* NUM NAM COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S EW COD ALT RW_H RW_L RW_S ICAO CUP_COD CUP_DES CUP_NAM CUP_STYLE * * ============================================================================== * * Filename "colmmrs3.stx" created Tuesday, 06 June 2023 at 19:07 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.4 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This version is to support ClearNav. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.4 $HOME Coulommiers-Voisins, France $CAI_TITLE Coulommiers-Voisins $COUNTRY FR $USE_EXISTING_AIR Y $TIMEZONE_NAME MET $DISTANCE_UNIT Kilometers $FILENAME_3 cl3 $FILENAME_4 clm3 $FILENAME_5 clmr3 $FILENAME_8 colmmrs3 $FILENAME_FULL Coulommiers 2023 $FACEBOOK Association-A%C3%A9ronautique-Coulommiers-Meaux/ $URL_INFORMATION $URL_TURNPOINTS www.soaringspot.com/cdf2023-coulommiers/downloads $CONTRIBUTOR Romuald Mauvais $CONTEST Championnat de France Catégorie Générale Classe 18m et Classe Libre 2023 $MODIFICATIONS 04 Dec 00: Original contribution courtesy of Jean François Beaudoin $MODIFICATIONS 27 Jul 02: URL added. $MODIFICATIONS 19 Jan 10: Magnetic Variation added $MODIFICATIONS 05 Oct 14: Ilec airspace file updated with AirParse Version 2.5 $MODIFICATIONS 18 Aug 17: Aachen M, B10lafaurie, B11montmaur, B12valenty, B13laragneulm, B14nossage, B15chabottes, B16domainemalcor, B17espinasse, B18montgardin, B20bayon, B21noyer/Jabron, B22peipin, B23salignac, B24thouard, B25malmoisson, B30 1 Selonnet, B30 2 Selonnet, B31marcoux, B32barreme, Barny N, Beautheil, Beton Bazoches, Boissy le Chatel, Bordes, Bussieres, Carrefourn4d402, Celle Sur Morin, Cereste, Chailly en Brie, Charlevi, Chateaumontanglaust, Chevru, Choqueuse, Crecy La Chapelle, Envie, Farmoutiers Serres, G10remoulinsulm, G11tarasconulm, G12eygalieres, G13islesurlasorgue, G14orgonchevalblanc, G20gordes, G21coustellet, G22bonnieux, G23rustrel, G24mallemort, G25puget, G26lourmarin, G27banon, G30rosans, G31sederon, G32saintjalle, Golf de Crecy, Grandmarche, Gueret S, Haberepoche, Hautefeuille, Illiers Combray, Issoudun, J10oulx, J11lecasset, J12saintblaise, J13lerosier, J20larochederame, J21chateauroux, J22lescrotsulm, J23pruniere, Jouy le Chatel, LF0225, LF0256, LF0258, LF0369, LF1021, LF1821, LF1826, LF1852, LF1854, LF2121, LF2122, LF2123, LF2162, LF2321, LF2721, LF2722, LF2751, LF2752, LF2753, LF2822, LF2825, LF2827, LF2829, LF2851, LF2853, LF3623, LF3624, LF3625, LF3651, LF3721, LF3724, LF3730, LF3733, LF3752, LF3759, LF3760, LF4123, LF4124, LF4128, LF4129, LF4153, LF4155, LF4156, LF4553, LF4555, LF4558, LF4559, LF4560, LF4561, LF5122, LF5152, LF5252, LF5825, LF5854, LF7121, LF7124, LF7153, LF7228, LF7252, LF7253, LF7258, LF7752, LF8929, LF8951, LF8953, LF8955, LF8957, Les Parrichets O, LFSY, Ligne HT, Maisoncelles N, Marolles en Brie, Mehun, Meilleray, Mongrole, Montargi, Monthelon, Motteducaire, Moulin Premol, Moulins, O10passy, O20marthod, O21landry, O22labathie, O23aiton, P10saou, P11die, P12aixendiois, P13lucendiois, P20vif, P21vizille, P22grisail, P23stjeanherans, P24pellafol, P25montmeilleur, P26prebois, P27bourgoisans, Plessis Feu Aussoux, R10bernex, R11megevette, R12stjeoire, R13taninges, R14samoens, R15bonneville, R20doussard, R21gruffy, R22lamotteenbauges, R23ecoleenbauges, R24montmelian, R30lesechelles, R31stlaurentdupont, R32stvincentdemercuze, R33voreppe, Romorant, Saint Martin Des Champs, Saintecroix, Semur en, Seynelesalpes, Spa La S, St Huber, Tours le, Troyes B, V10quinson, V11artignoc, V12bauden, V13aups, V14tretsulm, V20thoramehaute, V21thoramebasse, V22lamure, V23soleihas, V24mousteiret, V25logisdupin, V26caille, V27lachapelle, V28trigance, V29lapaluesurverdon, V30bargemon, V31ampus, V32flayosculm, and Villers So added.   Amboise Dierre, Avallon, Bar/Seine, Briare-Chatillon, Chatillon/Seine, Coulommiers-Voisins, Coulommiers-Voisins, Coulommiers-Voisins, Coulommiers-Voisins, Epernay, Joigny, Provins, Reims Prunay, Romilly, Romilly, Sens, St Benoit/Loire, Sully/Loire, and Vierzon-Mereau moved.   Aillant/Tholon, Amboise, Amboise Dierre, Amilly, Anglure, Arcis/Aube, Argent/Sauldre, Artenay, Aubigny/Nere, Auxerre, Auxerre-Branches, Bar/Aube, Beaugency, Beaune la Rolande, Bellegarde, Bellegarde ULM, Blois, Blois le Breuil, Bonny/Loire, Bouilly, Bourges, Braine, Bray/Seine, Brienne le Château, Cerdon, Cerisiers, Château Thierry-Belleau, Chailley, Chalons/Marne, Chambord, Chamouille, Champbt, Chaource, Charmont sur Barbuise, Charny, Chateauneuf/Loire, Chateaurenard, Chatillon Coligny, Chatillon/Loire, Chaumont, Chaumont Semoutiers, Chaumont/Loire, Cheroy, Cheverny, Clamecy, Colombey les Deux Églises, Condé en Brie, Contres, Cosnes/Loire, Coulanges/Yonne, Coulommiers-Voisins, Courtenay, Dhuizon, Dierrey St Pierre, Dordives, Dormans, Entrains/Nohains, Epernay, Esternay, Fere En Tardenois, Fere-Champenoise, Ferté Faucher, Fismes, Fussy, Gien, Guise, Henrichemont, Jargeau, Joigny, Joinville Mussey, Juvancourt, La Chapelle d'Angilon, La Charite/Loire, La Ferté St Aubin, Ladon, Langesse, Laon, Laon Chambry, Les Aix-d'Angilon, Les Laumes, Ligny-le-Ribault, Loury, Lusigny sur Barse, Mareuil en Brie, Marigny le Chatel, Maubeuge Elesmes, Mauperthuis, Mer, Meung/Loire, Millancay, Montargis, Montargis Vimory, Montbard, Montereau, Montmirail, Montrichard, Morains, Moret-Episy, Nangis, Nangis les Loges, Nanteau/Lunain, Neung/Beuvron, Neuville-au-Bois, Neuvy/Barangeon, Neuvy/Loire, Nogent/Seine, Nouans le Fuzelier, Orleans, Pithiviers, Pleurs, Pont/Yonne, Port-Brillet, Premery, Puiseaux, Rebais, Rethel, Roffey, Rolampont, Rozoy/Serre, Salbris, Sancerre, Sandillon, Saulieu, Soissons-Courmelles, Soisy aux Bois, Souesmes, St Denis de l'Hotel, St Fargeau, St Florentin Cheu, St Gobain, St Mards en Othe, St Parres les Vaudes, Ste Menehould, TGV Tonnerre, Toucy, Trancault, Troyes, Troyes Barberey, Vailly sur Aisne, Valmy, Verdun le Roselier, Vertus, Viels Maisons, Vierzon-Mereau, Viileneuve l'Archeveque, Villefranche/Cher, Vitry-le-Francois, and Vouzeron removed. $MODIFICATIONS 22 Aug 18: Amillis, Bergères, Bray-sur-Seine, Buno LFFB, Chéroy, Champaubert, Chenoise, Depart Sud, Depart est, Donnemarie, Esternay, Fontenay Tresigny LFPQ, Gastins, La ferte gaucher LFFG, Marcilly-le-Hayer, Marigny, Marigny-le-Châtel, Montargis LFEM, Montceaux, Montereau-Fault-Yonne, Montmirail, Moret LFPU, Nangis LFAI, Nangis Ville, Obelisque, Pézarches, Piscine BBQ, Rebais, Romilly-sur-Seine SNCF, Rozay en Brie, Saint Florentin LFGP, Traînel, Troyes LFQB, Verdelot, Villenauxe, and Villiers-Saint-Georges added.   