;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Colmar, France + ; + ; Championnat d'Alsace, 2000 + ; + ; Control Points formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Yves Haenn + ; + ; Generated on Friday, 19 May, 2000 at 20:06 MST + ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Altensteig" "LTNSTG" "Eglise" "N4835.183" "E00836.283" "Baccarat" "BACCRT" "Gare" "N4827.116" "E00644.617" "Bad Griesbach" "BGRSBC" "Fin Voie Ferree" "N4826.917" "E00813.834" "Bad Liebenzell" "BLBNZL" "Gare" "N4846.367" "E00844.017" "Bad Bergzabern" "BBRGZB" "Pont" "N4906.184" "E00800.217" "Bad Durkeim" "BDURKM" "Antenne" "N4929.400" "E00807.517" "Ballon dAlsace" "BLLNDL" "Statue" "N4749.517" "E00650.533" "Baume les Dames" "BMLSDM" "Pont" "N4720.600" "E00621.683" "Belchen" "BELCHN" "Sommet" "N4749.367" "E00749.967" "Belle Herbe" "BLLHRB" "Eglise" "N4715.617" "E00639.467" "Bernau" "BERNAU" "Eglise" "N4748.083" "E00802.183" "Blamont" "BLAMNT" "Pont" "N4835.533" "E00650.483" "Blauen" "BLAUEN" "Antenne" "N4746.700" "E00742.067" "Bramden" "BRAMDN" "Antenne" "N4820.333" "E00809.217" "Bretten" "BRETTN" "Gare" "N4902.216" "E00841.584" "Bruyeres" "BRUYRS" "Gare" "N4812.317" "E00643.133" "Bulh" "BULH" "Gare" "N4841.783" "E00807.766" "Burladingen" "BRLDNG" "Gare" "N4817.417" "E00906.767" "Bussang Col" "BSSNGC" "Col" "N4753.366" "E00653.700" "Calmbach" "CLMBCH" "Antenne" "N4848.433" "E00837.500" "Charmes" "CHARMS" "Gare" "N4822.684" "E00618.100" "Cirey sur Vezouze" "CRYSRV" "Eglise" "N4834.900" "E00656.666" "Col Du Pigeonni" "CDPGNN" "Antenne" "N4901.217" "E00753.000" "Colmar Ligne" "CLMRLG" "11900LFGA" "N4806.634" "E00721.433" "Dompaire" "DOMPAR" "Gare" "N4813.166" "E00613.616" "Donnersberg" "DNNRSB" "Antenne" "N4937.466" "E00755.534" "Donon" "DONON" "Antenne" "N4830.750" "E00709.883" "Drulingen" "DRLNGN" "Echangeur" "N4851.767" "E00710.984" "Eberbach" "EBRBCH" "Gare" "N4927.917" "E00859.066" "Edenkoben" "EDNKBN" "Gare" "N4916.916" "E00808.434" "Eloyes" "ELOYES" "Eglise" "N4805.533" "E00636.583" "Elzach" "ELZACH" "Gare" "N4810.283" "E00804.267" "Enkenbach" "NKNBCH" "Echangeur" "N4928.384" "E00754.433" "Erbeskoph" "RBSKPH" "Relais" "N4943.834" "E00705.434" "Faucogney et la Mer" "FCGNYT" "Pont" "N4750.683" "E00633.817" "Feldberg" "FLDBRG" "Lac Rond" "N4752.250" "E00801.933" "Forbach" "FORBCH" "Gare" "N4840.850" "E00821.683" "Gaggenau" "GAGGEN" "Eglise" "N4848.317" "E00819.217" "Gammertingen" "GMMRTN" "Gare" "N4815.050" "E00913.033" "Gerardmer" "GRRDMR" "Gare" "N4804.333" "E00652.367" "Gerbepal" "GERBPL" "Eglise" "N4808.983" "E00655.316" "Goetzenbruck" "GTZNBR" "Antenne" "N4858.517" "E00723.516" "Grand Ballon" "GRNDBL" "Sommet" "N4754.067" "E00705.884" "Gruey les Suran" "GRYLSS" "Eglise" "N4802.317" "E00610.984" "Haslach im Kinz" "HSLCHM" "Gare" "N4816.800" "E00805.267" "Hechingen" "HCHNGN" "Echangeur" "N4821.233" "E00858.550" "Hinterweidenthal" "HNTRWD" "Pont" "N4911.917" "E00745.050" "Hockenheim" "HCKNHM" "Circuit" "N4919.916" "E00834.000" "Horb Am Neckar" "HRBMNC" "Gare" "N4826.516" "E00841.317" "Hornberg" "HRNBRG" "Gare" "N4812.733" "E00813.967" "Hornisgrinde" "HRNSGR" "Antenne" "N4836.634" "E00812.083" "Hericourt" "HERCRT" "Gare" "N4734.384" "E00646.166" "Ingwiller" "NGWLLR" "Gare" "N4852.417" "E00728.633" "Kandel" "KANDEL" "Sommet" "N4804.217" "E00801.534" "Kaysersthul" "KYSRST" "Antenne" "N4804.867" "E00740.166" "LIsle sur le Doubs" "LSLSRL" "Gare" "N4726.850" "E00634.867" "La Bresse" "LABRSS" "Eglise" "N4800.317" "E00652.466" "Lauterbourg" "LTRBRG" "Gare" "N4858.033" "E00810.933" "Le