Site Charters Towers, Queensland, Australia Courtesy of Dave Olsen Update courtesy of 10 March 06 Airport information courtesy of Michael-Lorenz Meier Updated 25 January, 2006 Time Zone Name Australia/Queensland File created on Saturday, 11 March 2006 at 06:02 GMT The primary specification of the waypoint coordinates is degrees, minutes, and seconds UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK Do not use for navigation, for flight verification only. Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees, expressed or implied. User assumes all risk of use. Name North/South Latitude [degrees] Latitude [minutes] Latitude [seconds] Latitude [decimal minutes] Latitude [decimal degrees] East/West Longitude [degrees] Longitude [minutes] Longitude [seconds] Longitude [decimal minutes] Longitude [decimal degrees] Elevation [feet] Control P ID[3] ID[5] ID[6] ID[10] ID[12] Comments ICAO Identifier Aviation Farm (Jones Rd) S 19 35 21 35.35 -19.5891667 E 146 47 19 47.31667 146.7886111 325 Tz AvF AvFRM AvFarm Av Farm Av Farm Good Strip in bushland. Beware ultralights. Channel 30 UHF. Ayr S 19 35 54 35.9 -19.5983333 E 147 25 18 25.3 147.4216667 39 T AYR AYR Ayr Ayr Ayr You know this one. Balfes Creek S 20 13 3 13.05 -20.2175 E 145 55 12 55.2 145.92 1093 T BLF BLFSC BlfsCr BalfesCrek Balfes Creek Unusable Blue Valley Station S 20 25 4 25.06667 -20.4177778 E 147 23 14 23.23333 147.3872222 T BLV BLVLL BlVllS BlueVllSt. BlueValleSt. Near junction of Burdekin and Bowen Rivers Boree S 20 53 1 53.01667 -20.8836111 E 143 50 54 50.9 143.8483333 T BOR BOREE Boree Boree Boree Braceborough Station S 20 23 49.2 23.82 -20.397 E 145 51 47.4 51.79 145.8631667 T BRC BRCBR Brcbrg BrcbrghSt. BracebrghSt. Burdekin Falls Dam S 20 35 44.7 35.745 -20.59575 E 147 5 39.8 5.66333 147.0943889 T BRD BRDKN BrdknF BrdknFllsD BurdknFllsDm Byrne Valley Station S 19 56 3 56.05 -19.9341667 E 147 15 36 15.6 147.26 T BRN BRNVL BrnVll ByrnVllSt. ByrneVallSt. Charters Towers S 20 2 42 2.7 -20.045 E 146 16 18 16.3 146.2716667 1010 THSFA CHR CHRTR Chrtrs ChrtrsTwrs ChartersTwrs Unlicenced aerodrome CTAF 126.7 YCHT Clare S 19 46 34 46.56667 -19.7761111 E 147 13 45 13.75 147.2291667 115 TL CLR CLARE Clare Clare Clare Good gravel strip adjacent Clare township Collinsville S 20 36 10 36.16667 -20.6027778 E 147 51 5 51.08333 147.8513889 T CLL CLLNS Cllnsv Collinsvll Collinsville Cornelia Station S 20 26 56 26.93333 -20.4488889 E 145 25 7 25.11667 145.4186111 T CRN CRNLS CrnlSt CorneliSt. CorneliaSta. Dalbeg S 20 12 46 12.76667 -20.2127778 E 147 17 30 17.5 147.2916667 203 TL DLB DALBG Dalbeg Dalbeg Dalbeg Good quality grass strip, well marked. Donnington Airpark S 19 35 58 35.96667 -19.5994444 E 146 50 13 50.21667 146.8369444 243 TL DNN DNNNG Dnnngt Donnington Donnington Good