Site Clermont, Queensland, Australia Courtesy of David Olsen Airport information courtesy of Michael-Lorenz Meier Dated 11 May 2010 Magnetic Variation 8.5E Time Zone Name Australia/Queensland File created on Thursday, 22 July 2010 at 22:35 GMT The primary specification of the waypoint coordinates is degrees, minutes, and seconds UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK Do not use for navigation, for flight verification only. Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees, expressed or implied. User assumes all risk of use. Number Name North/South Latitude [degrees] Latitude [minutes] Latitude [seconds] Latitude [decimal minutes] Latitude [decimal degrees] East/West Longitude [degrees] Longitude [minutes] Longitude [seconds] Longitude [decimal minutes] Longitude [decimal degrees] Elevation [M] Control P Turnpoint ID[3] ID[5] ID[6] ID[10] ID[12] ICAO Identifier 1 4 Mile Bore S 22 2 37.8 2.6305 -22.0438417 E 146 16 57.3 16.9555 146.2825917 TL 4ML 4MLBR 4MilBr 4 MileBore 4 Mile Bore 2 Albinia S 22 6 5.9 6.09817 -22.1016361 E 146 38 36 38.6 146.6433333 TL ALB ALBIN Albini Albinia Albinia 3 Albro S 22 42 28.2 42.46983 -22.7078306 E 146 34 3.5 34.05917 146.5676528 259 TL ALR ALBRO Albro Albro Albro 4 Alinya S 22 23 34.4 23.57267 -22.3928778 E 146 33 55.7 33.92833 146.5654722 232 TL ALN ALINY Alinya Alinya Alinya 5 Alpha AP S 23 39 7.6 39.12733 -23.6521222 E 146 34 57.2 34.9535 146.5825583 382 TA ALP ALPHA Alpha Alpha AP Alpha AP YAPH 6 Amaroo S 22 5 50 5.83383 -22.0972306 E 147 18 32.8 18.54683 147.3091139 TL AMR AMARO Amaroo Amaroo Amaroo 7 Annmore S 23 12 16.7 12.27783 -23.2046306 E 147 44 35.3 44.589 147.74315 TL ANN ANNMR Annmor Annmore Annmore 8 Aramac AP S 22 57 21.2 57.3535 -22.9558917 E 145 14 48.2 14.80417 145.2467361 232 TA ARM ARAMC Aramac Aramac AP Aramac AP YAMC 9 Avoca S 23 59 12.5 59.2085 -23.9868083 E 147 4 19.7 4.32783 147.0721306 TL AVC AVOCA Avoca Avoca Avoca 10 Barcaldine S 23 33 38 33.63417 -23.5605694 E 145 18 14.4 18.24083 145.3040139 270 TL BRC BRCLD Brcldn Barcaldine Barcaldine YBAR 11 Barcaldine Downs S 23 42 9 42.14967 -23.7024944 E 145 8 42.1 8.70133 145.1450222 TL BAR BARCA Barcal BrcldnDwns BarcaldnDwns 12 Batheaston S 22 26 12.2 26.20317 -22.4367194 E 148 42 57.3 42.9545 148.7159083 TL BTH BTHST Bthstn Batheaston Batheaston 13 Bauhinia Downs S 24 33 20.6 33.34283 -24.5557139 E 149 17 57.6 17.96067 149.2993444 213 TL BHN BHNDW BhnDwn BauhinDwns BauhiniaDwns 14 Beenboona S 21 51 20.4 51.34033 -21.8556722 E 146 40 28.7 40.4785 146.6746417 TL BNB BENBN Beenbn Beenboona Beenboona 15 Bellarine Creek S 22 42 51.7 42.861 -22.71435 E 149 4 4.6 4.07717 149.0679528 TL BLL BLLRN BllrnC BellarnCrk BellarineCrk 16 Belvedere S 22 47 52.2 47.87 -22.7978333 E 145 19 12.8 19.213 145.3202167 TL BLV BLVDR Belvdr Belvedere Belvedere 17 Beresford S 22 31 12.2 31.2025 -22.5200417 E 146 55 55.6 55.926 146.9321 288 TL BRS BRSFR Brsfrd Beresford Beresford 18 Bingegang S 23 15 21.6 15.3605 -23.2560083 E 149 11 7.2 11.12033 149.1853389 TL BNG BNGGN Bnggng Bingegang Bingegang 19 Blackdown Tlands S 24 1 47.2 1.7865 -24.029775 E 149 7 7.2 7.11917 149.1186528 TL BLC BLCKD Blckdw BlckdwnTln BlckdwnTlnds 20 Blackwater S 23 36 10.7 36.179 -23.6029833 E 148 48 21.2 48.35317 148.8058861 194 TL BLA BLCKW Blckwt Blackwater Blackwater YBTR 21 Blackwatersth S 23 57 39.8 57.664 -23.9610667 E 148 46 41.7 46.69533 148.7782556 TL BLK BLACK Blackw Blckwtrsth Blackwatrsth 22 Blue Valley S 20 25 2 25.033 -20.4172167 E 147 23 12.2 23.20367 147.3867278 79 