Bordes, Coulommiers-Voisins Hangar, Golf de Crécy, Joigny, Maisoncelles N, Pont/Yonne, Provins, Sézanne St Rémy, Sens, and Villers So moved.   AACM Hangar, Aachen-Merzbrück, Amboise Dièrre, Aubigny/Nere, Avallon, B10 La Faurie, B11 Montmaur, B12 Valenty, B13 Laragne Ulm, B14 Nossage, B15 Chabottes, B16 Domaine Malcor, B17 Espinasses, B18 Montgardin, B20 Bayon, B21 Noyer/Jabron, B22 Peipin, B23 Salignac, B24 Thouard, B25 Malmoisson, B30 1 Selonnet, B30 2 Selonnet, B31 Marcoux, B32 Barrême, Bar/Seine, Barny Nord, Briare-Châtillon, Bussières, CP31 Séderon, CP32 Ste Jalle, Celle/Morin, Cereste, Chátillon/Seine, Châlon-Écury/Coole, Charleville-Mézières, Coulommiers-Voisins, Envie, G10 Remoulins Ulm, G11 Tarascon Ulm, G12 Eygalières, G13 L'Isle/Sorgue, G14 Orgon Cheval Blanc, G20 Gordes, G21 Coustellet, G22 Bonnieux, G23 Rustrel, G24 Mallemort, G26 Lourmarin, G27 Banon, GP25 Puget/Durance, GP30 Rosans, Grand Marche, Gueret St Laurent, Habère Poche, Illiers Combray, Issoudun-le-Fay, J10 Oulx, J11 Le Casset, J12 Blaise, J13 Le Rosier, J20 La Roche de Rame, J21 Châteauroux, J22 Les Crots ULM, J23 Prunière, Joigny, LF0225, LF0256, LF0258, LF0369, LF1021, LF1055, LF1821, LF1826, LF1852, LF1854, LF2121, LF2122, LF2123, LF2162, LF2321, LF2721, LF2722, LF2751, LF2752, LF2753, LF2822, LF2825, LF2827, LF2829, LF2851, LF2853, LF3623, LF3624, LF3625, LF3651, LF3721, LF3724, LF3730, LF3733, LF3752, LF3759, LF3760, LF4123, LF4124, LF4125, LF4128, LF4129, LF4131, LF4153, LF4155, LF4156, LF4552, LF4553, LF4555, LF4558, LF4559, LF4560, LF4561, LF5122, LF5152, LF5252, LF5825, LF5854, LF7121, LF7124, LF7153, LF7228, LF7252, LF7253, LF7258, LF7752, LF8929, LF8951, LF8953, LF8955, LF8957, LFSY, Les Parrichets, Ligne HT, Mehun/Yèvre, Mongrole, Montargis, Monthelon, Motte du Caire, Moulin de Premol, Moulins-Montbeugny, O10 Passy, O20 Marthod, O21 Landry, O22 La Bathie, O23 Aiton, P10 Saou, P11 Die, P12 Aix en Diois, P13 Luc en Dois, P20 Vif, P21 Vizille, P22 Grisail, P23 St Jean d'Herans, P24 Pellafol, P25 Montmeilleur, P26 Prébois, P27 Bourg d'Oisans, Plessis Feu Aussoux, Pont/Yonne, Provins, R10 Bernex, R11 Megevette, R12 St Jeoire, R13 Taninges, R14 Samoëns, R15 Bonneville, R20 Doussard, R21 Gruffy, R21 St Laurent du Pont, R22 La Motte-en-Bauges, R23 Ecole-en-Bauges, R24 Montmélian Françin, R30 Les Echelles, R32 St Vincent de Mercuze, R33 Voreppe Cornmais, Reims Prunay, Rethel Perthes, Romorantin, Sézanne St Rémy, Saint Martin des Champs, Semur-en-Auxois, Seyne-les-Alpes, Spa-La Sauvenière, St Hubert, Ste Croix de Verdon, Sully/Loire, Tours-Louroux, Troyes B, V10 Quinson, V11 Artignoc, V12 Bauden, V13 Aups, V14 Trets ULM, V20 Thorame-Haute, V21 Thorame-Basse, V22 La Mure, V23 Soleihas, V24 Mousteiret, V25 Logis du Pin, V26 Caille, V27 La Chapelle, V28 Trigance, V29 La Palue/Verdon, V30 Bargemon, V31 Ampus, V32 Flayosc Ulm, and Vierzon-Méreau removed.   Coulommiers Équestre renamed Haras Pommeuse. Crecy La Chapelle renamed Église Crecy. $MODIFICATIONS 21 Aug 19: Avenay, Avize, Ay, Bailleau, Barny N, Barny N, Beauvais Tille, Bellegarde2 Prv, Beynes Thiverva, Bray sur Seine, Bretigny Sur Org, Bussieres, Celle sur Morin, Château Thierry, Château Thierry Ville, Chailley Prv, Chalons Ecur, Chalons Vatry, Chavenay Vi, Chelles Li Pin, Compiegne, Connantre, Courtenay, Creil, Dormans, Enghien Moissell, Epernay Ville, Etampes Mondesir, Etigny, Fere en Tardenois, GrandMarche, Guyancourt, Joigny Ville, LF0225, LF0256, LF1021, LF1055, LF2751, LF2851, LF4559, LF4560, LF5152, LF7752, LF8953, La Ferté Alais, Laon Chambry, Laon Ville, Le Gault, Le Mureaux, Le Plessis Bellv, Les Deserts, Les Parrichets O, Ligne HT, Lognes Emer, MONTHELON, Mantes Cherence, Meaux Esbly, Melun Villaroche, Mongrole, Montargis Ville, Montdidier, Moret Ville, Moulin Premol, Mourmelon, Nemours, Paris Cdg, Paris Issy, Paris Orly, Paris le Bourget, Persan Beaumont, Pithiviers, Plessis Feu Aussoux, Pontoise, Reims Prunay, Romilly sur Seine, Saint Martin des Champs, Sezanne Ville, Soissons, Sommesou, Souppes sur Loing, St Cyr L Ecole, St Florentin Ville, St Julien les Villas, St Simon Clastre, Toussus le Noble, Troyes Ville, Vallant St Georges, and Villacoubleay Ve added.   Bordes, Coulommier LFPK, Coulommier LFPK, Fontenay Tresigny LFPQ, Golf de Crécy, La Ferté Gaucher LFFG, Maisoncelles Equestre, Marigny-le-Châtel, Montargis LFEM, Montceaux, Moret LFPU, Nangis Ville, Provins SNCF, Sens, Troyes LFQB, Villenauxe, and Villers moved.   Amillis, Bergères, Bray-sur-Seine, Buno LFFB, Chéroy, Champaubert, Chenoise, Depart Est, Depart Sud, Donnemarie, Église Crecy, Epernay LFSW, Esternay, Fontenay Tresigny LFPQ, Gastins, Joigny LFGK, La Ferté Gaucher LFFG, Maisoncelles Equestre, Marcilly-le-Hayer, Montargis LFEM, Montereau-Fault-Yonne, Montmirail, Moret LFPU, Obelisque, Pézarches, Piscine BBQ, Rebais, Romilly-sur-Seine, Rozay en Brie, Saint Florentin LFGP, Sezanne LFFZ, Traînel, Troyes LFQB, Verdelot, and Villiers-Saint-Georges removed. $MODIFICATIONS 21 Aug 19: Duplcate Barny removed. Luxeil6 airspace removed. $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 0.3W $CUP_TASK "0","???","AACM Hangar","CLM-Equestre","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "1","???","CLM-Equestre","Plessis Feu Aussoux","Maisoncelles N","CLM-Equestre","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "10","???","CLM-Equestre","Saint Martin des Champs","Golf de Crecy","CLM-Equestre","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "11","???","Golf