;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Dijon-Darrois, France + ; + ; Championnat regional Bourgogne/Franche-Comte 2017 + ; + ; User Specified Waypoints formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Pierre Dubard + ; + ; Generated Thursday, 20 July 2017 at 06:42 GMT + ; + ; This file uses , as the decimal point in latitude and longitude 1 ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Dijon Darois" "DJNDRS" "122,6" "N4723,217" "E00456,850" "Val Suzon" "VALSZN" "_" "N4724,483" "E00454,667" "Prenois" "PRENOS" "Circuit" "N4721,750" "E00453,950" "Hauteville les Dijon" "HTVLLL" "_" "N4721,917" "E00459,567" "Curtil Saint Seine" "CRTLST" "_" "N4726,800" "E00455,133" "Saussy" "SAUSSY" "Eglise" "N4728,067" "E00457,683" "Pasques" "PASQUS" "_" "N4721,983" "E00451,600" "Messigny et Vantoux" "MSSGNT" "_" "N4724,350" "E00501,083" "Velars/Ouche" "VLRSCH" "Ecluse" "N4719,100" "E00454,633" "A31 A5" "A31 A5" "Intersection" "N4754,933" "E00513,383" "Abbaye Pierre Qui Vire" "ABBPRR" "_" "N4721,467" "E00403,767" "Aire de Dijon Brognon" "ARDDJN" "A36" "N4725,250" "E00510,250" "Aire de St Ambre" "ARDSTM" "_" "N4641,467" "E00450,650" "Aix en Othe" "AIXNTH" "_" "N4813,500" "E00344,150" "Ancy le Franc" "ANCLFR" "Chateau" "N4746,433" "E00409,717" "Arbois Ancien Aero" "ARBSNC" "_" "N4655,200" "E00545,567" "Arc et Senans" "ARCTSN" "A3" "N4711,167" "E00542,600" "Arc/Tille" "ARCTLL" "Lac" "N4720,800" "E00510,283" "Arces Dilo" "ARCSDL" "Pont TGV" "N4804,117" "E00333,717" "Arnay le Duc" "ARNLDC" "Eglise" "N4707,883" "E00429,150" "Auberive" "AUBERV" "Abbaye" "N4747,333" "E00503,650" "Autun Bellevue" "ATNBLL" "_" "N4658,350" "E00415,700" "Auxerre" "AUXERR" "Cathedrale" "N4747,833" "E00334,383" "Auxonne" "AUXONN" "Pont Routier" "N4711,683" "E00522,950" "Avallon Aero" "AVLLNR" "_" "N4730,183" "E00353,933" "Bar/Aube" "BARAUB" "Gare" "N4814,483" "E00442,433" "Bar/Seine" "BARSEN" "_" "N4803,950" "E00424,733" "Barrage de Chaumecon" "BRRGDC" "_" "N4718,183" "E00355,033" "Barrage de Panneciere" "BRRGDP" "_" "N4709,833" "E00352,467" "Barrage Lac desSettons" "BRRGLC" "_" "N4711,817" "E00403,433" "Bazoches" "BAZCHS" "Chateau" "N4722,867" "E00347,700" "Beaune A31" "BEAN31" "Y A36" "N4703,650" "E00454,617" "Beaune Aero" "BEAUNR" "129,025" "N4700,783" "E00453,667" "Beaune Aire Sud" "BENRSD" "A6" "N4657,717" "E00450,200" "Beaune Hospices" "BNHSPC" "_" "N4701,333" "E00450,200" "Belfort Chaux Aero" "BLFRTC" "123,5" "N4742,133" "E00649,917" "Besancon" "BESNCN" "Centre" "N4714,183" "E00553,667" "Besancon la Veze Aero" "BSNCNL" "122,2" "N4712,317" "E00604,833" "Besancon