TL BLU BLVLL BluVll BlueValley Blue Valley 23 Bluff S 23 34 54.2 34.9035 -23.581725 E 149 3 40 3.6675 149.061125 TL BLF BLUFF Bluff Bluff Bluff 24 Bogabina S 21 20 27 20.44933 -21.3408222 E 147 18 19.1 18.31783 147.3052972 257 TL BGB BOGBN Bogabn Bogabina Bogabina 25 Bombandy S 22 26 24 26.40033 -22.4400056 E 148 37 30.4 37.50617 148.6251028 TL BMB BMBND Bombnd Bombandy Bombandy 26 Bonniedoon S 23 42 38.5 42.64167 -23.7106944 E 148 20 15.2 20.254 148.3375667 TL BNN BNNDN Bonndn Bonniedoon Bonniedoon 27 Boonderoo S 20 21 11.4 21.18933 -20.3531556 E 144 20 43.1 20.7185 144.3453083 TL BND BONDR Boondr Boonderoo Boonderoo 28 Boongoondoo S 22 54 22.1 54.36867 -22.9061444 E 145 54 10.4 54.17283 145.9028806 TL BOO BNGND Bongnd Boongoondo Boongoondoo 29 Booroondarra S 22 49 5.9 49.09883 -22.8183139 E 148 28 50.9 28.84783 148.4807972 TL BRN BRNDR Brndrr Booroondrr Booroondarra 30 Borrow Pit S 22 14 14.4 14.24033 -22.2373389 E 148 50 50.1 50.835 148.84725 TL BRR BRRWP BrrwPt Borrow Pit Borrow Pit 31 Boundary Creek S 23 15 11.4 15.19083 -23.2531806 E 149 34 4.3 34.07183 149.5678639 TL BOU BNDRC BndrCr BoundarCrk BoundaryCrek 32 Bowen River S 20 32 21.1 32.35133 -20.5391889 E 147 33 14.6 33.24333 147.5540556 92 TL BWN BWNRV BwnRvr BowenRiver Bowen River 33 Braceborough S 20 23 57.7 23.96117 -20.3993528 E 145 51 49 51.8165 145.8636083 302 TL BRA BRCBR Brcbrg Braceborgh Braceborough 34 Bullery S 23 15 48.5 15.8075 -23.2634583 E 148 0 18.3 0.30533 148.0050889 TL BUL BULLR Buller Bullery Bullery 35 Burdekin Falls S 20 35 42.5 35.709 -20.59515 E 147 5 44.2 5.73617 147.0956028 159 TL BRD BRDKN BrdknF BurdknFlls BurdekinFlls 36 Cambria S 23 34 55.7 34.92767 -23.5821278 E 149 6 45.3 6.7555 149.1125917 TL CMB CAMBR Cambri Cambria Cambria 37 Camp Oven S 20 21 13.6 21.227 -20.3537833 E 146 48 3.9 48.06533 146.8010889 TL CMP CMPVN Campvn Camp Oven Camp Oven 38 Capella S 23 5 39.2 5.654 -23.0942333 E 148 0 22.9 0.38217 148.0063694 TL CPL CAPLL Capell Capella Capella 39 Capella Airport S 23 5 37.9 5.631 -23.09385 E 148 0 23.5 0.39183 148.0065306 TA CAP CAPEL Capela Capella AP Capella AP 40 Carbine Creek S 23 15 15.9 15.2655 -23.254425 E 147 48 8 48.133 147.8022167 TL CRB CRBNC CrbnCr CarbineCrk CarbineCreek 41 Cardigan S 20 13 16.4 13.274 -20.2212333 E 146 38 0.6 38.01067 146.6335111 TL CRD CRDGN Cardgn Cardigan Cardigan 42 Cardowan S 22 8 7.1 8.11767 -22.1352944 E 149 3 36.7 3.61167 149.0601944 TL CAR CRDWN Cardwn Cardowan Cardowan 43 Carfax S 22 27 17.6 27.29333 -22.4548889 E 148 40 50.9 40.849 148.6808167 TL CRF CARFX Carfax Carfax Carfax 44 Carse o Gowrie S 20 17 49.1 17.81767 -20.2969611 E 146 51 51.7 51.861 146.86435 TL CRS CRSGW CrsGwr CarseoGowr CarseoGowrie 45 Cassiopeia S 21 55 39 55.65033 -21.9275056 E 146 46 4.2 46.07 146.7678333 TL CSS CASSP Cassip Cassiopeia Cassiopeia 46 Charlevue S 23 39 23.7 39.39533 -23.6565889 E 149 10 54 10.89983 149.1816639 TL CHR CHRLV Charlv Charlevue Charlevue 47 Cheery Creek S 20 12 19.9 12.33167 -20.2055278 E 146 17 19.3 17.32183 146.2886972 TL CHE CHRCR ChrCrk CheeryCrek Cheery Creek 48 Cheesboro S 22 25 33.8 25.56383 -22.4260639 E 147 58 51.1 58.85183 147.9808639 TL CHS CHSBR Chesbr Cheesboro Cheesboro 49 Cherwell Creek S 22 5 5.7 5.09567 -22.0849278 E 148 14 26.2 14.43717 148.2406194 TL CHW CHRWL Chrwll CherwllCrk CherwellCrek 50 Chinchilla AP S 26 46 20 46.33367 -26.7722278 E 150 37 4.2 37.0695 150.617825 314 TA CHN CHNCH Chnchl Chinchilla Chinchilla YCCA 51 Clermont S 22 46 31 46.517 -22.7752833 E 147 37 14 37.23267 147.6205444 277 