* NUM NAM COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_H RW_L RW_S RW_W RW_G ICAO * * ============================================================================== * * Filename "chester1.stx" created Monday, 27 June 2011 at 20:35 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.1 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This is a 'beta' release to support the release of the NK ClearNav and is subject to change. * * The primary specification of the waypoint coordinates [degrees and decimal minutes] * was changed to degrees, minutes, and seconds * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.1 * School 34 42 74 Turnpoint elevation 700' not an airport * strip. It is 34 48 09, 081 01 46. * 10 63 * 34 49 08 Turnpoint elevation 670' airport * 10 78 $HOME Chester, South Carolina $IF_SSA_AIRSPACE N $ILEC_HOME Chester, SC $TIMEZONE_NAME US/Eastern * Contest: Region 5 Sports Class, 2004 $COUNTRY US * Magnetic Variation updated Tuesday, 19 January 2010 at 05:33 GMT $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 7.0W $DATUM 100 $CD Yes $ZANDER_START_FINISH Orig $CONTRIBUTOR Glenn Holden $CONTRIBUTOR_EMAIL holdenga@sourcecomputing.com $JUNK_URL_INFORMATION www.Region5Sports.com Region 5 Sports Class, 2004 $JUNK_URL_AIRSPACE ../../SUA/sprtnbrg.sua Sam Zimmerman, Tim Newport-Peace format $JUNK_MODIFICATIONS 24 Feb 00: Invalid task leg page and import file added $MODIFICATIONS 12 Feb 97: Original contribution, courtesy of Eric Mozer. $MODIFICATIONS 28 Mar 00: Start Gate removed. Sisk, Stillwell start, Steering Turn added, Control points renumbered, courtesy of Gale Johnson 'L6' $MODIFICATIONS 18 Mar 01: Special Use Airspace added. $MODIFICATIONS 05 Feb 04: Monroe removed, Roberts added, and all points renumbered. $MODIFICATIONS 25 Mar 04: "Steering Turn" renamed "Start".   "School" and "Darby" added.   All waypoints renumbered, courtesy of Walter Cawby $MODIFICATIONS 10 Apr 04: "Roberts" moved.   "I-77 strip" added, and their elevations removed.   Waypoints renumbered, courtesy of Sam Giltner $MODIFICATIONS 27 Jun 11: Allen, Caveness, Collins, Delta, Lathan, Mack, O'Neal, Oakridge Farm, Paul's Plantation, Rattlesnake Ridge, Ross, Seven Lakes, Swaringen, Tallon, and Midland airports removed.   Airspace updated. $FILENAME_3 ch1 $FILENAME_4 chs1 $FILENAME_5 chst1 $FILENAME_8 chester1 $TRAILER $TRAILER North Limit: 35° 44.40'N Hickory South Limit: 34° 10.87'N Marion $TRAILER West Limit: 82° 07.35'W Fairview East Limit: 79° 20.10'W Marion $TRAILER $ALTITUDE_UNIT Feet * STATE_ABBEV added 30 Jan 10 $STATE_ABBREV SC $STATE South Carolina * ============================================================================== * * Filename "chester1.stx" created Monday, 27 June 2011 at 20:35 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.1 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This is a 'beta' release to support the release of the NK ClearNav and is subject to change. * * The primary specification of the waypoint coordinates [degrees and decimal minutes] * was changed to degrees, minutes, and