Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange

Official Coordinates for the Claresholm, Alberta, Canada Control Points

Contest: 2005 Canadian National Soaring Competition

Courtesy of Tony Burton ( t-burton(at) )
Dated: 18 April, 2004

Updated: 03 April, 2005

Airport information courtesy of Michael-Lorenz Meier's database

Magnetic Variation: 15.0E
Time zone: Canada/Mountain, summer offset from GMT is -6:00 and in winter it is -7:00.

The waypoint data are available directly at

Information about the Nationals is available at

The primary specification of the waypoint coordinates is degrees and decimal minutes


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    ID    NumberName                Codes      Links       Latitude    Longitude        Latitude     Longitude   Elevation       ID    ICAO    Frequency    Comments                     R/W Direction  R/W Length  R/W Surface
                                                           °  '  "      °  '  "         °   '         °   '         Feet                 ID                                                                    Feet                

 1  Claresholm a/p      TAHF   Q,I,O,g,M,G      50 00 12 N  113 37 42 W  or  50 00.200 N  113 37.700 W     3325     01CLAR                                  123.00    runway centre                     02/14                950  A          18K ceiling
 2  Markle              SA     Q,I,O,g,M,G      50 00 36 N  113 33 07 W  or  50 00.600 N  113 33.120 W     3375     02MARK              5.5        97                 farm strip 1.5 mi SE Claresholm                                        Start B
 3  Blue Bridge         S      Q,I,O,g,M,G      49 59 24 N  113 41 21 W  or  49 59.400 N  113 41.350 W     3240     03BLUB              4.6       266                 near bridge SW of Claresholm a/p                                       Start A
 4  Granum              T      Q,I,O,g,M,G      49 52 28 N  113 32 40 W  or  49 52.470 N  113 32.670 W     3255     04GRAN               16       172                 Willow Creek bridge 2 km west                                          
 5  Stavely             T      Q,I,O,g,M,G      50 09 07 N  113 38 31 W  or  50 09.110 N  113 38.510 W     3425     05STAV               17        12                 hwy 2 intersection on south side                                       

 6  Fire lookout        T      Q,I,O,g,M,G      49 53 12 N  114 00 30 W  or  49 53.200 N  114 00.500 W     6155     06FIRE               30       260                 Porkies, west of Claresholm                                            
 7  Fort Macleod a/p    TA     Q,I,O,g,M,G      49 42 32 N  113 25 29 W  or  49 42.530 N  113 25.480 W     3130     07FTMC               36       171       123.20    westmost hangar                   05/23                920  A          
 8  Carmangay           T      Q,I,O,g,M,G      50 07 53 N  113 06 56 W  or  50 07.890 N  113 06.940 W     3082     08CARM               39        84                 elevator                                                               
 9  Nanton              T      Q,I,O,g,M,G      50 21 01 N  113 46 35 W  or  50 21.020 N  113 46.580 W     3375     09NANT               40       360                 Lancaster air museum                                                   
10  Champion            T      Q,I,O,g,M,G      50 14 24 N  113 09 00 W  or  50 14.400 N  113 09.000 W     3150     10CHAM               43        67                 north elevator                                                         

11  Monarch             T      Q,I,O,g,M,G      49 48 24 N  113 06 18 W  or  49 48.400 N  113 06.300 W     3210     11MONA               43       135                 village centre                                                         
12  Vulcan a/p          TA     Q,I,O,g,M,G      50 23 48 N  113 16 45 W  or  50 23.800 N  113 16.750 W     3437     12VULC               50        44       122.80    south end of runway               16/05                890  A          
13  Cayley airstrip     T      Q,I,O,g,M,G      50 27 13 N  113 45 25 W  or  50 27.210 N  113 45.420 W     3450     13CAYL               51         5                 west end, E of Hwy 2 at Cayley                                         
14  Brocket             T      Q,I,O,g,M,G      49 32 32 N  113 45 23 W  or  49 32.540 N  113 45.380 W     3450     14BROK               52       205                 building                                                               18K ceiling
15  Cowley airfield     TA     Q,I,O,g,L,m,W,M,G  49 38 16 N  114 06 08 W  or  49 38.260 N  114 06.130 W     3876     15COWL  CYYM         53       235       123.40    camp kitchen                      11/03               1320  G          

16  Hwy 22 Nanton       T      Q,I,O,g,M,G      50 20 10 N  114 13 31 W  or  50 20.160 N  114 13.520 W     4300     16NA22               56       326                 T-junc east to Nanton                                                  
17  High River a/p      TA     Q,I,O,g,M,G      50 32 01 N  113 50 33 W  or  50 32.020 N  113 50.550 W     3431     17HIGH               61         1       123.00    runway intersection               06/14                920  A          10K ceiling
18  Picture Butte       T      Q,I,O,g,M,G      49 52 24 N  112 47 25 W  or  49 52.400 N  112 47.420 W     2960     18PICT               62       118                 RR crossing west side                                                  
19  Standoff            T      Q,I,O,g,M,G      49 28 46 N  113 18 04 W  or  49 28.760 N  113 18.060 W     3234     19STAN               63       173                 hwy 2 bridge north of town                                             
20  Blackie             T      Q,I,O,g,M,G      50 36 10 N  113 37 35 W  or  50 36.160 N  113 37.580 W     3350     20BLAK               67        15                 arena (silver roof) west side                                          10K ceiling

