;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Cambrai-Niergnies, France + ; + ; Championnat Regional des Hauts de France, 2022 + ; + ; User Specified Waypoints formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Cambrai Planeur Aeroclub + ; + ; Generated Tuesday, 26 April 2022 at 05:37 GMT + ; + ; This file uses , as the decimal point in latitude and longitude 1 ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Abbeville 100 1" "ABBVLL" "_" "N5024,633" "E00155,150" "Abbeville 100 2" "ABBEVI" "_" "N5018,967" "E00153,117" "Abbeville Aero" "ABBEVL" "_" "N5008,583" "E00149,900" "Airaines" "AIRANS" "_" "N4958,017" "E00156,550" "Albaudieres" "ALBDRS" "_" "N4835,250" "E00406,317" "Albert Bray" "ALBRTB" "Aero" "N4958,333" "E00241,433" "Albert Eglise" "ALBRTG" "Eglise" "N5000,333" "E00238,983" "Amiens 100" "AMNS10" "_" "N4945,633" "E00200,000" "Amiens Cathedral" "AMNSCT" "_" "N4953,750" "E00217,850" "Amiens Glisy" "AMNSGL" "Aero" "N4952,383" "E00223,217" "Amougies Aero" "AMOGSR" "_" "N5044,417" "E00329,083" "Anchamps" "ANCHMP" "_" "N4956,000" "E00439,033" "Anzy" "ANZY" "_" "N4930,633" "E00328,000" "Argent sur Sauldre" "ARGNTS" "_" "N4733,833" "E00226,933" "Arlon" "ARLON" "_" "N4942,217" "E00545,383" "Arloncourt" "ARLNCR" "_" "N5001,867" "E00548,383" "Arras Roclincourt" "ARRSRC" "Aero" "N5019,483" "E00248,200" "Attert" "ATTERT" "_" "N4945,133" "E00547,167" "Attigny" "ATTIGN" "_" "N4928,817" "E00434,733" "Aubigny sur Nere" "ABGNSR" "_" "N4728,817" "E00223,633" "Aulnoye Aymeries" "ALNMRS" "_" "N5011,083" "E00350,133" "Aumale" "AUMALE" "_" "N4946,017" "E00145,617" "Authe" "AUTHE" "_" "N4927,783" "E00452,867" "Autreppe" "AUTRPP" "_" "N5020,867" "E00344,833" "Auxerre Branches" "AXRRBR" "_" "N4751,167" "E00329,800" "Auxi le Chateau" "AUXLCH" "_" "N5013,967" "E00206,967" "Avallon Aero" "AVLLNR" "_" "N4730,217" "E00354,067" "Avesnes le Comte" "AVSNSL" "_" "N5016,683" "E00231,667" "Avesnes sur Helpe" "AVSNSS" "_" "N5007,233" "E00356,183" "Awene" "AWENE" "_" "N5004,650" "E00518,233" "Bailleul" "BAILLL" "_" "N5044,100" "E00244,400" "Baisiex" "BAISIX" "A1 131" "N4958,183" "E00251,683" "Bance" "BANCE" "_" "N4818,900" "E00130,217" "Bande" "BANDE" "_" "N5010,133" "E00524,867" "Bapaume" "BAPAUM" "_" "N5006,200" "E00250,967" "Barentin" "BARNTN" "_" "N4933,217" "E00057,033" "BarleDucLesHautsdeChee" "BRLDCL" "_" "N4852,117" "E00511,017" "Bar sur Seine" "BRSRSN" "_" "N4803,983" "E00424,733" "Bastogne" "BASTGN" "_" "N5000,050" "E00543,283" "Beaumetz" "BEAMTZ" "_" "N5008,633" "E00206,783" "Beaumont" "BEAMNT" "_" "N5014,267" "E00414,367" "Bellefontaine" "BLLFNT" "_" "N4955,467" "E00458,050" "Bellenglise" "BLLNGL" "_" "N4955,517" "E00314,500" "Berck sur Mer" "BRCKSR" "_" "N5025,383" "E00135,550" "Bertrix" "BERTRX" "_" "N4951,333" "E00516,067" "Bessy" "BESSY" "_" "N4832,850" "E00401,433" "Blangy sur Bresle" "BLNGSR" "_" "N4956,033" "E00138,067" "Bligny" "BLIGNY" "_" "N4911,850" "E00351,767" "Bohain en