seconds * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.1 * School 34 42 74 Turnpoint elevation 700' not an airport * strip. It is 34 48 09, 081 01 46. * 10 63 * 34 49 08 Turnpoint elevation 670' airport * 10 78 $HOME Chester, South Carolina $IF_SSA_AIRSPACE N $TIMEZONE_NAME US/Eastern $COUNTRY US $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 7.0W $DATUM 100 $CONTRIBUTOR Glenn Holden $CONTRIBUTOR_EMAIL holdenga@sourcecomputing.com $ALTITUDE_UNIT Feet $STATE_ABBREV SC $RW_L_UNIT Feet $CONTRIBUTION_DATE 27 June 2011 $LONGITUDE West $LATITUDE North * * ============================================================================== * * The next line defines the contents of columns. It MUST appear before the first waypoint line NUM NAM COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_H RW_L RW_S RW_W RW_G ICAO * * Starting the waypoints * 1 Albemarle Stanly County 35 24 54 80 9 6 TA 609 123.0 04R/22L 37 5500 A 100 VUJ 2 Bennettsville Marlboro County 34 37 21 79 44 7 TA 147 122.8 07/25 58 5003 A 74 BBP 3 Bermuda High 05/23 34 36 41 80 26 59 TAP 550 03/21 30 4000 G 200 SC79 4 Bishopville Lee County 34 14 40 80 14 15 TA 216 122.9 06/24 60 3200 A 60 52J 5 Blackstock 34 33 16 81 9 19 T 6 Broad River Nuclear Plant Dam 35 1 23 81 29 47 T 7 Camden Woodward County 34 17 1 80 33 53 TA 307 123.0 06/24 52 5000 A 100 CDN 8 Catawba Plant RR Bridge 34 50 3 80 53 49 T 9 Cheraw 05/23 34 42 43 79 57 35 TA 240 122.8 08/26 70 5000 A 75 47J 10 Chester 05/23 22.7 34 47 21 81 11 46 TA4 657 122.7 17/35 168 5000 A 100 9A6 * 34 49 08 Turnpoint elevation 670' airport * 10 78 Darby 34 49 5 81 10 47 TL 670 11 Darlington 05/23 23.0 34 26 56 79 53 26 TA 193 123.0 10/28 98 4947 A 150 04J 12 Dillon 22.8 34 26 56 79 22 8 TA 134 122.8 07/25 64 3000 A 60 DLC 13 Fairview Landrum 35 9 26 82 7 21 TA 1047 122.9 14/32 136 2770 A 30 33A 14 Finish 34 47 28 81 11 18 FHA 657 122.7 17/35 168 5000 A 100 9A6 15 Florence 01/19 25.1 34 11 7 79 43 27 TA 148 125.1 09/27 84 6502 A 148 FLO 16 Great Falls Dam 34 36 30 80 53 0 T 17 Hartsville 22.8 34 24 18 80 7 6 TA 364 122.8 03/21 22 5000 A 75 HVS 18 Hickory 23.6 35 44 24 81 23 24 TA 1189 123.6 06/24 55 6400 A 150 HKY 19 I-77 Rest Area Plant 34 45 28 81 2 57 T * strip. It is 34 48 09, 081 01 46. * like it is at 175 ' but... I-77 Strip 01/19 Grass 34 48 9 81 1 46 TL 20 Jaars Townsend 34 51 30 80 45 0 TA 602 123.0 04/22 38 3309 A 40 NC18 21 Jonesville Road Intersection 34 49 22 81 39 56 T 22 Kirk Air Base 15/33 22.8 34 40 27 80 40 57 TA 578 122.8 15/33 150 2600 A 40 T73 23 Lancaster 06/24 22.8 34 43 22 80 51 17 TA 486 122.8 06/24 59 6004 C 101 LKR 24 Lockhart 34 47 0 81 27 45 T 25 Marion 03/21 34 10 52 79 20 6 TA 93 122.8 04/22 35 4503 A 100 MAO 26 McConnells 34 52 23 81 13 26 T 28 Pageland 05/23 22.9 34 44 32 80 20 43 TA 569 122.9 05/23 50 3395 A 60 PYG * TA 34 39 350N 081 07 960W 640' * think the the turn point ROBERTS is not correct. Should be 34 49 13, 081 07 81. * between meters and feet on topo, pull the elevations Roberts 34 49 8 81 7 49 TL 29 Rockingham 11/29 22.8 34 53 30 79 45 42 TA 358 