;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Compiegne, France + ; + ; Concours Inter Regional Picardie Nord Pas de Calais, 2015 + ; + ; User Specified Waypoints formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Jerome Zanon + ; + ; Generated Saturday, 18 April 2015 at 21:24 GMT + ; + ; This file uses , as the decimal point in latitude and longitude 1 ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Abbeville" "ABBVLL" "Aero" "N5008,583" "E00149,900" "Aillant/Thol" "ALLNTT" "_" "N4753,500" "E00321,500" "Albert Bray" "ALBRTB" "Aero" "N4958,333" "E00241,433" "Albert Eglise" "ALBRTG" "_" "N5000,333" "E00238,983" "Ambleteuse" "AMBLTS" "Aero" "N5049,017" "E00136,967" "Amiens Glisy" "AMNSGL" "Aero" "N4952,383" "E00223,217" "Amiens Cathedrale" "AMNSCT" "_" "N4953,750" "E00217,850" "Amiens Tour" "AMNSTR" "Tele" "N4951,083" "E00218,267" "Amifontaine" "AMFNTN" "A26" "N4929,633" "E00353,700" "Anglure" "ANGLUR" "Eglise" "N4835,017" "E00348,800" "Arcis Aube" "ARCISB" "Gare" "N4831,650" "E00407,850" "Arras A1" "ARRAS1" "015" "N5015,767" "E00251,850" "Arras Roclincourt" "ARRSRC" "Aero" "N5019,483" "E00248,200" "Arsy" "ARSY" "A1" "N4923,750" "E00241,867" "Auberchicourt" "ABRCHC" "N45 X D94" "N5019,983" "E00314,217" "Aulnoye" "AULNOY" "Gare" "N5011,167" "E00350,000" "Aumale" "AUMALE" "Eglise" "N4946,200" "E00145,500" "Auxerre Aero" "AUXRRR" "129,8" "N4750,783" "E00329,800" "Auxerre Cathedral" "AXRRCT" "_" "N4747,833" "E00334,383" "Baisiex" "BAISIX" "A1 Sortie" "N4958,183" "E00251,683" "Bapaume" "BAPAUM" "Echangeur" "N5006,167" "E00252,250" "Bar/Aube" "BARAUB" "Gare SNCF" "N4814,483" "E00442,433" "Bar le Duc" "BARLDC" "Aero" "N4852,100" "E00511,117" "Bar/Seine" "BARSEN" "Aero" "N4804,017" "E00424,767" "Bavay" "BAVAY" "_" "N5017,917" "E00348,933" "Berck/Mer" "BRCKMR" "Aero" "N5025,433" "E00135,550" "Bethune" "BETHUN" "SE SNCF" "N5030,167" "E00239,667" "Bienville" "BINVLL" "Usine Bid" "N4927,467" "E00248,950" "Bohain en Vermandois" "BHNNVR" "Gare" "N4959,300" "E00326,467" "Bonavis Croisement" "BNVSCR" "_" "N5004,783" "E00311,883" "Bonnieres/Seine" "BNNRSS" "Pont" "N4902,217" "E00134,467" "Bouilly" "BOUILL" "Eglise" "N4811,517" "E00359,950" "Braine" "BRAINE" "Croisement" "N4920,300" "E00331,567" "Bray/Seine Centre" "BRSNCN" "_" "N4825,000" "E00314,233" "Bray/Seine Pont" "BRSNPN" "_" "N4825,067" "E00313,967" "Breteuil" "BRETEL" "Eglise" "N4938,100" "E00217,617" "Brienne le Ch Gare" "BRNNLC" "_" "N4823,767" "E00432,217" "Brienne le Ch Aero" "BRIENN" "123,5" "N4825,850" "E00428,917" "Buzancy" "BUZANC" "Eglise" "N4925,617" "E00457,383" "Cal de Morge" "CLDMRG" "_" "N4814,917" "E00418,717" "Cambrai Niergnies" "CMBRNR" "Aero" "N5008,550" "E00315,867" "Cambrai Epinoy" "CMBRPN" "Aero" "N5013,150" "E00309,133" "Cambrai Gare" "CMBRGR" "SNCF" "N5010,617" "E00314,500" "Cambrai