++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Control points for Compiegne, France + + + + Contributed by Jerome Zanon + + Contributed on 16 March, 2015 + + + + Formatted for the world-wide version of the software + + + + Last updated Saturday, 18 April 2015 at 21:24 GMT + + + + UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK + + + + Do not use for navigation, for flight verification only. + + + + Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct + + information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees, + + expressed or implied. + + User assumes all risk of use. + + + + Rename this file to TURNPTS.DAT to use with your Glide Navigator. + +Delete all of the header lines in this box, down to and including the next one+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1, Abbeville, 50, 8.58, 1, 49.9, 67 2, AillantThol, 47, 53.5, 3, 21.5, 123 3, Albert Bray, 49, 58.33, 2, 41.43, 110 4, AlbertEglis, 50, 0.33, 2, 38.98, 64 5, Ambleteuse, 50, 49.02, 1, 36.97, 53 6, AmiensGlisy, 49, 52.38, 2, 23.22, 61 7, AminsCthdrl, 49, 53.75, 2, 17.85, 58 8, Amiens Tour, 49, 51.08, 2, 18.27 9, Amifontaine, 49, 29.63, 3, 53.7, 96 10, Anglure, 48, 35.02, 3, 48.8, 80 11, Arcis Aube, 48, 31.65, 4, 7.85, 65 12, Arras A1, 50, 15.77, 2, 51.85, 78 13, ArrsRclncr, 50, 19.48, 2, 48.2, 104 14, Arsy, 49, 23.75, 2, 41.87, 96 15, Auberchcrt, 50, 19.98, 3, 14.22, 61 16, Aulnoye, 50, 11.17, 3, 50.0, 66 17, Aumale, 49, 46.2, 1, 45.5, 131 18, AuxerreAer, 47, 50.78, 3, 29.8, 159 19, AxrrCthdrl, 47, 47.83, 3, 34.38, 120 20, Baisiex, 49, 58.18, 2, 51.68, 97 21, Bapaume, 50, 6.17, 2, 52.25, 92 22, Bar/Aube, 48, 14.48, 4, 42.43, 165 23, Bar le Duc, 48, 52.1, 5, 11.12, 277 24, Bar/Seine, 48, 4.02, 4, 24.77, 287 25, Bavay, 50, 17.92, 3, 48.93, 67 26, Berck/Mer, 50, 25.43, 1, 35.55, 9 27, Bethune, 50, 30.17, 2, 39.67, 43 28, Bienville, 49, 27.47, 2, 48.95 29, BhnnVrmnds, 49, 59.3, 3, 26.47, 105 30, BnvsCrsmnt, 50, 4.78, 3, 11.88, 122 31, BonniersSn, 49, 2.22, 1, 34.47, 84 32, Bouilly, 48, 11.52, 3, 59.95, 134 33, Braine, 49, 20.3, 3, 31.57, 81 34, BraySnCntr, 48, 25.0, 3, 14.23, 80 35, BraySenPnt, 48, 25.07, 3, 13.97, 55 36, Breteuil, 49, 38.1, 2, 17.62 37, BrinnlChGr, 48, 23.77, 4, 32.22, 120 38, BriennlChr, 48, 25.85, 4, 28.92, 116 39, Buzancy, 49, 25.62, 4, 57.38, 216 40, CaldeMorge, 48, 14.92, 4, 18.72, 199 41, CambrNrgns, 50, 8.55, 3, 15.87, 95 42, CambraiEpn, 50, 13.15, 3, 9.13, 79 43, CambraiGar, 50, 10.62, 3, 14.5, 65 44, CambraiQst, 50, 8.65, 3, 7.58, 82 45, Cerisiers, 48, 7.98, 3, 29.5, 