++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Control points for Cunderdin, Western Australia + + + + Contributed by John Orton + + Contributed on 1 December, 1998 + + + + Formatted for the world-wide version of the software + + + + Last updated Wednesday, 02 January 2002 at 04:34 GMT + + + + >>>>>>>>>> UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<< + + + + Always consult the relevant publications + + for current and correct information. This + + service is provided free of charge with + + no warrantees, expressed or implied. + + User assumes all risk of use. + + + + Rename this file to TURNPTS.DAT to use with your Glide Navigator. + +Delete all of the header lines in this box, down to and including the next one+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1, Alderside, -32, -22.33, 117, 16.83, 246 2, Amery, -31, -9.04, 117, 5.27, 284 3, ArthurRiver, -33, -20.84, 117, 2.42, 300 4, Babakin, -32, -7.5, 118, 1.42, 259 5, Balkuling, -31, -59.0, 117, 7.0, 212 6, Ballidu, -30, -35.94, 116, 46.29, 290 7, Beacon, -30, -27.0, 117, 52.0, 305 8, Bencubbin, -30, -48.87, 117, 51.93, 305 9, Benjabberng, -31, -8.92, 117, 17.42, 285 10, BeverleyAF, -32, -7.55, 116, 56.85, 229 11, BeverleySl, -32, -7.33, 116, 55.39, 209 12, Bilbarin, -32, -12.5, 117, 57.33, 242 13, BindiBindi, -30, -37.86, 116, 21.89, 288 14, Bodallin, -31, -22.43, 118, 52.43 15, BonnieRock, -30, -32.75, 118, 22.17, 305 16, Borden, -34, -4.2, 118, 15.0, 256 17, Bowgada, -29, -19.27, 116, 8.74, 271 18, Brookton, -32, -22.57, 117, 0.87, 234 19, Broomehill, -33, -49.5, 117, 38.0, 256 20, Bruce Rock, -31, -52.97, 118, 9.47, 395 21, Bullaring, -32, -29.86, 117, 44.61, 255 22, Bulyee, -32, -22.33, 117, 30.67, 240 23, Bunjil, -29, -39.16, 116, 22.03, 272 24, Buntine, -29, -58.8, 116, 33.98, 282 25, Burakin, -30, -31.51, 117, 10.36, 288 26, Burracoppn, -31, -23.13, 118, 29.1, 374 27, Cadoux, -30, -46.04, 117, 8.16, 288 28, Canna, -28, -54.0, 115, 51.5, 262 29, Carrabin, -31, -23.47, 118, 40.32 30, Corrigin, -32, -20.28, 117, 52.28, 249 31, Cowcowing, -30, -59.78, 117, 27.12, 290 32, Cranbrook, -34, -17.17, 117, 32.75, 240 33, Cuballing, -32, -49.22, 117, 10.63, 311 34, Cue, -27, -26.88, 117, 55.03, 443 35, Cndrdnrdrm, -31, -37.4, 117, 12.99, 214 36, CunderdnSl, -31, -38.77, 117, 14.46, 214 37, DalgtyDwns, -25, -12.75, 116, 8.79 38, DalwallnSl, -30, -15.01, 116, 40.2, 287 39, DalwllnTwn, -30, -16.75, 116, 39.5, 287 40, Darkan, -33, -20.33, 116, 44.52, 303 41, Doodlakine, -31, -36.21, 117, 53.74, 261 42, Dowerin, -31, -11.29, 117, 1.81 43, Dudinin, -32, -52.0, 117, 54.0, 289 44, Dumbleyung, -33, -18.67, 117, 43.73, 277 45, Ejanding, -31, -0.78, 117, 6.67, 285 46, Ghooli, -31, -15.17, 119, 27.37, 350 47, Goddard, -31, -5.0, 117, 6.0, 285 48, Goomalling, -31, -18.1, 116, 49.31, 274 49, GrassVally, -31, -38.31, 116, 46.89, 157 50, GreenHills, -31, -55.22, 116, 57.75, 189 51, Harrismith, -32, -56.0, 117, 51.0, 287 52, Highbury, -33, -3.48, 117, 14.37, 329 53, Hines Hill, -31, -31.81, 118, 4.95, 345 54, Hyden, -32, -26.0, 118, 52.0 55, Jerramungp, -33, -57.0, 118, 54.5, 290 56, Jitarning, -32, -47.0, 118, 0.0, 284 57, Kalanie, -30, -21.61, 