* NUM NAM ID COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT FRE ICAO CUP_PICS * * ============================================================================== * * Filename "corowa23.stx" created Wednesday, 15 February 2023 at 14:36 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.4 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This version is to support ClearNav. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.4 $COUNTRY AU $HOME Corowa, Australia $TIMEZONE_NAME Australia/Victoria $EXTRACT_FROM_EXISTING_SUA /home/leib/WSX/Airspace/AU/AU.txt $URL_INFORMATION $URL_TURNPOINTS www.soaringspot.com/en_gb/20m-dual-seat-nationals-2023-corowa-2023/downloads $HEADER Murray Valley Soaring Club $CONTRIBUTOR Ian Steventon $CONTEST 20m Dual Seat Nationals 2023 $DISTANCE_UNIT Km $NAME_NUMBER N $LATITUDE South $LONGITUDE East $FILENAME_3 cw3 $FILENAME_4 crw3 $FILENAME_5 crw23 $FILENAME_8 corowa23 $MODIFICATIONS 01 Sep 02: Original contribution. $MODIFICATIONS 19 Jun 04: Bribbaree Corowa 05, Corowa 14, and Corowa 23, moved.   Coonamble Silo, Cootamundra Silo, Corowa Start 2, Hay, Hilston, Virt 100, and Virt 1250 removed.   Barrelan West, Burndoo, Corowa RWX, Corowa Start N, Corowa Start N100, Corowa Start NW, Corowa Start SE, Coree, Deniliq SW, Dooki East, Gingin NE, Gogobilly, Grong G North, Harefield, Horsham West, Manoora East, Mona Gap, Morkalla East, Natya, Pine Hill, Pirola, Roto, Urana South, and West W North added. $MODIFICATIONS 19 Jan 10: Magnetic Variation added $MODIFICATIONS 04 Nov 10: Corowa Start Airstrip, Corowa Start N2, Corowa Start Race Track, Ariah Park NE, Ballandri, Ballatta, Barmah, Boort, Canbelego, Cobar, Coleambally, Culgoa, Dalby, Frogmore, Goolgumbla, Harmdale, Hay Bridge, Lake SE Urana, Lalbert, Marlow, Marsden, Modamein, Moolbong, Muddall, Mulyandry, Murringo, Mystic Park, NW Grenfell, Nathalla, Nymagee, Nyngan, Ounninyeuk, Pine Ridge, Quambatook, Singorimbah, Tchelery, Thuddungra, Ultima, Vermont Hill, Violet Town, Warren, Willow Vale, Willurah, Wirrinya, Woodstock, WW Quandi, and Yallock added.   Ariah Park, Mona Gap, and Urana South moved.   Morundah AD removed. $MODIFICATIONS 05 Nov 10: Dalby removed. $MODIFICATIONS 05 Oct 14: Ilec airspace file updated with AirParse Version 2.5 $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 11.6E $STATE_ABBREV VIC $STATE Victoria $ALTITUDE_UNIT FEET $RW_L_UNIT METERS * ============================================================================== * * Filename "corowa23.stx" created Wednesday, 15 February 2023 at 14:36 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.4 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This version is to support ClearNav. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.4 $COUNTRY AU $HOME Corowa, Australia $TIMEZONE_NAME Australia/Victoria $CONTRIBUTOR Ian Steventon $CONTEST 20m Dual Seat Nationals 2023 $LATITUDE South $LONGITUDE East $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 11.6E $STATE_ABBREV VIC $ALTITUDE_UNIT FEET $RW_L_UNIT METERS $CONTRIBUTION_DATE 15 February 2023 * * ============================================================================== * * The next line defines the contents of columns. It MUST appear before the first waypoint line NUM NAM ID COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT FRE ICAO CUP_PICS * * Starting the waypoints * 1 Finish 001FINIS Corowa Airport 35 59 23 146 21 27 HSFD 459 YCOR 2 Start NE 002STNE 35 54 34 146 27 32 S 464 3 Start NW 003STNW 35 55 1 146 19 18 S 531 4 Start SE 004STSE 36 2 11 146 25 2 S 477 5 Start SW 005STSW 36 1 6 146 18 12 S 459 6 Control Point East 006CTRLE 35 59 25 146 31 44 T 476 7 Control Point North 007CTRLN 35 50 40 146 21 55 T 449 8 Control Point South 008CTRLS 36 5 3 146 19 58 T 474 9 Control Point West 009CTRLW 35 58 51 146 12 1 T 435 10 Ardlethan 010ARD 34 21 23 146 54 2 T 656 YARL 11 Ariah Park 011APK 34 21 5 147 13 5 T 847 12 Avon Plains 012AVP 36 32 49 142 54 58 T 417 13 Balranald 013BLR 34 38 21 143 33 38 T 211 YBRN 14 Barellan 014BRL 34 16 40 146 34 1 T 524 15 Barmedman 015BRD 34 8 51 147 23 23 T 773 16 Barratta 016BTA 35 10 38 144 33 13 T 259 17 Benalla Airport 017BEN 36 33 1 146 0 21 AT 560 125.6 YBLA 18 Bendick Murrell 018BMR 34 10 27 148 28 21 T 1207 19 Berrigan 019BRG 35 39 32 145 48 45 T 400 20 Beulah 020BLH 35 56 3 142 25 19 T 289 YBEU 21 Birchip 021BIR 35 59 5 142 54 57 T 347 YBIR 22 Booligal 022BLG 33 51 59 144 53 20 T 305 23 Booroorban 023BBN 34 56 5 144 45 40 T 283 24 Boort 024BRT 36 6 59 143 43 18 T 318 YBBT 25 Boree Creek 025BCK 35 6 35 146 36 21 T 483 26 Bribbaree 026BRB 34 6 14 147 53 20 T 854 27 Brocklesby Airport 027BRK 35 51 36 146 37 39 AT 519 126.7 28 Bullatale 028BLT 35 44 24 145 6 4 T 328 29 Bundure 029BND 35 2 29 145 48 21 T 385 30 Burrumbuttock 030BBK 35 50 1 146 48 19 T 720 31 Caldwell 031CLD 35 39 14 144 25 24 T 266 32 Caragabal 032CRG 33 50 34 147 44 39 T 755 33 Carrathool 033CRT 34 26 25 145 25 17 T 339 34 Charlton 034CHT 36 15 36 143 20 49 T 470 35 Chinkapook 035CHK 35 11 38 142 56 18 T 190 36 Colbinabbin 036CLB 36 35 38 144 45 54 T 514 37 Coleambally 037CBY 34 48 6 145 52 46 T 396 YCLY 38 Collingullie 038CLG 35 5 19 147 6 51 T 560 39 Conargo 039CNG 35 18 13 145 11 0 T 321 40 Coolamon 040CLM 34 49 0 147 12 2 T 828 41 Cootamundra