-38.0241667, 174.8277778, "Aotea AS", "AoteaS", "", ff0000, 145 -37.8863889, 175.0277778, "Aramiro", "Aramir", "Description: Intersection", ff0000, 138 -38.0713889, 175.6436111, "Arapuni Dam", "ArpnDm", "Description: Building at Dam", ff0000, 138 -38.1930556, 175.6119444, "Arohena", "Arohen", "Description: Hall", ff0000, 138 -38.3930556, 176.0130556, "Atiamuri", "Atiamr", "Description: Bridge", ff0000, 138 -37.3961111, 175.5936111, "Awaiti", "Awaiti", "Description: Canal T Jtn", ff0000, 138 -38.6519444, 174.6280556, "Awakino", "Awakin", "Description: Town", ff0000, 138 -37.8730556, 175.8825000, "BOP Depot", "BOPDpt", "Description: Main Buildin", ff0000, 138 -38.4883333, 175.5894444, "Barryville", "Brrvll", "Description: Airstrip", ff0000, 138 -38.5222222, 175.3630556, "Bennydale Hall", "BnndlH", "Description: Hall", ff0000, 138 -37.1922222, 174.9827778, "Bombay Overbridge", "Bmbvrb", "Description: Overbridge", ff0000, 138 -38.2619444, 175.0255556, "Bouldering", "Bldrng", "Description: Airstrip", ff0000, 138 -37.0475000, 175.6622222, "Camel's Back", "CmlsBc", "Description: Rugged. No Landing", ff0000, 138 -38.6663889, 176.1341667, "Centennial Park AF", "Cntnnl", "Description: NZCG Unattended 134.45 RWY 04 LH. RWY 22 RH. RWY 07 LH. NO RWY 25. AIP 2016.05.16", ff0000, 145 -37.3269444, 175.0305556, "Clark & Denize Airstrip", "Clrk+D", "Description: Runway 11-29 ** Length 393m ** Width 25m ** Strip is between 2 paddocks - approx right angles to road. Maybe difficult to spot from the air", ff0000, 138 -36.7897222, 175.5072222, "Coromandel AF", "Crmndl", "Description: NZCX RWY 12-30. Unattended 124.5 AIP 2012.05.31", ff0000, 145 -37.2400000, 175.3069444, "Dimmock Rd.", "DmmckR", "Description: (Mercer 100Km FAI Triangle. * Course NZDY - ROSE Rosehill Swim Pool - ORTC Orton Corner - DIMM Dimmock- NZDY)", ff0000, 138 -37.1930556, 174.6172222, "Douglas Rd AS", "DglsRd", "Description: Rway 25-07 Len 300m. AKL Gliding Club West Coast Winching Site", ff0000, 138 -37.1005556, 174.9747222, "Drury AF", "DruryF", "Description: NZDY Unattended 134.45 - RWY 18 RH. RWY 36 LH. AIP 2021.02.25", ff0000, 118 -37.1036111, 174.9527778, "Drury Overbridge", "Drrvrb", "Description: Start", ff0000, 138 -37.3361111, 175.4927778, "Flaxmill T J", "Flxmll", "", ff0000, 138 -38.4086111, 176.7419444, "Galatea AF", "GalatF", "Description: NZGA Available without permission. Watch for model aircraft generally located near middle of Rway. AIP 2018.03.19", ff0000, 145 -37.4480556, 174.9588889, "Glen Murray", "GlnMrr", "Description: School 351F", ff0000, 138 -37.7072222, 175.8338889, "Gordon", "Gordon", "", ff0000, 138 -38.5936111, 176.5752778, "Goudies East", "Goudis", "Description: Emergency only. Very long walk no mobile receptionAirstrip planted in potatoes. Use paddocks/rough", ff0000, 138 -38.5205556, 176.4777778, "Goudies Rd", "GodsRd", "Description: Landcorp HQ. Good landing area", ff0000, 138 -38.4505556, 174.8555556, "Haku AS", "HakuAS", "Description: Ag Strip - Unknown", ff0000, 145 -37.3541667, 175.0761111, "Hampton Downs", "HmptnD", "Description: Race Course", ff0000, 138 -37.2005556, 175.1308333, "Hein", "Hein ", "Description: Landout Paddocks. Often light electric fence between the 2 paddocks. Windsock?", ff0000, 138 -37.2688889, 175.6544444, "Hikutaia", "Hikuta", "Description: Road Int", ff0000, 138 -37.8819444, 175.7600000, "Hinuera", "Hinuer", "Description: Railway Xing", ff0000, 138 -37.1877778, 175.1466667, "Hotel de Vin", "HtldVn", "", ff0000, 138 -38.0452778, 175.8972222, "KFC Sheds", "KFCShd", "Description: Chicken Shed", ff0000, 138 -37.5052778, 174.7433333, "Kaawa Stream", "KwStrm", "", ff0000, 138 -37.3727778, 175.4205556, "Kaihere", "Kaiher", "Description: School", ff0000, 138 -37.8819444, 175.9208333, "Kaimai Yards", "Kamrds", "Description: 100Km Out & Return - KAIY Kaimai Yards - TIRS Tirohia Air Strip - KAIY Kaimai Yards is 100Km.", ff0000, 138 -37.9388889, 175.9030556, "Kakahu AS", "KakahS", "Description: Fertiliser Bin at Southern End. Rway 16. Len 250m. 504.6Km Dist 3 TP (KAKU - KIRB - KAKU - KIRB)", ff0000, 138 -37.0772222, 174.9283333, "Karaka Sales Yard", "KrkSls", "Description: Saleyards", ff0000, 138 -37.0772222, 174.9283333, "Karaka VRP", "KrkVRP", "Description: Stay to the S.E. to avoid airspace", ff0000, 138 -37.9238889, 175.5394444, "Karapiro Dam", "KrprDm", "Description: Hydro Dam", ff0000, 138 -37.3002778, 175.5350000, "Kerepehi", "Kereph", "Description: Bridge", ff0000, 138 -38.2791667, 175.9027778, "Kinleith", "Kinlth", "Description: E of Mill", ff0000, 138 -36.8688889, 175.4236111, "Kirita Bay", "KiritB", "Description: 504.6Km Diamond Dist 3 TP (KAKU - KIRB - KAKU - KIRB)", ff0000, 138 -38.8619444, 175.7277778, "Kurutau AS", "KurutS", "Description: Ag Strip", ff0000, 138 -37.2516667, 174.9613889, "LaValla", "LaVall", "Description: Estate Air Strip. Rway 06 (Slopes up to East). Strip on Nth side of LaValla Estate. Address 131 Dominion Road, Tuakau.", ff0000, 138 -38.0763889, 175.7797222, "Litchfield AS", "Ltchfl", "Description: NE/SW Stock?", ff0000, 138 -37.4858333, 175.5427778, "Lower Waitoa", "LowrWt", "", ff0000, 138 -38.3533333, 175.7483333, "Mangakino Dam", "MngknD", "Description: Spillway Gate", ff0000, 138 -38.3033333, 174.7205556, "Marakopa", "Marakp", "Description: Town", ff0000, 138 -38.1150000, 176.8163889, "Matahina Dam", "MthnDm", "Description: Hydro Dam", ff0000, 138 -37.7375000, 175.7402778, "Matamata AF", "MatmtF", "Description: NZMA Unattended 122.25 RWY 28 LH. RW 10 RH. AIP 2018.11.08", ff0000, 138 -37.8019444, 175.7525000, "Matamata Cemetery", "MtmtCm", "Description: Cemetery Ent", ff0000, 138 -37.7336111, 175.7347222, "Matamata Finish North", "Fin N ", "Description: Nth End Fin", ff0000, 138 -37.7416667, 175.7483333, "Matamata Finish South", "Fin S ", "Description: Sth End Fin", ff0000, 138 -37.4141667, 175.3955556, "Maungakawa Tower", "MngkwT", "Description: Waiplenty Network Comms Tower", ff0000, 138 -37.2591667, 175.1147222, "Mercer AF", "MercrF", "Description: NZME RWY 09 RH. RWY 27 LH. AWIB transmit 4 clicks on 119.2 four times within 3 seconds. AIP 2020.11.05", ff0000, 145 -37.3130556, 175.0677778, "Meremere", "Meremr", "Description: Power Stn", ff0000, 138 -38.5355556, 175.8961111, "Mokai AS", "MokaiS", "Description: T/Dress strip. land towards fertiliser bin", ff0000, 