de Crecy","GrandMarche","CarrefourN4D402","Beton Bazoches","Golf de Crecy","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=4,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "12","???","Golf de Crecy","Jouy Le Chatel","Meilleray","Golf de Crecy","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "13","???","AACM Hangar","Nangis Ville","Monceaux","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "14","???","AACM Hangar","Dormans","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "15","???","AACM Hangar","Moret Ville","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "16","???","AACM Hangar","Chateau Thierry","Le Gault","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "17","???","AACM Hangar","Chateau Thierry Ville","Nangis Ville","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "18","???","AACM Hangar","Provins","Sezanne St Remy","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "19","???","AACM Hangar","Epernay Ville","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "2","???","CLM-Equestre","Plessis Feu Aussoux","Maisoncelles N","CLM-Equestre","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "20","???","AACM Hangar","Souppes sur Loing","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "21","???","AACM Hangar","Dormans","Sezanne St Remy","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "22","???","AACM Hangar","Ay","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "23","???","AACM Hangar","Vallant St Georges","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "24","???","AACM Hangar","Bray sur Seine","Sezanne St Remy","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "25","???","AACM Hangar","Etigny","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "26","???","AACM Hangar","Pont Sur Yonne","Sezanne St Remy","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "27","???","AACM Hangar","Fere en Tardenois","Nangis Ville","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "28","???","AACM Hangar","Moret Episy","Chateau Thierry","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "29","???","AACM Hangar","Troyes","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "3","???","CLM-Equestre","Marolles en Brie","Plessis Feu Aussoux","CLM-Equestre","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "30","???","AACM Hangar","Montargis Ville","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "31","???","AACM Hangar","Moret Ville","Romilly sur Seine","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "32","???","AACM Hangar","Pont Sur Yonne","CONNANTRE","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "33","???","AACM Hangar","Joigny Ville","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "34","???","AACM Hangar","Ay","Romilly sur Seine","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "35","???","AACM Hangar","Soissons","CONNANTRE","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "36","???","AACM Hangar","NEMOURS","Romilly sur Seine","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "37","???","AACM Hangar","Pont Sur Yonne","Epernay Ville","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "38","???","AACM Hangar","Montargis Ville","Sezanne St Remy","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "39","???","AACM Hangar","Rethel Perthes","Sezanne St Remy","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "4","???","CLM-Equestre","Marolles en Brie","Golf de Crecy","CLM-Equestre","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "40","???","AACM Hangar","Epernay Plivot","Romilly sur Seine","Ay","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=4,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "41","???","AACM Hangar","Illiers Combray","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK "42","???","AACM Hangar","Joigny","Epernay Ville","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "43","???","AACM Hangar","Montargis Ville","Troyes Ville","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "44","???","AACM Hangar","Troyes Ville","Montargis Ville","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "45","???","AACM Hangar","Laon Chambry","MARIGNY LE CHATEL","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "46","???","AACM Hangar","Fourmies","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "47","???","AACM Hangar","Vouzier","Sommesou","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "48","???","AACM Hangar","Voutenay sur Our","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "49","???","AACM Hangar","Epernay Plivot","Joigny Ville","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "5","???","CLM-Equestre","Golf de Crecy","Bussieres","Barny N","CLM-Equestre","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=4,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "50","???","AACM Hangar","GUISE","AVIZE","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "51","???","AACM Hangar","Ste Menehould","Romilly sur Seine","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "52","???","AACM Hangar","Aubigny Nordere","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "53","???","AACM Hangar","Montargis Ville","Epernay Ville","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "54","???","AACM Hangar","St Florentin Ville","Chalons Ecur","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "55","???","AACM Hangar","Bar le Duc","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "56","???","AACM Hangar","Charleville Meziere","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "57","???","AACM Hangar","Cosne Sur Loire","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "58","???","AACM Hangar","Montargis Ville","Bar sur Seine","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "59","???","AACM Hangar","Saulieu Liernais","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "6","???","CLM-Equestre","GrandMarche","Golf de