Mount Amery , -28.46.27, 028.55.52, 7916 Amphitheatre , -28.45.34, 028.54.52, 4442 The Ape , -29.08.18, 029.21.35, 4091 Bannerman Face , -29.15.57, 029.26.19, 9517 Bannerman Pass , -29.15.10, 029.25.21, 10026 Beacon Buttress , -28.44.42, 028.53.53, 7729 Bell Cathedral Peak , -28.55.42, 029.07.41, 8536 Bitso-Lebe , -29.33.59, 029.19.30, Bond , -29.17.54, 029.26.37, 4045 Camel , -28.59.41, 029.11.35, 4229 Castle Buttress , -29.00.24, 029.10.56, 4238 Cathedral Pesk , -28.55.20, 029.08.01, 4320 Cathkin Peak , -29.04.29, 029.21.06, 9340 Champagne Castle , -29.05.35, 029.19.50, 10938 Cleft Peak , -29.00.07, 029.10.00, 4238 Cockade , -28.58.51, 029.08.23, 4294 Corner , -29.12.42, 029.25.08, 3989 Crocodile , -28.43.06, 028.58.38, 4448 Crows Nest , -28.45.29, 028.53.02, 10134 Devils Tooth , -28.45.31, 028.55.58, 7916 The Dome , -28.42.19, 028.53.51, Dragons Back , -29.03.41, 029.19.22, 8018 Durnford , -29.18.19, 029.26.20, 10544 Eastmans Peak , -29.02.32, 029.17.42, 8100 Elephant , -28.58.41, 029.07.55, 9589 Erskine , -29.17.21, 029.26.23, 9740 Ethereal Tower , -28.45.27, 028.54.09, 4307 The Fangs , -28.51.49, 028.56.47, 10068 Frog , -28.43.51, 028.58.34, 6026 The Gable , -29.20.58, 029.30.21, 9839 Gatberg , -29.02.38, 029.20.17, 4153 Giants Castle , -29.20.42, 029.28.59, 9839 GTR Njesuthi , -29.10.28, 029.21.31, 4074 Gypaetus Point , -29.14.34, 029.25.28, 4019 The Hawk , -29.23.37, 029.26.13, 4071 Mount Helga , -28.58.04, 029.08.19, 9589 Hlohloloane , -29.27.11, 029.22.49, 4068 Hodgesons Peak , -29.37.24, 029.17.08, 4055 Hwanqa Pass , -28.52.31, 028.57.28, 10068 Icidi Pass , -28.48.32, 028.56.05, 4570 Ifidi Buttress , -28.48.09, 028.56.58, 4481 Ifidi Pinnacle , -28.47.25, 028.56.46, 4481 Inner Mnweni , -28.52.37, 029.02.02, 4416 Inner Horn Cathedral, -28.56.41, 029.07.50, 4307 The Judge , -29.13.19, 029.24.53, 3989 Kamasihlenga , -29.23.50, 029.25.15, 4071 Kambule , -29.18.50, 029.26.13, 4045 Katana , -29.19.12, 029.27.07, 4045 Kwantuba Buttress , -29.31.15, 029.19.09, 4160 Kantuba Pass , -29.31.11, 029.17.55, 4160 Leaning Tower , -28.44.00, 028.55.31, 4416 Leslies Pass , -29.09.02, 029.20.49, 4091 Lion Buttress , -28.44.55, 028.57.01, 4448 Litseketseke , -29.25.01, 029.24.03, 4061 The Litter , -29.03.25, 029.18.23, 8018 Little Saddle , -29.01.55, 029.13.04, 4209 Long Wall , -29.20.00, 029.27.21, 4051 Mangaung Pass , -29.32.58, 029.18.29, 4160 Mashai , -29.43.04, 029.08.44, Mashai Fangs , -29.43.28, 029.09.58, Mashai Pass , -29.42.31, 029.09.20, The Matterhorn , -29.03.20, 029.25.25, 4117 Mbundini Buttress , -28.51.00, 028.57.07, 10068 Mitre , -28.56.52, 029.07.02, 4307 Mkomazi Pass , -29.28.31, 029.19.27, Mnweni Buttress , -28.54.06, 028.59.41, 4107 Mnweni Cutback , -28.54.33, 028.58.52, 4107 Mnweni Pinnacle , -28.53.14, 028.58.50, 4107 Monks Cowl , -29.04.49, 029.20.44, 9340 Mont aux Sources , -28.46.19, 028.52.25, 10134 Mshweshes Fi , -29.35.31, 029.17.17, 4009 Mzimkulu Pass , -29.41.43, 029.10.00, Ndedema Buttress , -29.04.04, 029.14.01, Ndedema Dome , -29.03.35, 029.13.49, 4209 Ndumeni Dome , -29.01.00, 029.11.12, 4238 The Needle , -29.20.38, 029.30.46, 