HSFTA CLR CLRMN Clrmnt Clermont Clermont YCMT 52 Cloyne S 23 54 29.4 54.48967 -23.9081611 E 147 9 27.2 9.454 147.1575667 TL CLN CLOYN Cloyne Cloyne Cloyne 53 Clunievale S 22 42 4 42.06667 -22.7011111 E 146 0 8.5 0.14167 146.0023611 TL CLU CLNVL Clunvl Clunievale Clunievale 54 Cockatoo Creek S 20 57 26.1 57.435 -20.95725 E 147 46 48.2 46.80333 147.7800556 TL CCK CCKTC CcktCr CockatoCrk CockatooCrek 55 Cocky Lake S 21 21 30.9 21.51483 -21.3585806 E 146 49 37.7 49.62783 146.8271306 TL COC CCKLk CockLk Cocky Lake Cocky Lake 56 Collinsville AP S 20 35 57 35.9505 -20.599175 E 147 51 10.6 51.17617 147.8529361 180 TA CLL CLLNS Cllnsv Collinsvll Collinsville YCSV 57 Copper Mine Creek S 22 50 9.7 50.16117 -22.8360194 E 149 24 18.5 24.30883 149.4051472 TL CPP CPPRM CpprMn CopprMnCrk CopperMinCrk 58 CoreenRd S 22 59 33.9 59.565 -22.99275 E 149 19 13.6 19.22617 149.3204361 TL CRN CRNRD CornRd CoreenRd CoreenRd 59 Corry S 22 48 56.7 48.94533 -22.8157556 E 147 56 43.7 56.72883 147.9454806 TL CRR CORRY Corry Corry Corry 60 Cosmo S 22 33 41.8 33.697 -22.5616167 E 148 38 31.3 38.52233 148.6420389 157 TL CSM COSMO Cosmo Cosmo Cosmo 61 Cotherstone S 22 46 1 46.0165 -22.7669417 E 148 14 21.7 14.36183 148.2393639 TL CTH CTHRS Cthrst Cotherston Cotherstone 62 Craven S 23 12 15.8 12.26317 -23.2043861 E 147 4 7.1 4.11767 147.0686278 TL CRV CRAVN Craven Craven Craven 63 Cremorne S 23 2 11.9 2.19767 -23.0366278 E 146 59 14.8 59.247 146.98745 TL CRM CRMRN Cremrn Cremorne Cremorne 64 Croydon S 22 27 33.4 27.55717 -22.4592861 E 149 9 39.1 9.65133 149.1608556 TL CRO CRODN Croydn Croydon Croydon 65 Cuddesden S 23 16 34.5 16.57433 -23.2762389 E 148 20 37.3 20.62233 148.3437056 TL CDD CDDSD Cddsdn Cuddesden Cuddesden 66 Cumberland S 23 33 5.9 33.09833 -23.5516389 E 144 55 17.2 55.28633 144.9214389 TL CUM CMBRL Cmbrln Cumberland Cumberland 67 Dalby S 27 9 30.6 9.51067 -27.1585111 E 151 15 48.2 15.80417 151.2634028 345 TL DLB DALBY Dalby Dalby Dalby YDAY 68 Dawson Highway S 24 32 13 32.217 -24.53695 E 148 53 22.1 53.36867 148.8894778 TL DWS DWSNH DwsnHW Dawson HW Dawson HW 69 Degula S 22 46 38 46.6335 -22.777225 E 146 30 0.5 30.0075 146.500125 TL DGL DEGUL Degula Degula Degula 70 Delta S 23 38 49.7 38.829 -23.64715 E 145 30 6.5 30.10917 145.5018194 TL DLT DELTA Delta Delta Delta 71 Dingo S 23 39 18 39.30033 -23.6550056 E 149 20 16.6 20.27583 149.3379306 136 TL DNG DINGO Dingo Dingo Dingo 72 Disney S 21 48 33.3 48.55517 -21.8092528 E 146 56 11.3 56.1885 146.936475 TL DSN DISNE Disney Disney Disney 73 Donkey S 21 26 52.9 26.88233 -21.4480389 E 146 59 38.9 59.64883 146.9941472 TL DNK DONKE Donkey Donkey Donkey 74 Drapers S 24 40 15.4 40.2575 -24.6709583 E 149 20 54.5 20.90783 149.3484639 TL DRP DRPRS Draprs Drapers Drapers 75 Dreghorn S 20 16 7.6 16.126 -20.2687667 E 146 41 43.6 41.72717 146.6954528 TL DRG DRGHR Drghrn Dreghorn Dreghorn 76 Duck Creek S 22 11 51.7 11.86167 -22.1976944 E 148 34 1.2 34.02017 148.5670028 TL DCK DCKCR DckCrk Duck Creek Duck Creek 77 Dunde WH S 22 31 56.4 31.94067 -22.5323444 E 146 11 52.1 11.86917 146.1978194 TL DND DNDWH DundWH Dunde WH Dunde WH 78 Dunraven S 23 37 50.7 37.8445 -23.6307417 E 145 7 48.6 7.81 145.1301667 TL DNR DNRVN Dunrvn Dunraven Dunraven 79 Dysart S 22 37 18.2 37.30367 -22.6217278 E 148 21 45.8 21.76267 148.3627111 207 TL DSR DYSRT Dysart Dysart Dysart YDYS 80 Dysart AP S 22 37 20.8 37.34733 -22.6224556 E 148 21 47.7 21.79433 148.3632389 207 TA DYS DYSAR Dysrt2 Dysart AP Dysart AP YDYS 81 Eastern Creek S 21 9 59.7 9.99433 -21.1665722 E 147 59 41.4 