Crecy","CLM-Equestre","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "60","???","AACM Hangar","Briare Chatillon","Avenay","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "61","???","AACM Hangar","Mereau","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "62","???","AACM Hangar","Chambley","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "63","???","AACM Hangar","Lezinnes","Cosne Sur Loire","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "64","???","AACM Hangar","NEVERS","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "65","???","AACM Hangar","Aubigny Nordere","Troyes Ville","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "66","???","AACM Hangar","Sully sur Loire","Reims Prunay","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "67","???","AACM Hangar","Aubigny Nordere","Epernay Ville","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "68","???","AACM Hangar","St Hubert","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "69","???","AACM Hangar","Amboise Dierre","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "7","???","CLM-Equestre","Chevru","CarrefourN4D402","Golf de Crecy","CLM-Equestre","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=4,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "70","???","AACM Hangar","Issoudun","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "71","???","AACM Hangar","St Mihel","Fourmies","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "72","???","AACM Hangar","Auxvenoy","Ay","Villemorien","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=4,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "73","???","AACM Hangar","Moulins Ville","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "74","???","AACM Hangar","Chatillon sur Loire","Chaumont","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "75","???","AACM Hangar","Venarey","Challuy","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "76","???","AACM Hangar","Briare Chatillon","Chalons Ecur","Sens","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=4,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "77","???","AACM Hangar","Lezinnes","Chambord","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "78","???","AACM Hangar","Vierzon Ville","Epernay Ville","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "79","???","AACM Hangar","Moulins Montbeugny","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "8","???","Crecy la Chapelle","Choqueuse","Hautefeuille","Beautheil","Crecy la Chapelle","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=4,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "80","???","AACM Hangar","Vierzon Mereau","Epernay Ville","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "81","???","AACM Hangar","Nuits","Vierzon Ville","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "82","???","AACM Hangar","Sancoin","Issoudun","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "83","???","AACM Hangar","Amboise Dierre","Mehun","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "84","???","AACM Hangar","ROMORANTIN","Epernay Ville","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "85","???","AACM Hangar","La Chatre","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "86","???","AACM Hangar","SPA LA S","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "87","???","AACM Hangar","Issoudun","Epernay Ville","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "88","???","AACM Hangar","ROMORANTIN","Chatillon sur Seine","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "89","???","AACM Hangar","Amboise Dierre","Lezinnes","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "9","???","CLM-Equestre","Beton Bazoches","Golf de Crecy","CLM-Equestre","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "90","???","AACM Hangar","Gannat","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "91","???","AACM Hangar","Gueret","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "92","???","AACM Hangar","St Hubert","Montargis Ville","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "93","???","AACM Hangar","Moulins Montbeugny","La Chatre","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "94","???","AACM Hangar","AACHEN M","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "95","???","AACM Hangar","Amboise Dierre","SEMUR EN AUXOIS","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "96","???","AACM Hangar","Gueret","Avallon","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "97","???","AACM Hangar","Tours Lourou","Rethel Perthes","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "98","???","AACM Hangar","Chauvigny","Decize","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=3,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "99","???","AACM Hangar","Blois Ville","Vouzier","Clerey","AACM Hangar","???" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=1,SpeedStyle=3,R1=3000m,A1=45,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m $CUP_TASK ObsZone=4,Style=2,SpeedStyle=3,R1=1000m,A1=180,R2=0m,A2=0,MaxAlt=0.0m,Line=1 $ALTITUDE_UNIT METERS $RW_L_UNIT METERS $DECIMAL_SEPARATOR , $LATITUDE North * * ============================================================================== * * The next line defines the contents of columns. It MUST appear before the first waypoint line NUM NAM COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S EW COD ALT RW_H RW_L RW_S ICAO CUP_COD CUP_DES CUP_NAM CUP_STYLE * * Starting the waypoints * 1 Départ CDF Église Beautheil 48 45 46 3 5 13 E S 125 BTHEIL Eglise Beautheil 001DepartCDF 1 2 Report Est 48 50 20 3 8 14 E T 119 ReporEst 002ReportEst 1 3 Report Sud Limite Hautefeuille et forêt Malvoisine 48 46 5 2 58 29 E T 120 HTEFEUIL Limite Hautefeuille et foret Malvoisine 003ReportSud 1 4 Arrivée Ouest Aérodrome Piste dur 48 50 15 3 0 52 E FD 143 70 2390 S LFPK Couloers Aerodrome Piste dur 004ArriveeOuest 5 5 Arrivée Est 48 50 11 2 59 16 E FD 136 LFPK CLM_EST 005ArriveeEst 1 6 AACM Hangar 48 49 59 3 0 7 E HDT 141 LFPK AACMHgar Hangar