149 46, ChailleyAr, 48, 2.7, 3, 42.8, 88 47, Chaillegls, 48, 4.92, 3, 42.15, 180 48, ChalnscrCl, 48, 54.37, 4, 21.22, 98 49, ChalnsMrn4, 49, 3.18, 4, 17.27, 100 50, ChlnsMrnCr, 48, 55.75, 4, 21.75, 85 51, ChalonsVtr, 48, 46.4, 4, 12.37, 180 52, Chamouille, 49, 28.0, 3, 40.22, 75 53, Champaubrt, 48, 52.98, 3, 46.68, 114 54, Chaource, 48, 3.48, 4, 8.22, 152 55, ChrlvllMzr, 49, 47.1, 4, 38.57, 149 56, ChrmntBrbs, 48, 25.0, 4, 8.83, 110 57, Charny, 47, 52.82, 3, 5.87, 135 58, Ch Thierry, 49, 4.03, 3, 21.38, 223 59, ChatillnSn, 47, 50.78, 4, 34.8, 277 60, Chaudron, 49, 51.43, 4, 1.1 61, Chaulnes, 49, 48.52, 2, 47.92, 92 62, ChamntLVnd, 48, 4.62, 5, 9.08, 358 63, ChamntSmtr, 48, 5.5, 5, 2.97, 305 64, ChaumntVdc, 48, 6.67, 5, 7.35, 340 65, ClmblsDxgl, 48, 13.42, 4, 52.43, 318 66, Combles, 50, 1.32, 2, 53.02, 98 67, Compiegne, 49, 26.02, 2, 48.28, 98 68, CondeenBri, 49, 0.43, 3, 33.47, 93 69, Conty, 49, 44.53, 2, 9.28, 87 70, Corbie, 49, 54.57, 2, 30.6, 60 71, Coucy, 49, 31.28, 3, 19.08, 85 72, Courcelles, 47, 54.08, 4, 33.23, 263 73, Crevecoeur, 49, 36.28, 2, 4.95 74, DieppeStbn, 49, 52.95, 1, 5.12, 104 75, DierrStPrr, 48, 19.78, 3, 49.75, 109 76, Dormans, 49, 4.43, 3, 38.28, 85 77, Douai, 50, 18.13, 3, 22.42, 58 78, Doullens, 50, 9.0, 2, 20.0, 61 79, EpernayTor, 49, 5.92, 3, 56.22 80, EpernaPlvt, 49, 0.32, 4, 5.17, 88 81, EpernayGar, 49, 2.82, 3, 57.57, 70 82, Esternay, 48, 44.17, 3, 33.82, 118 83, Estissac, 48, 16.52, 3, 49.62, 111 84, Estree, 49, 52.58, 2, 50.33, 92 85, Etrepagny, 49, 18.35, 1, 38.27, 95 86, EvreuxFvll, 49, 1.72, 1, 13.2, 140 87, Faverolles, 49, 39.2, 2, 37.28, 100 88, FernChmpns, 48, 44.78, 3, 59.92, 131 89, FerenTrdns, 49, 11.95, 3, 30.22, 125 90, Fismes, 49, 18.63, 3, 40.92, 61 91, FontnlsGrs, 48, 25.87, 3, 55.08, 90 92, Forgeslesx, 49, 36.83, 1, 33.22, 93 93, Fourmies, 50, 0.83, 4, 3.5, 189 94, Fresnes, 50, 19.52, 2, 54.52, 64 95, FretoyleCh, 49, 40.0, 2, 58.08, 80 96, Freven, 50, 16.75, 2, 18.3, 58 97, Fumay, 49, 59.63, 4, 42.63, 140 98, Gaillon, 49, 9.72, 1, 19.82, 30 99, Gisors, 49, 16.83, 1, 46.53, 60 100, Givet, 50, 8.12, 4, 49.62, 294 101, Gournay, 49, 28.83, 1, 44.27, 100 102, Granville, 49, 39.72, 1, 56.35, 129 103, Guignicrt, 49, 25.55, 3, 56.02, 63 104, Guiscard, 49, 39.53, 3, 2.95, 84 105, Guise, 49, 53.83, 3, 37.35, 137 106, Ham, 49, 45.05, 3, 4.33, 89 107, Henin, 50, 24.85, 2, 59.12, 52 108, Hesdin, 50, 22.0, 2, 5.0, 55 109, Hirson, 49, 54.8, 4, 5.1, 161 110, Int.A31A5, 47, 54.93, 5, 13.38, 403 111, Jaux, 49, 24.78, 2, 45.73, 96 112, JoignyAer, 47, 59.7, 3, 23.48, 