP Fayetteville Apt Fayetteville Apt Fayetteville Apt Fayetteville Apt FTT FTTV FTTVL Fttvll Fattvll Fayttvll Fayettvll 01W Atlanta Tennessee 931-433-1960 23 Flatwood 36 4 19 86 21 16 TAP 600 118.325 05/23 50 1200 D 120 10TN Lebanon Flatwood Field Airport Flatwood Flatwood Flatwood Flatwood Flatwood Flatwood Flatwood Flatwood FLT FLTW FLTWD Flatwd Flatwod Flatwood Flatwood 02W ST Louis Tennessee 615-444-0171 24 Flint River Ranch 34 37 9 86 28 1 TAP 590 120.00 17/35 170 2669 T 30 3AL8 Owens Crossroads Flint River Ranch Airport FlintRvrRc FlintRiverRc Flint River Rc Flint River Rc Flint River Rc Flint River Ranch Flint River Ranch Flint River Ranch FLN FLNT FLNTR FlntRv FlntRvr FlntRvrR FlntRvrRc 01W Atlanta Alabama 205-725-2266 25 Foreman 36 27 28 86 56 46 TAP 705 120.675 09/27 90 2250 T 80 9TN4 Springfield Foreman Field Airport Foreman Foreman Foreman Foreman Foreman Foreman Foreman Foreman FRM FRMN FORMN Foremn Foreman Foreman Foreman 01W ST Louis Tennessee 615-384-8968 26 Franklin County 35 12 19 85 53 53 TA 1953 122.8 06/24 60 3299 A 50 0.9 UOS Sewanee Franklin County Airport FranklnCnt FranklinCont FranklinCounty Franklin County Franklin County Franklin County Franklin County Franklin County FRN FRNK FRNKL Frnkln FrnklnC FrnklnCn FrnklnCnt 01W Atlanta Tennessee 931-598-1910 27 Frerichs 34 39 4 86 25 1 TAP 650 120.00 09/27 90 2500 T 60 AL10 Gurley Frerichs Airport Frerichs Frerichs Frerichs Frerichs Frerichs Frerichs Frerichs Frerichs FRR FRRC FRRCH Frrchs Frerchs Frerichs Frerichs 00W Atlanta Alabama 205-776-2883 28 Gibson 35 46 6 86 32 55 T 805 18/36 180 1500 T 120 Murfreesboro Gibson Gibson Gibson Gibson Gibson Gibson Gibson Gibson Gibson GBS GBSN GIBSN Gibson Gibson Gibson Gibson 00W Atlanta Tennessee 615-274-6852 29 Hawk Haven 35 41 14 86 36 23 TAP 775 119.275 17/35 170 2400 T 40 TN07 Eagleville Hawk Haven Airfield Hawk Haven Hawk Haven Hawk Haven Hawk Haven Hawk Haven Hawk Haven Hawk Haven Hawk Haven HWK HWKH HWKHV HwkHvn HawkHvn HawkHavn HawkHaven 02W Atlanta Tennessee 615-274-3278 30 Hazel Green Apt 34 54 58 86 38 49 TA 814 122.8 07/25 70 2670 A 40 -EST M38 Hazel Green Hazel Green Airport HazelGreen Hazel Green Hazel Green AP Hazel Green Apt Hazel Green Apt Hazel Green Apt Hazel Green Apt Hazel Green Apt HZL HZLG HZLGR HzlGrn HazlGrn HazelGrn HazelGren 00W Atlanta Alabama 256-828-9205 31 Hogue 35 37 53 85 23 30 TAP 1800 122.725 04/22 40 3000 C 50 TN85 Spencer Hogue Airport Hogue Hogue Hogue Hogue Hogue Hogue Hogue Hogue HOG HOGU HOGUE Hogue Hogue Hogue Hogue 02W Atlanta Tennessee 615-946-2082 32 Hohenwald Apt 35 32 46 87 35 50 TA 972 122.8 02/20 18 4000 A 75 0M3 Hohenwald John A Baker Field Airport Hohenwald Hohenwald AP Hohenwald Apt Hohenwald Apt Hohenwald Apt Hohenwald Apt Hohenwald Apt Hohenwald Apt HHN HHNW HHNWL Hhnwld Hohnwld Hohenwld Hohenwald 01W Atlanta Tennessee 931-796-3609 33 Holenthawall 36 36 48 86 48 37 TAP 645 120.675 17/35 170 2000 T 100 3TN9 Springfield Holenthawall Airport Holenthwll Holenthawall Holenthawall Holenthawall Holenthawall Holenthawall Holenthawall Holenthawall HLN HLNT