138 -37.2538889, 175.2391667, "Monument Rd - SH2 R/J", "MnmntR", "Description: Junction", ff0000, 138 -37.6680556, 175.5425000, "Morrinsville", "Mrrnsv", "Description: Road Intersection", ff0000, 138 -37.2080556, 175.0233333, "Mt William", "MtWllm", "", ff0000, 138 -38.4791667, 176.7241667, "Murupara", "Murupr", "Description: Strip parallel with Road", ff0000, 145 -37.5158333, 174.9541667, "Naike", "Naike ", "Description: Hall 268F", ff0000, 138 -39.1769444, 175.4022222, "National Park R/J", "NtnlPr", "Description: Road Junction", ff0000, 138 -37.6708333, 175.6772222, "Ngarua Rd Junction", "NgrRdJ", "Description: SH27 and Kareone Road and Diagonal Rd", ff0000, 138 -38.0972222, 175.9011111, "Ngatira", "Ngatir", "Description: Road / Rail Crossing", ff0000, 138 -37.4894444, 175.1566667, "Ohinewai", "Ohinew", "Description: Service Stn", ff0000, 138 -37.9536111, 175.8038889, "Okoroire", "Okoror", "Description: Hotel", ff0000, 138 -38.1947222, 175.8002778, "Old Taupo Rd", "OldTpR", "Description: Unknown", ff0000, 138 -38.9436111, 175.2266667, "Omaka AS", "OmakaS", "", ff0000, 138 -38.1658333, 175.0169444, "Omarama NI", "OmarmN", "", ff0000, 138 -38.3416667, 175.0691667, "Oparure Quarry", "OprrQr", "Description: Airstrip to the south of the BIG White Limestone Quarry", ff0000, 138 -38.5080556, 176.1533333, "Orakei Korako", "OrkKrk", "Description: Grazed? Land uphill towards house", ff0000, 138 -37.3866667, 175.0230556, "Orton Corner", "OrtnCr", "Description: Corner of AA TMA. 2nd for 100 Km Mercer Triangle", ff0000, 138 -38.7311111, 175.6694444, "Otanga", "Otanga", "Description: Airstrip", ff0000, 145 -38.1922222, 175.2083333, "Otorohanga Br", "Otrhng", "Description: Bridge", ff0000, 138 -37.4897222, 175.6072222, "Otway", "Otway ", "Description: Road Jtn", ff0000, 138 -38.0652778, 175.4930556, "Paeahi", "Paeahi", "Description: Buildings", ff0000, 138 -38.2750000, 175.3905556, "Paenua", "Paenua", "", ff0000, 138 -37.3794444, 175.6605556, "Paeroa", "Paeroa", "Description: River Bend", ff0000, 138 -37.9430556, 175.6686111, "Piarere", "Piarer", "Description: Road Junction", ff0000, 138 -38.4666667, 175.0155556, "Pio Pio", "PioPio", "", ff0000, 138 -37.2302778, 175.0169444, "Pokeno", "Pokeno", "Description: Overbridge", ff0000, 138 -37.1383333, 174.6180556, "Pollock", "Pollck", "", ff0000, 138 -37.4269444, 174.7052778, "Port Waikato Climb", "PrtWkt", "", ff0000, 138 -37.3480556, 174.6886111, "Port Waikato North", "PortWa", "Description: Coastal Soaring Point North of Waikato River", ff0000, 138 -37.3900000, 174.7283333, "Port Waikato", "PortWi", "", ff0000, 138 -37.3338889, 174.9883333, "Pukekawa", "Pukekw", "Description: Intersection Hw 22 and Clark and Denize Rd", ff0000, 138 -37.2147222, 174.9186111, "Pukekohe Racecourse", "PkkhRc", "", ff0000, 145 -38.5002778, 175.5419444, "Pureora AS", "PurerS", "Description: Grass ag/ strip", ff0000, 138 -38.0575000, 175.7886111, "Putararu", "Putarr", "Description: Rail Overbridge", ff0000, 138 -39.3836111, 175.2947222, "Raetihi AS", "RaethS", "Description: Glider A/S", ff0000, 145 -37.8047222, 174.8600000, "Raglan AF", "RaglnF", "Description: NZRA Unattended 123.75 - RWY 