strip. Landing fees charged Fanning Downs S 20 0 56.5 0.94167 -20.0156944 E 146 26 43.3 26.72167 146.4453611 T FNN FNNNG FnnngD FannngDwns FanningDowns Guthalaungra S 19 55 25 55.41667 -19.9236111 E 147 50 35 50.58333 147.8430556 69 TL GTH GTHLN Gthlng Guthalangr Guthalaungra Crop duster strip in paddock east of highway, look for windsock Home Hill S 19 43 29 43.48333 -19.7247222 E 147 20 50 20.83333 147.3472222 49 TL HMH HMHLL HomHll Home Hill Home Hill Good quality grass strips Julia Creek S 20 39 42 39.7 -20.6616667 E 141 43 11 43.18333 141.7197222 400 TA JLC JLCRK JulCrk JuliaCreek Julia Creek YJLC Kirknie Station S 20 3 35 3.58333 -20.0597222 E 147 19 51 19.85 147.3308333 T KRK KRKNS KrknSt KirknieSt. Kirknie Sta. Lewis S 19 48 8 48.13333 -19.8022222 E 147 10 11 10.18333 147.1697222 39 TL LWS LEWIS Lewis Lewis Lewis Good quality grass strip, well marked. Lolworth Station S 20 23 48 23.8 -20.3966667 E 145 11 51 11.85 145.1975 T LLW LLWRT Llwrth LolwrthSt. LolworthSta. Macrossan S 20 0 30 0.5 -20.0083333 E 146 28 37 28.61667 146.4769444 1017 TY MCR MCRSS Mcrssn Macrossan Macrossan Military gravel strip. Access by road may be difficult. Majors Creek (Winjeel) S 19 37 45 37.75 -19.6291667 E 146 59 38 59.63333 146.9938889 T MJR MJRSC MjrsCr MajorsCrek Majors Creek Maxwelton S 20 43 47 43.78333 -20.7297222 E 142 40 57 40.95 142.6825 T MXW MXWLT Mxwltn Maxwelton Maxwelton Millaroo S 20 0 51 0.85 -20.0141667 E 147 15 7 15.11667 147.2519444 1099 TL MLL MILLR Millar Millaroo Millaroo Good quality grass strip. Well marked. Long grass at times Milray S 20 36 14 36.23333 -20.6038889 E 145 36 8 36.13333 145.6022222 T MLR MILRA Milray Milray Milray Mingela S 19 51 54 51.9 -19.865 E 146 36 58 36.96667 146.6161111 968 TL MNG MINGL Mingel Mingela Mingela Good quality grass strip. Well marked. Penna Farm S 19 36 11 36.18333 -19.6030556 E 146 54 47 54.78333 146.9130556 T PNN PNNFR PnnFrm Penna Farm Penna Farm Pentland S 20 32 12 32.2 -20.5366667 E 145 22 42 22.7 145.3783333 TL PNT PNTLN Pntlnd Pentland Pentland Powlathanga S 20 11 55 11.91667 -20.1986111 E 145 59 29 59.48333 145.9913889 1060 TL PWL PWLTH Pwlthn Powlathang Powlathanga Reasonable grass strip in paddock, difficult to see Prairie S 20 52 53 52.88333 -20.8813889 E 144 36 42 36.7 144.6116667 T PRR PRAIR Prairi Prairie Prairie Ravenswood S 20 5 57 5.95 -20.0991667 E 146 54 36 54.6 146.91 955 TL RVN RVNSW Rvnswd Ravenswood Ravenswood Good quality grass strip. Beware blasting operations. Richmond S 20 42 0.3 42.005 -20.7000833 E 143 6 43.9 6.73167 143.1121944 679 TA RCH RCHMN Rchmnd Richmond Richmond YRMD Strathalbyn Station S 20 15 36 15.6 -20.26 E 147 19 25 19.41667 147.3236111 T STR STRTH Strthl StrthlbnSt StrathlbnSt. Strathbowen S 20 32 0 32 -20.5333333 E 147 33 20 33.33333 