AACM 006AACM Hangar 1 7 Alençon-Valframbert Aérodrome Piste dur 48 26 48 0 6 28 E AT 142 70 770 S LFOF Alencon Aerodrome Piste dur 007Alencon 5 8 Allaines Santilly Aérodrome Piste herbe 48 9 33 1 51 8 E AT 126 180 600 G Allaiill Aerodrome Piste herbe 008Allaines Santill 2 9 Amiens Glisy Aérodrome Piste dur 49 52 23 2 23 13 E AT 64 70 370 S LFAY Amienisy Aerodrome Piste dur 009Amiens Glisy 5 10 Angerville 48 19 3 1 59 54 E T 140 Angerlle 010Angerville 1 11 Argentan Aérodrome Piste herbe 48 42 34 0 0 14 E AT 177 130 700 G LFAJ Argentan Aerodrome Piste herbe 011Argentan 2 12 Arras Roclincourt Aérodrome avec planeurs 50 19 26 2 48 10 E DT 104 180 890 LFQD Arraslin Aerodrome avec planeurs 012Arras Roclin 4 13 Aubigny/Nère Aérodrome Piste dur 47 28 49 2 23 38 E AT 192 90 770 S LFEH Aubigere Aerodrome Piste dur 013Aubigny Nordere 5 14 Autun-Bellevue Aérodrome Piste dur 46 58 3 4 15 40 E AT 302 10 1660 S LFQF Autunvue Aerodrome Piste dur 014Autun Bellevue 5 15 Auxerre-Branches Aérodrome Piste dur 47 51 1 3 29 50 E AT 153 80 560 S LFLA Auxerhes Aerodrome Piste dur 015Auxerre Branches 5 16 Auxvenoy Venoy Est Auxerre ville 47 48 26 3 38 20 E T 203 AUXVENOY Venoy Est Auxerre ville 016Auxvenoy 1 17 Avallon 1 Aérodrome Piste herbe 47 30 14 3 54 3 E AT 236 50 250 G LFGE Avallon Aerodrome Piste herbe 017Avallon 2 18 Avallon 2 47 30 11 3 53 58 E AT 238 AVALLON 018Avallon 1 19 Avenay Val d'Or 7km est Epernay 49 4 15 4 2 53 E T 94 AVENAY Avenay val d or 7km Est Epernay 019Avenay 1 20 Avize 8.5km Est Épernay 48 58 20 4 0 50 E T 129 AVIZE 8.5km Est Epernay 020Avize 1 21 Bailleau-Armenonville Aérodrome avec planeurs 48 30 53 1 38 19 E DT 156 90 400 LFFL Bailleau Aerodrome avec planeurs 021Bailleau 4 22 Bar-le-Duc Les-Hauts-de-Chée Aérodrome Piste herbe 48 52 6 5 11 7 E AT 277 120 800 G LFEU BarLeDuc Aerodrome Piste herbe 022Bar Le Duc 2 23 Bar le Duc Ville 48 46 19 5 10 22 E T 201 BARLEDUC 023Bar le Duc 1 24 Bar/Seine Aérodrome avec planeurs 48 3 57 4 24 44 E DT 277 160 2510 LFFR Barsuine Aerodrome avec planeurs 024Bar sur Seine 4 25 Barny Nord 48 47 34 3 1 28 E T 150 BARNY Nord de Barny 025Barny N 1 26 Bellegarde Prv Aérodrome Piste herbe 48 1 20 2 24 55 E APT 109 160 560 G BellePrv Aerodrome Piste herbe 026Bellegarde2 Prv 2 27 Bernay-St Martin Aérodrome Piste herbe 49 6 10 0 33 57 E AT 168 70 950 G LFPD Bernatin Aerodrome Piste herbe 027Bernay St Martin 2 28 Beton-Bazoches Église 48 42 7 3 14 42 E QT 136 BETON Eglise 028Beton Bazoches 16 29 Blois-Le Breuil Aérodrome Piste dur 47 40 47 1 12 21 E AT 122 110 680 S LFOQ BloisBre Aerodrome Piste dur 029Blois Le Bre 5 30 Blois Ville 47 35 23 1 19 40 E T 96 BLOISV 030Blois Ville 1 31 Boissy-le-Chatel Église 48 49 15 3 8 11 E T 120 BOISSY Eglise Boissy le Chatel 031Boissy-le-Chatel 1 32 Bonsac 48 36 12 3 25 55 E T 144 Bonsac 032Bonsac 1 33 Bordes Les Petit étang sud Coulommiers 48 46 34 3 4 34 E T 150 BORDES Les Bordes. Petit etang sud Coulommiers 033Bordes 1 34 Bray/Seine 48 25 0 3 14 30 E T 60 BRAY 034Bray sur Seine 1 35 Briare Châtillon Aérodrome Piste herbe 47 36 52 2 46 55 E AT 165 160 960 G LFEI Briarlon Aerodrome Piste herbe 035Briare Chatillon 2 36 Broussy-le-Grand 48 47 16 3 52 41 E T 139 Brousand 036Broussy-le-Grand 1 37 Buno-Bonnevaux Aérodrome Piste herbe 48 21 1 2 25 28 E DT 126 130 1900 G LFFB BunoBaux Aerodrome Piste herbe 037Buno Bonnevaux 2 38 Bussières Bussieres Centre Ville 48 55 21 3 14 9 E T 174 BUSSIERE Bussieres Centre Ville 038Bussieres 1 39 Cambrai Epinoy Aérodrome Piste dur 50 13 9 3 9 8 E AT 79 180 400 S LFQI Cambrnoy Aerodrome Piste dur 039Cambrai Epinoy 5 40 Cambrai-Niergnies Aérodrome Piste dur 50 8 33 3 15 54 E AT 95 100 2050 S LFYG Cambrier Aerodrome Piste dur 040Cambrai Nier 5 41 Carrefour N4 D402 CarrefourN4D402 48 41 7 3 6 15 E rT 110 N4D402 CarrefourN4D402 041CarrefourN4D402 17 42 Chailley Prv Aérodrome Piste dur 48 4 44 3 42 50 E APT 185 40 1500 S LFJM ChailPrv Aerodrome Piste dur 042Chailley Prv 5 43 Chailly-en-Brie Église 48 47 23 3 7 27 E T 140 CHAILLY Eglise Chailly en Brie 043Chailly en Brie 1 44 Challuy 5km sud Nevers 46 57 0 3 8 55 E T 191 CHALLUY Challuy 5km Sud Nevers 044Challuy 1 45 Châlons-Écury/Coole Aérodrome avec planeurs 48 54 20 4 21 10 E DT 98 150 980 LFQK Chalocur Aerodrome avec planeurs 045Chalons Ecur 4 46 Chartres-Champhols Aérodrome Piste dur 48 27 25 1 31 11 E AT 151 110 710 S LFOR Chartres Aerodrome Piste dur 046Chartres 5 47 Charleville-Mezières 49 45 20 4 43 38 E T 153 047Charleville Mezière 1 48 Château Thierry-Belleau Aérodrome Piste herbe 49 4 2 3 21 23 E AT 223 50 750 G LFFH Chaterry Aerodrome Piste herbe 048Chateau Thierry 2 49 Château Thierry Ville 49 2 46 3 24 7 E T 91 CHAT THV Chateau Thierry Ville 049Chateau Thierry Ville 1 50 Châteaudun Aérodrome Piste dur 48 3 28 1 22 46 E AT 131 180 800 S LFOC Chatedun Aerodrome Piste dur 050Chateaudun 5 51 Château de Montanglaust 48 49 39 3 4 30 E QT 150 CHATMONT Chteau de Montanglaust 051ChateauMontanglaust 16 52 Châtillon/Loire S-O Briarre Aero 47 35 37 2 45 14 E T 151 CHATILOI Chatillon sur Loire S-O Briarre Aero 052Chatillon sur Loire 1 53 Châtillon/Seine Aérodrome Piste herbe 47 50 34 4 34 46 E AT 269 40 920 G LFQH Chatiine Aerodrome Piste herbe 053Chatillon sur Seine 2 54 Chenoise 48 37 4 3 11 32 E T 150 Chenoise 054Chenoise 1 55 Chevru Église 48 44 6 3 11 45 E QT 145 CHEVRU Eglise 055Chevru 16 56 Choisy-en-Brie 48 45 38 3 12 57 E T 141 Choisrie 056Choisy-en-Brie 1 57 Choqueuse Ferme dans la clairière de la forêt 48 53 12 3 6 40 E T 150 CHOQ Ferme dans la clairiere de la foret Choqueuse 057Choqueuse 1 58 Clamecy Aérodrome Piste herbe 47 26 15 3 30 28 E AT 202 50 2420 G LFJC Clamecy Aerodrome Piste herbe 058Clamecy 2 59 Clerey 12 km S-E Troyes 48 12 33 4 11 30 E T 136 CLEREY 12 km S-E Troyes 059Clerey 1 60 CLM-Equestre Centre equestre Sud LFPK 48 49 34 3 0 33 E T 140 CLMEQ Centre equestre Sud LFPK 060CLM-Equestre 1 61 Connantre 48 43 36 3 55 22 E T 100 CONNANTR 061Connantre 1 62 Cosne/Loire Aérodrome Piste dur 47 21 40 2 54 56 E AT 