;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Challes les Eaux, France [Turnpoints] + ; + ; Control Points formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Luc Guillot and Lionel Virely + ; + ; Generated Sunday, 21 February 2010 at 20:21 GMT + ; + ; This file uses , as the decimal point in latitude and longitude 1 ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Depart Bauges" "2_BAUG" "_" "N4536,139" "E00605,957" "Depart Chapelle" "2_CHAP" "_" "N4533,267" "E00600,267" "Depart Chartreuse" "2_CHAR" "_" "N4525,717" "E00556,633" "Agneaux Les" "AGNEAU" "_" "N4456,750" "E00625,667" "Aiguille Mt" "AIGUIL" "_" "N4450,500" "E00533,000" "Aiguines Pont d" "AIGUIN" "_" "N4348,117" "E00615,067" "Albion Mt" "ALBION" "_" "N4410,450" "E00531,600" "Ambel Montagne d" "AMBEL" "_" "N4454,400" "E00518,367" "Amont Tete d" "AMONT" "_" "N4450,933" "E00631,983" "Andey Pointe d" "ANDEY" "_" "N4602,600" "E00625,200" "Annot" "ANNOT" "_" "N4357,733" "E00640,383" "Apotres Montagne des" "APOTRE" "_" "N4432,615" "E00542,630" "Arcalod" "ARCALO" "_" "N4541,117" "E00613,700" "Aroserhorn" "AROSER" "_" "N4644,200" "E00936,900" "Aup Montagne de l" "AUP" "_" "N4428,217" "E00536,383" "Authon Rocher d" "AUTHON" "_" "N4413,250" "E00607,283" "Avoriaz" "AVORIA" "_" "N4611,350" "E00645,650" "Banges Montagne de" "BANGES" "_" "N4543,783" "E00602,267" "Barronies" "BARRON" "_" "N4419,167" "E00528,483" "Bec de lOrient" "BECORI" "_" "N4513,233" "E00532,017" "Bellecote" "BELCOT" "_" "N4529,550" "E00647,000" "Beynes" "BEYNES" "_" "N4358,317" "E00614,783" "Bisanne Signal de" "BISANE" "_" "N4544,883" "E00630,183" "Barrage de Bissorte" "BISSOR" "_" "N4510,850" "E00634,917" "Blayeul" "BLAYEU" "_" "N4414,733" "E00618,750" "Blinnenhorn" "BLINNE" "_" "N4625,717" "E00818,717" "Bouchere Montagne" "BOUCHE" "_" "N4453,783" "E00512,767" "Boursier Tete de" "BOURSI" "_" "N4422,700" "E00558,850" "Brame Farine" "BRAME" "_" "N4524,250" "E00602,933" "Brevent" "BREVEN" "_" "N4556,100" "E00650,300" "Brignolles" "BRIGNO" "_" "N4325,333" "E00604,067" "Buffe" "BUFFE" "_" "N4535,666" "E00604,746" "Bure Pic de" "BURE" "_" "N4437,100" "E00555,933" "Castillon Barrage de" "CASTIL" "_" "N4352,717" "E00632,233" "Cervin" "CERVIN" "_" "N4557,950" "E00736,383" "Ceuse" "CEUSE" "_" "N4430,467" "E00557,417" "Chabre" "CHABRE" "_" "N4416,933" "E00541,717" "Chabrier Pic de" "CHABRI" "_" "N4435,217" "E00619,100" "Chaine Petite" "CHAINE" "_" "N4537,583" "E00556,533" "Chamechaude" "CHAMEC" "_" "N4517,683" "E00547,200" "Chamonix" "CHAMON" "_" "N4555,283" "E00652,350" "Chamrousse" "CHAMRO" "_" "N4507,767" "E00554,667" "Chapeau du Gendarme" "CHAPEA" "_" "N4420,233" "E00639,750" "Chapelle en Vercors