147.5555556 T STA STRAT Strthb Strathbown Strathbowen Between Blue Valley and Strathmore Station Strathmore Station S 20 30 21 30.35 -20.5058333 E 147 37 11 37.18333 147.6197222 T STT STRAH Strthm StrthmrSt. StrathmorSt. Torrens Creek S 20 48 6 48.1 -20.8016667 E 145 0 24 0.4 145.0066667 T TRR TRRNS TrrnsC TorrensCrk TorrensCreek Trafalgar Station S 20 21 29 21.48333 -20.3580556 E 145 53 48 53.8 145.8966667 T TRF TRFLG Trflgr TraflgrSt. TrafalgarSt. Only observed from the air. Looks OK. Unknown name S 20 44 29 44.48333 -20.7413889 E 144 42 11 42.18333 144.7030556 T UNK UNKNW Unknwn Unknownnam Unknown name North of Praries on Flinders River Virginia Park S 19 54 6 54.1 -19.9016667 E 146 31 39 31.65 146.5275 965 TL VRG VRGNP VrgnPr VirginiPrk VirginiaPark Grass strip, adjacent road. Road preferable. Beware powerlines. Aberfoyle Station S 21 41 0 41 -21.6833333 E 145 16 0 16 145.2666667 L ABR ABRFL AbrflS AberfolSt. AberfoyleSt. Albro Station S 22 43 0 43 -22.7166667 E 146 34 0 34 146.5666667 899 L ALB ALBRS AlbrSt Albro Sta. Albro Sta. Alinya S 22 23 0 23 -22.3833333 E 146 34 0 34 146.5666667 951 A ALN ALINY Alinya Alinya Alinya Avon Downs Station S 21 51 0 51 -21.85 E 147 14 0 14 147.2333333 L AVN AVNDW AvnDwn AvnDwnsSt. AvonDownsSt. Baikal Station S 22 45 48 45.8 -22.7633333 E 147 34 4 34.06667 147.5677778 1148 A BKL BKLSt BklSt. BaikalSta. Baikal Sta. YBKL Bannockburn S 21 48 0 48 -21.8 E 145 5 0 5 145.0833333 899 A BNN BNNCK Bnnckb Bannockbrn Bannockburn YBNC Battery Downs Station S 19 26 0 26 -19.4333333 E 145 50 0 50 145.8333333 1299 L BTT BTTRD BttrDw BttrDwnsSt BattrDwnsSt. Beenboona Clsd S 21 52 0 52 -21.8666667 E 146 42 0 42 146.7 699 A BNB BNBNC BnbnCl BeenbnClsd BeenboonClsd Bellfield S 19 23 0 23 -19.3833333 E 143 9 0 9 143.15 1401 A BLL BLLFL Bllfld Bellfield Bellfield Beresford Station S 22 31 4 31.06667 -22.5177778 E 146 55 57 55.95 146.9325 L BRS BRSFR Brsfrd BersfrdSt. BeresfordSt. Beverley Hills S 18 46 0 46 -18.7666667 E 143 54 0 54 143.9 1801 A BVR BVRLH BvrlHl BeverlHlls BeverleyHlls Blackbraes National Park S 19 32 33 32.55 -19.5425 E 144 11 29 11.48333 144.1913889 2887 L BLC BLCKB Blckbr BlckbrsNtn BlckbrsNtnlP Blue Range S 19 8 0 8 -19.1333333 E 145 26 0 26 145.4333333 1476 A BLR BLRNG BluRng Blue Range Blue Range Bowen S 20 1 12 1.2 -20.02 E 148 12 55 12.91667 148.2152778 30 A BWN BOWEN Bowen Bowen Bowen YBWN Bowie S 21 48 0 48 -21.8 E 145 56 0 56 145.9333333 1001 A BOW BOWIE Bowie Bowie Bowie Brampton Island S 20 48 12 48.2 -20.8033333 E 149 16 12 16.2 149.27 L BRM BRMPT Brmptn Brmptnslnd Bramptonslnd Bundarra Station S 21 58 0 58 -21.9666667 E 148 32 0 32 148.5333333 L BND BNDRR BndrrS BundarrSt. BundarraSta. Bungobine Station S 21 20 0 20 -21.3333333 E 147 19 0 19 147.3166667 L BNG BNGBN BngbnS