59.6905 147.9948417 TL EST ESTRN EstrnC EasternCrk EasternCreek 82 Eastmere S 22 29 45 29.75083 -22.4958472 E 145 55 30.5 55.509 145.92515 293 TL EAS ESTMR Eastmr Eastmere Eastmere 83 Edwinstowe S 23 26 17.6 26.29417 -23.4382361 E 146 1 35 1.5835 146.0263917 TL EDW EDWNS Edwnst Edwinstowe Edwinstowe 84 Egera S 20 59 4.4 59.073 -20.98455 E 146 6 23.1 6.38433 146.1064056 233 TL EGR EGERA Egera Egera Egera 85 Elbow Creek S 20 26 11.5 26.192 -20.4365333 E 146 58 14.8 58.247 146.9707833 TL ELB ELBWC ElbwCr ElbowCreek Elbow Creek 86 Emerald S 23 34 10.9 34.1825 -23.5697083 E 148 10 40 10.6665 148.177775 189 TL EMR EMRLD Emerld Emerald Emerald YEML 87 Epping Forest S 22 18 53 18.88333 -22.3147222 E 146 45 45 45.75 146.7625 TL EPP EPPNG EppngF EppingFrst EppingForest 88 Essex S 22 46 28.4 46.47267 -22.7745444 E 148 48 55.1 48.91783 148.8152972 TL ESS ESSEX Essex Essex Essex 89 Evanston S 23 42 12.4 42.20683 -23.7034472 E 144 31 2.6 31.044 144.5174 TL EVN EVNST Evnstn Evanston Evanston 90 Fairlight S 20 30 0.8 30.01383 -20.5002306 E 144 16 44.3 16.7385 144.278975 TL FRL FRLGH Frlght Fairlight Fairlight 91 Falldown Creek S 23 17 1.1 17.01867 -23.2836444 E 149 27 5.9 27.09867 149.4516444 TL FLL FLLDW Flldwn FalldwnCrk FalldownCrek 92 Fanning River S 20 1 22.3 1.3715 -20.0228583 E 146 26 38.8 26.64733 146.4441222 239 TL FNN FNNNG FnnngR FanningRvr FanningRiver 93 Fitroy S 23 35 35 35.58367 -23.5930611 E 149 46 53.9 46.898 149.7816333 TL FTR FITRO Fitroy Fitroy Fitroy 94 Fleetwood S 22 17 18.8 17.31383 -22.2885639 E 145 48 4.9 48.08183 145.8013639 TL FLT FLTWD Fletwd Fleetwood Fleetwood 95 Forester S 22 57 57.3 57.9555 -22.965925 E 146 28 46.7 28.77883 146.4796472 TL FRS FRSTR Forstr Forester Forester 96 Frankfield S 22 16 56.5 16.94083 -22.2823472 E 147 5 43.2 5.72083 147.0953472 TL FRN FRNKF Frnkfl Frankfield Frankfield 97 Garfield S 23 16 35.2 16.58667 -23.2764444 E 145 57 24.9 57.41433 145.9569056 TL GRF GRFLD Garfld Garfield Garfield 98 German Creek S 22 55 49.3 55.82117 -22.9303528 E 148 32 9.8 32.1625 148.5360417 TL GRM GRMNC GrmnCr GermanCrek German Creek 99 Glencoe S 20 4 31.5 4.52483 -20.0754139 E 145 12 1.3 12.022 145.2003667 TL GLN GLENC Glenco Glencoe Glencoe 100 Glendon S 20 36 45.5 36.75767 -20.6126278 E 147 12 46.5 12.77583 147.2129306 TL GLE GLNDN Glendn Glendon Glendon 101 Glendon S 21 19 50.5 19.84133 -21.3306889 E 148 5 34.3 5.57167 148.0928611 TL GLD GLEND Glendo Glendon2 Glendon2 102 Glenella Creek S 20 40 4.2 40.07 -20.6678333 E 147 32 2 32.0335 147.5338917 TL GLL GLNLL GlnllC GlenellCrk GlenellaCrek 103 Glenmoan S 20 49 12.8 49.21267 -20.8202111 E 144 26 22.7 26.37817 144.4396361 TL GLM GLNMN Glenmn Glenmoan Glenmoan 104 Glenmore Downs S 22 33 31.6 33.52667 -22.5587778 E 147 36 17.2 36.28667 147.6047778 TL GLO GLNMR GlnmrD GlenmrDwns GlenmoreDwns 105 Goonyella S 21 37 34.7 37.57767 -21.6262944 E 147 55 59 55.984 147.9330667 TL GNL GONLL Goonll Goonyella Goonyella 106 Gordon Downs S 23 16 9.8 16.16367 -23.2693944 E 148 17 33.3 17.555 148.2925833 TL GRD GRDND GrdnDw GordonDwns Gordon Downs 107 Gregory Mine S 23 10 31 10.51617 -23.1752694 E 148 24 40.3 24.67133 148.4111889 TL GRG GRGRM GrgrMn GregoryMin Gregory Mine 108 Gregory South S 23 14 32.3 14.53883 -23.2423139 E 148 21 19.9 21.332 148.3555333 TL GRE GRGRS GregrS Gregory S Gregory S 109 Grosvenor Creek S 21 57 59.7 57.9945 -21.966575 E 147 50 17.5 50.2915 147.8381917 TL GRS GRSVN Grsvnr GrosvnrCrk GrosvenorCrk 110 Harry's Creek S 22 19 11.3 19.18883 -22.3198139 E 149 4 22.5 4.37533 149.0729222 