Quest" "CMBRQS" "A2" "N5008,650" "E00307,583" "Cerisiers" "CERSRS" "Centre" "N4807,983" "E00329,500" "Chailley Aero" "CHALLR" "128,925" "N4802,700" "E00342,800" "Chailley Eglise" "CHLLGL" "_" "N4804,917" "E00342,150" "Chalons Ecury/Coole" "CHLNSC" "Aero" "N4854,367" "E00421,217" "Chalons/Marne A4" "CHLNSM" "Y" "N4903,183" "E00417,267" "ChalonsMarneCroisement" "CHALON" "Chemin de fer" "N4855,750" "E00421,750" "Chalons Vatry" "CHLNSV" "Aero" "N4846,400" "E00412,367" "Chamouille" "CHAMLL" "Club Nautique" "N4928,000" "E00340,217" "Champaubert" "CHMPBR" "Croisement" "N4852,983" "E00346,683" "Chaource" "CHAORC" "Eglise" "N4803,483" "E00408,217" "Charleville Mezieres" "CHRLVL" "Aero" "N4947,100" "E00438,567" "Charmont/Barbuise" "CHRMNT" "_" "N4825,000" "E00408,833" "Charny" "CHARNY" "Gare SNCF" "N4752,817" "E00305,867" "Chateau Thierry" "CHTHRR" "Aero" "N4904,033" "E00321,383" "Chatillon/Seine" "CHTLLN" "Aero" "N4750,783" "E00434,800" "Chaudron" "CHADRN" "Tour Tele" "N4951,433" "E00401,100" "Chaulnes" "CHALNS" "Gare" "N4948,517" "E00247,917" "Chaumont La Vendue" "CHMNTL" "Aero" "N4804,617" "E00509,083" "Chaumont Semoutier" "CHMNTS" "Aero" "N4805,500" "E00502,967" "Chaumont Viaduc" "CHMNTV" "SNCF" "N4806,667" "E00507,350" "ColombeylesDeuxEglises" "CLMBLS" "_" "N4813,417" "E00452,433" "Combles" "COMBLS" "A1 Y A2" "N5001,317" "E00253,017" "Compiegne" "COMPGN" "Aero" "N4926,017" "E00248,283" "Conde en Brie" "CNDNBR" "Pont" "N4900,433" "E00333,467" "Conty" "CONTY" "D920" "N4944,533" "E00209,283" "Corbie" "CORBIE" "Eglise" "N4954,567" "E00230,600" "Coucy" "COUCY" "Ruines Chateau" "N4931,283" "E00319,083" "Courcelles" "CRCLLS" "Center Ville" "N4754,083" "E00433,233" "Crevecoeur" "CREVCR" "Chateau" "N4936,283" "E00204,950" "Dieppe St Aubin" "DPPSTB" "Aero" "N4952,950" "E00105,117" "Dierrey St Pierre" "DRRSTP" "_" "N4819,783" "E00349,750" "Dormans" "DORMNS" "Pont Marne" "N4904,433" "E00338,283" "Douai" "DOUAI" "A2" "N5018,133" "E00322,417" "Doullens" "DOLLNS" "Citadelle" "N5009,000" "E00220,000" "Epernay Tour" "EPRNTR" "Telecom" "N4905,917" "E00356,217" "Epernay Plivot" "EPRNPL" "Aero" "N4900,317" "E00405,167" "Epernay Gare" "EPRNGR" "SNCF" "N4902,817" "E00357,567" "Esternay" "ESTERN" "Ville" "N4844,167" "E00333,817" "Estissac" "ESTSSC" "A5 N60" "N4816,517" "E00349,617" "Estree" "ESTREE" "Pont A1 D2029" "N4952,583" "E00250,333" "Etrepagny" "ETRPGN" "Aero" "N4918,350" "E00138,267" "Evreux Fauville" "EVRXFV" "Aero" "N4901,717" "E00113,200" "Faverolles" "FVRLLS" "Usine Banania" "N4939,200" "E00237,283" "Fere en Champenois" "FRNCHM" "_" "N4844,783" "E00359,917" "Fere en Tardenois" "FRNTRD" "Gare" "N4911,950" "E00330,217" "Fismes" "FISMES" "Gare SNCF" "N4918,633" "E00340,917" "Fontain les Gres" "FNTNLS" "_" "N4825,867" "E00355,083" "Forges les