9839 Mount Neefie , -28.52.58, 028.58.12, 10068 Nhlangeni , -29.29.21, 029.19.35, Nhlangeni Pass , -29.29.23, 029.17.49, North Peak , -28.54.42, 029.03.52, Nqaqamadolo , -29.27.55, 029.20.48, 4068 Ntsupenyana , -29.28.10, 029.21.50, 4068 Ntubeni Pass , -29.22.12, 029.26.56, Old Woman Gr , -29.07.40, 029.21.55, 4091 Outer Mnweni , -28.52.14, 029.02.19, 4416 Mount Oompie , -28.47.14, 028.57.42, 4481 Orange River , -28.53.16, 029.01.12, 4445 Organ Pipes , -29.00.42, 029.11.41, 4238 Outer Horn Cathedral, -28.56.20, 029.07.52, 4307 Pitsaneng Pass , -29.38.37, 029.17.14, 4055 Mnweni Pass , -28.53.35, 029.00.37, 4445 Policemans H , -28.43.33, 028.55.15, 4416 Popple Peak , -29.13.42, 029.24.24, 3989 Potterill , -29.18.05, 029.26.42, 4045 The Pudding , -28.43.09, 028.53.35, 7729 Three Pudding , -28.54.39, 029.08.33, 4320 Pyramid , -28.59.17, 029.09.43, 4238 Redi , -29.24.47, 029.25.22, 4071 Red Wall , -29.11.14, 029.21.46, 4051 Rhino Peak , -29.42.44, 029.10.19, Rockeries , -28.53.38, 029.02.15, 4416 The Saddle , -28.55.00, 029.04.14, Sani Top , -29.35.00, 029.17.09, Scaly Peak , -29.10.08, 029.22.20, 4074 Sentinel , -28.44.26, 028.53.27, 7729 Shebas Breas , -29.24.56, 029.33.42, Shepherds Cathedral , -28.52.05, 028.57.29, 10068 Sitimela Peak , -28.50.25, 028.56.53, Sleeping Beauty , -28.42.36, 028.58.40, 4448 South Peak , -28.55.08, 029.04.36, 9094 The Sphinx 1 , -29.03.25, 029.23.54, 4117 The Sphinx 2 , -29.02.35, 029.13.33, 4209 Sterkhorn , -29.04.05, 029.21.06, 9340 Stones Pass , -29.39.41, 029.12.22, Sugarloaf Ko , -29.02.15, 029.13.46, 4209 Swiman , -29.44.36, 029.11.19, The Tent , -29.22.50, 029.26.31, 4071 Terateng , -29.24.11, 029.25.07, 4071 Thabana Ntle , -29.28.04, 029.16.10, Three Witche , -28.44.16, 028.54.16, 7729 The Thumb , -29.16.23, 029.26.48, 9517 Tortoise , -28.43.28, 028.58.32, 4448 Triplets , -29.11.25, 029.22.30, 4051 Trojan Wall , -29.12.22, 029.23.53, 3989 Turret , -29.03.41, 029.21.16, 4110 Twelve Apost1 , -29.35.01, 029.18.25, Twelve Apost2 , -28.54.26, 028.59.07, 4107 Twin Peaks , -29.03.50, 029.14.34, Upper Njesut , -29.12.03, 029.22.50, 3989 Walkers Pass , -29.43.34, 029.08.54, Wilsons Peak , -29.44.19, 029.08.17, Windsor Castle , -29.01.11, 029.12.30, 4209 Witch Peak , -29.03.42, 029.15.48, Cathedral Peak , -28.56.48, 029.12.23, 4681 Giants Castl , -29.16.11, 029.31.12, Gladstones R , -29.22.44, 029.40.25, Injasuti Village , -29.07.06, 029.26.25, 4091 Isandlwana , -28.48.35, 029.09.19, 4337 Kilburn Dam , -28.35.26, 029.06.10, 4133 Castle End L , -29.44.32, 029.16.00, 4002 Drake Garden , -29.45.06, 029.15.00, 4002 El Mirador , -28.59.10, 029.28.47, 4133 Himeville L , -29.45.00, 029.30.00, 3959 Mt Lebanon L , -29.16.03, 029.40.32, Loteni Villa , -29.26.58, 029.31.31, Pass of Guns , -28.53.54, 028.48.42, Sani Pass L , -29.41.06, 029.28.37, Sani Top L-S , -29.34.23, 029.18.00, Sterfontein , -28.22.30, 029.00.02, Tugela Vaal , -28.38.23, 029.08.56, Mont aux Sou , -28.39.39, 029.00.00, Royal Natal , -28.42.25, 028.57.02, 4448 Sani Pass Go , -29.39.09, 029.26.21, Witsieshoek , -28.41.00, 028.53.50, Woodstock Dam , -28.47.27, 029.12.49,