21  Travers dam         T      Q,I,O,g,M,G      50 10 42 N  112 43 12 W  or  50 10.700 N  112 43.200 W     2815     21TRAV               68        88                 dam spillway                                                           
22  McGregor causeway   T      Q,I,O,g,M,G      50 21 05 N  112 50 00 W  or  50 21.080 N  112 50.000 W     2860     22MGRG               69        70                 east end of causeway over lake                                         
23  Longview            T      Q,I,O,g,M,G      50 31 21 N  114 14 00 W  or  50 31.350 N  114 14.000 W     3900     23LONG               72       339                 hwy 22 bridge south of town                                            
24  Lethbridge a/p      TA     Q,I,O,g,L,m,W,M,G  49 37 47 N  112 47 20 W  or  49 37.780 N  112 47.330 W     3047     24LETH  CYQL         73       139       121.00    runway intersection               05/12               1990  A          
25  King Ranch          T      Q,I,O,g,M,G      50 36 05 N  114 04 28 W  or  50 36.090 N  114 04.470 W     3800     25KING               74       350                 silos at feed lot                                                      10K ceiling

26  Waterton reservoir  T      Q,I,O,g,M,G      49 19 37 N  113 40 05 W  or  49 19.620 N  113 40.080 W     3950     26WDAM               75       197                 dam spillway                                                           18K ceiling
27  St Mary reservoir   T      Q,I,O,g,M,G      49 21 53 N  113 06 46 W  or  49 21.890 N  113 06.770 W     3625     27MARY               80       167                 dam spillway                                                           
28  Turin               T      Q,I,O,g,M,G      49 58 00 N  112 31 36 W  or  49 58.000 N  112 31.600 W     2800     28TURI               79       108                 village centre                                                         
29  Lomond              T      Q,I,O,g,M,G      50 20 49 N  112 38 13 W  or  50 20.810 N  112 38.210 W     2860     29LOMD               80        76                 south elevator                                                         
30  Mossleigh           T      Q,I,O,g,M,G      50 43 01 N  113 19 02 W  or  50 43.020 N  113 19.030 W     3050     30MOSS               82        30                 RR/hwy crossing S side of town                                         

31  Milo                T      Q,I,O,g,M,G      50 34 07 N  112 52 44 W  or  50 34.120 N  112 52.730 W     2880     31MILO               82        55                 north elevator                                                         
32  Enchant             T      Q,I,O,g,M,G      50 10 11 N  112 25 47 W  or  50 10.190 N  112 25.790 W     2660     32ENCH               87        92                 northwest elevator                                                     18K ceiling
33  Arrowwood           T      Q,I,O,g,M,G      50 44 20 N  113 08 37 W  or  50 44.330 N  113 08.620 W     3055     33AROW               89        38                 school (yellow building)                                               
34  Black Diamond a/p   TA     Q,I,O,g,M,G      50 43 25 N  114 11 05 W  or  50 43.410 N  114 11.090 W     3700     34BLKD               89       349       123.40    hangar                            14/07                860  G          8K ceiling
35  Raymond             T      Q,I,O,g,M,G      49 28 00 N  112 38 54 W  or  49 28.000 N  112 38.900 W     3070     35RAYM               92       145                 Hwy 5/845 T-junc in town                                               

36  Cardston a/p        TA     Q,I,O,g,M,G      49 09 33 N  113 15 20 W  or  49 09.550 N  113 15.330 W     3887     36CARD               98       179       123.20    hangars west end of runway        04/22               1080  A          
37  Vauxhall            T      Q,I,O,g,M,G      50 04 00 N  112 05 45 W  or  50 04.000 N  112 05.750 W     2556     37VAUX              110       101                 hwy 36 RR crossing                                                     18K ceiling
38  Taber a/p           TA     Q,I,O,g,M,G      49 49 36 N  112 11 06 W  or  49 49.600 N  112 11.100 W     2648     38TABR              105       115                 runway intersection                                                    
39  Scandia             T      Q,I,O,g,M,G      50 14 46 N  112 04 36 W  or  50 14.760 N  112 04.600 W     2400     39SCAN              114        91                 hwy bridge to southwest                                                
40  Chin bridge         T      Q,I,O,g,M,G      49 36 18 N  112 11 30 W  or  49 36.300 N  112 11.500 W     2950     40CHIN              112       128                 hwy bridge over Chin Lake                                              

41  Bassano             T      Q,I,O,g,M,G      50 44 52 N  112 31 07 W  or  50 44.860 N  112 31.120 W     2600     41BASS              114        58                 dam southwest of town                                                  
42  Warner a/p          TA     Q,I,O,g,M,G      49 17 00 N  112 12 00 W  or  49 17.000 N  112 12.000 W     3319     42WARN              130       142       122.80    hangar                            06/24                890  A          
43  Hwy 22 Stavely      T      Q,I,O,g,M,G      50 07 18 N  114 10 36 W  or  50 07.300 N  114 10.600 W     4400     43ST22               41       304                 T-junc east to Stavely                                                 18K ceiling
44  Barons              T      Q,I,O,g,M,G      50 01 10 N  113 17 58 W  or  50 01.160 N  113 17.970 W     3200     44BARO               24       101                 TP on Hwy 520 15 km W of Barons                                        

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Please contact John Leibacher with any suggestions concerning this material.