Eaux" "FRGSLS" "Gare" "N4936,833" "E00133,217" "Fourmies" "FOURMS" "Gare" "N5000,833" "E00403,500" "Fresnes" "FRESNS" "A1" "N5019,517" "E00254,517" "Fretoy le Chateau" "FRTLCH" "Parachutisme" "N4940,000" "E00258,083" "Freven" "FREVEN" "Terrain Ulm" "N5016,750" "E00218,300" "Fumay" "FUMAY" "Eglise" "N4959,633" "E00442,633" "Gaillon" "GAILLN" "Chateau" "N4909,717" "E00119,817" "Gisors" "GISORS" "Chateau" "N4916,833" "E00146,533" "Givet" "GIVET" "_" "N5008,117" "E00449,617" "Gournay" "GOURNA" "Gare SNCF" "N4928,833" "E00144,267" "Granville" "GRNVLL" "Gare" "N4939,717" "E00156,350" "Guignicourt" "GGNCRT" "A26-D925" "N4925,550" "E00356,017" "Guiscard" "GUSCRD" "Eglise" "N4939,533" "E00302,950" "Guise" "GUISE" "Chateau" "N4953,833" "E00337,350" "Ham" "HAM" "Eglise" "N4945,050" "E00304,333" "Henin" "HENIN" "A1" "N5024,850" "E00259,117" "Hesdin" "HESDIN" "Y N296 N4" "N5022,000" "E00205,000" "Hirson" "HIRSON" "Gare" "N4954,800" "E00405,100" "Intersection A 31 A 5" "INT.31" "_" "N4754,933" "E00513,383" "Jaux" "JAUX" "Clairiere" "N4924,783" "E00245,733" "Joigny Aero" "JOIGNR" "_" "N4759,700" "E00323,483" "Joigny A6" "JOIGN6" "D943" "N4756,317" "E00314,667" "Joinville Musse" "JNVLLM" "Aero" "N4823,167" "E00508,667" "Joinville Aero" "JNVLLR" "_" "N4823,167" "E00508,667" "Juvancourt" "JVNCRT" "Aero" "N4806,900" "E00449,217" "La Capelle" "LACPLL" "N2-N29" "N4958,900" "E00353,233" "La Ferte Gaucher" "LFRTGC" "Aero" "N4845,350" "E00316,567" "La Herliere" "LAHRLR" "Gare" "N5012,333" "E00233,667" "Landrecies" "LNDRCS" "D934 Sambre" "N5007,417" "E00341,500" "Laon Aero" "LAONAR" "123,35" "N4935,750" "E00337,867" "Laon Cathedrale" "LNCTHD" "Cathedrale" "N4933,817" "E00337,500" "Le Catelet" "LECTLT" "_" "N5000,050" "E00313,833" "Le Chesne" "LECHSN" "Pont canal" "N4939,567" "E00446,000" "Le Havre Saint Romain" "LHVRST" "Aero" "N4932,667" "E00021,617" "Le Quesnoy" "LEQUSN" "Centre Ville" "N5015,000" "E00337,950" "Le Thuit" "LETHUT" "Chateau" "N4915,367" "E00121,717" "Le Touquet" "LETOQT" "Aero" "N5030,883" "E00137,650" "Le Cateau Cambresis" "LCTCMB" "N43 X D932" "N5006,483" "E00331,350" "Lens" "LENS" "Aero" "N5028,017" "E00249,283" "Les Andelys" "LSNDLS" "Pont/Seine" "N4914,200" "E00123,950" "Lille Marcq" "LLLMRC" "Aero" "N5041,283" "E00304,567" "Lille Lesquin" "LLLLSQ" "Aero" "N5033,800" "E00305,217" "Lillers" "LILLRS" "Sud A26" "N5032,950" "E00227,817" "Limeux" "LIMEUX" "Pylone" "N5000,900" "E00149,867" "Loeill Ulm" "LOLLLM" "Terrain Ulm" "N4945,900" "E00212,917" "Longuyon Villett" "LNGNVL" "Aero" "N4929,067" "E00534,333" "Louviers" "LOUVRS" "Gare SNCF" "N4912,917" "E00110,683" "Lusigny/Barse" "LSGNBR" "_" "N4815,117" "E00415,867" "Mantes Cherence" "MNTSCH" "Aero" "N4904,733" "E00141,333" "Mareuil en Brie" "MRLNBR" "Croisement" "N4857,667" "E00344,300" "Marigny le Chatel" "MRGNLC" "Eglise" "N4824,200" "E00344,283" "Marigny le