TL HRR HRRSC HrrsCr HarrysCrek Harrys Creek 111 Harry's Waterhole S 21 27 6.3 27.10433 -21.4517389 E 146 52 36.6 52.6095 146.876825 TL HAR HRRSW HrrsWt HarrsWtrhl HarrysWatrhl 112 Helenslee S 20 30 54 30.9 -20.515 E 145 42 57.1 42.95233 145.7158722 TL HLN HLNSL Helnsl Helenslee Helenslee 113 Hexham S 22 48 9 48.15017 -22.8025028 E 145 53 12.4 53.20717 145.8867861 TL HXH HEXHM Hexham Hexham Hexham 114 Hobartville S 23 17 59 17.984 -23.2997333 E 146 30 30 30.49933 146.5083222 TL HBR HBRTV Hbrtvl Hobartvill Hobartville 115 Illfracombe S 23 28 18.1 28.30217 -23.4717028 E 144 32 1.9 32.0325 144.533875 TL ILL ILLFR Illfrc Illfracomb Illfracombe 116 Isley Plains S 23 12 13.3 12.22167 -23.2036944 E 146 52 39.1 52.65117 146.8775194 TL ISL ISLPL IslPln IsleyPlans Isley Plains 117 Jericho S 23 35 5.1 35.08533 -23.5847556 E 146 7 58.8 7.98017 146.1330028 TL JRC JERCH Jerich Jericho Jericho 118 Jochmus S 22 17 55.4 17.92333 -22.2987222 E 145 59 0.1 59.00083 145.9833472 TL JCH JCHMS Jochms Jochmus Jochmus 119 Johnny Cake S 20 25 39.9 25.665 -20.42775 E 147 23 42.6 23.7105 147.395175 79 TL JHN JHNNC JhnnCk JohnnyCake Johnny Cake 120 Junee S 22 56 15.2 56.25317 -22.9375528 E 149 8 8.5 8.1415 149.1356917 TL JUN JUNEE Junee Junee Junee 121 Kalang S 22 30 16 30.26667 -22.5044444 E 147 5 29 5.48333 147.0913889 TL KLN KALNG Kalang Kalang Kalang 122 Kangaroo Creek S 21 2 56.8 2.94717 -21.0491194 E 147 56 27.4 56.456 147.9409333 TL KNG KNGRC KngrCr KangaroCrk KangarooCrek 123 Kennedy Creek S 21 59 18.2 59.30333 -21.9883889 E 148 56 48.9 56.8155 148.946925 TL KNN KNNDC KnndCr KennedyCrk KennedyCreek 124 Kierawong S 22 30 17.6 30.29383 -22.5048972 E 149 8 21.3 8.3545 149.1392417 TL KRW KRWNG Kirwng Kierawong Kierawong 125 Kingower S 23 26 19.1 26.319 -23.43865 E 148 2 48.2 2.80317 148.0467194 TL KIN KNGWR Kingwr Kingower Kingower 127 Labona S 22 0 18 0.3 -22.005 E 146 21 51 21.85 146.3641667 TL LBN LABON Labona Labona Labona 128 Laglan S 22 29 24.1 29.40217 -22.4900361 E 146 39 54.3 39.90533 146.6650889 245 TL LGL LAGLN Laglan Laglan Laglan 129 Lake Dunn S 22 36 19.7 36.32817 -22.6054694 E 145 40 28 40.46667 145.6744444 TL LkD LkDNN LkDunn Lake Dunn Lake Dunn 130 Lake McDonald S 22 56 15.6 56.26017 -22.9376694 E 149 20 36.6 20.60967 149.3434944 TL LkM LkMCD LkMcDn LkMcDonald Lk McDonald 131 Lake Plattaway S 22 24 32 24.534 -22.4089 E 148 55 45.8 55.763 148.9293833 TL LkP LkPLT LkPltt LkPlattawa Lk Plattaway 132 Langley S 22 39 28.4 39.4725 -22.657875 E 148 58 20.7 58.34467 148.9724111 TL LNG LANGL Langle Langley Langley 133 Leichardt Downs S 22 27 41.6 27.694 -22.4615667 E 148 31 24.9 31.41567 148.5235944 TL LCH LCHRD Lchrdt LchrdtDwns LeichrdtDwns 134 Lennox S 22 55 39.3 55.65433 -22.9275722 E 146 9 26.5 9.44133 146.1573556 TL LNN LENNX Lennox Lennox Lennox 135 Lennox OS S 22 48 1.1 48.01917 -22.8003194 E 146 15 46.1 15.76833 146.2628056 TL LEN LNNXS LennxS Lennox OS Lennox OS 136 Liontown S 20 24 1 24.017 -20.4002833 E 146 4 21.4 4.35667 146.0726111 TL LNT LNTWN Lintwn Liontown Liontown 137 Llanarth S 21 18 20.6 18.34283 -21.3057139 E 146 52 46.7 52.778 146.8796333 TL LLN LLNRT Llnrth Llanarth Llanarth 138 Logan Downs S 22 22 4.5 22.07517 -22.3679194 E 147 55 35.6 55.59283 147.9265472 TL LGN LGNDW LgnDwn LoganDowns Logan Downs 139 Longreach S 23 26 15.2 26.254 -23.4375667 E 144 16 14.8 16.24667 144.2707778 190 TL LON LNGRC Lngrch Longreach Longreach YLRE 140 Lorraine Creek S 23 23 49.2 23.82017 -23.3970028 E 149 20 50.3 20.83767 149.3472944 TL LRR LRRNC LrrnCr LorrainCrk