HLNTH Hlnthw Hlnthwl Hlnthwll Holnthwll 01W ST Louis Tennessee 615-384-0461 34 Hudgin Air 35 28 25 86 40 48 TAP 725 135.775 13/31 130 3100 T 75 TN12 Lewisburg Hudgin Air Airport Hudgin Air Hudgin Air Hudgin Air Hudgin Air Hudgin Air Hudgin Air Hudgin Air Hudgin Air HDG HDGN HDGNR Hudgnr Hudginr HudginAr HudginAir 01W Atlanta Tennessee 931-359-8683 35 Humphreys County 36 7 0 87 44 17 TA 756 122.8 03/21 30 4000 A 75 0M5 Waverly Humphreys County Airport HumphrsCnt HumphreysCnt HumphreysCount HumphreysCounty Humphreys County Humphreys County Humphreys County Humphreys County HMP HMPH HMPHR Hmphrs HmphrsC HmphrsCn HmphrsCnt 00E ST Louis Tennessee 731-296-2719 36 Hunter 35 41 50 86 57 25 TAP 640 135.775 05/23 50 2000 T 50 06TN Columbia Hunter STOLport Hunter Hunter Hunter Hunter Hunter Hunter Hunter Hunter HNT HNTR HUNTR Hunter Hunter Hunter Hunter 00W Atlanta Tennessee 615-486-2336 37 Huntsville Int 34 38 14 86 46 30 TA 629 127.6 18L/36R 181 10006 A 150 HSV Huntsville 127.6 Huntsville International Airport-Carl T Jones Field Huntsvllnt Huntsvillent Huntsville Int Huntsville Int Huntsville Int Huntsville Int Huntsville Int Huntsville Int HUN HNTS HNTSV Hntsvl Hntsvll Hntsvlln Hntsvllnt 01W Atlanta Alabama 256-772-9395 38 Indian Hill Farm 34 59 29 85 39 3 TAP 676 04/22 40 2900 T 65 TN50 New Hope Indian Hill Farm Airport IndnHllFrm IndianHllFrm IndianHillFarm Indian HillFarm Indian Hill Farm Indian Hill Farm Indian Hill Farm Indian Hill Farm IND INDN INDNH IndnHl IndnHll IndnHllF IndnHllFr 01W Atlanta Tennessee 615-837-8537 39 Jackson County 36 23 50 85 38 30 TA 515 122.9 18/36 180 3500 A 75 -EST 1A7 Gainesboro Jackson County Airport JacksonCnt JacksonCount Jackson County Jackson County Jackson County Jackson County Jackson County Jackson County JCK JCKS JCKSN JcksnC JcksnCn JcksnCnt JacksnCnt 02W ST Louis Tennessee 931-268-9643 40 King 35 8 17 86 4 52 TAP 1050 121.675 17/35 170 1250 T 50 TN52 Winchester King Airport King King King King King King King King KNG KING KING King King King King 01W Atlanta Tennessee 615-967-2733 41 Lafayette 36 31 6 86 3 30 TA 970 122.8 01/19 6 3991 A 75 PART 3M7 Lafayette Lafayette Municipal Airport Lafayette Lafayette Lafayette Lafayette Lafayette Lafayette Lafayette Lafayette LFT LFTT LAFTT Lafatt Lafaytt Lafayett Lafayette 02W ST Louis Tennessee 615-666-5535 42 Lawicki 36 1 29 86 16 19 TLP 643 06/24 60 2100 G 50 9TN9 Lebanon Lawicki Lawicki Lawicki Lawicki Lawicki Lawicki Lawicki Lawicki LWC LWCK LAWCK Lawick Lawicki Lawicki Lawicki 02W Tennessee 615-286-2303 43 Lawrence County 34 39 34 87 20 56 TAP 588 122.7 13/31 130 5000 C 150 PART 9A4 Courtland Welcome Field Airport LawrencCnt LawrenceCont LawrenceCounty Lawrence County Lawrence County Lawrence County Lawrence County Lawrence County LWR LWRN LWRNC LwrncC LwrncCn LwrncCnt LawrncCnt 01W Alabama 256-637-6000 44 Lawrenceburg Apt 35 14 3 87 15 29 TA 936 122.8 17/35 167 5003 A 100 PART 2M2 Lawrenceburg Lawrenceburg-Lawrence County Airport Lawrencbrg Lawrenceburg Lawrenceburg Lawrenceburg AP Lawrenceburg Apt Lawrenceburg Apt Lawrenceburg