Vermandois" "BHNNVR" "Gare" "N4959,300" "E00326,467" "Bonavis" "BONAVS" "Croisement" "N5004,783" "E00311,883" "Bouillon" "BOULLN" "_" "N4947,733" "E00504,017" "Bourmont" "BORMNT" "_" "N4932,583" "E00245,917" "Boussy le Grand" "BSSLGR" "_" "N4847,283" "E00352,617" "Bouvellemont" "BVLLMN" "_" "N4935,500" "E00440,000" "Bouzonville" "BZNVLL" "_" "N4917,600" "E00632,433" "Briare Chatillon" "BRRCHT" "_" "N4736,900" "E00246,983" "Brienne le Chateau" "BRNNLC" "_" "N4825,817" "E00428,433" "Bullingen" "BLLNGN" "_" "N5024,600" "E00615,800" "Calais" "CALAIS" "_" "N5056,900" "E00151,917" "Cambrai Niergnies" "CMBRNR" "Aero" "N5008,383" "E00315,783" "Cessey" "CESSEY" "Aero" "N4736,600" "E00437,117" "Cezanne" "CEZANN" "Aero" "N4842,517" "E00344,550" "Chabrehez" "CHBRHZ" "_" "N5013,783" "E00543,217" "Chalon Ecury sur Coole" "CHLNCR" "Aero" "N4854,367" "E00421,217" "Ch Thierry Belleau" "CHTHRR" "_" "N4904,017" "E00321,333" "Chatillon sur Seine" "CHTLLN" "_" "N4750,533" "E00434,800" "Chailley" "CHAILL" "_" "N4804,767" "E00342,833" "Chambley" "CHAMBL" "Aero" "N4901,600" "E00552,617" "Chambon" "CHAMBN" "_" "N4803,683" "E00217,717" "Chamouille" "CHAMLL" "Club Nautique" "N4928,000" "E00340,217" "Champaubert" "CHMPBR" "_" "N4852,983" "E00346,683" "Champfleury" "CHMPFL" "_" "N4837,050" "E00400,317" "Champigny" "CHMPGN" "_" "N4833,617" "E00404,100" "Champs" "CHAMPS" "_" "N4932,583" "E00315,250" "Charleville Mezieres" "CHRLVL" "Aero" "N4947,100" "E00438,567" "Charleville 100" "CHARLE" "_" "N4941,150" "E00428,217" "Charmont sous Barbuise" "CHRMNT" "_" "N4824,767" "E00410,050" "Charny" "CHARNY" "_" "N4753,267" "E00305,683" "Charny2" "CHARN2" "_" "N4833,117" "E00356,533" "Chartres Champhols" "CHRTRS" "_" "N4827,433" "E00131,267" "Chaumont Semoutier" "CHMNTS" "_" "N4804,967" "E00502,900" "Chenieres" "CHENRS" "_" "N4928,467" "E00545,867" "Cherapont" "CHRPNT" "_" "N5010,900" "E00555,617" "Chimay" "CHIMAY" "_" "N5002,833" "E00418,900" "Clamecy" "CLAMEC" "Aero" "N4726,633" "E00330,083" "Colmey" "COLMEY" "_" "N4927,517" "E00533,483" "Comble" "COMBLE" "A1 Y A2" "N5001,317" "E00253,017" "Compiegne Margny" "CMPGNM" "_" "N4925,933" "E00248,050" "Conde en Brie" "CNDNBR" "_" "N4900,433" "E00333,750" "Conde sur Escaut" "CNDSRS" "_" "N5027,133" "E00335,467" "Cosseneux" "COSSNX" "Aero" "N4736,050" "E00203,967" "Courtenot" "CORTNT" "_" "N4809,133" "E00418,650" "Cousoire" "COUSOR" "_" "N5014,850" "E00408,800" "Couvin" "COUVIN" "_" "N5003,283" "E00429,667" "Crupet" "CRUPET" "_" "N5020,850" "E00457,450" "Curroy" "CURROY" "_" "N4842,283" "E00356,483" "Dammarne" "DAMMRN" "_" "N4747,283" "E00252,500" "Desvres" "DESVRS" "_" "N5040,367" "E00150,117" "Dombras" "DOMBRS" "_" "N4923,683" "E00527,483" "Doncourt les Conflans" "DNCRTL" "_" "N4909,200" "E00555,950" "Dordives" "DORDVS" "_" "N4808,867" "E00246,317" "Doullens" "DOLLNS" "Citadelle" "N5009,000" "E00220,000" "Dreux Vernouillet" "DRXVRN" "_" "N4842,367" "E00121,733" "Dromesnil" "DRMSNL" "_" "N4952,883" "E00152,100" "Dun sur Meuse" "DNSRMS" "_" "N4923,250" "E00510,617" "Epinal Dogneville" "EPNLDG" "_" "N4812,650" "E00626,917" "Epinal