176 90 1380 S LFGH Cosneire Aerodrome Piste dur 062Cosne Sur Loire 5 63 Cosne Ville 47 24 0 2 55 25 E T 163 COSNE-V 063Cosne Ville 1 64 Courtenay 48 3 34 3 5 31 E T 172 COURTNEY 064Courtenay 1 65 Courtisols Ul Aérodrome Piste herbe 48 59 29 4 29 45 E AT 146 70 2390 G CourtsUl Aerodrome Piste herbe 065Courtisols Ul 2 66 Decize 30km S-E Nevers 46 49 0 3 29 30 E T 204 DECIZE 30km S-E Nevers 066Decize 1 67 Dijon Darois Aérodrome Piste dur 47 23 9 4 56 49 E AT 480 50 2240 S LFGI Dijonois Aerodrome Piste dur 067Dijon Darois 5 68 Dijon-Longvic Aérodrome Piste dur 47 15 57 5 5 42 E AT 223 170 2210 S LFSD Dijonvic Aerodrome Piste dur 068Dijon Longvic 5 69 Donnemarie-Dontilly 48 28 51 3 7 41 E T 99 Donnelly 069Donnemarie-Dontilly 1 70 Dormans 49 4 27 3 38 25 E T 81 DORMANS 070Dormans 1 71 Dreux-Senonches Mil Aérodrome Piste dur 48 38 41 1 5 57 E YT 181 70 800 S DreuxcMi Aerodrome Piste dur 071Dreux Senonc Mi 5 72 Dreux-Vernouillet Aérodrome Piste herbe 48 42 23 1 21 43 E AT 134 70 800 G LFON Dreuxill Aerodrome Piste herbe 072Dreux Vernouill 2 73 Épernay Plivot Aérodrome Piste herbe 49 0 16 4 5 7 E AT 88 90 450 G LFSW Epernvot Aerodrome Piste herbe 073Epernay Plivot 2 74 Épernay Ville 49 2 39 3 57 24 E T 82 EPERNAYV 074Epernay Ville 1 75 Esternay 48 44 2 3 33 25 E T 160 Esternay 075Esternay 1 76 Étampes-Montdesir Aérodrome Piste dur 48 22 51 2 4 35 E AT 149 40 3000 S LFOX Etampsir Aerodrome Piste dur 076Etampes Mondesir 5 77 Étigny 5 km Sud Sens 48 8 19 3 17 38 E T 72 ETIGNY 5 km Sud SENS 077Etigny 1 78 Étrépagny Aérodrome Piste herbe 49 18 21 1 38 16 E AT 95 100 830 G LFFY Etrepgny Aerodrome Piste herbe 078Etrepagny 2 79 Falaise Monts-d'Eraines Aérodrome avec planeurs 48 55 38 0 8 44 W DT 156 60 710 LFAS Falaise Aerodrome avec planeurs 079Falaise 4 80 Farmoutiers Serres Serres au Sud de Farmoutiers 48 47 49 2 59 31 E T 150 FARMOUT Serres au Sud de Farmoutiers 080Farmoutiers Serres 1 81 Fère-en-Tardenois 49 12 10 3 30 56 E T 125 FERE 081Fere en Tardenois 1 82 Fismes 49 18 32 3 40 54 E T 70 Fismes 082Fismes 1 83 Fontaine-Denis-Nuisy 48 37 39 3 40 59 E T 166 Fontaisy 083Fontaine-Denis-Nuisy 1 84 Fontaine-Simon Aérodrome Piste herbe 48 30 22 0 59 28 E AT 211 170 1200 G Fontamon Aerodrome Piste herbe 084Fontaine Simon 2 85 Fontenay-Trésigny Aérodrome Piste dur 48 42 26 2 54 14 E AT 113 70 1110 S LFPQ Fonteign Aerodrome Piste dur 085Fontenay Tresign 5 86 Fougères/Bièvre Aérodrome Piste herbe 47 27 28 1 21 52 E AT 93 30 890 G Fougevre Aerodrome Piste herbe 086Fougeres Bicvre 2 87 Fourmies 50 0 56 4 3 14 E T 199 FOURMIE 087Fourmies 1 88 Gien 47 41 30 2 37 48 E T 134 GIEN 088Gien 1 89 Golf de Crecy 48 50 42 2 56 3 E T 140 GOLFCRY Golf de Crcy 089Golf de Crecy 1 90 Grand Marché Centre Ville 48 51 6 3 16 28 E rT 177 GdMarche Grand Marche Centre Ville 090GrandMarche 17 91 Gray St Adrien Aérodrome Piste dur 47 25 51 5 36 59 E AT 202 180 700 S LFEV GraySdri Aerodrome Piste dur 091Gray St Adri 5 92 Guise 25 km Est St Quentin 49 54 9 3 37 42 E T 109 GUISE 25 km Est St Quentin 092Guise 1 93 Hermé 48 29 2 3 20 49 E T 61 093Hermé 1 94 Hirson 49 55 31 4 5 45 E T 198 Hirson 094Hirson 1 95 Illiers Combray Ouest 48 18 19 1 13 54 E T 159 ILLIERS Illiers Ouest 095Illiers Combray 1 96 Issoudun-Le Fay Aérodrome avec planeurs 46 53 19 2 2 27 E DT 162 140 1360 LFEK Issoudun Aerodrome avec planeurs 096Issoudun 4 97 Joigny Aéro Piste dur 47 59 41 3 23 39 E AT 217 110 1060 S LFGK Joigny Aérodrome Piste dur 097Joigny 5 98 Joigny Ville 47 58 30 3 23 52 E T 81 JOIGNYV 098Joigny Ville 1 99 Joinville- Mussey/Marne Aérodrome Piste herbe 48 23 7 5 8 37 E AT 310 110 980 G LFFJ Joinvsse Aerodrome Piste herbe 099Joinville Musse 2 100 Jours Ul Aérodrome Piste dur 47 36 34 4 37 5 E AT 402 50 1470 S LFSY Jours Ul Aerodrome Piste dur 100Jours Ul 5 101 Jouy le Châtel Église 48 39 56 3 7 46 E QT 129 JOUY Eglise 101Jouy Le Chatel 16 102 Juvancourt Aérodrome Piste herbe 48 6 54 4 49 13 E AT 351 90 680 G LFQX Juvanurt Aerodrome Piste herbe 102Juvancourt 2 103 L'Aigle St Michel Aérodrome Piste dur 48 45 35 0 39 30 E AT 241 30 2690 S LFOL LAiglche Aerodrome Piste dur 103L Aigle St Miche 5 104 La Ferté Gaucher Aérodrome Piste herbe 48 45 21 3 16 34 E AT 165 30 1170 G LFFG LaFerher Aerodrome Piste herbe 104La Ferte Gaucher 2 105 La Forestière 48 39 31 3 35 43 E T 181 LaForère 105La Forestière 1 106 La Motte Beuvron-Le Rabot Aérodrome Piste herbe 47 39 22 1 59 16 E AT 125 180 890 G LFFM Lamotron Aerodrome Piste herbe 106Lamotte Beuvron 2 107 Langesse Prv Aérodrome Piste herbe 47 48 24 2 35 56 E APT 156 180 580 G LangePrv Aerodrome Piste herbe 107Langesse Prv 2 108 Langres Rolampont Aérodrome avec planeurs 47 57 51 5 17 37 E DT 421 100 1530 LFSU LangrRol Aerodrome avec planeurs 108Langrois Rol 4 109 Laon Chambry Aérodrome Piste herbe 49 35 45 3 37 52 E AT 79 170 1530 G LFAF LaonCbry Aerodrome Piste herbe 109Laon Chambry 2 110 Laon Ville 49 34 12 3 37 36 E T 107 LAON V 110Laon Ville 1 111 Le Gault-Soigny 7.5km sud Montmirail 48 49 6 3 35 33 E T 198 LE-GAULT Le gault soigny 7.5km Sud Montmirail 111Le Gault 1 112 Le Mans Arnage Aérodrome Piste dur 47 56 55 0 12 6 E AT 58 70 680 S LFRM LeManrna Aerodrome Piste dur 112Le Mans Arna 5 113 Lens Bénifontaine Aérodrome Piste herbe 50 28 1 2 49 17 E AT 52 140 500 G LFQL LensBain Aerodrome Piste herbe 113Lens Benifontain 2 114 Le Petit Bois Landry Aérodrome Piste herbe 48 23 37 1 3 27 E AT 264 180 880 G Lepetndr Aerodrome Piste herbe 114Lepetitboislandr 2 115 Les Deserts 48 53 24 3 45 6 E T 224 DESERTS 115Les Deserts 1 116 Les Marêts 48 39 47 3 18 42 E T 152 LesMaêts 116Les Marêts 1 117 Les Parrichets Ouest 48 48 20 3 3 21 E T 150 PARR Les Parrichets Ouest 117Les Parrichets O 1 118 Lezinnes 10km S-E Tonnerre 47 48 5 4 5 21 E T 171 LEZINNEV 10km S-E Tonnerre 118Lezinnes 1 119 LF0225 49 30 14 3 44 17 E AT 177 450 LF0225 119LF0225 2 120 LF1021 Aérodrome privé 48 28 5 4 11 52 E LT 177 800 LF1021 Aérodrome privé 120LF1021 2 121 LF1055 Ancien aerodrome 48 30 0 3 45 15 E LT 78 350 LFQR LF1055 Ancien