Apt Lawrenceburg Apt LAW LAWR LAWRE Lwrncb Lwrncbr Lwrncbrg Lawrncbrg 01W Atlanta Tennessee 931-762-5133 45 Lebanon Apt 36 11 26 86 18 57 TA 576 122.8 01/19 46 5000 A 100 M54 Lebanon Lebanon Municipal Airport Lebanon AP Lebanon Apt Lebanon Apt Lebanon Apt Lebanon Apt Lebanon Apt Lebanon Apt Lebanon Apt LBN LBNN LEBNN Lebann Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon 02W ST Louis Tennessee 615-444-0031 46 Lee 36 14 47 86 18 10 TAP 570 118.325 18/36 180 2600 T 75 1TN0 Lebanon Lee Field Airport Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee LEE LEE LEE Lee Lee Lee Lee 01W Atlanta Tennessee 615-444-8700 47 Lewisburg Apt 35 30 25 86 48 14 TA 717 122.8 02/20 18 5002 A 75 PART LUG Lewisburg Ellington Airport Lewisburg Lewisburg AP Lewisburg Apt Lewisburg Apt Lewisburg Apt Lewisburg Apt Lewisburg Apt Lewisburg Apt LWS LWSB LWSBR Lwsbrg Lewsbrg Lewisbrg Lewisburg 00W Atlanta Tennessee 931-359-5003 48 Long Meadow 35 39 59 86 29 28 TAP 750 119.275 01/19 10 2400 T 75 TN65 Murfreesburg Long Meadow Airstrip LongMeadow Long Meadow Long Meadow Long Meadow Long Meadow Long Meadow Long Meadow Long Meadow LNG LNGM LNGMD LngMdw LongMdw LongMedw LongMeadw 02W Atlanta Tennessee 615-233-5443 49 Madison Co Exec 34 51 41 86 33 27 TA 755 123.0 18/36 181 5008 A 100 0.7 MDQ Huntsville Madison County Executive Airport MadisonCxc MadisonCoExc Madison CoExec Madison Co Exec Madison Co Exec Madison Co Exec Madison Co Exec Madison Co Exec MDS MDSN MDSNC MdsnCx MdsnCxc MadsnCxc MadisnCxc 00W Atlanta Alabama 256-828-3883 50 Marion County-Brown 35 3 38 85 35 7 TA 641 122.8 04/22 38 3500 A 75 APT Jasper Marion County Airport-Brown Field MrnCntBrwn MarinCntBrwn MarionContBrwn MarionCountBrwn MarionCountyBrwn MarionCountyBrown Marion County Brown Marion County Brown MRN MRNC MRNCN MrnCnt MrnCntB MrnCntBr MrnCntBrw 02W Atlanta Tennessee 423-942-5234 51 Maury Co Apt 35 33 15 87 10 44 TA 681 122.8 06/24 170 6003 A 100 MRC Columbia/Mount Pleasant Maury County Airport Maury Co Maury Co Apt Maury Co Apt Maury Co Apt Maury Co Apt Maury Co Apt Maury Co Apt Maury Co Apt MRC MARC MAURC MauryC MauryCo Maury Co Maury Co 01W Atlanta Tennessee 931-379-4510 52 McDonald 35 52 3 86 29 52 TAP 600 133.975 09/27 90 2350 T 100 0TN5 Murfreesboro Mc Donald Airport McDonald McDonald McDonald McDonald McDonald McDonald McDonald McDonald MCD MCDN MCDNL McDnld McDonld McDonald McDonald 01W Atlanta Tennessee 615-893-8930 53 Moontown Apt 34 44 50 86 27 41 TA 650 122.7 09/27 90 2180 T 160 -EST 3M5 Huntsville Moontown Airport Moontown Moontown Apt Moontown Apt Moontown Apt Moontown Apt Moontown Apt Moontown Apt Moontown Apt MNT MNTW MNTWN Montwn Moontwn Moontown Moontown 01W Atlanta Alabama 256-852-9781 54 Murfreesboro Apt 35 52 39 86 22 39 TA 615 122.7 18/36 182 3898 A 100 PART MBT Murfreesboro Murfreesboro Municipal Airport Murfreesbr Murfreesboro Murfreesboro Murfreesboro AP Murfreesboro Apt Murfreesboro Apt Murfreesboro Apt Murfreesboro Apt MRF MRFR MRFRS Mrfrsb Mrfrsbr Murfrsbr Murfresbr 02W Atlanta Tennessee 615-848-3254 55 Myers-Smith 35 14 52 86 7 43 