* NUM NAM ID COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_H RW_L RW_S RW_W RW_G ICAO * * ============================================================================== * * Filename "chlhw126.stx" created Thursday, 24 March 2022 at 03:33 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.4 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This version is to support ClearNav. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.4 $STATE_ABBREV TN $STATE Tennessee $CD Y $OFFICIAL Yes $SKIP_WAYPOINT_MODE_CHANGES Y $START_NUM_FOR_BLANKS 100 $IDL_MAP_TITLE Chilhowee, Tennessee: 1-26 Championships 2022 $IF_SSA_AIRSPACE Y $CONTEST Chilhowee: 1-26 Championships 2022 $MODIFICATIONS 18 Mar 22: New $MODIFICATIONS 23 Mar 22: Description for #16 changed to Farm $CONTRIBUTOR Sarah Arnold $COUNTRY US $TIMEZONE_NAME US/Eastern $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 4.6W $LATITUDE N $LONGITUDE W $FILENAME_3 c26 $FILENAME_4 cr26 $FILENAME_5 chr26 $FILENAME_8 chlhw126 $URL_INFO www.chilhowee.com flying at Chilhowee $WEATHER $ALTITUDE_UNIT FEET $RW_L_UNIT FEET * ============================================================================== * * Filename "chlhw126.stx" created Thursday, 24 March 2022 at 03:33 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.4 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This version is to support ClearNav. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.4 $STATE_ABBREV TN $CONTEST Chilhowee: 1-26 Championships 2022 $CONTRIBUTOR Sarah Arnold $COUNTRY US $TIMEZONE_NAME US/Eastern $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 4.6W $LATITUDE N $LONGITUDE W $ALTITUDE_UNIT FEET $RW_L_UNIT FEET $CONTRIBUTION_DATE 23 March 2022 * * ============================================================================== * * The next line defines the contents of columns. It MUST appear before the first waypoint line NUM NAM ID COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_H RW_L RW_S RW_W RW_G ICAO * * Starting the waypoints * 1 Chilhowee 92A 92A 03/21 2600X200FT 122.9 GCTAF: 122.9 35 13 38 84 35 17 DST 770 122.9 03/21 30 2600 G 200 92A 2 Oswald Dome OSWADOME Tower 35 11 33 84 33 32 T 2589 3 Three Mile THREMILE Hilltop 35 16 15 84 35 40 T 860 4 Gee Knob GEEKNOB Hilltop 35 14 22 84 32 8 T 1459 5 Boulders BOLDER Overlook 35 10 16 84 35 33 T 1734 6 RR Bridge RR BRG Rail Bridge over Hiwassee River 35 12 45 84 39 43 T 725 7 Crest Plant CRESTPLT Factory 35 16 47 84 32 21 T 800 8 Benton BENTON Town 35 10 24 84 39 11 T 747 9 Microwave MICROWAV Radio Tower 35 8 6 84 37 21 T 2232 10 Etowah ETOWAHTN Town 35 19 25 84 31 27 T 808 11 Knobs KNOBS Swafford Knob Hill 35 18 57 84 41 40 T 845 12 Piney Grove PINEYGRV 35 21 43 84 36 3 T 801 13 Ocoee OCOEE 411x64 Hwy Intersection 35 7 37 84 43 2 T 795 14 Sugar Loaf SUGLOAF Hilltop 35 5 24 84 39 1 T 1037 15 Lookout Tower LOOKTTWR Fire Tower 35 19 29 84 27 10 T 2116 16 Sanford SANFORD Farm 35 20 31 84 43 14 T 842 17 Central High CENTHIGH Highschool 35 22 36 84 30 12 T 933 18 Cleveland Jetport RZR RZR 03/21 5500x100FT 122.7, AWOS: 120.475, UNICOM: 122.7, Fuel: 100LL 35 12 41 84 47 59 AT 860 122.7 03/21 34 5500 C 100 RZR 19 McMinn Co MMI MMI 02/20 6450X100FT 122.8, AWOS: 125.425, UNICOM: 122.8, Fuel: 100LL 35 24 8 84 33 58 AT 874 122.8 02/20 22 6450 A 100 MMI 20 Mouse Ridge MSERIDGE Hilltop 35 16 7 84 48 20 T 815 21 Spring Creek SPRNGCRK I75x39 intersection 35 23 32 84 43 9 T 755 22 Boogies Bar BOOGIBAR Burned Down Bar 35 3 57 84 44 1 T 885 23 Vulcan VULCAN Quarry 35 7 31 84 49 23 T 959 24 Athens ATHENS City 35 26 49 84 35 42 T 934 25 Cars CARS Junkyard 35 26 59 84 26 4 T 912 26 Low-Minn