LorraineCrek 141 Lowestoff 1 S 22 53 36.2 53.60417 -22.8934028 E 148 4 50.9 4.849 148.0808167 TL LWS LWSTF Lwstff Lowestoff1 Lowestoff 1 142 Lowestoff 2 S 22 53 36.3 53.6055 -22.893425 E 148 4 54.1 4.90183 148.0816972 TL LOW LOWES Lowest Lowestoff2 Lowestoff 2 143 Lucky Creek S 22 28 21.9 28.3645 -22.4727417 E 148 51 7.4 51.12317 148.8520528 TL LCK LCKCR LckCrk LuckyCreek Lucky Creek 144 Magenta S 22 54 22.7 54.379 -22.9063167 E 147 58 48.4 58.8065 147.9801083 TL MGN MAGNT Magent Magenta Magenta 145 May Downs S 22 37 28.2 37.47 -22.6245 E 148 53 32 53.53283 148.8922139 TL MDW MDWNS MaDwns May Downs May Downs 146 Mazeppa S 22 15 59.8 15.99633 -22.2666056 E 147 19 29.4 19.48967 147.3248278 TL MZP MAZPP Mazepp Mazeppa Mazeppa 147 McKenzie S 23 2 22.3 2.37117 -23.0395194 E 149 21 47.2 21.78667 149.3631111 TL MCK MCKNZ McKenz McKenzie McKenzie 148 Melaluka S 22 19 50.9 19.8485 -22.3308083 E 146 29 12.6 29.21017 146.4868361 TL MLL MELLK Melalk Melaluka Melaluka 149 Merricourt S 20 25 50.5 25.84183 -20.4306972 E 146 13 47.5 13.79233 146.2298722 TL MRR MRRCR Mrrcrt Merricourt Merricourt 150 Meteor Downs S 23 48 11.5 48.192 -23.8032 E 148 28 25.5 28.42533 148.4737556 TL MTR MTRDW MtrDwn MeteorDwns Meteor Downs 151 Middlemount S 22 48 3.6 48.05967 -22.8009944 E 148 42 22 42.36617 148.7061028 166 TL MDD MDDLM Mddlmn Middlemont Middlemount YMMU 152 Miles AP S 26 38 21.8 38.364 -26.6394 E 150 9 36.4 9.60633 150.1601056 TA MLS MILES Miles Miles AP Miles AP 153 Milray S 20 42 5.8 42.096 -20.7016 E 145 42 32.2 42.5375 145.7089583 TL MLR MILRA Milray Milray Milray 154 Minnamorra S 23 25 53.1 25.88583 -23.4314306 E 145 51 40.5 51.67417 145.8612361 TL MNN MNNMR Mnnmrr Minnamorra Minnamorra 155 Mirtna S 21 17 34.4 17.5735 -21.2928917 E 146 12 57.7 12.96233 146.2160389 TL MRT MIRTN Mirtna Mirtna Mirtna 156 Mistle Downs S 22 7 6.4 7.1065 -22.1184417 E 147 19 25.8 19.4295 147.323825 TL MST MSTLD MstlDw MistleDwns Mistle Downs 157 Montrose S 23 12 30.7 12.51217 -23.2085361 E 148 10 34.6 10.5765 148.176275 TL MNT MNTRS Montrs Montrose Montrose 158 Moranbah S 22 3 25.7 3.42783 -22.0571306 E 148 4 34 4.56583 148.0760972 231 TL MRN MRNBH Mornbh Moranbah Moranbah YMRB 159 Moray Downs S 21 56 36.1 56.601 -21.94335 E 146 38 1.4 38.02417 146.6337361 TL MRD MRDWN MrDwns MorayDowns Moray Downs 160 Morphet S 22 8 14.6 8.24267 -22.1373778 E 148 43 33.8 43.56267 148.7260444 TL MRP MRPHT Morpht Morphet Morphet 161 Mount Coolan S 21 50 59.2 50.98733 -21.8497889 E 147 14 42.3 14.70533 147.2450889 207 TL MtC MtCLN MtColn Mt Coolan Mount Coolan 162 Mount Cooper S 20 31 16.5 31.275 -20.52125 E 146 47 20.1 47.33533 146.7889222 255 TL MtO MtCPR MtCopr Mt Cooper Mount Cooper 163 Mount Hope S 21 23 41.8 23.69617 -21.3949361 E 146 48 23.1 48.38433 146.8064056 TL MtH MtHOP MtHope Mount Hope Mount Hope 164 Mount Lebanon S 22 11 56.4 11.9405 -22.1990083 E 147 56 47 56.78417 147.9464028 TL MtL MtLBN MtLbnn Mt Lebanon Mt Lebanon 165 Mount Low S 22 56 47.4 56.78917 -22.9464861 E 148 7 47.4 7.7895 148.129825 TL MtW MtLOW Mt Low Mount Low Mount Low 166 Mount Pleasant S 20 17 52.8 17.8805 -20.2980083 E 144 15 8 15.13383 144.2522306 TL MtP MtPLS MtPlsn MtPleasant Mt Pleasant 167 Mount Sturgeon S 20 8 2.4 8.04017 -20.1340028 E 144 17 4.9 17.08133 144.2846889 TL MtS MtSTR MtStrg MtSturgeon Mt Sturgeon 168 Mt Harry Marsh S 21 10 52 10.86717 -21.1811194 E 147 13 0.1 13.00133 147.2166889 TL MTH MTHRR MtHrrM MtHarrMrsh MtHarryMarsh 169 Mundi Creek S 22 43 9.2 43.153 -22.7192167 E 149 15 0.4 15.00717 149.2501194 TL MND