Thise Aero" "BSNCNT" "123,5" "N4716,483" "E00605,017" "Bligny/Ouche" "BLGNCH" "Eglise" "N4706,150" "E00440,350" "Bouilly" "BOUILL" "Eglise" "N4811,517" "E00359,950" "Bucey les Gy" "BUCLSG" "Eglise" "N4725,350" "E00550,700" "Busserotte" "BSSRTT" "Chapelle" "N4739,800" "E00458,850" "Canal de Morge" "CNLDMR" "_" "N4814,917" "E00418,717" "Cerisiers" "CERSRS" "Centre" "N4807,900" "E00329,233" "Cessey Aero Prive" "CSSRPR" "_" "N4736,550" "E00437,000" "Chablis" "CHABLS" "Centre" "N4748,917" "E00348,033" "Chalindrey" "CHLNDR" "_" "N4748,600" "E00526,583" "ChalonChampforgueilAer" "CHLNCH" "118,6" "N4649,700" "E00449,017" "Chalon Aire A6 Sud" "CHLNR6" "_" "N4645,033" "E00449,933" "ChampagnoleCrotenayAer" "CHMPGN" "_" "N4645,867" "E00549,250" "Champlitte" "CHMPLT" "Eglise" "N4737,000" "E00530,867" "Chaource" "CHAORC" "Eglise" "N4803,483" "E00408,200" "Chateau Chinon" "CHCHNN" "_" "N4703,867" "E00356,050" "Chatillon/Seine" "CHTLLN" "123,5" "N4750,783" "E00434,800" "Chaumont Semoutiers" "CHMNTS" "118,775" "N4805,500" "E00502,967" "Chaumont Viaduc" "CHMNTV" "_" "N4807,067" "E00509,350" "Clamecy Aero" "CLAMCR" "_" "N4726,417" "E00330,500" "Colombey les 2 Eglises" "CLMBLS" "_" "N4813,317" "E00453,117" "Corbigny" "CORBGN" "Gare" "N4715,283" "E00340,650" "Coulanges la Vineuse" "CLNGSL" "_" "N4742,083" "E00334,967" "Coulanges/Yonne" "CLNGSN" "_" "N4731,583" "E00332,483" "Coulmier le Sec" "CLMRLS" "Eglise" "N4745,050" "E00429,600" "Cuiseaux" "CUISEX" "Echangeur A39" "N4632,800" "E00519,867" "Damblain" "DAMBLN" "Base OTAN" "N4805,167" "E00539,833" "Dampierre et Flee ULM" "DMPRRT" "_" "N4728,517" "E00521,467" "Dijon Longvic" "DJNLNG" "118,325" "N4715,950" "E00505,700" "Dijon Palais Ducal" "DJNPLS" "_" "N4719,300" "E00502,483" "Dole" "DOLE" "A36 X A39" "N4707,317" "E00523,417" "Doucier ULM" "DOCRLM" "_" "N4639,833" "E00546,083" "Epinac" "EPINAC" "_" "N4659,550" "E00430,800" "Epoisses" "EPOSSS" "Chateau" "N4730,450" "E00410,267" "Fleurey/Ouche" "FLERCH" "_" "N4717,867" "E00451,767" "Givry" "GIVRY" "Eglise" "N4646,917" "E00444,733" "Gray St Adrien Aero" "GRSTDR" "_" "N4726,000" "E00537,333" "Grosbois" "GROSBS" "Barrage" "N4718,700" "E00436,300" "Is/Tille" "ISTILL" "Eglise" "N4731,300" "E00506,767" "Joigny Aero" "JOIGNR" "_" "N4759,700" "E00323,483" "Juvancourt Aero" "JVNCRT" "123,5" "N4806,900" "E00449,217" "Laignes" "LAIGNS" "Eglise" "N4750,500" "E00421,933" "Lanans ULM" "LNNSLM" "_" "N4718,150" "E00627,200" "Langrois RolampontAero" "LNGRSR" "_" "N4757,933" "E00517,667" "Langres" "LANGRS" "Cathedrale" "N4751,850" "E00520,100" "Laumes" "LAUMES" "Gare" "N4732,617" "E00427,867" "Le