TAP 900 121.675 09/27 90 2650 T 75 TN67 Estill Springs Myers-Smith Airport MyersSmith Myers Smith Myers Smith Myers Smith Myers Smith Myers Smith Myers Smith Myers Smith MRS MRSS MRSSM MrsSmt MrsSmth MyrsSmth MyersSmth 01W Atlanta Tennessee 615-649-5666 56 Nashville 36 7 28 86 40 42 TA 599 122.95 13/31 133 11030 A 150 BNA Nashville 118.6 Nashville International Airport Nashville Nashville Nashville Nashville Nashville Nashville Nashville Nashville NSH NSHV NSHVL Nshvll Nashvll Nashvill Nashville 01W Atlanta Tennessee 615-275-1600 57 Nobuzzn 36 29 11 86 54 40 TAP 650 120.675 10/28 100 1900 T 150 8TN5 Springfield Nobuzzn Airport Nobuzzn Nobuzzn Nobuzzn Nobuzzn Nobuzzn Nobuzzn Nobuzzn Nobuzzn NBZ NBZZ NBZZN Nobzzn Nobuzzn Nobuzzn Nobuzzn 01W ST Louis Tennessee 615-384-8659 58 One Grand 36 6 50 85 35 42 TAP 1000 128.25 09/27 90 2500 T 100 5TN9 Cookeville One Grand Field Airport One Grand One Grand One Grand One Grand One Grand One Grand One Grand One Grand 1GR 1GRN 1GRND 1Grand 1 Grand 1 Grand One Grand 02W ST Louis Tennessee 931-432-5867 59 Page 35 51 16 86 44 45 TL 669 3100 Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page PAG PAGE PAGE Page Page Page Page Atlanta 60 Palmer 34 41 43 86 47 10 T 680 120.00 18/36 180 1800 T 100 Madison Palmer Field Airport Palmer Palmer Palmer Palmer Palmer Palmer Palmer Palmer PLM PLMR PALMR Palmer Palmer Palmer Palmer 01W Atlanta Alabama 205-772-3697 61 Perry County 35 35 45 87 52 36 TA 740 122.9 18/36 180 3600 A 75 M15 Linden Perry County Airport PerryCount Perry County Perry County Perry County Perry County Perry County Perry County Perry County PRR PRRC PRRCN PrrCnt PerrCnt PerryCnt PerryCont 01E Atlanta Tennessee 931-589-2216 62 Pleasant Grove 35 23 56 86 33 14 TAP 850 119.275 10/28 100 3000 T 60 8TN2 Shelbyville Pleasant Grove Airpark PleasntGrv PleasantGrov Pleasant Grove Pleasant Grove Pleasant Grove Pleasant Grove Pleasant Grove Pleasant Grove PLS PLSN PLSNT PlsntG PlsntGr PlsntGrv PlesntGrv 02W Atlanta Tennessee 931-684-4621 63 Pryor Field 34 39 10 86 56 43 TA 592 123.075 18/36 181 5096 A 100 DCU Decatur Pryor Field Regional Airport PryorField Pryor Field Pryor Field Pryor Field Pryor Field Pryor Field Pryor Field Pryor Field PRY PRRF PRRFL PrrFld PryrFld PryorFld PryorFild 01W Atlanta Alabama 256-306-9070 64 R & S Buzzard 35 40 36 86 53 48 TAP 810 135.775 17/35 170 1750 T 100 0TN0 Spring Hill R & S Buzzard Airport R+SBuzzard R + SBuzzard R + S Buzzard R and S Buzzard R and S Buzzard R and S Buzzard R and S Buzzard R and S Buzzard R+S R+SB R+SBZ R+SBzz R+SBzzr R+SBzzrd R+SBuzzrd 00W Atlanta Tennessee 615-381-6791 65 Ragsdale Road 35 30 57 85 57 13 T 1100 90 Manchester Ragsdale Road Airport RagsdaleRd Ragsdale Rd Ragsdale Road Ragsdale Road Ragsdale Road Ragsdale Road Ragsdale Road Ragsdale Road RGS RGSD RGSDL RgsdlR RgsdlRd RagsdlRd RagsdalRd 01W Atlanta Tennessee 615-728-8424 66 Redstone Army 34 40 43 86 41 5 TY 685 126.95 17/35 170 7300 A 150 HUA Redstone Arsenal (Huntsville) 126.95 Redstone Army Airfield Redstonerm RedstoneArmy Redstone Army Redstone Army Redstone