MNDCR MndCrk MundiCreek Mundi Creek 170 Natal Downs S 21 5 29 5.48333 -21.0913889 E 146 9 15 9.25 146.1541667 TL NTL NTLDW NtlDwn NatalDowns Natal Downs 171 New Bancheroy S 22 48 37.5 48.62467 -22.8104111 E 147 8 0.9 8.01517 147.1335861 TL NWB NWBNC NwBnch NewBancher NewBancheroy 172 New Longton S 20 57 3 57.05017 -20.9508361 E 145 52 59.4 52.98933 145.8831556 265 TL NWL NWLNG NwLngt NewLongton New Longton 173 New Lornsleigh S 20 52 29.6 52.4925 -20.874875 E 146 32 9.6 32.1595 146.5359917 TL NEW NWLRN NwLrns NewLrnslgh NewLornslegh 174 Newlands Mine S 21 10 18.2 10.303 -21.1717167 E 147 54 31.4 54.52333 147.9087222 255 TL NEL NWLND Nwlnds NewlandsMn NewlandsMine 175 Newstead S 23 27 49.5 27.8255 -23.4637583 E 144 35 8.4 35.1405 144.585675 TL NWS NWSTD Newstd Newstead Newstead 176 Oakey Creek S 23 3 20.6 3.34317 -23.0557194 E 148 29 43.3 29.72233 148.4953722 182 TL OKC OKCRK OakCrk OakeyCreek Oakey Creek YOAY 177 Old Illfracombe S 23 30 3.2 30.05417 -23.5009028 E 144 31 1.2 31.02017 144.5170028 TL OLD OLDLL Oldllf Oldllfrcmb OldIllfracmb 178 Parker Creek S 23 1 38.1 1.63533 -23.0272556 E 149 13 36.3 13.6045 149.2267417 TL PRK PRKRC PrkrCr ParkerCrek Parker Creek 179 Parnabal S 23 36 41.2 36.68633 -23.6114389 E 149 12 54.6 12.90933 149.2151556 TL PRN PRNBL Parnbl Parnabal Parnabal 180 Pine Tree Ck S 20 1 37.7 1.62767 -20.0271278 E 144 16 34.2 16.56983 144.2761639 TL PNT PNTRC PnTrCk PineTreeCk Pine Tree Ck 181 Pioneer S 22 45 5.2 45.08667 -22.7514444 E 147 8 23.1 8.38483 147.1397472 TL PNR PIONR Pioner Pioneer Pioneer 182 Portwine S 23 50 15.7 50.26117 -23.8376861 E 147 9 2.3 9.038 147.1506333 TL PRT PRTWN Portwn Portwine Portwine 183 Pumpkin Hill S 22 46 16.5 46.27517 -22.7712528 E 147 57 10.8 57.18017 147.9530028 TL PMP PMPKN PmpknH PumpkinHll Pumpkin Hill 184 Rangeview S 20 21 2.1 21.03433 -20.3505722 E 147 3 17.1 3.28433 147.0547389 TL RNG RNGVW Rangvw Rangeview Rangeview 185 Ravenswood S 20 6 6.6 6.11 -20.1018333 E 146 54 32.2 54.536 146.9089333 288 TL RVN RVNSW Rvnswd Ravenswood Ravenswood 186 Reedy Creek S 23 19 58.6 19.97683 -23.3329472 E 149 37 37.6 37.62633 149.6271056 TL RDC RDCRK RedCrk ReedyCreek Reedy Creek 187 Ripstone Creek S 22 18 37.4 18.62267 -22.3103778 E 148 29 12.9 29.215 148.4869167 TL RPS RPSTN RpstnC RipstonCrk RipstoneCrek 188 Riverview S 20 36 26.8 36.44717 -20.6074528 E 145 35 55 35.91683 145.5986139 345 TL RVR RVRVW Rivrvw Riverview Riverview 189 Rockwood S 22 18 49.8 18.83017 -22.3138361 E 148 36 52.8 36.8805 148.614675 TL RCK RCKWD Rockwd Rockwood Rockwood 190 Rockwood OS S 22 17 37.2 17.6205 -22.293675 E 148 43 5 43.0835 148.7180583 TL ROC ROCKW RckwdS RockwoodOS Rockwood OS 191 Rolleston AP S 24 27 35.7 27.59567 -24.4599278 E 148 37 37.4 37.6235 148.6270583 TA RLL RLLST Rllstn Rolleston Rolleston AP 192 Rosedale S 23 10 41.9 10.69883 -23.1783139 E 146 3 51.8 3.863 146.0643833 TL RSD ROSDL Rosedl Rosedale Rosedale 193 Rosetta S 21 22 46 22.76667 -21.3794444 E 147 6 4 6.06667 147.1011111 202 TL RST ROSTT Rosett Rosetta Rosetta 194 Rubyvale S 23 26 21.9 26.3655 -23.439425 E 147 41 38.7 41.64467 147.6940778 TL RBV RUBVL Rubyvl Rubyvale Rubyvale 195 Rutherford S 20 57 31.6 57.52633 -20.9587722 E 147 14 12.2 14.203 147.2367167 TL RTH RTHRF Rthrfr Rutherford Rutherford 196 Saltbush Park S 22 8 51.2 8.854 -22.1475667 E 148 55 34.4 55.57367 148.9262278 TL SLT SLTBS Sltbsh SaltbshPrk SaltbushPark 197 Sandy Creek S 20 53 35 53.5835 -20.8930583 E 146 58 2.6 58.04283 146.9673806 TL SND SNDCR SndCrk SandyCreek Sandy Creek 198 Scartwater S 