122.8 04/22 41 3009 G 500 RCZ 30 Rutherfordton 17/35 22.8 35 25 48 81 56 6 TA 1078 122.8 01/19 04 5000 A 100 FQD * School 34 42 74 Turnpoint elevation 700' not an airport * 10 63 School 34 42 44 81 10 38 T 700 31 Shelby 05/23 22.8 35 15 18 81 36 6 TA 847 122.8 05/23 44 5002 A 100 EHO 32 Sisk 34 42 14 81 14 30 T 33 Spartenburg 04/22 23.0 34 54 59 81 57 28 TA 801 123.0 05/23 42 5202 A 100 -0.7 SPA 34 Star Montgomery County 35 23 18 79 47 24 TA 628 122.8 03/21 30 4001 A 75 43A 35 Start 34 44 52 81 11 56 S 36 Stillwell 34 48 26 81 18 4 STL 650 37 Union 05/23 22.7 34 41 12 81 38 29 TA 608 122.7 05/23 47 3508 A 60 1.0 35A 38 Wadesboro Anson County 35 1 24 80 4 7 TA 301 122.8 16/34 155 5498 A 100 3A3 39 Winnsboro Fairfield County 34 18 55 81 6 32 TA 577 122.8 04/22 38 5003 A 100 FDW * Starting Private Airports ************************ Adams 34 34 29 79 14 56 AVP 143 01/19 10 3600 G 80 8NC5 Aero Plantation 34 59 31 80 44 54 AVP 634 123.0 06/24 60 2400 A 60 NC21 Alexander Cnty 35 51 2 81 8 38 AVP 1110 09/27 90 2700 G 50 NC59 Arant 35 3 22 80 27 0 AVP 535 122.8 15/33 150 2800 G 70 1NC6 Bethel-Lake Wylie 35 3 1 81 8 14 AVP 670 04/22 40 1500 G 70 SC08 Big Oaks 35 17 21 81 47 6 AVP 1000 14/32 140 2500 G 120 8NC2 Boomerang 35 12 45 81 51 59 AVP 850 16/34 160 2000 G 75 NC02 Bradford Field 35 24 31 80 47 39 AVP 649 06/24 60 3850 G 150 NC05 Bradley Outernational 35 37 13 80 35 51 AVP 795 18/36 180 2200 G 50 NC29 Brown 35 54 20 81 8 22 AVP 1170 06/24 60 1400 G 40 6NC4 Chalfant 35 27 21 80 34 32 AVP 587 01/19 10 2700 G 100 NC77 Clyde Valley 35 41 25 81 42 44 AVP 1100 16/34 160 1750 G 50 3NC0 Country Squire 34 54 36 81 4 29 AVP 587 09/27 90 2400 G 50 SC67 Curry 34 22 41 80 0 19 AVP 199 01/19 10 2600 G 200 SC16 Davis 35 8 50 81 47 39 AVP 935 17/35 170 1500 G 30 SC88 Double Creek Ranch 35 45 21 80 44 7 AVP 830 03/21 30 2300 G 100 0NC8 El Porvenir 34 7 44 80 32 50 AVP 220 08/26 80 3000 G 150 SC44 Emery 35 7 29 82 19 35 AVP 1220 03/21 30 1900 A 28 SC36 Enochville 35 31 27 80 38 52 AVP 789 13/31 130 2600 G 100 NC39 Flight World 34 49 22 82 8 53 AVP 850 122.8 03/21 30 3700 A 50 SC72 Flying Bj 35 48 44 81 4 12 AVP 1000 18/36 180 2000 G 75 3NC5 Flying M 35 47 58 80 23 46 AVP 845 18/36 180 1780 G 200 2NC6 Fox Haven Plantation 35 20 48 82 3 18 AVP 800 09/27 90 2000 G 80 4H4 Goldhill 35 30 33 80 18 40 AVP 720 122.8 09/27 90 3000 A 30 NC25 Goodnight's 35 31 31 80 38 23 AVP 740 07/25 70 1300 G 100 2NC8 Gryder-Teague 35 55 15 81 7 12 AVP 1190 09/27 90 2000 G 60 NC58 Hawk's Knoll 34 59 51 80 48 3 AVP 695 14/32 140 1800 G 100 2NC1 J.K. 35 53 54 80 36 58 AVP 815 11/29 110 2000 G 60 4NC0 Knapp 35 3 13 80 24 32 AVP 545 03/21 30 4000 G 100 3NC4 Lamar 34 10 4 80 4 39 AVP 175 NE/SW 045 3150 G 75 SC19 Little Mountain 35 35 30 81 4 46 AVP 1030 03/21 30 3000 A 40 66A Long Island 35 39 39 80 58 14 AVP 864 05/23 50 3000 G 100 NC26 Mc Cachren 35 18 43 80 38 39 AVP 590 122.8 09/27 90 2300 G 23 3NC6 Mc Gee 35 7 38 80 28 30 AVP 550 09/27 90 2500 C 60 24NC Mc Kee 34 30 18 79 6 9 AVP 110 18/36 180 3300 G 80 NC70 Mountain View 35 35 32 81 3 21 AVP 1020 03/21 30 2000 G 