;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Concepcion del Uruguay, Argentina + ; + ; Turnpoints formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Osvaldo M. Ferraro + ; Generated on Thursday, 16 September, 1999 at 21:08 MST + ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Cabecera 02" "CBCR02" "_" "S3227.644" "W05818.492" "Cabecera 20" "CBCR20" "_" "S3226.998" "W05818.355" "Hangar" "HANGAR" "Hangar Manga" "S3227.210" "W05818.750" "Ruta 14 Y" "RUT14Y" "Entrada CDU" "S3229.214" "W05818.543" "La Chamarrita" "LCHMRR" "Est Servicio" "S3226.417" "W05847.349" "Hipodromo" "HIPDRM" "Centro Hipod" "S3229.458" "W05819.991" "Caseros" "CASERS" "Camino y R39" "S3227.791" "W05828.300" "San Justo" "SANJST" "PlazaCentral" "S3226.761" "W05826.862" "San Cipriano" "SNCPRN" "CruceCaminos" "S3219.249" "W05820.832" "Ent V Manter" "ENTVMN" "R39 y Camino" "S3224.673" "W05844.751" "Est Herrera" "ESTHRR" "Entrada Pblo" "S3226.432" "W05837.695" "Cnia Elia" "CNIAEL" "Cruce Camino" "S3240.086" "W05819.740" "Cabina Peaje" "CABNPJ" "PeajeRuta 14" "S3240.044" "W05826.514" "Cruce R14/R" "CRCR14" "Rotonda" "S3253.875" "W05833.180" "Pista Union" "PISTNN" "01/19 Ceped" "S3254.244" "W05832.989" "Cruce R20/Sa" "CRCR20" "Cruce Camino" "S3244.421" "W05842.391" "Al San Anton" "ALSNNT" "Silos/Galpon" "S3236.951" "W05842.282" "Urdinarrain" "URDNRR" "Hangar Club" "S3241.624" "W05853.829" "Est Britos" "ESTBRT" "Galpony Casa" "S3245.438" "W05853.193" "Est Galarza" "ESTGLR" "Est Blanca" "S3243.229" "W05923.323" "Est Mansilla" "ESTMNS" "4 Galpones" "S3232.612" "W05921.736" "Ea El Carmen" "ELCRMN" "36/00 1000 m" "S3237.879" "W05930.325" "Galarza Cruce" "GLRZCR" "Entrada y R6" "S3243.534" "W05922.189" "Ea La Enrique" "EALNRQ" "Pista 15/33" "S3243.012" "W05911.377" "Arroyo Cle" "ARRYCL" "Est. Tren" "S3237.898" "W05924.124" "Maroma" "MAROMA" "Balza en Rio" "S3236.966" "W05905.586" "Est Escrinia" "ESTSCR" "Est SinTecho" "S3235.561" "W05854.387" "Est Gilbert" "ESTGLB" "Tanque Agua" "S3232.214" "W05855.681" "Basavilvaso" "BSVLVS" "Pista 06/24" "S3221.779" "W05852.603" "Est Rocamora" "ESTRCM" "Casa Galpon" "S3220.768" "W05858.160" "Ac Rdel Tala" "ACRDLT" "18/36 Cable!" "S3219.454" "W05911.417" "Cruce R6/R" "CRCR6R" "CruceRotonda" "S3221.071" "W05918.529" "Lucas Gonzal" "LCSGNZ" "Cruce" "S3224.630" "W05933.262" "Est 20 Septi" "EST20S" "Est. Tren" "S3223.173" "W05939.858" "Aclub Nogoya" "ACLBNG" "Hangar Club" "S3223.784" "W05945.039" "Est Macia" "ESTMAC" "2 Galpones r" "S3210.488" "W05923.777" "Empalme 6/" "EMPLM6" "Cruce Rutas" "S3148.438" "W05910.331" "Ac Villaguay" "ACVLLG" "Hangar" "S3151.492" "W05904.415" "Villa Clara" "VLLCLR" "Galpon N Via" "S3149.618" "W05849.346" "Est Giubileo" "ESTGBL" "Est. Tren" "S3143.871" "W05838.162" "San Salvador" "SNSLVD" "Est. Tren" "S3137.774" "W05830.215" "Gral Campos" "GRLCMP" "Est. Tren" "S3137.774" "W05824.121" "Cruce R18/" "CRCR18" "Cruce Rutas" "S3130.733" "W05811.159" "Emp Sto Grde" "EMPSTG" "Caminos en T" "S3116.818" "W05804.684" "Est Ubajay" "ESTBJY" "Est. Tren" "S3147.751" "W05818.747" "V Elisa/R" "VELISR" "Cruce en T" "S3209.354" "W05814.389" "Est Domingue" "ESTDMN" "2 Galpones" "S3159.341" "W05858.064" "Est Libaros" "ESTLBR" "_" "S3215.720" "W05854.200" "Santa Anita" "SANTNT" "IglesiaPlaza" "S3110.600" "W05847.110" "EstLMoscas" "ESTLMS" "Est y Galpon" "S3205.487" "W05857.673" "Est S Marcia" "ESTSMR" "Est Tren V U" "S3210.862" "W05855.892" "Est Villa El" "ESTVLL" "Est. Tren" "S3110.100" "W05824.410" "Pista Sta An" "PSTSTN" "NW S Marcial" "S3205.008" "W05854.830" "Cnia Hocker" "CNHCKR" "_" "S3205.000" "W05820.200"