;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Challes les Eaux, France [Cols] + ; + ; User Specified Waypoints formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Luc Guillot and Lionel Virely + ; + ; Generated Sunday, 21 February 2010 at 20:16 GMT + ; Symbol = 01 for code L 1 ; Symbol = 02 for code R 1 ; Symbol = 03 for codes L & R 1 ; Symbol = 04 for code t 1 ; Symbol = 05 otherwise 1 ; + ; This file uses , as the decimal point in latitude and longitude 1 ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Col dAgnel" "05" "N4441,050" "E00658,800" "Col Albula" "05" "N4634,217" "E00948,450" "Col dAllos" "05" "N4417,900" "E00635,750" "Col des Aravis" "05" "N4552,950" "E00627,900" "Col de lArche" "05" "N4425,333" "E00653,950" "Col dArrondaz" "05" "N4508,050" "E00640,217" "Col dArsine" "05" "N4458,367" "E00624,550" "Col de Basmont" "05" "N4533,117" "E00623,350" "Col de Bassachaux" "05" "N4613,333" "E00646,333" "Col de la Bathie" "05" "N4539,367" "E00630,967" "Col du Brenner" "05" "N4700,000" "E01130,500" "Col de Cabre" "05" "N4433,305" "E00536,057" "Col du Caduc" "05" "N4416,270" "E00632,650" "Col du Carro" "05" "N4525,800" "E00707,583" "Col de la Cayolle" "05" "N4415,750" "E00644,767" "Col de Champs" "05" "N4410,817" "E00641,767" "Col de Coux" "05" "N4608,917" "E00647,500" "Col de la Croix" "05" "N4619,236" "E00707,775" "C Croix de Fer" "05" "N4513,600" "E00612,000" "Col de la Seigne" "05" "N4545,150" "E00648,500" "Col de lEchelle" "05" "N4502,200" "E00639,317" "Col des Encombres" "05" "N4517,683" "E00628,583" "Col dEtache" "05" "N4508,900" "E00648,600" "Col de lEychauda" "05" "N4456,136" "E00629,992" "Col Ferret" "05" "N4553,767" "E00704,450" "Col Fluela" "05" "N4645,033" "E00956,850" "Col de la Forclaz" "05" "N4603,466" "E00700,100" "Col de Freissinieres" "05" "N4444,366" "E00621,366" "Col du Frejus" "05" "N4506,983" "E00638,583" "Col de la Furka" "05" "N4634,433" "E00825,000" "Col du Galibier" "05" "N4503,733" "E00624,517" "Col Gemmi" "05" "N4623,933" "E00736,900" "Col Gerlos" "05" "N4714,933" "E01207,783" "Col du Glandon" "05" "N4514,200" "E00610,100" "Col du Gothard" "05" "N4633,183" "E00833,783" "C Grand St Bernard" "05" "N4552,216" "E00710,300" "Col de Grimone" "05" "N4441,523" "E00539,336" "Col Grimsel" "05" "N4633,583" "E00820,150" "Col de Guimela" "05" "N4622,712" "E00905,313" "Col de lIseran" "05" "N4525,233" "E00701,667" "Col de lIzoard" "05" "N4448,967" "E00644,267" "Col du Joly" "05" "N4547,067" "E00640,450" "Col de Joux" "05" "N4607,867" "E00644,467" "Julier Pass" "05" "N4628,250" "E00943,900" "Col Klausen" "05" "N4652,133" "E00851,300" "Col Kunkel" "05" "N4651,400" "E00924,733" "Col du Lautaret" "05" "N4502,017" "E00624,200" "Col des Limouches" "05" "N4453,367" "E00508,283" "Col de Lucomagno" "05" "N4634,167" "E00847,533" "C Lus la Croix Haute" "05" "N4443,567" "E00540,550" "Col de la Madeleine" "05" "N4526,100" "E00622,917" "Col de Menee" "05" "N4445,541" "E00535,908" "Col des Montets" "05" "N4600,050" "E00655,400" "Col du Montgenevre" "05" "N4456,117" "E00644,067" "Col de Morgins" "05" "N4614,783" "E00650,750" "Col des Mosses" "05" "N4623,966" "E00706,166" "Col du Mont Cenis" "05" "N4514,983" "E00654,183" "Col Nufenen" "05" "N4628,317" "E00823,200" "Col Oberalp" "05" "N4639,833" "E00840,000" "Col Ofen" "05" "N4638,483" "E01017,616" "Col Pas de la Cavale" "05" "N4446,100" "E00621,300" "Col Pas de la Coche" "05" "N4513,150" "E00601,650" "Col de Pelouse" "05" "N4508,700" "E00644,833" "Col de Perty" "05" "N4417,083" "E00532,983" "C Petit St Bernard" "05" "N4540,617" "E00652,383" "Col du Pillon" "05" "N4621,400" "E00712,917" "Col de Ponsonnier" "05" "N4503,200" "E00628,017" "Col de Romeyer" "05" "N4508,750" "E00528,983" "Col du Rousset" "05" "N4450,300" "E00524,300" "Col des Saisies" "05" "N4545,633" "E00631,617" "Col San Bernardino" "05" "N4629,183" "E00909,983" "Col de Sanetsch" "05" "N4619,750" "E00717,383" "Col Septimer" "05" "N4625,133" "E00938,233" "Col Simplon" "05" "N4614,850" "E00801,816" "Col Spluegen" "05" "N4630,416" "E00919,900" "Col Susten" "05" "N4643,816" "E00826,966" "C Terres Blanches" "05" "N4441,166" "E00626,050" "Col Theodul" "05" "N4556,617" "E00742,600" "Col du Timmlsjoch" "05" "N4654,400" "E01105,800" "Col du Tourniol" "05" "N4455,117" "E00511,200" "C Vallee Etroite" "05" "N4507,133" "E00636,417" "Col de Vars" "05" "N4432,567" "E00642,167" "Col de Vence" "05" "N4514,083" "E00545,050"