05-23. Dogs. People. Kites 2 NM to South. AIP 2018.11.08", ff0000, 145 -37.8052778, 174.8405556, "Raglan Beach", "RglnBc", "", ff0000, 138 -38.3619444, 175.6577778, "Ranginui AS", "RangnS", "Description: Air Strip Unknown/stock", ff0000, 138 -38.8866667, 176.3636111, "Rangitaiki AS", "RngtkS", "Description: NZRK Unattended 119.1 - RWY 16-34. Poor phone reception. Aerotow ok. Phone at Farm Office 1 NM South. AIP 2017.07.20", ff0000, 145 -37.2383333, 175.3002778, "Rataroa Peak", "RatrPk", "Description: Tower on top of hill", ff0000, 138 -38.4247222, 176.3161111, "Reporoa Dairy Factory", "RprDrF", "Description: Dairy Factory", ff0000, 138 -37.0769444, 174.9333333, "Rosehill Swim Pool", "RshllS", "Description: High School (Mercer 100Km FAI Triangle. * Course NZDY - ROSE - ORTC Orton Corner - DIMM Dimmock- NZDY", ff0000, 145 -39.0294444, 175.6411111, "Rotoaira", "Rotoar", "Description: No Strip", ff0000, 138 -39.0294444, 175.6411111, "Rotoa", "Rotoa ", "Description: No Strip", ff0000, 138 -37.5347222, 175.0855556, "Rotongaro", "Rotngr", "Description: Crossroads 140F", ff0000, 138 -37.6722222, 175.0733333, "Rotowaro", "Rotowr", "Description: Open cast mine", ff0000, 138 -37.7041667, 174.9225000, "Ruakiwi", "Ruakiw", "Description: Crossroads 191F", ff0000, 138 -37.2913889, 175.3727778, "SH27 S Hwy2-27", "SH27SH", "Description: Junction Stn", ff0000, 138 -37.3736111, 175.0816667, "Springhill C.F.", "Sprngh", "Description: Correction Facility (Prison)", ff0000, 138 -37.1297222, 174.9875000, "Stevenson Quarry", "Stvnsn", "Description: Thermal Source", ff0000, 138 -37.5141667, 175.5061111, "Tahuna", "Tahuna", "Description: Bridge", ff0000, 138 -38.0488889, 176.9850000, "Taneatua R/J", "TantRJ", "Description: Road Junction", ff0000, 138 -37.9863889, 175.8408333, "Tapapa", "Tapapa", "Description: Road Y Junction", ff0000, 138 -38.8394444, 175.2619444, "Taumaranui AF", "TamrnF", "Description: NZTM 119.1 RWY 01 RH. RWY 19 LH. AIP 2018.02.01", ff0000, 145 -37.6783333, 174.8516667, "Te Akau", "TeAkau", "", ff0000, 138 -38.6722222, 176.4722222, "Te Awa Camp", "TewCmp", "Description: Emergency A/S by River. No Phone. Aero tow ok. Pumice. Beware rain damage", ff0000, 138 -37.4872222, 175.3647222, "Te Hoe Mt", "Te Hoe", "Description: Airspace Corner", ff0000, 138 -37.7950000, 174.8402778, "Te Kaha", "TeKaha", "", ff0000, 138 -37.7450000, 175.1586111, "Te Kowhai AF", "TeKwhF", "Description: NZTE Freq 123.75. RWY 05 RH. RWY 23 LH. Do not overfly retirement village to NW. AIP 2018.07.19", ff0000, 145 -38.3033333, 175.1469444, "Te Kuiti AF", "TeKutF", "Description: NZTT No Specified Circuit Direction. AIP 2017.07.20", ff0000, 145 -37.7872222, 175.5922222, "Te Miro", "TeMiro", "Description: Tank", ff0000, 138 -38.6052778, 176.2691667, "Te Pamu", "TePamu", "", ff0000, 138 -37.8727778, 175.8430556, "Te Poi", "Te Poi", "Description: X Roads", ff0000, 138 -37.0455556, 175.5275000, "Te Puru", "TePuru", "", ff0000, 138 -37.8722222, 174.9680556, "Te Uku Wind Farm", "TkWndF", "", ff0000, 138 -38.1641667, 175.9522222, "Te Wetu", "TeWetu", "Description: Shack", ff0000, 138 -37.1566667, 175.5502778, "Thames AF", "ThamsF", "Description: NZTH 