Thillot" "LTHLLT" "Gare" "N4752.517" "E00645.716" "Libre Depart" "LBRDPR" "Porte de Depart" "N4808.434" "E00718.467" "Lomont" "LOMONT" "Antenne" "N4721.533" "E00636.400" "Luxeuil" "LUXEUL" "Gare" "N4748.917" "E00622.300" "Maiche" "MAICHE" "Chateau" "N4715.334" "E00647.350" "Mandeure" "MANDER" "Theatre Romain" "N4726.933" "E00647.783" "Marckolsheim" "MRCKLS" "Eglise" "N4809.934" "E00732.683" "Markstein" "MRKSTN" "Sommet" "N4755.583" "E00701.450" "Masevaux" "MASEVX" "Eglise" "N4746.583" "E00659.750" "Melisey" "MELISY" "Centre Ville" "N4745.233" "E00634.883" "Merzig" "MERZIG" "Pont" "N4926.467" "E00637.800" "Montbelliard" "MNTBLL" "Gare" "N4730.634" "E00648.083" "Moosberg" "MOSBRG" "Sommet" "N4827.167" "E00805.600" "Morteau" "MORTEA" "Gare" "N4703.233" "E00636.300" "Munster" "MUNSTR" "Gare" "N4802.317" "E00708.033" "Nagold" "NAGOLD" "Gare" "N4833.250" "E00843.667" "Neuf Brisach" "NFBRSC" "Centre Ville" "N4801.084" "E00731.684" "Neustadt" "NESTDT" "Antenne" "N4922.583" "E00807.283" "Niederbronn les Bains" "NDRBRN" "Gare" "N4857.167" "E00738.000" "Nord Report" "NRDRPR" "Usine Sony" "N4811.500" "E00722.183" "Oberkirch" "BRKRCH" "Gare" "N4831.733" "E00804.633" "Petit Ballon" "PTTBLL" "Sommet" "N4758.850" "E00707.567" "Plancher les Mines" "PLNCHR" "Eglise" "N4745.716" "E00644.550" "Plombieres les Bains" "PLMBRS" "Gare" "N4757.334" "E00626.884" "Pont de Roide" "PNTDRD" "Gare" "N4722.967" "E00646.033" "Rainkopf" "RANKPF" "Sommet" "N4800.550" "E00659.083" "Raon LEtape" "RANLTP" "Gare" "N4824.233" "E00650.233" "Rastatt" "RASTTT" "Aerodrome" "N4852.466" "E00812.767" "Remiremont" "RMRMNT" "Gare" "N4800.983" "E00635.917" "Rhinau" "RHINAU" "Eglise" "N4819.117" "E00742.317" "Ribeauville" "RIBVLL" "Rond Point" "N4811.533" "E00719.550" "Riegel" "RIEGEL" "Gare" "N4809.233" "E00745.017" "Rottweil" "ROTTWL" "Gare" "N4809.917" "E00838.366" "Rupt sur Moselle" "RPTSRM" "Gare" "N4755.417" "E00639.566" "Saales" "SAALES" "Gare" "N4820.833" "E00706.650" "Saarburg" "SARBRG" "Antenne" "N4937.616" "E00636.683" "Saulxures surMoselotte" "SLXRSS" "Gare" "N4756.734" "E00646.183" "Schluchsee" "SCHLCH" "Barrage" "N4748.034" "E00811.000" "Schopp" "SCHOPP" "Pont" "N4921.167" "E00740.883" "Schoemberg" "SCHMBR" "Antenne" "N4813.016" "E00848.950" "Selestat" "SELSTT" "Gare" "N4815.617" "E00726.567" "Seltz" "SELTZ" "Gare" "N4853.833" "E00805.933" "Senones" "SENONS" "Gare" "N4823.617" "E00658.633" "Soufflenheim" "SFFLNH" "Voie Ferree/Route" "N4849.616" "E00758.367" "Soultz sous Forets" "SLTZSS" "Gare" "N4856.066" "E00753.017" "St Amarin" "STAMRN" "Gare" "N4752.384" "E00701.717" "St Blasien" "STBLSN" "Eglise" "N4745.617" "E00807.800" "StGeorgenimSchwarzwald" "STGRGN" "Gare" "N4807.433" "E00820.516" "Standard Depart" "STNDRD" "Porte de Depart" "N4806.266" "E00718.217" "Stausee Kinzig" "STSKNZ" "Barrage" "N4823.884" "E00821.983" "Sud Report" "SDRPRT" "Usine Ricoh" "N4803.000" "E00719.834" "Thann" "THANN" "Stade" "N4748.184" "E00706.266" "Titisee" "TITISE" "Barrage" "N4753.950" "E00809.233" "Todtmoos" "TODTMS" "Centre Ville" "N4744.417" "E00800.050" "Tuttlingen" "TTTLNG" "Gare" "N4758.834" "E00847.917" "Tete des Perche" "TTDSPR" "Lac" "N4750.800" "E00655.367" "Vesoul" "VESOUL" "Gare" "N4737.067" "E00609.133" "Vieil Armand" "VLRMND" "Cimetiere" "N4751.550" "E00709.100" "Villersexel" "VLLRSX" "Eglise" "N4733.083" "E00625.967" "Voehrenbach" "VHRNBC" "Pont" "N4802.633" "E00818.367" "Waldau" "WALDAU" "Eglise" "N4758.933" "E00809.967" "Zell im Wiesent" "ZLLMWS" "Gare" "N4742.334" "E00750.950" "Saverne" "SAVERN" "Gare" "N4844.683" "E00721.700"