Mirecourt" "EPNLMR" "_" "N4819,683" "E00603,933" "Epernay" "EPERNA" "_" "N4902,500" "E00358,233" "Epernay Plivot" "EPRNPL" "Aero" "N4900,317" "E00405,167" "Escombres" "ESCMBR" "_" "N4941,650" "E00507,367" "Estree Blanche" "ESTRBL" "_" "N5035,650" "E00219,267" "Etain" "ETAIN" "Aero" "N4913,150" "E00540,667" "Etalle" "ETALLE" "_" "N4940,517" "E00536,100" "Etalon" "ETALON" "SNCF" "N4948,350" "E00248,733" "Fauges" "FAUGES" "_" "N4823,933" "E00406,667" "Fauquembergues" "FQMBRG" "_" "N5036,033" "E00205,883" "Fauvillers" "FVLLRS" "_" "N4951,117" "E00539,933" "Fere en Tardenois" "FRNTRD" "_" "N4911,783" "E00331,467" "Fins" "FINS" "_" "N5002,367" "E00302,583" "Fismes" "FISMES" "Gare SNCF" "N4918,633" "E00340,917" "Flamanville" "FLMNVL" "_" "N4948,617" "E00059,083" "Florenville" "FLRNVL" "_" "N4942,100" "E00518,550" "Fontaine Simon" "FNTNSM" "_" "N4830,350" "E00101,133" "Fourmies" "FOURMS" "_" "N5000,900" "E00403,400" "Frayelles" "FRALLS" "_" "N5013,750" "E00156,050" "Fretoy le Chateau" "FRTLCH" "_" "N4940,133" "E00258,117" "Frevent Monplaisir" "FRVNTM" "_" "N5016,733" "E00217,417" "Fricamps" "FRCMPS" "_" "N4949,250" "E00159,717" "Fruges" "FRUGES" "_" "N5031,300" "E00208,017" "Fumay" "FUMAY" "_" "N5000,217" "E00442,317" "Gaudiempre" "GADMPR" "_" "N5010,850" "E00231,733" "Gedinne" "GEDINN" "_" "N4958,883" "E00456,217" "Geralstein" "GRLSTN" "_" "N5013,567" "E00639,583" "Geraudot" "GERADT" "_" "N4818,833" "E00419,633" "Gives" "GIVES" "_" "N5004,500" "E00538,317" "Givet" "GIVET" "_" "N5008,400" "E00449,467" "Glaireuse" "GLAIRS" "_" "N4957,817" "E00514,700" "Guignicourt" "GGNCRT" "_" "N4926,167" "E00357,933" "Guillaucourt" "GLLCRT" "_" "N4951,117" "E00236,883" "Guise" "GUISE" "Chateau" "N4953,833" "E00337,350" "Ham" "HAM" "_" "N4944,417" "E00304,600" "Havange" "HAVANG" "_" "N4919,850" "E00604,033" "Hermies" "HERMIS" "_" "N5006,833" "E00302,150" "Hesdin" "HESDIN" "_" "N5022,033" "E00202,733" "Hillesheim" "HLLSHM" "_" "N5018,317" "E00639,117" "Hirson" "HIRSON" "Gare" "N4954,800" "E00405,100" "Houdain" "HOUDAN" "_" "N5018,750" "E00347,167" "Houffalize" "HOFFLZ" "_" "N5008,033" "E00547,367" "Houyet" "HOUYET" "_" "N5011,600" "E00500,483" "Huppy" "HUPPY" "_" "N5001,450" "E00146,183" "Iviers" "IVIERS" "_" "N4947,050" "E00408,617" "Joigny" "JOIGNY" "Aero" "N4759,617" "E00323,600" "Krautseheld" "KRTSHL" "_" "N5004,167" "E00619,417" "Kyllburg" "KLLBRG" "_" "N5002,850" "E00634,933" "La Besace" "LABESC" "_" "N4933,533" "E00457,617" "Laboissiere" "LABSSR" "_" "N5018,933" "E00411,200" "La Capelle" "LACPLL" "N2-N29" "N4958,900" "E00353,233" "La Forestiere" "LFRSTR" "_" "N4839,633" "E00334,867" "Laignes" "LAIGNS" "_" "N4751,200" "E00421,717" "Lamblore" "LAMBLR" "_" "N4838,067" "E00055,017" "Langres Rolampont" "LNGRSR" "_" "N4757,900" "E00517,667" "Laon Aero" "LAONAR" "_" "N4938,067" "E00332,867" "Laon Cathedrale" "LNCTHD" "_" "N4933,867" "E00337,483" "La Postalle" "LPSTLL" "_" "N4817,067" "E00326,417" "Le Cateau Cambresis" "LCTCMB" "N43XD932" "N5006,483" "E00331,350" "Le