*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ * + * Tasknav data for Chicureo, Chile + * + * Nacionals 2006 + * + * Contributed by Carlos Rocca + * Contribution date was 29 May, 2006 + * Airport information courtesy of Michael-Lorenz Meier + * File created Friday, 03 July 2009 at 03:20 GMT + * + * Available from the Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange at + * http://soaringweb.org/TP [ North America ] + * or http://soaring.gahsys.com/TP [ North America ] + * or http://soaring.xinqu.net/TP [ New Zealand ] + * + * UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK + * + * Do not use for navigation, for flight verification only. + * + * Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct + * information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees, + * expressed or implied. + * User assumes all risk of use. + * + *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ALG Algarrobo U# 322819S 0705935W E:290m 34/16 L:450.0M F:118.2 BNS Banos del Corazon U 324748S 0703251W BLN Blanco U# 334312S 0703030W E:750m 09/27 L:500.0M F:118.2 CNT CentralRioColorad U 325200S 0702430W CHC Chacabuco U# 330300S 0704200W E:680m 21/03 L:720.0M F:118.2 CHD Chada U 335500S 0703740W Laguna CHI Chicureo U# 331600S 0703900W E:575m 23/05 L:1000.0M F:118.2 CHN Chinco U 320840S 0704540W CHO Chincolco U# 321329S 0704813W E:688m 27/09 L:500.0M F:118.2 CBR Cobre U 325800S 0703700W CLN Colina U 331303S 0703946W CPN Copin U 323630S 0703500W CDR Cuadrada U 321810S 0703030W Laguna CQN Cuaquenes U 341453S 0703321W Termas DMC Democoen U 324716S 0702740W GLR Gloria U 335103S 0703557W Embalse GMR Gomeros U# 342128S 0705246W E:315m 20/02 L:585.0M F:118.2 GRD Gordo U 331615S 0703345W Cerro JHL Jahuel U 324112S 0703542W Termas LNR Leonera U 340206S 0703419W LLG Llegada U 331600S 0703800W Chicureo LSN Los Andes U# 324850S 0703845W E:780m 23/05 L:1056.0M F:118.2 MCH MachalI U 341050S 0703600W MNS Mansel U# 335142S 0704623W E:430m 32/14 L:650.0M F:118.2 MPC Mapocho U 332216S 0702700W Puente MOR Morado U 322130S 0703345W MRD Morado Chico U 322500S 0703230W ORL Orolonco U# 323807S 0704107W E:700m 27/09 L:500.0M F:118.2 PLM Pelambres U 314758S 0703359W Galpón PRQ Pirque U 334600S 0703400W PST Pista de Colina U# 331302S 0704130W E:565m 20/02 L:1300.0M F:118.2 PIS Pista Pelambres U# 315223S 0703706W E:1400m 02/20 L:900.0M F:118.2 PTN Putaendo U 323413S 0704103W Medialuna RNC Rancagua U# 341000S 0704700W E:441m 21/03 L:1446.0M F:118.3 RSG Resguardo U 323000S 0703433W RCL Rio Claro U 343021S 0703857W RIO Rio Colorado U 333518S 0702206W Puente SLM Salamanca U# 314712S 0710040W E:452m 27/09 L:900.0M F:118.2 SNF San Felipe U# 324430S 0704210W E:800m 15/33 L:1150.0M F:118.2 SAN San Fernando U# 343347S 0705759W E:329m 20/02 L:898.0M F:118.2 SNT Sanatorio U 323701S 0704120W Putaendo SZL Sauzal U 341515S 0703654W Central SBR Sobrante U 321400S 0703700W TRM Termas de Colina U 331051S 0703542W TNG Tinguiririca U 344200S 0704930W TBL Tobalaba U# 332711S 0703241W E:649m 19/01 L:1000.0M F:118.7 TTR Totoral U 315949S 0703231W Junta TRC Trucha U 330438S 0703602W VLL Valle Muerte U 325923S 0703020W Puente VTC Vitacura U 332247S 0703441W E:686m 25/07 L:720.0M F:118.9 VZC Vizcachas U 333556S 0703123W