21 5 32.5 5.54217 -21.0923694 E 146 51 57.6 51.9605 146.8660083 TL SCR SCRTW Scrtwt Scartwater Scartwater 199 South Creek S 22 9 55.6 9.92733 -22.1654556 E 148 49 51.3 49.85483 148.8309139 TL SCE SCREK SCreek S Creek South Creek 200 Springsure AP S 24 7 48.4 7.8065 -24.1301083 E 148 5 8.5 5.142 148.0857 TA SPR SPRNG Sprngs Springsure Springsure 201 Strathalbyn S 20 19 15.9 19.26467 -20.3210778 E 147 18 36.4 18.60717 147.3101194 TL STR STRTH Strthl Strathalbn Strathalbyn 202 Strathmore S 20 30 14.7 30.24483 -20.5040806 E 147 37 23.1 37.3855 147.6230917 96 TL STA STRAT Strthm Strathmore Strathmore 203 Suttor S 21 20 23.1 20.38517 -21.3397528 E 147 58 48.4 58.80683 147.9801139 TL STT SUTTR Suttor Suttor Suttor 204 Talki S 22 0 45.5 0.75883 -22.0126472 E 147 19 41.2 19.68667 147.3281111 TL TLK TALKI Talki Talki Talki 205 Taroom AP S 25 37 46 37.76717 -25.6294528 E 149 46 32.6 46.544 149.7757333 TA TRM TAROM Taroom Taroom AP Taroom AP 206 Taroom Gliding S 25 48 14.6 48.24333 -25.8040556 E 149 54 5.3 54.08767 149.9014611 234 TA TAR TRMGL TrmGld TaromGldng TaroomGlidng YTAM 207 Telerah S 22 57 8.8 57.14683 -22.9524472 E 147 7 1.7 7.02783 147.1171306 TL TLR TELRH Telerh Telerah Telerah 208 Theodore AP S 24 59 10.1 59.16867 -24.9861444 E 150 5 35.2 5.5865 150.0931083 171 TA THD THEDR Theodr Theodore Theodore AP YTDR 209 Tomohawk Creek S 21 48 47.5 48.79083 -21.8131806 E 146 40 46 40.76667 146.6794444 TL TMH TMHWK TmhwkC TomohwkCrk TomohawkCrek 210 Trafalgar S 20 25 55.9 25.932 -20.4322 E 146 0 50.5 0.842 146.0140333 TL TRF TRFLG Trflgr Trafalgar Trafalgar 211 Turkey Creek S 23 51 55.6 51.926 -23.8654333 E 148 20 44.5 20.74233 148.3457056 TL TRK TRKCR TrkCrk TurkeyCrek Turkey Creek 212 Ulcanbah S 22 1 47.7 1.79483 -22.0299139 E 145 58 26.2 58.43633 145.9739389 286 TL ULC ULCNB Ulcnbh Ulcanbah Ulcanbah 213 Upper Hut S 23 38 18.5 38.30817 -23.6384694 E 149 49 18.6 49.31 149.8218333 TL UPP UPPRH UpprHt Upper Hut Upper Hut 214 Valeria S 23 10 56.3 10.938 -23.1823 E 147 54 6.3 54.10567 147.9017611 TL VLR VALER Valeri Valeria Valeria 215 Vanguard S 22 37 2.4 37.04067 -22.6173444 E 147 11 50.8 11.84717 147.1974528 TL VNG VNGRD Vangrd Vanguard Vanguard 216 Victoria Downs S 20 36 22.1 36.36833 -20.6061389 E 146 18 29.3 18.48817 146.3081361 TL VCT VCTRD VctrDw VictorDwns VictoriaDwns 217 Wambiana S 20 33 15.3 33.255 -20.55425 E 146 7 15.4 7.256 146.1209333 TL WMB WAMBN Wambin Wambiana Wambiana 218 Warawee S 20 17 46.8 17.77967 -20.2963278 E 146 37 4.5 37.07417 146.6179028 TL WRW WARAW Warawe Warawee Warawee 219 Warrick S 22 43 9.2 43.153 -22.7192167 E 148 39 45.1 39.75167 148.6625278 TL WRR WRRCK Warrck Warrick Warrick 220 Wentworth S 22 3 45.7 3.76233 -22.0627056 E 147 43 17.7 43.29567 147.7215944 260 TL WNT WNTWR Wntwrt Wentworth Wentworth 221 Willowie S 23 36 20.2 36.33667 -23.6056111 E 144 43 58.8 43.9805 144.7330083 TL WLL WILLW Willow Willowie Willowie 222 Winchester S 22 21 15.3 21.25483 -22.3542472 E 147 57 31.2 57.51967 147.9586611 TL WNC WNCHS Wnchst Winchester Winchester 223 Wiralle Mine S 21 7 33.2 7.55267 -21.1258778 E 147 16 19.2 16.32 147.272 299 TL WRL WRLLM WrllMn WiralleMin Wiralle Mine 224 Woorabinda AP S 24 6 51.5 6.85783 -24.1142972 E 149 28 35.1 28.58583 149.4764306 TA WRB WRBND Worbnd Woorabinda Woorabinda 225 Yandan Mine S 21 16 30.4 16.50617 -21.2751028 E 146 59 22.6 59.377 146.9896167 TL YND YNDNM YndnMn YandanMine Yandan Mine 226 Yatton Creek S 22 39 41.1 39.68483 -22.6614139 E 149 9 32 9.53283 149.1588806 TL YTT YTTNC YttnCr YattonCrek Yatton Creek