124.5 - [RWY 14 RH. RWAY 32 LH ]. RWY 05 RH. RWY 23 LH. AIP 2019.03.28", ff0000, 145 -38.6266667, 175.7222222, "Tihoi", "Tihoi ", "Description: Road Intersection", ff0000, 138 -37.9847222, 175.7680556, "Tirau R/J", "TiraRJ", "Description: Road Intersection", ff0000, 138 -38.4497222, 175.9238889, "Tirohanga", "Tirhng", "Description: Unknown farm airstrip?", ff0000, 138 -37.4566667, 175.7247222, "Tirohia Airstrip", "TirohS", "Description: Ag strip too small and steep. NOT Suitable for glider landout. KAIY Kaimai Yards. 100Km Out & Return - KAIY Kaimai Yards - TIRS Tirohia Ai", ff0000, 138 -37.4391667, 175.6394444, "Tirohia", "Tirohi", "Description: Bridge", ff0000, 138 -38.5097222, 175.6919444, "Titiraupenga", "Ttrpng", "Description: Peak", ff0000, 138 -38.2152778, 174.9213889, "Toi Road Airstrip", "ToiRdS", "Description: Rway 19Mag * Len 350m * Location Te Koraha * Access Off Toi Rd off Hauturu Rd. * Another Strip 1Km NE *", ff0000, 138 -38.2366667, 175.8927778, "Tokoroa AF", "TokorF", "Description: NZTO Unattended 123.25 - RWY 13 LH. RWY 31 RH. SWD Council (07) 885 0340. Locked Gates a Problem. AIP 2018.03.09", ff0000, 145 -37.2977778, 174.9455556, "Tuakau Bridge", "TukBrg", "", ff0000, 138 -38.9683333, 175.8136111, "Turangi AF", "TurngF", "Description: NZTN Unattended 119.1 RWY 02 LH. RWY 20 RH. AIP 2013.09.19", ff0000, 145 -37.7613889, 175.7533333, "Waharoa", "Waharo", "Description: Service Stn", ff0000, 138 -37.6913889, 175.0002778, "Waignaro Hot Springs", "WgnrHt", "", ff0000, 138 -38.1238889, 175.3836111, "Waikeria", "Waiker", "Description: Road Junction", ff0000, 138 -38.9555556, 176.5238889, "Waipunga Falls", "WpngFl", "Description: Twin Falls", ff0000, 138 -38.6252778, 176.0891667, "Wairakei", "Wairak", "Description: Service Station", ff0000, 138 -37.8466667, 175.0336111, "Waitetuna", "Waittn", "Description: School 130F", ff0000, 138 -37.5958333, 175.6361111, "Waitoa", "Waitoa", "Description: Road Intersection", ff0000, 138 -38.2608333, 175.1044444, "Waitomo Caves", "WtmCvs", "Description: Buildings", ff0000, 138 -37.7483333, 175.6730556, "Walton Golf Club", "WltnGl", "Description: Club House", ff0000, 138 -37.7300000, 175.7008333, "Walton", "Walton", "Description: Rail Overbridge", ff0000, 138 -38.1441667, 175.6897222, "Waotu", "Waotu ", "Description: School", ff0000, 138 -37.7236111, 175.7794444, "Wardville", "Wrdvll", "", ff0000, 138 -38.7808333, 175.6686111, "Western Bay AS", "WstrnB", "Description: T/Dressing strip", ff0000, 138 -37.4716667, 175.0600000, "Whaape", "Whaape", "Description: Island on lake", ff0000, 138 -38.4408333, 175.7694444, "Whakamaru AS", "WhkmrS", "Description: Baker Rd airstrip. Unknown. Stock?", ff0000, 138 -38.4200000, 175.8080556, "Whakamaru Dam", "WhkmrD", "Description: Dam", ff0000, 138 -37.3575000, 175.1005556, "Whangamarino", "Whngmr", "", ff0000, 138 -38.1438889, 175.5502778, "Wharepapa South AF", "WhrppS", "Description: NZES Rway 07-25. No Specified Circuit Direction. RWY 17-35 Not Available. AIP 2016.11.20", ff0000, 145 -37.0808333, 175.0019444, "Winstone Quarry", "WnstnQ", "Description: Waypoint Reference For Final Glide Back To Drury From East", ff0000, 138