Airport 041CTA 34 37 37 148 2 13 AT 1117 126.7 YCTM 42 Coree 042CRE 35 20 17 145 26 39 T 344 43 Coreen 043CRN 35 44 43 146 21 1 T 446 44 Blighty BLIGHTY 35 35 48 145 19 14 T 336 45 Culcairn 045CCN 35 40 12 147 2 19 T 709 46 Culgoa 046CGA 35 43 1 143 5 57 T 269 47 Darlington Point 047DPT 34 33 52 145 59 58 T 423 48 Deniliquin Airport 048DEN 35 33 29 144 56 54 AT 313 119.0 YDLQ 49 Donald 049DND 36 22 1 142 58 47 T 377 YDOD 50 Dumosa 050DMS 35 56 35 143 13 24 T 322 51 Echuca Airport 051ECH 36 9 53 144 45 46 AT 326 119.1 YECH 53 Four Corners 053FCO 34 51 16 145 24 45 T 341 54 Galore 054GLR 34 59 37 146 48 34 T 555 55 Goolgowi 055GLG 33 59 2 145 42 30 T 400 YGGI 56 Gredgwin 056GDG 35 58 15 143 35 45 T 401 57 Grenfell 057GFL 33 53 27 148 9 19 T 1256 58 Grong Grong 058GG 34 44 0 146 46 18 T 549 59 Gunbar 059GBR 34 8 21 145 14 51 T 312 60 Gunbower 060GBW 35 57 23 144 22 11 T 287 YGBW 61 Hattah 061HTH 34 46 17 142 23 1 T 166 62 Hay Airport 062HAY 34 31 52 144 49 53 AT 302 126.7 YHAY 63 Hay South 063HYS 34 48 24 144 25 39 T 262 64 Hillston 064HST 33 29 2 145 32 5 T 400 YHLS 65 Hopetoun 065HTN 35 43 26 142 21 21 T 256 YHPN 66 Horsham Airport 066HSM 36 40 12 142 10 20 DT 446 118.8 YHSM 67 Jerilderie Airport 067JER 35 22 20 145 43 19 AT 350 126.7 YJER 68 Junee 068JUN 34 51 48 147 35 2 T 992 69 Kamarah 069KMH 34 25 2 146 43 31 T 594 70 Katamatite 070KTT 36 4 6 145 40 55 T 393 71 Kerang Airport 071KER 35 45 10 143 56 17 AT 256 126.7 YKER 72 Keri Keri 072KK 34 46 23 144 1 40 T 233 73 Kyabram 073KBM 36 18 35 145 2 21 T 354 74 Lake Cargelligo 074LCO 33 16 57 146 22 33 T 580 YLCG 75 Leeton Airport 075LEE 34 29 52 146 26 57 AT 485 132.85 YLEE 76 Lockhart Airport 076LHT 35 12 19 146 43 45 AT 526 77 Macorna 077MAC 35 56 36 143 56 25 T 286 78 Manangatang 078MGG 35 3 15 142 53 1 T 179 YMAG 79 Mathoura 079MTA 35 48 10 144 43 25 T 314 80 Matong 080MTG 34 45 58 146 55 21 T 580 81 Maude 081MDE 34 28 42 144 18 1 T 275 82 Methul 082MTL 34 33 34 147 9 1 T 818 83 Minyip 083MNY 36 27 15 142 34 42 T 411 84 Mitiamo 084MTM 36 12 29 144 13 46 T 321 85 Moolpa 085MLP 34 59 49 143 39 41 T 217 86 Moonbria 086MBR 35 6 57 145 27 55 T 341 87 Moorilim 087MRL 36 36 44 145 19 3 T 405 88 Morundah South 088MHS 35 5 44 146 7 13 T 394 89 Morundah 089MDH 34 56 1 146 18 0 T 428 90 Moulamein 090MLN 35 5 21 144 2 0 T 239 YMOM 91 Murrabit 091MBT 35 31 31 143 57 24 T 253 92 Nalinga 092NLG 36 24 57 145 42 37 T 514 93 Naradhan 093NDN 33 35 30 146 19 20 T 585 94 Narrandera Airport 094NAR 34 42 4 146 30 45 AT 460 132.85 YNAR 95 Narrung 095NRG 34 46 53 143 14 20 T 187 96 Nathalia 096NRA 36 4 2 145 12 23 T 337 97 Niemur 097NMR 35 13 46 144 18 14 T 