;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Middletown, California [ Crazy Creek Gliderport ] + ; + ; Region 11 Championships, 2009 + ; + ; User Specified Waypoints formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Peter J. Kelly + ; + ; Generated Saturday, 28 February 2009 at 13:18 GMT + ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Crazy Creek" "CRZCRK" "_" "N3846.161" "W12234.174" "Alder Springs" "ALDRSP" "_" "N3939.162" "W12243.309" "Angwin Virgil Parrett" "ANGWNV" "123.0" "N3834.857" "W12226.138" "Berryessa Dam" "BRRSSD" "_" "N3830.800" "W12206.230" "Berryessa Towers" "BRRSST" "_" "N3839.821" "W12211.348" "Benton" "BENTON" "122.8" "N4034.482" "W12224.453" "Black Butte Peak" "BLCKBT" "_" "N3943.620" "W12252.310" "Boat Launch" "BTLNCH" "_" "N3830.374" "W12212.134" "Calistoga" "CALSTG" "_" "N3834.741" "W12234.394" "Dam" "DAM" "_" "N3904.841" "W12232.215" "Diamond M Ranch" "DMNDMR" "_" "N3934.274" "W12236.505" "G 5 Ponds" "G5PNDS" "_" "N3849.437" "W12222.406" "Goat M14" "GOTM14" "_" "N3915.610" "W12242.900" "Gold Mines" "GLDMNS" "_" "N3852.006" "W12226.317" "Gravelly Valley" "GRVLLV" "122.9" "N3926.993" "W12257.317" "Hayfork" "HAYFRK" "122.8" "N4032.821" "W12310.781" "HellEr High Water" "HLLRHG" "_" "N4008.592" "W12323.901" "High Valley" "HGHVLL" "_" "N3902.928" "W12241.302" "Hoberg" "HOBERG" "_" "N3852.326" "W12240.658" "Indian Ranch" "INDNRC" "_" "N3916.153" "W12228.856" "Kits Corners" "KTSCRN" "_" "N3855.779" "W12244.481" "Lampson" "LAMPSN" "122.8" "N3859.410" "W12253.983" "Loran Antenna" "LRNNTN" "_" "N3846.961" "W12229.730" "Mt St Helena" "MTSTHL" "_" "N3840.156" "W12237.717" "Nut Tree" "NUTTRE" "122.7" "N3822.610" "W12157.750" "Pope Valley Apt" "POPVLL" "_" "N3836.644" "W12223.482" "Ranch 7M" "RNCH7M" "_" "N3843.940" "W12233.830" "Rogers Delight" "RGRSDL" "_" "N3856.590" "W12247.980" "Round Valley" "RNDVLL" "122.8" "N3947.472" "W12316.244" "Rumsy Gap" "RUMSGP" "_" "N3855.234" "W12218.234" "Snow Mountain" "SNWMTN" "_" "N3922.692" "W12245.604" "St John" "STJOHN" "_" "N3925.924" "W12241.618" "T15 Peak" "T15 PK" "_" "N4012.300" "W12300.580" "Ukiah Quarry" "UKHQRR" "_" "N3910.180" "W12309.390" "Vaca Towers" "VCTWRS" "_" "N3824.550" "W12206.700" "Walmart" "WALMRT" "_" "N3855.340" "W12236.900" "Weaverville" "WVRVLL" "122.8" "N4044.890" "W12255.320" "Willits" "WILLTS" "122.8" "N3927.060" "W12322.200" "Walker Ridge" "WLKRRD" "_" "N3905.930" "W12229.310" "Williams SoaringCenter" "WLLMSS" "_" "N3909.810" "W12207.898" "Yola Peak" "YOLAPK" "_" "N4002.331" "W12251.844" "A Boggs" "ABOGGS" "_" "N3848.848" "W12240.658"