Creusot ULM" "LCRSTL" "_" "N4649,000" "E00424,000" "Les Riceys" "LESRCS" "Antenne" "N4758,917" "E00424,150" "Lons le Saunier" "LNSLSN" "Gare" "N4640,217" "E00533,067" "Losne St Jean ULM" "LSNSTJ" "_" "N4704,450" "E00515,933" "Lugny Chartreuse" "LGNCHR" "_" "N4747,833" "E00450,350" "Marcigny" "MARCGN" "Carriere" "N4723,283" "E00424,000" "Mirebeau/Beze" "MIRBBZ" "Eglise" "N4723,933" "E00518,983" "Mont Saint Jean" "MNTSTJ" "Chateau" "N4717,433" "E00423,983" "Montbard" "MNTBRD" "Gare" "N4737,117" "E00420,317" "NeversFourchambaultAer" "NVRSFR" "120,6" "N4700,217" "E00306,650" "Nitry" "NITRY" "Centre" "N4740,267" "E00352,783" "Nolay" "NOLAY" "Eglise" "N4657,100" "E00438,000" "Nuits St Georges" "NTSSTG" "129,025" "N4708,583" "E00458,117" "Ornans" "ORNANS" "Chateau" "N4706,767" "E00608,567" "Paray le Monial" "PRLMNL" "_" "N4628,067" "E00408,067" "Pont dOuche" "PNTDCH" "_" "N4710,050" "E00442,050" "Pont/Yonne Aero" "PNTNNR" "118,175" "N4817,383" "E00315,000" "Pontailler/Saone" "PNTLLR" "Pont" "N4718,250" "E00525,133" "Pontarlier Aero" "PNTRLR" "135,7" "N4654,250" "E00619,617" "Pouilly Maconge" "PLLMCN" "_" "N4713,283" "E00433,633" "Rioz" "RIOZ" "Eglise" "N4725,433" "E00606,433" "Sagy Ulm" "SAGYLM" "_" "N4636,967" "E00521,117" "Saint Seine Abbaye" "STSNBB" "_" "N4726,400" "E00447,383" "Salins les Bains" "SLNSLS" "Fort St Andre" "N4656,483" "E00552,217" "Santigny" "SANTGN" "TGV D95" "N4734,050" "E00407,833" "Saulieu Liernais" "SLLRNS" "_" "N4714,367" "E00415,917" "Savigny" "SAVIGN" "Carriere" "N4726,267" "E00504,117" "Semur en Auxois" "SMRNXS" "_" "N4728,917" "E00420,617" "Sennecey" "SENNEC" "Eglise" "N4638,233" "E00452,133" "Sens" "SENS" "Cathedrale" "N4811,883" "E00316,967" "Sombernon" "SMBRNN" "Transformateur" "N4719,533" "E00441,250" "Souhil ULM" "SOHLLM" "_" "N4755,417" "E00446,233" "Source Seine" "SORCSN" "_" "N4729,167" "E00443,017" "St Florentin Cheu Aero" "STFLRN" "_" "N4758,883" "E00346,617" "Til Chatel Aero" "TLCHTL" "129,025" "N4732,850" "E00512,683" "Tonnerre" "TONNRR" "Gare" "N4751,317" "E00358,583" "Toucy" "TOUCY" "Eglise" "N4744,117" "E00317,617" "Tournus" "TOURNS" "Centre" "N4633,667" "E00454,750" "Troyes Barberey" "TRSBRB" "125,35" "N4819,300" "E00401,000" "Troyes" "TROYES" "Cathedrale" "N4818,017" "E00404,850" "Vaux sous Aubigny" "VXSSBG" "Eglise" "N4739,433" "E00517,317" "Vesoul" "VESOUL" "Gare" "N4737,067" "E00609,133" "Vezelay" "VEZELA" "Basilique" "N4727,983" "E00344,917" "Vittel" "VITTEL" "Gare" "N4812,150" "E00556,533" "Y TGV Sud Tonnerre" "YTGVSD" "_" "N4740,783" "E00404,800"