La" "CHAPVS" "_" "N4458,000" "E00525,000" "Charbon Mt" "CHARBO" "_" "N4543,717" "E00611,850" "Charvin Mt" "CHARVI" "_" "N4548,533" "E00625,083" "Chatel" "CHATEL" "_" "N4615,750" "E00650,100" "Cheiron Mt" "CHERON" "_" "N4349,150" "E00658,033" "Chery Mt" "CHERY" "_" "N4610,033" "E00638,783" "Cheval Blanc" "CHEVAL" "_" "N4407,433" "E00625,433" "Cognin les Gorges" "COGNIN" "_" "N4510,250" "E00524,800" "Coiro" "COIRO" "_" "N4456,250" "E00555,183" "Collet dAllevard" "COLLET" "_" "N4523,383" "E00608,617" "Colombier" "COLOMB" "_" "N4538,817" "E00607,083" "Conest" "CONEST" "_" "N4459,800" "E00543,533" "Cornettes Bises" "CORNET" "_" "N4619,950" "E00647,350" "Coupe Montagne de" "COUPE" "_" "N4401,583" "E00619,083" "Cousson" "COUSSO" "_" "N4402,817" "E00614,300" "Coyer" "COYER" "_" "N4405,867" "E00641,417" "Crans Montana" "CRANS" "_" "N4619,750" "E00729,000" "Crest" "CREST" "_" "N4443,800" "E00501,300" "Crolles Dent de" "CROLLE" "_" "N4518,583" "E00551,467" "Cuchon" "CUCHON" "_" "N4436,183" "E00602,700" "Denjuant" "DENJUA" "_" "N4410,283" "E00629,817" "Diablerets" "DIABLE" "_" "N4618,267" "E00711,750" "Diablons" "DIABLO" "_" "N4608,600" "E00740,283" "Dixence Barrage de" "DIXENC" "_" "N4605,100" "E00724,417" "Dormillouse" "DORMIL" "_" "N4424,367" "E00623,250" "Dourmillouse Tete de" "DOURMI" "_" "N4445,733" "E00626,267" "Deux Soeurs" "DSOEUR" "_" "N4500,433" "E00534,583" "Durbonas" "DURBON" "_" "N4436,717" "E00545,500" "Eggishorn" "EGGISH" "_" "N4625,717" "E00805,650" "Etendard Pic de" "ETENDA" "_" "N4508,950" "E00608,600" "Flaine" "FLAINE" "_" "N4600,350" "E00641,600" "Flims" "FLIMS" "_" "N4650,167" "E00917,333" "Gache Montagne de" "GACHE" "_" "N4414,233" "E00559,967" "Galoppe" "GALOPP" "_" "N4534,367" "E00603,933" "Grand Arc" "GDARC" "_" "N4534,100" "E00621,683" "Grand Berard" "GDBERA" "_" "N4426,483" "E00639,650" "Grand Chavalard" "GDCHAV" "_" "N4610,817" "E00706,750" "Grand Coin" "GDCOIN" "_" "N4520,767" "E00624,117" "Grande Gautiere" "GDEGOT" "_" "N4422,133" "E00608,133" "Grande Rochere" "GDEROC" "_" "N4548,683" "E00703,717" "Grande Seolane" "GDESEO" "_" "N4420,217" "E00632,767" "Grand Ferrand" "GDFERR" "_" "N4443,817" "E00549,300" "Grand Fond" "GDFOND" "_" "N4539,967" "E00640,200" "Grand Muveran" "GDMUVE" "_" "N4614,133" "E00707,833" "Grand Veymont" "GDVEYM" "_" "N4452,417" "E00531,233" "Gelas" "GELAS" "_" "N4531,233" "E00601,717" "Gerstenhorn" "GERSTE" "_" "N4621,500" "E00754,683" "Gespac Barrage de" "GESPAC" "_" "N4657,500" "E01044,400" "Gets Les" "GETS" "_" "N4609,500" "E00640,000" "Glandasse" "GLANDA" "_" "N4444,450" "E00528,117" "Gond