117, 7.01, 288 58, Karlgarin, -32, -30.0, 118, 42.42, 319 59, Katanning, -33, -41.92, 117, 33.63, 240 60, Kellerbrrn, -31, -37.79, 117, 44.05, 215 61, Kirwan, -30, -35.55, 117, 10.28, 288 62, Kojonup, -33, -50.0, 117, 10.0, 305 63, Kondinin, -32, -29.17, 118, 16.25, 301 64, Kondut, -30, -42.67, 116, 46.39, 288 65, Konnongrng, -31, -3.07, 116, 46.41, 284 66, Koorda, -30, -49.48, 117, 28.85, 304 67, Kulin, -32, -40.45, 118, 9.27 68, Kununoppin, -31, -6.85, 117, 55.34, 299 69, Lake Grace, -33, -6.47, 118, 28.0, 274 70, LandrRccrs, -24, -57.0, 116, 58.0, 638 71, LandorSta., -25, -6.0, 116, 54.0, 622 72, Latham, -29, -45.46, 116, 26.72, 279 73, Manmanning, -30, -50.93, 117, 5.96, 286 74, Mawson, -31, -59.77, 117, 9.88, 213 75, Maya, -29, -53.0, 116, 30.22, 281 76, Meckering, -31, -37.83, 116, 59.8, 205 78, Meekatharr, -26, -36.78, 118, 32.78, 523 79, MerredinAF, -31, -31.33, 118, 19.33, 395 80, MerredinSl, -31, -29.12, 118, 15.01 81, Miling, -30, -29.47, 116, 21.59, 287 82, Minnivale, -31, -8.33, 117, 10.67, 285 83, Morawa AF, -29, -12.26, 116, 1.33, 272 84, MorawaSilo, -29, -13.03, 116, 0.5, 271 85, MorineRock, -31, -19.05, 119, 4.52 86, MtAugustus, -24, -17.23, 116, 53.63, 1105 87, Mt Kokeby, -32, -12.78, 116, 58.23, 206 88, Mt Magnet, -28, -7.0, 117, 50.42, 412 89, Mukinbudin, -30, -54.83, 118, 12.93, 305 90, Mullewa AF, -28, -28.17, 115, 31.33 91, MullewaSil, -28, -32.5, 115, 30.0, 290 92, Muradup, -33, -50.0, 116, 58.0 93, MrchsnSttl, -26, -52.0, 115, 57.0, 239 94, Nalkain, -31, -3.33, 117, 25.42, 289 95, Narembeen, -32, -3.75, 118, 24.25, 395 96, Narrgnrdrm, -32, -55.53, 117, 4.93, 329 97, NarroginSl, -32, -56.17, 117, 10.67, 327 98, Nembudding, -31, -11.54, 117, 34.09, 286 99, Newman, -23, -25.15, 119, 48.08, 526 100, NinghmSt., -29, -24.85, 117, 18.2, 141 101, Nomans, -32, -55.52, 117, 31.28, 304 102, Northam, -31, -38.33, 116, 41.0, 214 103, Nugadong, -30, -12.5, 116, 39.5, 287 104, Perenjori, -29, -26.51, 116, 16.96, 271 105, Piessevll, -33, -11.75, 117, 17.42, 329 106, Pingelly, -32, -31.47, 117, 4.86, 254 107, Pithara, -30, -23.42, 116, 40.09, 287 108, Popnynnng, -32, -39.6, 117, 7.46, 297 109, Quairadng, -32, -0.82, 117, 23.69, 242 110, Shackletn, -31, -55.86, 117, 50.65, 224 111, SthrnCrss, -31, -13.1, 119, 18.48 112, StrilngsS, -34, -18.66, 118, 10.93, 246 113, Tammin, -31, -38.47, 117, 29.38, 216 114, TarinRock, -33, -7.0, 118, 14.0, 280 115, Tincurrin, -32, -58.72, 117, 46.53, 293 116, Trayning, -31, -6.82, 117, 47.66, 299 117, Wagin, -33, -18.88, 117, 20.93 118, Walgoolan, -31, -23.17, 118, 33.5, 380 119, Watercrrn, -31, -23.33, 117, 12.26, 264 120, Welbungin, -30, -49.55, 117, 59.58, 302 121, Wickepin, -32, -47.0, 117, 30.0, 308 122, Williams, -33, -1.43, 116, 52.38, 303 123, WongnHlls, -30, -53.28, 116, 42.76, 290 124, Woodnllng, -33, -33.75, 117, 26.5, 265 125, Wubin, -30, -6.43, 116, 37.79, 287 126, Wyalktchm, -31, -10.89, 117, 23.21, 291 127, Yealering, -32, -35.54, 117, 37.47, 258 128, Yellowdin, -31, -17.75, 119, 39.28 129, York, -31, -54.14, 116, 46.42, 175 130, Yorkrakin, -31, -22.57, 117, 30.26, 275 131, Yoting, -31, -57.89, 117, 35.63, 225 132, Youndegin, -31, -47.91, 117, 17.9, 217