Army Redstone Army Redstone Army Redstone Army RDS RDST RDSTN Rdstnr Rdstnrm Redstnrm Redstonrm 00W Atlanta Alabama 205-876-2186 67 Rutledge 35 22 19 86 16 1 T 1125 128.325 18/36 180 2680 T 100 Tullahoma Rutledge Field Airport Rutledge Rutledge Rutledge Rutledge Rutledge Rutledge Rutledge Rutledge RTL RTLD RTLDG Rutldg Rutledg Rutledge Rutledge 01W Atlanta Tennessee 615-455-8900 68 Shelbyville Apt 35 33 36 86 26 33 TA 800 122.8 18/36 179 5003 A 100 PART SYI Shelbyville Bomar Field-Shelbyville Municipal Airport Shelbyvill Shelbyville Shelbyville AP Shelbyville Apt Shelbyville Apt Shelbyville Apt Shelbyville Apt Shelbyville Apt SHL SHLB SHLBV Shlbvl Shlbvll Shelbvll Shelbyvll 01W Atlanta Tennessee 931-684-1669 69 Shultz 35 44 56 86 48 49 T 770 Franklin Shultz Airport Shultz Shultz Shultz Shultz Shultz Shultz Shultz Shultz SHU SHLT SHLTZ Shultz Shultz Shultz Shultz 00W Atlanta Tennessee 615-665-0663 70 Smithville Apt 35 59 7 85 48 34 TA 1084 122.8 06/24 58 4107 A 75 0A3 Smithville Smithville Municipal Airport Smithville Smithville Smithville Apt Smithville Apt Smithville Apt Smithville Apt Smithville Apt Smithville Apt SMT SMTH SMTHV Smthvl Smthvll Smithvll Smithvill 02W Atlanta Tennessee 615-597-4940 71 Smyrna 36 0 32 86 31 12 TA 543 118.5 14/32 139 8036 A 150 -0.8 MQY Smyrna 118.5 Smyrna Airport Smyrna Smyrna Smyrna Smyrna Smyrna Smyrna Smyrna Smyrna SMR SMRN SMYRN Smyrna Smyrna Smyrna Smyrna 01W Atlanta Tennessee 615-459-2651 72 Spencer 35 23 15 85 57 45 T 1080 121.675 18/36 180 1700 T 300 Manchester Spencer Field Airport Spencer Spencer Spencer Spencer Spencer Spencer Spencer Spencer SPN SPNC SPNCR Spencr Spencer Spencer Spencer 01W Atlanta Tennessee 615-596-2372 73 Springfield Robertson County 36 32 14 86 55 14 TA 707 123.0 04/22 33 5006 A 100 0.1 M91 Springfield Springfield Robertson County Airport SprngfldRb SprngfldRbrt SprngfldRbrtsn SprngfldRbrtsnC SprngfldRbrtsnCn SprngfldRbrtsnCnt SpringfieldRbrtsnCnt SpringfieldRobertsnCnt SPR SPRN SPRNG Sprngf Sprngfl Sprngfld SprngfldR 01W ST Louis Tennessee 615-384-4181 74 Stevenson 34 53 11 85 48 12 TA 644 122.8 05/23 49 4103 A 80 0.5 7A6 Stevenson Stevenson Airport Stevenson Stevenson Stevenson Stevenson Stevenson Stevenson Stevenson Stevenson STV STVN STVNS Stvnsn Stevnsn Stevensn Stevenson 01W Atlanta Alabama 205-437-2269 75 Stones River 35 58 15 86 23 35 TAP 537 133.975 15/33 150 2075 T 100 7TN3 Murfreesboro Stones River Airport StonesRivr Stones River Stones River Stones River Stones River Stones River Stones River Stones River STN STNS STNSR StnsRv StnsRvr StonsRvr StonesRvr 01W Atlanta Tennessee 615-848-7189 76 Sumner County 36 22 37 86 24 32 TA 584 123.05 17/35 171 5000 A 100 PART M33 Gallatin Sumner County Regional Airport SumnerCont SumnerCounty Sumner County Sumner County Sumner County Sumner County Sumner County Sumner County SMN SMNR SMNRC SmnrCn SmnrCnt SumnrCnt SumnerCnt 02W ST Louis Tennessee 615-230-5666 77 T-Top 35 41 23 86 38 9 TAP 770 119.275 01/19 10 2500 T 60 TN14 Eagleville T-Top Airfield T Top T Top T Top T Top T Top T Top T Top T Top