Mt" "GOND" "_" "N4617,033" "E00716,033" "Goppenstein" "GOPPEN" "_" "N4621,683" "E00745,333" "Grachen" "GRACHE" "_" "N4610,400" "E00749,867" "Granier" "GRANIE" "_" "N4528,067" "E00555,750" "Guillaume" "GUYOM" "_" "N4436,033" "E00626,167" "Helsenhorn" "HELSEN" "_" "N4618,317" "E00811,217" "Hocheder" "HOCHED" "_" "N4714,667" "E01103,383" "Hochfeiler" "HOCHFE" "_" "N4658,667" "E01143,250" "Izeron Relief" "IZERON" "_" "N4507,488" "E00523,950" "Jaffreau" "JAFFRE" "_" "N4505,050" "E00646,200" "Jalinier" "JALINI" "_" "N4421,283" "E00603,767" "Jarjatte" "JARJAT" "_" "N4441,300" "E00546,526" "Jocou" "JOCOU" "_" "N4443,335" "E00538,918" "Joly Mt" "JOLY" "_" "N4549,583" "E00641,533" "Jouere Montagne de" "JOUERE" "_" "N4416,583" "E00606,417" "Kramsach" "KRAMSA" "_" "N4727,500" "E01152,233" "Kreuze" "KREUZE" "_" "N4654,750" "E01135,767" "Kreuzjoch" "KREUZJ" "_" "N4715,217" "E01158,867" "Kuthai Barrage de" "KUTHAI" "_" "N4712,650" "E01100,000" "Lac Blanc" "LACBLA" "_" "N4510,783" "E00558,117" "Lac Moiry" "LACMOI" "_" "N4608,300" "E00734,150" "Lanfon Dents de" "LANFON" "_" "N4551,733" "E00615,783" "Langenfeld" "LANGEN" "_" "N4704,583" "E01057,767" "Lenzer Horn" "LENZER" "_" "N4642,233" "E00935,883" "Leuk" "LEUK" "_" "N4619,283" "E00738,317" "Leukerbad" "LEUKER" "_" "N4622,700" "E00737,383" "Limmerensee" "LIMMER" "_" "N4650,850" "E00900,567" "Lingas Tete du" "LINGAS" "_" "N4613,667" "E00649,100" "Lischana" "LISCHA" "_" "N4645,117" "E01021,300" "Loffler" "LOFFLE" "_" "N4701,733" "E01154,767" "Lotschental" "LOTSCH" "_" "N4623,733" "E00745,983" "Lauziere Pic de la" "LOZIER" "_" "N4527,583" "E00621,983" "Lure Signal de" "LURE" "_" "N4407,550" "E00548,183" "Mas de la Grave" "MAGRAV" "_" "N4507,250" "E00614,767" "Marcelly Pointe de" "MARCEL" "_" "N4607,783" "E00634,667" "Margeriaz" "MARGER" "_" "N4538,200" "E00602,267" "Montdenier Serre de" "MDENIE" "_" "N4352,208" "E00616,261" "Mees" "MEES" "_" "N4401,767" "E00558,783" "Mirandol" "MIRAND" "_" "N4430,233" "E00648,767" "Mirantin" "MIRANT" "_" "N4540,683" "E00629,767" "Mole Le" "MOLE" "_" "N4606,300" "E00627,400" "Monte Leone" "MONTE" "_" "N4614,650" "E00805,533" "Morgon" "MORGON" "_" "N4428,317" "E00624,800" "Morzine" "MORZIN" "_" "N4610,750" "E00642,600" "Moucherotte" "MOUCHE" "_" "N4508,967" "E00538,467" "Mutler" "MUTLER" "_" "N4653,833" "E01022,717" "Muttenhorner" "MUTTEN" "_" "N4632,900" "E00825,633" "Naafkpof" "NAAFKP" "_" "N4703,750" "E00936,567" "Nantaux Pointe de" "NANTAU" "_" "N4613,733" "E00643,567" "Naters" "NATERS" "_" "N4619,990" "E00759,082" "Nauders" "NAUDER" "_" "N4653,500" "E01030,300" "Notre Dame delaSalette" "NDSALE" "_" "N4451,600" "E00558,750" "Nivolet Croix du" "NIVOLE" "_" "N4537,183" "E00558,233" "Nyons" "NYONS" "_" "N4421,700" "E00508,500" "Oberlpstock" "OBERLP" "_" "N4644,667" "E00846,317" "Obiou" "OBIOU" "_" "N4446,267" "E00549,933" "Oche