245 98 Noorong 098NOG 35 20 29 143 59 42 T 231 99 Nyah Airport 099NYA 35 9 46 143 22 5 AT 255 100 Oaklands 100OAK 35 33 16 146 10 5 T 476 101 Ouyen 101OYN 35 4 25 142 19 1 T 184 102 Oxley 102OLY 34 11 20 144 6 34 T 244 103 Peechelba 103PEE 36 11 28 146 14 22 T 500 104 Pleasant Hills 104PLH 35 28 46 146 49 21 T 832 105 Pretty Pine 105PP 35 24 32 144 52 42 T 305 106 Pyramid Hill 106PYH 36 2 38 144 6 44 T 294 YPYD 107 Quambatook 107QTK 35 51 13 143 31 37 T 305 YQBK 108 Rand 108RND 35 35 29 146 35 6 T 512 109 Rankins Springs 109RKS 33 50 40 146 16 11 T 719 110 Raywood 110RWD 36 32 34 144 14 27 AT 432 111 Rennie 111RNE 35 49 1 146 7 51 T 434 112 Robinvale 112RBV 34 35 15 142 46 52 T 196 113 Rochester 113RHR 36 22 6 144 42 32 T 385 114 Rupanyup 114RYP 36 37 45 142 37 54 T 463 115 Sea Lake Airport 115SEA 35 31 52 142 53 25 AT 188 125.8 YSLK 116 Sebastopol 116SPL 34 36 20 147 31 52 T 1147 117 Serpentine 117SPE 36 24 32 143 58 26 T 394 118 Shepparton Airport 118SHN 36 25 46 145 23 29 AT 380 118.8 YSHT 119 Speed 119SPD 35 23 33 142 26 14 T 292 120 St Arnaud 120STA 36 36 45 143 15 19 T 812 121 Stockinbingal 121STK 34 30 13 147 52 56 T 976 122 Swan Hill Airport 122SWH 35 22 42 143 32 1 AT 233 119.1 YSWH 123 Tallimba 123TLA 34 0 3 146 52 27 T 809 124 Temora Airport 124TEM 34 25 20 147 30 46 AT 901 126.15 YTEM 125 The Rock 125TRK 35 15 57 147 7 12 T 716 126 Tittybong 126TBG 35 45 18 143 22 4 T 298 127 Tullibigeal 127TBL 33 26 29 146 41 33 T 888 128 Ultima 128ULT 35 28 5 143 14 14 T 251 129 Ungarie 129UNG 33 38 29 146 58 26 T 744 130 Urana 130URN 35 19 36 146 16 4 T 400 131 Urangeline 131UGE 35 25 19 146 36 26 T 498 132 Waggarandall 132WGD 36 13 47 145 46 57 T 417 133 Wakool 133WKL 35 28 19 144 23 42 T 267 134 Walbundrie 134WLB 35 41 37 146 43 55 T 610 135 Wanganella 135WGL 35 7 31 144 55 1 T 295 136 Wangaratta Airport 136WGA 36 25 4 146 18 28 AT 495 119.1 YWGT 137 Warracknabeal 137WRK 36 14 54 142 24 20 T 358 138 Wedderburn 138WDB 36 24 58 143 36 59 T 613 139 Weethalle 139WTL 33 52 31 146 37 4 T 777 140 West Wyalong Airport 140WWA 33 56 21 147 11 27 AT 850 126.7 YWWL 141 Wilkur 141WKR 36 5 56 142 40 40 T 348 142 Willurah 142WLH 34 58 23 145 8 14 T 317 143 Woomelang 143WLG 35 40 42 142 39 48 T 296 144 Wycheproof 144WYF 36 4 27 143 13 34 T 365 YWYF 145 Yalca 145YLC 35 55 24 145 19 54 T 346 146 Yarrawonga Airport 146YWA 36 1 51 146 1 40 AT 423 126.7 YYWG 147 Yenda 147YND 34 14 57 146 12 43 T 434 148 Yerong Creek 148YCK 35 23 15 147 3 37 T 709 149 Yeungroon 149YGN 36 24 11 143 17 55 T 477 150 Young Airport 150YNG 34 15 17 148 14 50 AT 1261 126.7 YYNG 151 Tocumwal Airport 151TOC 35 48 24 145 35 43 DT 375 YTOC