BungobnSt. BungobineSt. Camel Creek Station S 18 51 0 51 -18.85 E 145 29 0 29 145.4833333 L CML CMLCR CmlCrk CamlCrkSt. CamelCrekSt. Carpentaria Downs Station S 18 43 0 43 -18.7166667 E 144 19 0 19 144.3166667 L CRP CRPNT Crpntr CrpntrDwns CrpntrDwnsSt Chudleigh Park Station S 19 39 22 39.36667 -19.6561111 E 144 8 41 8.68333 144.1447222 L CHD CHDLG Chdlgh ChdlghPrkS ChdlghPrkSt. Clermont S 22 46 23 46.38333 -22.7730556 E 147 37 14 37.23333 147.6205556 909 A CLE CLRMN Clrmnt Clermont Clermont YCMT Conjuboy S 18 41 0 41 -18.6833333 E 144 45 0 45 144.75 1640 A CNJ CONJB Conjub Conjuboy Conjuboy Cosmos Station S 22 33 0 33 -22.55 E 148 38 0 38 148.6333333 L CSM CSMSS CsmsSt CosmosSta. Cosmos Sta. Cuba Plains S 19 53 0 53 -19.8833333 E 145 4 0 4 145.0666667 L CBP CBPLN CbPlns CubaPlains Cuba Plains Dallachy S 18 12 0 12 -18.2 E 145 57 0 57 145.95 L DLL DLLCH Dallch Dallachy Dallachy Dosey Springs Station S 19 35 28 35.46667 -19.5911111 E 144 39 37 39.61667 144.6602778 L DSS DSSPR DsSprn DsSprngsSt DosSprngsSt. Dysart S 22 37 20 37.33333 -22.6222222 E 148 21 50 21.83333 148.3638889 679 A DSR DYSRT Dysart Dysart Dysart YDYS Eastmere Station S 22 30 0 30 -22.5 E 145 55 0 55 145.9166667 L EST ESTMR EstmrS EastmerSt. EastmereSta. Egera Station S 20 59 0 59 -20.9833333 E 146 6 0 6 146.1 L EGR EGRSt EgrSt. Egera Sta. Egera Sta. Einasleigh S 18 30 13 30.21667 -18.5036111 E 144 5 20 5.33333 144.0888889 L ENS ENSLG Enslgh Einasleigh Einasleigh Exmoor Station S 20 57 0 57 -20.95 E 148 8 0 8 148.1333333 L EXM EXMRS ExmrSt ExmoorSta. Exmoor Sta. Forsayth S 18 35 5 35.08333 -18.5847222 E 143 34 9 34.15 143.5691667 L FRS FRSTH Forsth Forsayth Forsayth Fort Cooper Station S 21 33 42 33.7 -21.5616667 E 148 27 0 27 148.45 L FRT FRTCP FrtCpr FortCprSt. FortCooprSt. Georgetownd S 18 18 18 18.3 -18.305 E 143 31 48 31.8 143.53 1001 A GRG GRGTW Grgtwn Georgetwnd Georgetownd YGTN Glen Avon Station S 21 38 0 38 -21.6333333 E 147 24 0 24 147.4 L GLN GLNVN GlnvnS GlenAvnSt. GlenAvonSta. Glen Dhu Station S 18 25 0 25 -18.4166667 E 145 2 0 2 145.0333333 L GLE GLNDH GlnDhS GlenDhuSt. Glen DhuSta. Glen Harding Station S 18 16 0 16 -18.2666667 E 145 8 0 8 145.1333333 L GLH GLNHR GlnHrd GlnHrdngSt GlenHrdngSt. Glenprairie Station S 22 36 42 36.7 -22.6116667 E 149 56 42 56.7 149.945 L GLP GLNPR Glnprr GlenprrSt. GlenprairSt. Greenvale S 18 54 36 54.6 -18.91 E 144 59 48 59.8 144.9966667 L GRN GRNVL Grenvl Greenvale Greenvale Gregory Springs Station S 19 43 0 43 -19.7166667 E 144 22 0 22 144.3666667 L GRE GRGRS GrgrSp GrgrSprngs GrgrSprngsSt Hamilton S 20 21 29 21.48333 -20.3580556 E 148 57 6 57.1 148.9516667 20 A HML HMLTN Hamltn Hamilton Hamilton YBHM Hughenden S 20 48 40 48.66667 -20.8111111 E 144 13 40 13.66667 144.2277778 1040 TA HGH HGHND Hghndn Hughenden Hughenden