Dent d" "OCHE" "_" "N4620,717" "E00644,833" "Ofenhorn" "OFENHO" "_" "N4623,267" "E00819,267" "Outheran" "OUTHER" "_" "N4528,250" "E00551,033" "Ouzon" "OUZON" "_" "N4617,917" "E00638,833" "Paillon" "PAILLO" "_" "N4454,417" "E00627,883" "Paneyron" "PANEYR" "_" "N4433,817" "E00644,917" "Parmelan" "PARMEL" "_" "N4556,767" "E00614,050" "Parpaillon" "PARPAI" "_" "N4429,767" "E00639,200" "Pas de lAiguille" "PASAIG" "_" "N4448,500" "E00530,717" "Pointe Charbonne" "PCHARB" "_" "N4516,750" "E00703,250" "Pointe de Pece" "PECE" "_" "N4459,460" "E00641,714" "Pelouse" "PELOUS" "_" "N4554,850" "E00630,367" "Percee Pointe" "PERCEE" "_" "N4557,650" "E00633,233" "Peyrolles Crete de" "PEYROL" "_" "N4456,633" "E00638,567" "Peyron Tete du" "PEYRON" "_" "N4446,750" "E00637,733" "Pierre Avoie" "PIERAV" "_" "N4607,000" "E00712,133" "Pizzo Gallin" "PIZOGA" "_" "N4629,750" "E00823,233" "Plagne La" "PLAGNE" "_" "N4530,383" "E00640,583" "Plampinet" "PLAMPI" "_" "N4500,200" "E00639,700" "Prachaval" "PRACHA" "_" "N4441,767" "E00639,650" "Prapoutel" "PRAPOU" "_" "N4515,000" "E00600,000" "Prarayer" "PRARAY" "_" "N4554,683" "E00733,267" "Prarion" "PRARIO" "_" "N4552,833" "E00644,800" "Petit Chaillol" "PTICHA" "_" "N4445,817" "E00605,517" "Petit Combin" "PTICOM" "_" "N4558,717" "E00716,217" "Puisots Les" "PUISOT" "_" "N4551,133" "E00606,467" "Puy Mt" "PUY" "_" "N4436,733" "E00533,467" "Pylone St Auban" "PYLONE" "_" "N4404,117" "E00602,767" "Piz Aul" "PZAUL" "_" "N4637,367" "E00907,550" "Piz Badile" "PZBADI" "_" "N4617,267" "E00934,283" "Piz Beverin" "PZBEVE" "_" "N4638,800" "E00921,350" "Piz Buin" "PZBUIN" "_" "N4650,833" "E01005,750" "Piz Curver" "PZCURV" "_" "N4636,183" "E00929,750" "Piz Err" "PZERR" "_" "N4632,467" "E00941,750" "Piz Fess" "PZFESS" "_" "N4643,483" "E00917,217" "Piz Kesch" "PZKESC" "_" "N4637,200" "E00952,583" "Piz Mezel" "PZMEZL" "_" "N4636,800" "E00854,183" "Piz Mitgel" "PZMITG" "_" "N4637,117" "E00938,750" "Piz Molare" "PZMOLA" "_" "N4629,783" "E00852,100" "Piz Mudin" "PZMUDI" "_" "N4655,300" "E01025,667" "Piz Mundaun" "PZMUND" "_" "N4643,628" "E00907,662" "Piz Muraun" "PZMURA" "_" "N4639,333" "E00854,667" "Piz Nadels" "PZNADE" "_" "N4640,933" "E00901,083" "Piz Nair" "PZNAIR" "_" "N4641,583" "E00842,867" "Piz Ner" "PZNER" "_" "N4646,617" "E00856,433" "Piz Nuna" "PZNUNA" "_" "N4643,200" "E01008,700" "Piz Rotondo" "PZROND" "_" "N4631,617" "E00828,417" "Piz Sardona" "PZSARD" "_" "N4654,850" "E00914,800" "Piz Sarsura" "PZSARS" "_" "N4641,183" "E00957,783" "Piz Sezner" "PZSEZN" "_" "N4641,317" "E00904,700" "Piz Terri" "PZTERI" "_" "N4636,000" "E00901,933" "Piz