Grand" "MRGNLG" "Aero" "N4839,667" "E00350,217" "Marle" "MARLE" "Gare" "N4944,800" "E00346,000" "Maubeuge Elesmes" "MBGLSM" "Aero" "N5018,550" "E00401,850" "Maubeuge Gare" "MABGGR" "_" "N5016,333" "E00358,000" "Mers" "MERS" "Aero" "N5004,150" "E00125,550" "Merville" "MERVLL" "Aero" "N5037,000" "E00238,400" "Montcarnet" "MNTCRN" "Gare" "N4941,883" "E00400,700" "Montdidier" "MNTDDR" "Aero" "N4940,383" "E00234,100" "Montherme" "MNTHRM" "_" "N4952,867" "E00444,300" "Montmedy Centre" "MNTMDC" "_" "N4931,167" "E00522,100" "Montmedy Marville" "MNTMDM" "Aero" "N4927,250" "E00525,833" "Montmirail" "MNTMRL" "Gare" "N4852,383" "E00331,833" "Morains" "MORANS" "Centre Ville" "N4848,100" "E00359,683" "Moreuil" "MOREUL" "Plan d'eau" "N4949,450" "E00225,783" "Mortem" "MORTEM" "Tour Tele" "N4944,733" "E00134,717" "Mouflers" "MOFLRS" "Eglise" "N5002,883" "E00203,017" "Mourmelon" "MORMLN" "Aero" "N4906,683" "E00422,017" "Nesle" "NESLE" "Gare" "N4945,800" "E00254,250" "Nogent/Seine" "NGNTSN" "Gare" "N4829,917" "E00329,733" "Nouvion le Compte" "NVNLCM" "A26-D35" "N4941,500" "E00328,033" "Noyon" "NOYON" "Cathedrale" "N4934,967" "E00259,833" "Origny" "ORIGNY" "Pont" "N4950,400" "E00328,650" "Pacy/Eure" "PACYER" "Gare SNCF" "N4900,817" "E00123,333" "Paris Issy" "PARSSS" "Aero" "N4850,050" "E00216,450" "Peronne St Quentin" "PRNNST" "Aero" "N4952,133" "E00301,783" "Peronne Chateau" "PRNNCH" "_" "N4955,717" "E00255,717" "Pleurs" "PLEURS" "Eglise" "N4841,250" "E00352,067" "Poix" "POIX" "Viaduc" "N4947,083" "E00158,400" "Pont de Normandie" "PNTDNR" "_" "N4926,200" "E00016,667" "Pont/Yonne" "PONTNN" "Aero" "N4817,433" "E00315,017" "Pouchain" "POUCHN" "A2 015a" "N5016,033" "E00319,950" "Pozieres" "POZIRS" "Tour Hertzien" "N5002,600" "E00244,250" "Point de Report 1" "PNTDRP" "_" "N4927,700" "E00251,517" "Point de Report 2" "POINTD" "_" "N4928,000" "E00245,483" "Point de Report 3" "POINTE" "_" "N4925,200" "E00252,233" "Ramecourt" "RAMCRT" "_" "N4931,583" "E00351,550" "Reims Champagne" "RMSCHM" "Aero" "N4918,600" "E00403,050" "Reims Prunay" "RMSPRN" "Aero" "N4912,517" "E00409,400" "Resson Echangeur" "RSSNCH" "Echangeur" "N4931,300" "E00243,333" "Rethel Perthes" "RTHLPR" "Aero" "N4928,917" "E00421,850" "Rethel CV" "RTHLCV" "Centre Ville" "N4930,217" "E00422,050" "Rocroi" "ROCROI" "Centre" "N4955,400" "E00431,500" "Roffey" "ROFFEY" "Courbe TGV" "N4755,150" "E00355,333" "Romilly/Seine" "RMLLSN" "Aero" "N4830,033" "E00345,767" "Rouen Eglise" "RONGLS" "_" "N4926,417" "E00105,817" "Rouen Vallee" "RONVLL" "Aero" "N4923,450" "E00111,033" "Roye" "ROYE" "Echangeur A1" "N4942,167" "E00246,167" "Rozoy/Serre" "ROZSRR" "Eglise" "N4942,717" "E00407,833" "Secheresse" "SCHRSS" "Croisement D928 X D126" "N5033,133" "E00206,083" "Sedan Douzy" "SEDNDZ" "Aero" "N4939,583" "E00502,233" "Sedan