arodrome 121LF1055 2 122 LF1821 Aérodrome privé 46 40 45 2 34 28 E LT 219.5 480 LF1821 Aerodrome prive 122LF1821 2 123 LF1826 47 22 51 2 46 57 E LT 305 300 LF1826 123LF1826 2 124 LF2122 Aérodrome privé 25m 47 34 30 5 21 1 E LT 283.5 600 LF2122 Aérodrome priv. 25m 124LF2122 2 125 LF2123 Aérodrome privé 47 28 39 5 21 30 E LT 229 530 LF2123 Aérodrome privé 125LF2123 2 126 LF2162 Aérodrome privé 47 1 1 4 41 59 E LT 563.9 750 LF2162 Aérodrome privé 126LF2162 2 127 LF2721 Aérodrome privé 49 15 11 1 1 44 E LT 113 540 LF2721 Aérodrome privé 127LF2721 2 128 LF2751 49 15 35 1 39 41 E LT 100 400 LF2751 128LF2751 2 129 LF2753 49 16 53 1 13 53 E LT 10 600 LF2753 129LF2753 2 130 LF2822 Aérodrome privé 48 23 38 1 3 27 E LT 260 600 LF2822 Arodrome priv 130LF2822 2 131 LF2825 Aérodrome privé 48 9 32 1 51 12 E LT 130 750 LF2825 Arodrome priv 131LF2825 2 132 LF2829 Aérodrome privé 48 12 40 1 40 24 E LT 145 1000 LF2829 Arodrome priv 132LF2829 2 133 LF2851 48 27 11 1 37 47 E LT 151 450 LF2851 133LF2851 2 134 LF2853 48 13 6 1 29 46 E LT 136 450 LF2853 134LF2853 2 135 LF3759 47 32 11 1 1 9 E LT 114.9 1000 LF3759 135LF3759 2 136 LF4128 Aérodrome privé 47 27 30 1 21 59 E LT 102 600 LF4128 Arodrome priv 136LF4128 2 137 LF4131 Aérodrome privé La Motte Beuvron 47 39 22 1 59 15 E LT 130 570 LFFM LF4131 Arodrome priv La Motte Beuvron 137LF4131 2 138 LF4153 47 56 56 1 4 8 E LT 189.9 375 LF4153 138LF4153 2 139 LF4155 47 30 25 1 13 58 E LT 64 500 LF4155 139LF4155 2 140 LF4552 350m 47 47 30 2 20 8 E LT 112 220 LF4552 350m 140LF4552 2 141 LF4558 47 50 12 1 37 4 E LT 115 380 LF4558 141LF4558 2 142 LF4559 48 6 23 2 26 53 E LT 110 340 LF4559 142LF4559 2 143 LF4560 48 7 42 2 56 14 E LT 131 300 LF4560 143LF4560 2 144 LF4561 47 48 47 2 14 7 E LT 107 400 LF4561 144LF4561 2 145 LF5152 49 4 56 4 8 12 E LT 110 450 LF5152 145LF5152 2 146 LF5252 Étroit 48 26 9 4 51 7 E LT 171 300 LF5252 Etroit 146LF5252 2 147 LF7258 Aérodrome privé 48 11 43 0 5 58 W LT 91 390 LF7258 Arodrome priv 147LF7258 2 148 LF7752 48 10 7 2 35 52 E LT 107 500 LF7752 148LF7752 2 149 LF8951 47 41 26 3 39 48 E LT 110 300 LF8951 149LF8951 2 150 LF8953 48 7 1 3 10 7 E LT 196 300 LF8953 150LF8953 2 151 LF8955 47 37 19 3 6 23 E LT 203 400 LF8955 151LF8955 2 152 LF8957 47 39 55 3 2 39 E LT 203 300 LF8957 152LF8957 2 153 LFSY Aérodrome privé 47 36 35 4 37 3 E AT 401 1400 LFSY LFSY Arodrome priv 153LFSY 2 154 Ligne HT 48 47 24 3 0 3 E T 150 EDFCLM Ligne HT 154Ligne HT 1 155 Ligny-le-Ribault Aérodrome Piste herbe 47 42 20 1 46 43 E AT 114 80 890 G Lignyult Aerodrome Piste herbe 155Ligny Le Ribault 2 156 Lille Lesquin Aérodrome Piste dur 50 33 48 3 5 13 E AT 49 100 1110 S LFQQ Lilleuin Aerodrome Piste dur 156Lille Lesquin 5 157 Loches 47 7 45 1 4 1 E T 119 LOCHES 157Loches 1 158 Longuyon-Vilette Aérodrome Piste herbe 49 29 4 5 34 20 E AT 351 40 1810 G LFGS Longuett Aerodrome Piste herbe 158Longuyon Villett 2 159 Lurcy-Lévis Privé Aérodrome Piste dur 46 42 46 2 56 43 E APT 229 60 530 S LFJU LurcyPrv Aerodrome Piste dur 159Lurcy Levy Prv 5 160 Maisoncelles N Intersection D15 D228 48 52 15 2 59 25 E rT 150 MAICELL Intersection D15 D228 160Maisoncelles N 17 161 Maison-Rouge 48 33 33 3 9 0 E T 144 Maisouge 161Maison-Rouge 1 162 Mantes Chérence Aérodrome Piste herbe 49 4 44 1 41 20 E AT 156 150 1140 G LFFC Mantence Aerodrome Piste herbe 162Mantes Cherence 2 163 Marcilly-sur-Seine 48 33 33 3 42 53 E T 75 Marciine 163Marcilly-sur-Seine 1 164 Marigny Aéro fermé 48 39 40 3 50 13 E T 100 LFYM MARIGNY Marigny aero ferm 164Marigny 1 165 Marigny le Châtel 1 11km Sud Romilly 48 24 9 3 44 20 E T 110 MAR-LECH 11km Sud Romilly 165Marigny le Chatel 1 166 Marigny le Grand Aérodrome Piste dur 48 39 40 3 50 13 E AT 100 160 1960 S LFYM Marigand Aerodrome Piste dur 166Marigny Le Gmand 5 167 Marolles-en-Brie Église/Cimetèere 48 46 35 3 9 50 E QT 126 MAROLLES Eglise/Cimetiere 167Marolles en Brie 16 168 Maubeuge-Elesmes Aérodrome Piste dur 50 18 30 4 1 48 E AT 137 40 2390 S LFQJ Maubeuge Aerodrome Piste dur 168Maubeuge 5 169 Meilleray Église 48 47 21 3 25 20 E QT 129 MEILLERAY Eglise 169Meilleray 16 170 Mereau Sud Aero Vierzon 47 8 0 2 3 1 E T 108 MEREAU Sud Aero Vierzon 170Mereau 1 171 Monceaux les Provins N4 8km Ouest Esternay 48 41 42 3 26 23 E T 182 MONCEAUX Monceaux les Provins N4 8km Ouest Esternay 171Monceaux 1 172 Montargis Vimory Aérodrome avec planeurs 47 57 38 2 41 6 E DT 95 160 1290 LFEM Montagis Aerodrome avec planeurs 172Montargis 4 173 Montargis Ville Echangeur Sud de la ville 47 58 13 2 44 3 E rT 90 MTARGISV Echangeur Sud de la ville 173Montargis Ville 17 174 Montdidier Aérodrome Piste herbe 49 40 19 2 34 4 E AT 104 20 980 G LFAR Montdier Aerodrome Piste herbe 174Montdidier 2 175 Montereau-Fault-Yonne 48 23 15 2 57 30 E T 54 Montenne 175Montereau-Fault-Yonne 1 176 Monthelon Aérodrome privé 48 59 25 3 55 13 E AT 233 600 MTLON Arodrome priv 176MONTHELON 2 177 Montigny-Lencoup 48 27 21 3 3 23 E T 111 177Montigny-Lencoup 1 178 Moret-Épisy Aérodrome Piste herbe 48 20 31 2 47 56 E AT 76 110 980 G LFPU Moretisy Aerodrome Piste herbe 178Moret Episy 2 179 Moret Ville 48 22 21 2 48 53 E T 55 LFPU MORETV 179Moret Ville 1 180 Mortagne-au-Perche Aérodrome Piste dur 48 32 21 0 31 57 E AT 268 20 1380 S LFAX Mortaerc Aerodrome Piste dur 180Mortagne Au Perc 5 181 Mourmelon Aérodrome Piste herbe 49 6 41 4 22 1 E AT 119 180 2910 G LFXM Mourmlon Aerodrome Piste herbe 181Mourmelon 2 182 Mézière-les-Cléry Vélisurface 47 48 38 1 50 26 E DT 107 MEZIER Vlisurface 182Mzires 4 183 Nangis-Les Loges Aérodrome Piste dur 48 35 48 3 0 26 E AT 128 180 1750 S LFAI Nangiges Aerodrome Piste dur 183Nangis Les Loges 5 184 Nangis Ville 48 33 37 3 0 42 E T 126 NANGISV 184Nangis Ville 1 185 Nemours 48 16 14 2 41 45 E T 63 NEMOURS 185Nemours 1 186 Neufchâtel-en-Bray 49 44 8 1 26 44 E T 108 Neufcray 186Neufchâtel-en-bray 1 187 Neung Beavron Aérodrome Piste herbe 47 31 49 1 43 40 E AT 93 140 550 G Neungron Aerodrome Piste herbe 187Neung Beavron 2 188 Nevers-Fourchambault Aérodrome Piste dur 47 0 13 3 6 39 E AT 