Tomul" "PZTOMU" "_" "N4637,333" "E00913,883" "Piz Zvatis" "PZZVAT" "_" "N4653,300" "E00927,517" "Ramolkogel" "RAMOLK" "_" "N4648,250" "E01057,400" "Ravril" "RAVRIL" "_" "N4621,533" "E00725,017" "Raye La" "RAYE" "_" "N4448,950" "E00504,783" "Roc de Cornafio" "RCCORN" "_" "N4504,317" "E00536,400" "Roc dEnfer" "RCDENF" "_" "N4611,283" "E00636,733" "Reichoffen" "REICHO" "_" "N4708,733" "E01205,750" "Rencurel La Balme de" "RENCUR" "_" "N4505,033" "E00528,250" "Revard" "REVARD" "_" "N4540,683" "E00558,700" "Rheinwaldhorn" "RHEINW" "_" "N4629,833" "E00902,283" "Ritom" "RITOM" "_" "N4632,283" "E00841,017" "Rochecourbe" "ROCHCO" "_" "N4438,500" "E00511,567" "Rochemolles" "ROCHEM" "_" "N4506,833" "E00645,150" "Roche Close" "ROCLOZ" "_" "N4417,260" "E00626,340" "Ronce Pointe" "RONCE" "_" "N4515,900" "E00658,733" "Ruderofspitze" "RUDERO" "_" "N4702,417" "E01108,617" "Ruth" "RUTH" "_" "N4406,283" "E00604,750" "Sambuy" "SAMBUY" "_" "N4541,333" "E00615,817" "Schafkopf" "SCHAFK" "_" "N4651,450" "E01035,767" "Scopi" "SCOPI" "_" "N4634,333" "E00849,767" "Semnoz" "SEMNOZ" "_" "N4547,850" "E00606,150" "Senepi" "SENEPI" "_" "N4454,400" "E00543,250" "Siguret" "SIGURE" "_" "N4426,600" "E00647,517" "Sole Pointe" "SOLE" "_" "N4631,633" "E00846,033" "Sousdine" "SOUSDI" "_" "N4559,933" "E00618,950" "St Andre des Alpes" "STANDR" "_" "N4358,217" "E00630,517" "St Gingolph" "STGING" "_" "N4623,600" "E00648,067" "St Laurent du Pont" "STLOPT" "_" "N4523,300" "E00544,000" "Stubaier" "STUBAI" "_" "N4659,233" "E01104,733" "Sure" "SURE" "_" "N4520,233" "E00542,317" "Tabor" "TABOR" "_" "N4458,783" "E00551,267" "Taillefer" "TAILLE" "_" "N4502,233" "E00555,250" "Teillon" "TEILLO" "_" "N4350,800" "E00636,283" "Thabor" "THABOR" "_" "N4506,967" "E00633,800" "Torrenthorn" "TORREN" "_" "N4623,067" "E00741,467" "Tournette" "TOURNE" "_" "N4549,650" "E00617,167" "Toussiere" "TOUSSI" "_" "N4439,250" "E00539,250" "Trelod" "TRELOD" "_" "N4541,150" "E00611,850" "Trubelstock" "TRUBEL" "_" "N4623,000" "E00734,183" "Tete Noire" "TTENOI" "_" "N4459,683" "E00632,517" "Tete Ronde" "TTERON" "_" "N4555,600" "E00617,333" "Vacheres" "VACHER" "_" "N4440,717" "E00548,733" "Vaumase" "VAUMAS" "_" "N4410,267" "E00605,350" "Vautisse" "VAUTIS" "_" "N4442,200" "E00629,317" "Ventoux Mt" "VENTOU" "_" "N4410,133" "E00516,517" "Veyrier Mt" "VEYRIE" "_" "N4554,165" "E00610,880" "Visitation" "VISITA" "_" "N4553,279" "E00607,760" "Watzespitze" "WATZES" "_" "N4659,250" "E01047,717" "Weiskugel" "WEISKU" "_" "N4647,767" "E01043,667" "Wildgrat" "WILGRA" "_" "N4708,200" "E01049,717" "Wild Spitze" "WILSPI" "_" "N4653,300" "E01052,067" "Zermatt" "ZERMAT" "_" "N4601,450" "E00744,950" "Zukerthul" "ZUKERT" "_" "N4657,200" "E01109,783"