223 113, Joigny A6, 47, 56.32, 3, 14.67, 127 114, JonvllMss, 48, 23.17, 5, 8.67, 311 115, Joinvillr, 48, 23.17, 5, 8.67, 311 116, Juvancort, 48, 6.9, 4, 49.22, 351 117, LaCapelle, 49, 58.9, 3, 53.23 118, LaFrtGchr, 48, 45.35, 3, 16.57, 165 119, LaHerlier, 50, 12.33, 2, 33.67, 70 120, Landrecis, 50, 7.42, 3, 41.5, 64 121, Laon Aero, 49, 35.75, 3, 37.87, 79 122, LanCthdrl, 49, 33.82, 3, 37.5, 191 123, LeCatelet, 50, 0.05, 3, 13.83, 88 124, Le Chesne, 49, 39.57, 4, 46.0, 170 125, LHvrStRmn, 49, 32.67, 0, 21.62, 128 126, LeQuesnoy, 50, 15.0, 3, 37.95, 56 127, Le Thuit, 49, 15.37, 1, 21.72, 141 128, LeTouquet, 50, 30.88, 1, 37.65, 12 129, LCtCmbrss, 50, 6.48, 3, 31.35, 65 130, Lens, 50, 28.02, 2, 49.28, 52 131, LesAndels, 49, 14.2, 1, 23.95, 28 132, LilleMrcq, 50, 41.28, 3, 4.57, 21 133, LilleLsqn, 50, 33.8, 3, 5.22, 49 134, Lillers, 50, 32.95, 2, 27.82, 45 135, Limeux, 50, 0.9, 1, 49.87, 68 136, LoeillUlm, 49, 45.9, 2, 12.92, 160 137, LngnVlltt, 49, 29.07, 5, 34.33, 351 138, Louviers, 49, 12.92, 1, 10.68, 80 139, LusignBrs, 48, 15.12, 4, 15.87, 199 140, MntsChrnc, 49, 4.73, 1, 41.33, 156 141, MareulnBr, 48, 57.67, 3, 44.3, 103 142, MrgnlChtl, 48, 24.2, 3, 44.28, 110 143, MrgnlGrnd, 48, 39.67, 3, 50.22, 100 144, Marle, 49, 44.8, 3, 46.0, 126 145, Maubglsms, 50, 18.55, 4, 1.85, 137 146, MaubeugGr, 50, 16.33, 3, 58.0, 77 147, Mers, 50, 4.15, 1, 25.55, 101 148, Merville, 50, 37.0, 2, 38.4, 18 149, Montcarnt, 49, 41.88, 4, 0.7, 153 150, Montdidir, 49, 40.38, 2, 34.1, 110 151, Montherme, 49, 52.87, 4, 44.3, 267 152, MntmdCntr, 49, 31.17, 5, 22.1, 337 153, MntmdMrvl, 49, 27.25, 5, 25.83, 278 154, Montmiral, 48, 52.38, 3, 31.83, 130 155, Morains, 48, 48.1, 3, 59.68, 131 156, Moreuil, 49, 49.45, 2, 25.78, 52 157, Mortem, 49, 44.73, 1, 34.72, 121 158, Mouflers, 50, 2.88, 2, 3.02, 77 159, Mourmelon, 49, 6.68, 4, 22.02, 119 160, Nesle, 49, 45.8, 2, 54.25, 91 161, NogentSen, 48, 29.92, 3, 29.73, 80 162, NovnlCmpt, 49, 41.5, 3, 28.03, 74 163, Noyon, 49, 34.97, 2, 59.83, 89 164, Origny, 49, 50.4, 3, 28.65, 106 165, Pacy/Eure, 49, 0.82, 1, 23.33, 70 166, ParisIssy, 48, 50.05, 2, 16.45, 32 167, PrnnStQnt, 49, 52.13, 3, 1.78, 92 168, PeronneCh, 49, 55.72, 2, 55.72, 95 169, Pleurs, 48, 41.25, 3, 52.07, 100 170, Poix, 49, 47.08, 1, 58.4, 187 171, PntdNrmnd, 49, 26.2, 0, 16.67, 50 172, PontYonne, 48, 17.43, 3, 15.02, 73 173, Pouchain, 50, 16.03, 3, 19.95, 57 174, Pozieres, 50, 2.6, 2, 44.25, 96 175, PntdRprt1, 49, 27.7, 2, 51.52, 41 176, PntdRprt2, 49, 28.0, 2, 45.48, 50 177, PntdRprt3, 49, 25.2, 2, 52.23, 44 