50 20NC Northbrook 35 26 59 81 25 35 zVP 1030 08/26 80 1200 G 75 1NC9 Pearson's Farm 35 3 26 81 56 41 AVP 850 18/36 180 2700 G 150 SC40 Price 34 28 30 79 23 37 AVP 138 04/22 40 2500 G 125 SC89 Propst 35 23 31 80 34 32 AVP 621 04/22 40 3400 A 50 0A1 Schneider Haven 35 53 54 80 43 13 AVP 860 17/35 170 1200 G 60 NC75 Shealy 34 3 46 81 24 35 AVP 380 12/30 120 1700 G 85 SC14 Silver Creek 35 43 42 81 43 44 AVP 1020 09/27 90 3600 G 200 NC52 Smith Air 35 38 0 79 42 36 AVP 560 18/36 180 3100 G 60 25NC Spencer 35 24 11 80 37 19 AVP 755 122.8 03/21 30 2180 G 75 NC35 State Line 35 10 42 81 49 4 zVP 870 09/27 90 1500 G 50 SC10 Tara Airbase 35 47 35 80 30 44 AVP 756 122.8 18/36 180 2100 G 75 5NC1 Taylorsville 35 55 48 81 11 56 AVP 1090 09/27 90 2400 G 75 5A5 Timnath - Serah 34 50 0 80 45 4 AVP 625 08/26 80 2000 G 50 07NC Tucker 35 14 49 80 24 27 AVP 645 06/24 60 1800 G 50 3NC3 Turbeville 34 12 37 78 57 19 AVP 105 08/26 80 1700 G 100 NC78 Unity 34 48 10 80 40 48 AVP 640 03/21 30 2600 G 100 SC76 Viking 35 0 35 79 15 36 AVP 295 07/25 70 2600 G 65 41W Wild Irish Rose 34 37 5 80 9 6 AVP 376 09/27 90 2600 G 150 SC61 Wilhelm 35 30 41 80 33 29 AVP 750 15/33 150 1550 G 100 6NC2 York 35 1 55 81 15 10 AVP 779 18/36 180 2580 G 118 36A * Starting Military Airports ********************* Mackall AAF 35 2 12 79 29 51 VY 376 121.0 04/22 40 4997 A 150 HFF * Starting Public Airports *********************** Asheboro 35 39 16 79 53 41 AV 673 122.8 03/21 22 5501 A 100 W44 Bear Creek 35 24 26 80 21 27 AVP 795 122.9 03/21 30 2025 G 85 NC11 Branhams 34 16 56 79 55 43 AV 165 122.8 16/34 160 3200 G 100 6J7 Charlotte/Douglas 35 12 51 80 56 35 AV 749 122.95 18C/36C 176 10000 C 150 -0.6 CLT Clio Crop Care 34 33 32 79 32 25 AV 130 122.9 05/23 50 2598 G 125 9W9 Concord 35 23 7 80 42 35 AV 690 122.7 02/20 10 7400 A 100 JQF Gastonia 35 12 10 81 8 59 AV 797 123.0 03/21 28 3770 A 100 AKH Goose Creek 35 7 16 80 35 14 AV 565 123.0 04/22 40 2350 A 35 28A Green Sea 34 11 8 79 1 14 AV 95 122.9 09/27 90 3600 G 100 S79 Hendersonville 35 18 27 82 25 59 AV 2084 123.0 15/33 150 3075 A 40 0A7 Huggins 34 8 16 79 55 14 AV 143 122.9 14/32 142 3090 G 150 58J Laneys 35 34 27 81 7 2 AV 1025 122.8 05/23 50 2000 G 100 NC09 Laurinburg-Maxton 34 47 31 79 21 57 AV 220 122.8 05/23 46 6503 C 150 MEB Lincoln Cnty 35 29 1 81 9 39 AV 875 123.05 05/23 47 5500 A 100 IPJ Lumberton 34 36 36 79 3 34 AV 126 122.8 05/23 45 5502 A 150 LBT Monroe 35 1 8 80 37 13 AV 679 122.7 05/23 47 5500 A 100 -0.3 EQY Moore Cnty 35 14 13 79 23 30 AV 461 123.05 05/23 46 5503 A 150 SOP Morganton-Lenoir 35 49 15 81 36 40 AV 1266 122.7 03/21 24 5500 A 75 0.7 MRN Raeford 35 1 11 79 11 28 AV 304 123.0 04/22 33 3402 A 60 5W4 Rock Hill/York Co/Bryant 34 59 16 81 3 26 AV 667 123.05 02/20 11 5500 A 100 29J Rowan Cnty 35 38 45 80 31 13 AV 773 122.8 02/20 16 5501 A 100 RUQ Statesville 35 45 47 80 57 19 AV 965 123.05 10/28 97 7006 A 100 SVH Twin Lakes 35 54 54 80 27 25 AV 818 122.7 09/27 88 2943 A 50 8A7 Wilgrove 35 12 50 80 40 12 AV 799 122.8 17/35 170 2835 A 40 8A6 Wilson's 35 39 7 81 21 28 AV 985 122.9 17/35 170 2175 G 70 E40