LOWMINN Lake 35 28 50 84 30 37 T 1047 27 Rostex 55GE 55GE 01/19 2000X30FT 34 58 50 84 44 30 ATP 886 01/19 10 2000 A 30 55GE 28 Tellico Plains 85TN 85TN, 05/23 3000x35FT 35 22 54 84 18 14 TAP 980 122.9 05/23 50 3000 A 35 85TN 29 Cleveland Y CLVLNDY Intersection 35 8 36 84 55 25 T 777 30 Five Barns FIVEBRNS Chicken Coops 35 1 24 84 50 33 T 822 31 Georgetown GEORGTWN Town 35 17 11 84 56 46 T 827 32 Big Spring BIGSPRNG Road BSRx58 35 23 44 84 54 0 T 696 33 Petty Farms 2GE7 2GE7, RY 01/19:2500x50-TURF 34 57 28 84 46 41 TAP 761 122.9 01/19 10 2500 G 50 2GE7 34 Cub Haven TN30 TN30 02/20 1700X80FT 35 32 49 84 30 34 ATP 1001 02/20 20 1700 G 80 TN30 35 Trail of Tears TRAILTRS State Park 35 3 0 84 57 0 T 1010 36 Birchwood BIRCHWOD Town 35 21 43 84 59 32 T 730 37 Monroe MNV MNV 05/23 3643X75FT 123.0, AWOS: 118.475, UNICOM: 123.0, Fuel: 100LL 35 32 43 84 22 49 AT 1030 123.0 05/23 48 3643 A 75 MNV 38 Mark Anton 2A0 2A0 03/21 5001X75 123.0, AWOS: 135.075, UNICOM: 123.0, Fuel: 100LL, ' 35 29 10 84 55 52 AT 719 123.0 03/21 33 5001 A 75 2A0 39 Eton 4GA4 4GA4 01/19 1300X150FT 34 50 48 84 45 17 ATP 771 01/19 10 1300 G 150 4GA4 40 Pratermill GA72 GA72 17/35 1500X60FT 34 52 54 84 53 23 ATP 781 17/35 170 1500 G 60 GA72 41 Corntassel 07TN Landable, 07TN 07/25 1800X75FT 35 33 37 84 14 27 LTP 971 07/25 70 1800 G 75 07TN 42 Ten Mile TENMILE 10MileRdx58 Intersection 35 40 0 84 40 34 T 780 43 Diesel Den DIESDEN Garage 35 39 55 84 28 12 T 975 44 Fort Mtn FRTMTNTW Tower 34 45 2 84 42 53 T 2768 45 Ferguson TN09 TN09 PRI 05/23 2000x100FT 35 42 52 84 24 41 ATP 910 NE/SW 45 2000 G 50 TN09 46 Flying G Ranch 86GA Landable, 86GA, PRI 86GA 03/21 2000X100FT 34 52 4 85 3 40 LTP 846 03/21 30 2000 G 100 86GA 47 Village 0TN2 Landable, 0TN2 05/23 1200X100FT 35 39 21 84 11 8 LTP 919 05/23 50 1200 G 100 0TN2 48 Dalton DNN DNN 14/32 122.7 5496X100FT, AWOS: 127.65, UNICOM: 122.975, Fuel: 100LL 34 43 23 84 52 13 AT 709 122.7 14/32 140 5496 A 100 DNN 49 Riley Creek 12TN 12TN 05/23 2600X40FT, Fuel: 100LL, 35 49 25 84 32 20 ATP 751 05/23 50 2600 A 40 12TN 50 Silva SILVA Landable, PRI 01/19 2250x65FT Grass 34 46 31 85 4 3 LT 875 10 2300 65 51 Big T 80TN 80TN 1700X100FT G 35 49 36 84 19 48 ATP 899 05/23 50 1700 G 100 80TN 52 Rock Spring RCKSPRNG Conleyx1 Intersection 34 49 28 85 14 26 T 850 53 Lafayette 9A5 9A5 02/20 5350X75FT 122.8, AWOS: 119.775, UNICOM: 122.8, Fuel: 100LL, ' 34 41 19 85 17 26 AT 778 122.8 02/20 23 5350 A 50 9A5 80 Finish 92A 92A Chilhowee Finish, CTAF: 122.9 35 13 33 84 35 7 DHF 770 122.9 03/21 30 2600 G 200 92A 81 Start North START N 35 14 47 84 33 35 S 770 82 Start South START S 35 11 56 84 36 6 S 803 Collegedale FGU FGU AWOS:122.700|RY 03/21:4986x75-ASPH-LGT, AWOS: 122.7, UNICOM: 122.7, Fuel: 100LL 35 2 35 85 1 19 A 860 122.7 03/21 30 4986 A 75 FGU Cox Farm TN71 TN71 RY 06/24:1600x100-TURF 35 48 0 84 20 37 AP 1076 06/24 60 1600 G 100 TN71 Dallas Bay 1A0 1A0 RY 05/23:3025x50-ASPH-LGT, UNICOM: 123.0, Fuel: 100LL 35 11 15 85 10 40 AP 689 123.0 05/23 50 3025 A 50 1AA0 Hildreth Farm TN74 Landable, TN74 RY 05/23:2100x75-TURF 35 48 0 84 19 10 LP 899 05/23 50 2100 G 75 TN74 Kittrell KITTRELL Landable, 1750x60--ASPH 35 9 1 85 4 0 L 721 110 1750 60 Massingale 3TN8 Landable, 3TN8 RY 05/23:1300x75-TURF 35 45 53 84 11 15 LP 840 05/23 50 1300 G 75 3TN8 McGraws Backyard 5TN4 5TN4 RY 15/33:2000x50-TURF 35 40 14 84 6 57 AP 919 15/33 150 2000 G 50 5TN4 Montvale TN87 TN87 RY 03/21:2700x35-ASPH-LGT 35 41 23 83 59 39 AP 1030 03/21 30 2700 A 35 TN87 West Wind TN64 TN64 RY 02/20:1100x50-TURF 35 32 44 84 31 34 AP 1001 02/20 20 1100 G 50 TN64 Wilson GA03 GA03 RY 03/21:2000x50-TURF 34 52 10 85 11 59 AP 794 03/21 30 2000 G 50 GA03