183 120 2390 S LFQG Nevers Aerodrome Piste dur 188Nevers 5 189 Nuits 47 43 52 4 12 50 E T 186 NUITS 189Nuits 1 190 Nuits-St-Georges Aérodrome Piste herbe 47 8 35 4 58 7 E AT 244 50 860 G LFGZ Nuitsges Aerodrome Piste herbe 190Nuits St Georges 2 191 Orléans-Saint-Denis-de-l'Hôtel Aérodrome Piste dur 47 53 51 2 9 51 E AT 122 80 1380 S LFOZ Orleanis Aerodrome Piste dur 191Orleans St Denis 5 192 Pithiviers Aérodrome Piste herbe 48 9 18 2 11 16 E AT 113 130 450 G LFFP Aerodrome Piste herbe 192Pithiviers 2 193 Plessis Feu Aussoux Église 48 42 55 3 2 0 E QT 115 PLESSIS Eglise 193Plessis Feu Aussoux 16 194 Poix-Croixrault Aérodrome Piste herbe 49 46 49 2 0 16 E AT 187 50 980 G Aerodrome Piste herbe 194Poix CroixRault 2 195 Pont/Yonne Aérodrome avec planeurs 48 17 32 3 14 42 E DT 65 70 740 LFGO Aerodrome avec planeurs 195Pont Sur Yonne 4 196 Pontlevoy 15M Aérodrome Piste herbe 47 23 7 1 13 7 E AT 105 140 830 G Aerodrome Piste herbe 196Pontlevoy 15M 2 197 Pouilly Maconge Aérodrome Piste herbe 47 13 17 4 33 38 E AT 430 70 740 G LFEP Aerodrome Piste herbe 197Pouilly Maconge 2 198 Provins 48 33 46 3 18 3 E T 98 198Prins 198Provins 1 199 Reims-Prunay Aérodrome Piste dur 49 12 31 4 9 24 E AT 95 130 790 S LFQA Aerodrome Piste dur 199Reims Prunay 5 200 Rethel Perthes Aérodrome Piste herbe 49 28 52 4 21 48 E AT 115 50 620 G LFAP Aerodrome Piste herbe 200Rethel Perthes 2 201 Réveillon 48 45 12 3 27 13 E T 176 Réveilon 201Réveillon 1 202 Romilly/Seine 48 29 58 3 45 42 E T 82 ROMILLY 202Romilly sur Seine 1 203 Romorantin Pruniers Aérodrome avec planeurs 47 19 3 1 41 23 E DT 85 150 1290 LFYR Aerodrome avec planeurs 203Romorantin 4 204 Romorantin Ville 47 21 41 1 44 49 E T 91 ROMO V 204Romorantin Ville 1 205 Rozay-en-Brie 48 41 11 2 57 50 E T 100 Rozayrie 205Rozay-en-Brie 1 206 Saint Martin des Champs Église 48 46 40 3 20 10 E QT 145 STMARTIN Eglise 206Saint Martin des Champs 16 207 Saulieu Liernais Aérodrome Piste dur 47 14 19 4 15 52 E AT 521 130 680 S LFEW Aerodrome Piste dur 207Saulieu Liernais 5 208 Sedan Douzy Aérodrome Piste dur 49 39 32 5 2 12 E AT 156 180 700 S LFSJ Aerodrome Piste dur 208Sedan Douzy 5 209 Semur-en-Auxois Aérodrome Piste dur 47 28 52 4 20 34 E AT 320 70 260 S LFGQ Aerodrome Piste dur 209Semur En Auxois 5 210 Sens 48 11 53 3 17 10 E T 74 SENS 210Sens 1 211 Sézanne St Rémy Aérodrome Piste herbe 48 42 36 3 45 47 E AT 107 110 350 G LFFZ Aerodrome Piste herbe 211Sezanne St Remy 2 212 Sézanne Ville 48 43 15 3 43 30 E T 129 SEZANNEV 212Sezanne Ville 1 213 Soissons-Courmelles Aérodrome avec planeurs 49 20 42 3 16 59 E DT 159 50 400 LFJS Aerodrome avec planeurs 213Soissons 4 214 Souesmes 15M Privé Aérodrome Piste herbe 47 26 51 2 12 43 E APT 137 40 1690 G Aerodrome Piste herbe 214Souesmes 15M Prv 2 215 Sougé Troo Aérodrome Piste herbe 47 45 46 0 44 21 E AT 59 60 500 G Aerodrome Piste herbe 215Souge Troo 2 216 Souppes/Loing 48 11 11 2 44 0 E T 76 SOUPPES 216Souppes sur Loing 1 217 St André de l'Eure Aérodrome Piste herbe 48 53 51 1 15 3 E AT 149 70 1290 G LFFD Aerodrome Piste herbe 217St Andre De L Eu 2 218 St Florentin Chéu Aérodrome avec planeurs 47 58 53 3 46 37 E DT 110 120 650 LFGP Aerodrome avec planeurs 218St Florentin 4 219 St Florentin Ville 48 0 7 3 43 38 E T 119 STFLOVIL 219St Florentin Ville 1 220 St Julien les Villas 48 16 16 4 6 12 E T 109 STJULIEN 220St Julien les Villas 1 221 St Quentin Roupy Aérodrome avec planeurs 49 49 1 3 12 21 E DT 101 20 950 LFOW Aerodrome avec planeurs 221St Quentin 4 222 Ste Menehould 49 5 30 4 53 55 E T 140 STMENEH 222Ste Menehould 1 223 Sully/Loire 47 45 55 2 22 25 E T 117 SULLY 223Sully sur Loire 1 224 Sus Saint Leger Aérodrome Piste herbe 50 14 43 2 26 11 E AT 158 120 3490 G Aerodrome Piste herbe 224Sus Saint Leger 2 225 Til Châtel Aérodrome Piste herbe 47 32 51 5 12 41 E AT 287 120 680 G LFET Aerodrome Piste herbe 225Til Chatel 2 226 Tonnerre Moulins Aérodrome Piste herbe 47 45 43 4 2 16 E AT 233 40 1350 G Aerodrome Piste herbe 226Tonnerre Moulins 2 227 Trancault 48 22 36 3 32 11 E T 92 Trancult 227Trancault 1 228 Troyes-Barberey Aérodrome Piste dur 48 19 18 4 1 0 E AT 119 80 320 S LFQB Aerodrome Piste dur 228Troyes 5 229 Troyes SNCF Gare 48 17 50 4 3 50 E T 111 TROYESV gare 229Troyes Ville 1 230 Valençay 47 9 29 1 33 48 E T 112 VALENCAY 230Valencay 1 231 Valenciennes Denain Aérodrome Piste dur 50 19 29 3 27 56 E AT 52 40 640 S LFAV Aerodrome Piste dur 231Valenciennes 5 232 Vallant St Georges 14km Est Romilly 48 28 15 3 54 13 E T 86 VALLANT 14km Est Romilly 232Vallant St Georges 1 233 Venarey-Les Laumes N-E Aero Semur-en-Auxois 47 32 39 4 27 30 E T 238 VENAREY N-E Aero Semur en Auxois 233Venarey 1 234 Vendôme 47 47 28 1 4 8 E T 114 VENDOME 234Vendome 1 235 Vicq/Nahon 30M Aérodrome Piste herbe 47 6 39 1 33 49 E AT 148 50 G Aerodrome Piste herbe 235Vicq Nahon 30M 2 236 Vierzon Méreau Aérodrome Piste herbe 47 11 38 2 3 55 E AT 129 80 G LFFV Aerodrome Piste herbe 236Vierzon Mereau 2 237 Vierzon Ville 47 13 30 2 3 57 E T 108 VIERZONV 237Vierzon Ville 1 238 Ville Langy Aérodrome Piste herbe 46 56 50 3 29 25 E AT 270 80 G Aerodrome Piste herbe 238Ville Langy 2 239 Villemorien 10km Ouest Bar/Seine 48 5 5 4 17 45 E T 176 VILMORIE 10km Ouest Bar sur Seine 239Villemorien 1 240 Villenauxe la Grande 48 35 28 3 33 24 E T 109 VILNAUXE 240Villenauxe la grande 1 241 Villeneuve/Allier 46 39 36 3 15 5 E T 205 VILNEUVE 241Villeneuve sur Allier 1 242 Villers SO 48 51 2 3 4 39 E T 150 VILLERS 242Villers SO 1 243 Villiers-St Georges 48 39 12 3 24 18 E T 153 Villiges 243Villiers-Saint-Georges 1 244 Vitry-en-Artois Aérodrome Piste herbe 50 20 18 2 59 33 E AT 52 G LFQS Aerodrome Piste herbe 244Vitry En Artois 2 245 Voutenay/Our 12km N-O Avallon 47 33 50 3 47 9 E T 156 VOUTENAY 12km N-O Avallon 245Voutenay sur Our 1 246 Vouzeron Privé Aérodrome Piste herbe 47 15 9 2 15 8 E APT 146 G Aerodrome Piste herbe 246Vouzeron Prv 2 247 Vouziers 25km S-E Rethel 49 23 56 4 41 55 E T 104 VOUZIER 25km S-E Rethel 247Vouzier 1 248 Voves 48 16 31 1 37 35 E T 144 248Voves 1