YHUG Hyde Park Station S 22 41 0 41 -22.6833333 E 146 27 0 27 146.45 L HDP HDPRK HdPrkS HydePrkSt. HydeParkSta. Ingham S 18 39 38 39.63333 -18.6605556 E 146 9 6 9.1 146.1516667 49 A ING INGHM Ingham Ingham Ingham YIGM Kidston S 18 52 12 52.2 -18.87 E 144 10 24 10.4 144.1733333 1621 A KDS KDSTN Kidstn Kidston Kidston YKID Kinrara Station S 18 29 0 29 -18.4833333 E 145 2 0 2 145.0333333 L KNR KNRRS KnrrSt KinraraSt. Kinrara Sta. Laglan Station S 22 29 0 29 -22.4833333 E 146 40 0 40 146.6666667 L LGL LGLNS LglnSt LaglanSta. Laglan Sta. Lavarack S 19 19 15 19.25 -19.3208333 E 146 48 7 48.11667 146.8019444 30 A LVR LVRCK Lavrck Lavarack Lavarack YLVK Longton Station S 20 56 49 56.81667 -20.9469444 E 145 53 2 53.03333 145.8838889 L LNG LNGTN LngtnS LongtonSt. Longton Sta. Low Holm Station S 20 5 6 5.1 -20.085 E 144 59 26 59.43333 144.9905556 L LWH LWHLM LwHlmS LowHolmSt. Low HolmSta. Ludgate Hill Station S 21 40 0 40 -21.6666667 E 144 45 0 45 144.75 L LDG LDGTH LdgtHl LdgtHllSt. LudgatHllSt. Mackay S 21 10 18 10.3 -21.1716667 E 149 10 47 10.78333 149.1797222 20 A MCK MACKA Mackay Mackay Mackay YBMK Maitland Station S 19 2 0 2 -19.0333333 E 144 28 0 28 144.4666667 L MTL MTLND MtlndS MaitlndSt. MaitlandSta. Marionvale Station S 18 36 0 36 -18.6 E 144 53 0 53 144.8833333 L MRN MRNVL MrnvlS MarinvlSt. MarionvalSt. Moranbah S 22 3 30 3.5 -22.0583333 E 148 4 42 4.7 148.0783333 771 A MOR MRNBH Mornbh Moranbah Moranbah YMRB Mount Coolon S 21 23 30 23.5 -21.3916667 E 147 19 30 19.5 147.325 791 A MtC MtCLN MtColn Mt Coolon Mount Coolon YMCL Mount Cooper Station S 20 31 0 31 -20.5166667 E 146 47 0 47 146.7833333 L MtO MtCPR MtCprS MtCooprSt. MtCooperSta. Mount Fullstop Station S 19 12 0 12 -19.2 E 145 30 0 30 145.5 L MtF MtFLL MtFlls MtFllstpSt MtFullstpSt. Muttaburra S 22 35 0 35 -22.5833333 E 144 32 0 32 144.5333333 751 A MTT MTTBR Mttbrr Muttaburra Muttaburra YMTB Myall Springs Station S 20 43 0 43 -20.7166667 E 147 2 0 2 147.0333333 L MYA MLLSP MllSpr MllSprngsS MllSprngsSt. New Moon Station S 19 12 6 12.1 -19.2016667 E 145 46 0 46 145.7666667 L NWM NWMNS NwMnSt NewMoonSt. New MoonSta. Newlands S 21 10 0 10 -21.1666667 E 147 54 0 54 147.9 L NWL NWLND Nwlnds Newlands Newlands Nosnillor Station S 20 57 0 57 -20.95 E 146 20 0 20 146.3333333 L NSN NSNLL Nsnllr NosnllrSt. NosnillorSt. Orielton Station S 22 4 0 4 -22.0666667 E 144 9 0 9 144.15 L ORL ORLTN OrltnS OrieltnSt. OrieltonSta. Palm Island S 18 45 18 45.3 -18.755 E 146 34 54 34.9 146.5816667 L PLM PLMSL Plmsln PalmIsland Palm Island Paynes Lagoon Station S 19 28 0 28 -19.4666667 E 146 7 0 7 146.1166667 L PNS PNSLG PnsLgn PansLgnSt. PaynesLgnSt. Pentland Ap S 20 45 0 45 -20.75 E 144 59 0 59 144.9833333 1280 A PEN PENTL Pentla Pentland2 Pentland Ap Pluto Station Gld S 20 20 0 20 -20.3333333 