Station" "SDNST." "_" "N4941,550" "E00455,750" "Sens" "SENS" "Eglise" "N4811,833" "E00317,083" "Serifontaine" "SRFNTN" "Gare" "N4921,417" "E00145,817" "Sezanne St Remy" "SZNNST" "Aero" "N4842,633" "E00345,817" "Signy lAbbaye" "SGNLBB" "_" "N4941,750" "E00425,333" "Soissons Courmelles" "SSSNSC" "Aero" "N4920,750" "E00317,017" "Soissons Cathedrale" "SOISSO" "Cathedrale" "N4922,933" "E00319,600" "Soisy aux Bois" "SOSXBS" "_" "N4848,700" "E00343,967" "Sommesous" "SOMMSS" "Gare" "N4844,000" "E00412,000" "St Cyr La Campagne" "STCRLC" "Aero" "N4915,000" "E00102,000" "St Dizier" "STDIZR" "Aero" "N4838,017" "E00454,483" "St Florentin" "STFLRN" "Aero" "N4758,933" "E00346,667" "St Gobain" "STGOBN" "Usine" "N4935,967" "E00322,750" "St Mard" "STMARD" "Usine" "N4933,167" "E00533,133" "St Mards en Othe" "STMRDS" "Centre" "N4810,433" "E00348,017" "St Maure" "STMAUR" "Eglise" "N4821,083" "E00404,350" "St Menehould" "STMNHL" "Gare" "N4905,467" "E00453,500" "St Omer Wizernes" "STMRWZ" "Aero" "N5043,767" "E00214,100" "St Parres les Vaude" "STPRRS" "_" "N4810,233" "E00412,817" "St Quentin Roupy" "STQNTN" "Aero" "N4949,017" "E00312,350" "St Quentin Basilique" "STQUEN" "_" "N4950,867" "E00317,450" "St Riquier" "STRIQR" "Abbaye" "N5008,100" "E00157,033" "St Simon Clastre" "STSMNC" "Aeroport Desafecte" "N4945,000" "E00313,000" "St Valery" "STVALR" "Aero" "N4950,167" "E00039,250" "St Pol/Ternoise" "STPLTR" "_" "N5022,033" "E00219,950" "St Quentin" "STQUET" "A26" "N4951,750" "E00314,217" "Tergnier" "TERGNR" "Pont SNCF" "N4939,067" "E00318,267" "Thourotte" "THORTT" "St Gobain" "N4929,133" "E00253,250" "Tilly" "TILLY" "Chateau d'eau" "N4908,733" "E00132,300" "Tonnerre Aero" "TNNRRR" "123,5" "N4746,000" "E00402,000" "Tonnerre Gare" "TNNRRG" "_" "N4751,317" "E00358,583" "Totes" "TOTES" "N27 X N2" "N4940,733" "E00101,917" "Trancault" "TRNCLT" "Croisement" "N4822,550" "E00332,317" "Troyes Aero" "TROYSR" "125,35" "N4819,300" "E00401,000" "Troyes Triangle" "TRSTRN" "Triangle" "N4818,750" "E00403,700" "Vailly/Aisne" "VALLSN" "_" "N4923,233" "E00330,583" "Val Joly" "VALJOL" "Barrage" "N5007,250" "E00405,600" "Valenciennes Denain" "VLNCNN" "Aero" "N5019,483" "E00327,933" "Valenciennes" "VALENC" "Gare" "N5021,800" "E00331,050" "Valmy" "VALMY" "D931 X A4" "N4904,417" "E00447,917" "Verdun" "VERDUN" "Aero" "N4907,333" "E00528,250" "Vertus" "VERTUS" "Eglise" "N4854,150" "E00401,233" "Vervins" "VERVNS" "Gare" "N4949,800" "E00353,500" "Viels Maisons" "VLSMSN" "Croisement" "N4853,717" "E00325,583" "Villeneuve lArcheveque" "VLLNVL" "Gare" "N4814,267" "E00333,083" "Vitry en Artois" "VTRNRT" "Aero" "N5020,300" "E00259,550" "Vitry le Francois Gare" "VTRLFR" "_" "N4843,033" "E00435,300" "VitryleFrancoisVauclrc" "VITRYL" "Aero" "N4842,200" "E00441,033" "Voncq" "VONCQ" "Cimetiere" "N4928,533" "E00440,000" "Vouziers" "VOUZRS" "Pont" "N4924,017" "E00442,417"