178, Ramecourt, 49, 31.58, 3, 51.55, 94 179, RmsChmpgn, 49, 18.6, 4, 3.05, 95 180, ReimsPrun, 49, 12.52, 4, 9.4, 95 181, Rssnchngr, 49, 31.3, 2, 43.33, 94 182, RthlPrths, 49, 28.92, 4, 21.85, 125 183, Rethel CV, 49, 30.22, 4, 22.05, 134 184, Rocroi, 49, 55.4, 4, 31.5, 278 185, Roffey, 47, 55.15, 3, 55.33, 131 186, RomillySn, 48, 30.03, 3, 45.77, 82 187, RouenEgls, 49, 26.42, 1, 5.82, 132 188, RouenVall, 49, 23.45, 1, 11.03, 156 189, Roye, 49, 42.17, 2, 46.17, 94 190, RozoySerr, 49, 42.72, 4, 7.83, 143 191, Secheress, 50, 33.13, 2, 6.08, 55 192, SedanDouz, 49, 39.58, 5, 2.23, 156 193, SedanSta., 49, 41.55, 4, 55.75, 277 194, Sens, 48, 11.83, 3, 17.08, 67 195, Serifontn, 49, 21.42, 1, 45.82, 156 196, SeznnStRm, 48, 42.63, 3, 45.82, 107 197, SignylAbb, 49, 41.75, 4, 25.33, 175 198, SssnsCrml, 49, 20.75, 3, 17.02, 156 199, SssnsCthd, 49, 22.93, 3, 19.6 200, SoisyaxBs, 48, 48.7, 3, 43.97, 113 201, Sommesous, 48, 44.0, 4, 12.0, 204 202, StCrLCmpg, 49, 15.0, 1, 2.0, 134 203, St Dizier, 48, 38.02, 4, 54.48, 140 204, StFlorntn, 47, 58.93, 3, 46.67, 107 205, St Gobain, 49, 35.97, 3, 22.75, 105 206, St Mard, 49, 33.17, 5, 33.13, 222 207, StMrdsnth, 48, 10.43, 3, 48.02, 129 208, St Maure, 48, 21.08, 4, 4.35, 119 209, StMenehld, 49, 5.47, 4, 53.5, 160 210, StmrWzrns, 50, 43.77, 2, 14.1, 76 211, StPrrslsV, 48, 10.23, 4, 12.82, 188 212, StQuntnRp, 49, 49.02, 3, 12.35, 101 213, StQntnBsl, 49, 50.87, 3, 17.45, 96 214, StRiquier, 50, 8.1, 1, 57.03, 74 215, StSmnClst, 49, 45.0, 3, 13.0, 90 216, St Valery, 49, 50.17, 0, 39.25, 82 217, StPolTrns, 50, 22.03, 2, 19.95, 52 218, StQuentin, 49, 51.75, 3, 14.22, 91 219, Tergnier, 49, 39.07, 3, 18.27, 60 220, Thourotte, 49, 29.13, 2, 53.25 221, Tilly, 49, 8.73, 1, 32.3, 152 222, Tonnerrer, 47, 46.0, 4, 2.0, 245 223, TonnerrGr, 47, 51.32, 3, 58.58, 140 224, Totes, 49, 40.73, 1, 1.92, 110 225, Trancault, 48, 22.55, 3, 32.32, 93 226, TroyesAer, 48, 19.3, 4, 1.0, 119 227, TrosTrngl, 48, 18.75, 4, 3.7, 120 228, VaillyAsn, 49, 23.23, 3, 30.58, 66 229, Val Joly, 50, 7.25, 4, 5.6, 186 230, VlncnnsDn, 50, 19.48, 3, 27.93, 55 231, Valencnns, 50, 21.8, 3, 31.05, 54 232, Valmy, 49, 4.42, 4, 47.92, 150 233, Verdun, 49, 7.33, 5, 28.25, 375 234, Vertus, 48, 54.15, 4, 1.23, 106 235, Vervins, 49, 49.8, 3, 53.5, 150 236, VielsMsns, 48, 53.72, 3, 25.58, 127 237, Vllnvlrch, 48, 14.27, 3, 33.08, 103 238, Vitrynrts, 50, 20.3, 2, 59.55, 52 239, VtrlFrncs, 48, 43.03, 4, 35.3, 100 240, VitryleFr, 48, 42.2, 4, 41.03, 125 241, Voncq, 49, 28.53, 4, 40.0, 132 242, Vouziers, 49, 24.02, 4, 42.42, 92