E 148 23 0 23 148.3833333 56 l PLT PLTSt PltSt. PlutSt.Gld PlutoSta.Gld Pretty Plains Station S 20 3 0 3 -20.05 E 144 24 0 24 144.4 L PRT PRTTP PrttPl PrttPlnsSt PrettPlnsSt. Proserpine S 20 29 42 29.7 -20.495 E 148 33 8 33.13333 148.5522222 79 A PRS PRSRP Prsrpn Proserpine Proserpine YBPN Ravenswood S 20 5 57 5.95 -20.0991667 E 146 54 36 54.6 146.91 955 L RAV RAVEN Ravens Ravenswod2 Ravenswood2 Reedy Springs Station S 19 58 0 58 -19.9666667 E 144 41 0 41 144.6833333 L RDS RDSPR RdSprn RdSprngsSt RedSprngsSt. Robinhood S 18 50 42 50.7 -18.845 E 143 42 36 42.6 143.71 1509 A RBN RBNHD Robnhd Robinhood Robinhood YROB Rosella Plains Station S 18 25 0 25 -18.4166667 E 144 28 0 28 144.4666667 L RSL RSLLP RsllPl RsllPlnsSt RosllPlnsSt. Shute Harbour S 20 16 42 16.7 -20.2783333 E 148 45 24 45.4 148.7566667 39 A SHT SHTHR ShtHrb ShuteHarbr ShuteHarbour YSHR Southwick West Station S 19 54 0 54 -19.9 E 145 38 0 38 145.6333333 L STH STHWC Sthwck SthwckWSt. SouthwckWSt. Spring Creek Station S 18 37 19 37.31667 -18.6219444 E 144 34 13 34.21667 144.5702778 L SPR SPRNG SprngC SprngCrkSt SpringCrkSt. Talavera Station S 19 13 0 13 -19.2166667 E 143 40 0 40 143.6666667 L TLV TLVRS TlvrSt TalaverSt. TalaveraSta. Tarroni Station S 18 56 12 56.2 -18.9366667 E 145 14 30 14.5 145.2416667 L TAR TARRO TrrnSt TarroniSt. Tarroni Sta. The Brook Station S 19 57 0 57 -19.95 E 145 10 0 10 145.1666667 L THB THBRK ThBrkS TheBrokSt. TheBrookSta. Toomba Station S 19 58 7 58.11667 -19.9686111 E 145 35 18 35.3 145.5883333 L TMB TMBSt TmbSt. ToombaSta. Toomba Sta. Townsville S 19 15 9 15.15 -19.2525 E 146 45 55 45.91667 146.7652778 20 A TWN TWNSV Twnsvl Townsville Townsville YBTL Ulcanbah Station S 22 1 36 1.6 -22.0266667 E 145 58 30 58.5 145.975 L ULC ULCNB Ulcnbh UlcanbhSt. UlcanbahSta. Ulva Station S 21 27 26 27.43333 -21.4572222 E 145 15 39 15.65 145.2608333 L ULV ULVSt UlvSt. Ulva Sta. Ulva Station Wandovale Station S 19 40 0 40 -19.6666667 E 144 53 0 53 144.8833333 L WND WNDVL WndvlS WandovlSt. WandovaleSt. Wentworth Station S 22 3 42 3.7 -22.0616667 E 147 43 18 43.3 147.7216667 L WNT WNTWR Wntwrt WntwrthSt. WentworthSt. Williamson S 22 28 0 28 -22.4666667 E 150 10 0 10 150.1666667 121 A WLL WLLMS Wllmsn Williamson Williamson YWIS Wirralee Station S 22 27 0 27 -22.45 E 146 5 0 5 146.0833333 L WRR WRRLS WrrlSt WirraleSt. WirraleeSta. Wirralie Gold Mine S 21 7 30 7.5 -21.125 E 147 16 24 16.4 147.2733333 L WIR WRRLG WrrlGl WirrlGldMn WirraliGldMn Wyandotte S 18 45 0 45 -18.75 E 144 50 0 50 144.8333333 1506 A WYA WNDTT Wyndtt Wyandotte Wyandotte YWDT Yacamunda S 21 23 0 23 -21.3833333 E 147 6 0 6 147.1 600 A YCM YCMND Yacmnd Yacamunda Yacamunda Yarraman Yards S 19 19 8 19.13333 -19.3188889 E 144 4 29 4.48333 144.0747222 L YRR YRRMN Yrrmnr Yarramnrds YarramanYrds