TTP TTOP T TOP T Top T Top T Top T Top 02W Atlanta Tennessee 615-274-3947 78 The Aviation Valley 35 25 19 86 17 25 TAP 890 128.325 14/32 140 1800 T 100 6TN4 Tullahoma The Aviation Valley Airport TheAvValle The AvValley The Av Valley The Av Valley The Av Valley The Av Valley The Aviation Valley The Aviation Valley THv THvV THvVL ThvVll ThevVll TheAvVll TheAvVall 01W Atlanta Tennessee 615-857-3419 79 Toy Box 36 1 10 86 17 17 TAP 630 133.975 06/24 60 1500 T 50 9TN9 Lebanon Toy Box Airport Toy Box Toy Box Toy Box Toy Box Toy Box Toy Box Toy Box Toy Box TBX TOBX TOYBX ToyBox Toy Box Toy Box Toy Box 02W ST Louis Tennessee 615-286-2303 80 Trione 35 48 25 86 36 44 TAP 740 133.975 18/36 180 2500 T 70 TN97 Nashville Trione Airfield Trione Trione Trione Trione Trione Trione Trione Trione TRN TRIN TRION Trione Trione Trione Trione 02W Atlanta Tennessee 615-395-7005 81 Tullahoma Apt 35 22 48 86 14 47 TA 1082 123.0 18/36 58 5001 A 100 THA Tullahoma Tullahoma Regional Airport/William Northern Field Tullahoma Tullahoma AP Tullahoma Apt Tullahoma Apt Tullahoma Apt Tullahoma Apt Tullahoma Apt Tullahoma Apt TLL TLLH TLLHM Tullhm Tullahm Tullahom Tullahoma 01W Atlanta Tennessee 931-455-3884 82 Upper Cumberland 36 3 21 85 31 51 TA 1025 122.8 04/22 35 6000 A 100 SRB Sparta Upper Cumberland Regional Airport UpprCmbrln UpperCmbrlnd UpperCumberlnd UpperCumberland Upper Cumberland Upper Cumberland Upper Cumberland Upper Cumberland UPP UPPR UPPRC UpprCm UpprCmb UpprCmbr UpprCmbrl 03W ST Louis Tennessee 615-399-8077 83 Versailles 35 43 48 86 32 16 TAP 855 119.275 06/24 60 2000 T 60 9TN1 Eagleville Versailles Aerodrome Versailles Versailles Versailles Versailles Versailles Versailles Versailles Versailles VRS VRSL VRSLL Vrslls Verslls Versalls Versaills 02W Atlanta Tennessee 615-274-3920 84 Wagner 35 8 23 86 13 20 TAP 975 121.675 18/36 180 1900 T 50 1TN3 Belvidere Wagner Field Airport Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner WGN WGNR WAGNR Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner Memphis Tennessee 931-962-0623 85 Warren Co Apt 35 41 55 85 50 38 TA 1032 122.8 05/23 51 5000 A 100 PART RNC Mc Minnville Warren County Memorial Airport Warren Co Warren Co AP Warren Co Apt Warren Co Apt Warren Co Apt Warren Co Apt Warren Co Apt Warren Co Apt WRR WRRN WRRNC WarrnC WarrenC WarrenCo Warren Co 02W Atlanta Tennessee 931-668-7050 86 Welcome 36 42 40 86 38 10 TAP 695 118.175 11/29 110 2000 T 100 35KY Franklin Welcome Field Airport Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome WLC WLCM WELCM Welcom Welcome Welcome Welcome 01W ST Louis Kentucky 502-586-0612 87 Whitwell 35 11 1 85 31 31 T 651 Whitwell Whitwell Whitwell Whitwell Whitwell Whitwell Whitwell Whitwell WHT WHTW WHTWL Whtwll Whitwll Whitwell Whitwell 88 Winchester Apt 35 10 39 86 3 58 TA 979 122.8 18/36 182 5003 A 75 PART BGF Winchester Winchester Municipal Airport Winchester Winchester Winchester Apt Winchester Apt Winchester Apt Winchester Apt Winchester Apt Winchester Apt WNC WNCH WNCHS Wnchst Wnchstr Winchstr Winchestr 02W Atlanta Tennessee 931-967-3148