Chesne" "LECHSN" "Pont Cana" "N4939,567" "E00446,000" "Le Crotoy" "LECROT" "_" "N5013,417" "E00138,133" "Le Hene La Vieville" "LHNLVV" "_" "N4949,467" "E00338,583" "Le Quesnoy" "LEQUSN" "Centre Ville" "N5015,000" "E00337,950" "Les Hautes Rivieres" "LSHTSR" "_" "N4953,150" "E00450,450" "Les Loges" "LESLGS" "_" "N4805,683" "E00404,900" "Le Touquet Paris Plage" "LTQTPR" "_" "N5031,183" "E00137,150" "Liart" "LIART" "_" "N4946,383" "E00420,617" "Leuilly sous Coucy" "LLLSSC" "_" "N4928,967" "E00321,317" "Loeilly Ulm" "LOLLLM" "_" "N4945,917" "E00212,917" "Londinieres" "LNDNRS" "_" "N4949,950" "E00124,150" "Longroy" "LONGRO" "_" "N4959,983" "E00131,850" "Longuyon" "LONGUN" "_" "N4926,167" "E00536,667" "Longuyon Vilette" "LNGNVL" "_" "N4929,050" "E00534,217" "Longwy" "LONGWY" "_" "N4931,100" "E00545,017" "Lorris" "LORRIS" "_" "N4753,267" "E00230,733" "Lourches" "LORCHS" "_" "N5018,733" "E00321,533" "Luneville Croismare" "LNVLLC" "_" "N4835,633" "E00632,600" "Mailly" "MAILLY" "_" "N4736,167" "E00340,467" "Malmedy" "MALMED" "_" "N5025,500" "E00601,533" "Maninghem" "MNNGHM" "_" "N5032,450" "E00156,667" "Marche en Famenne" "MRCHNF" "_" "N5013,567" "E00520,283" "Marcq en Baroeul" "MRCQNB" "_" "N5041,267" "E00304,450" "Marest" "MAREST" "_" "N5028,167" "E00225,117" "Mareuil en Brie" "MRLNBR" "_" "N4857,667" "E00344,300" "Margny" "MARGNY" "_" "N4937,183" "E00521,083" "Marigny le Chatel" "MRGNLC" "_" "N4824,300" "E00344,117" "Maubeuge Elesmes" "MBGLSM" "Aero" "N5018,550" "E00401,850" "Maubeuge Gare" "MABGGR" "_" "N5016,333" "E00358,000" "Mers les Bains" "MRSLSB" "_" "N5003,767" "E00123,367" "Merville Callonne" "MRVLLC" "_" "N5037,267" "E00238,567" "Mingoval" "MINGVL" "_" "N5022,483" "E00234,550" "Molliens" "MOLLNS" "_" "N4953,050" "E00201,483" "Momesmes" "MOMSMS" "_" "N4756,317" "E00421,133" "Montargis Vimory" "MNTRGS" "_" "N4757,717" "E00241,183" "Montigny" "MONTGN" "_" "N4938,600" "E00437,617" "Montmart Lucy" "MNTMRT" "_" "N4855,717" "E00348,933" "Montmedy" "MONTMD" "Centre" "N4931,167" "E00522,100" "Moreuil" "MOREUL" "Plan d'Eau" "N4949,450" "E00225,783" "Morisel" "MORISL" "_" "N4946,350" "E00229,433" "Mormont" "MORMNT" "_" "N5019,650" "E00535,617" "Morsain" "MORSAN" "_" "N4927,183" "E00310,800" "Moufle" "MOUFLE" "Eglise" "N5002,883" "E00203,017" "Nalines" "NALINS" "_" "N5019,467" "E00426,717" "Nemors" "NEMORS" "_" "N4815,917" "E00242,150" "Neufchateau" "NEFCHT" "_" "N4950,933" "E00526,883" "Neufchatel en Bray" "NFCHTL" "_" "N4943,817" "E00127,150" "Nod sur Seine" "NDSRSN" "_" "N4746,483" "E00432,883" "Nortkerque" "NRTKRQ" "_" "N5052,800" "E00201,550" "Noyon" "NOYON" "_" "N4934,667" "E00300,650" "Onnaing" "ONNANG" "_" "N5023,200" "E00336,000" "Origny" "ORIGNY" "Pont" "N4950,400" "E00328,650" "Peronne St Quentin" "PRNNST" "_" "N4952,150" "E00301,817" "Peronne Ville" "PRNNVL" "_" "N4955,917" "E00256,000" "Peuerseheid" "PERSHD" "_" "N5006,533" "E00626,333" "Poix le Vidame" "PXLVDM" "Viaduc" "N4947,083" "E00158,400" "Pont St Vincent" "PNTSTV" "Aero" "N4836,100" "E00603,567" "Pont sur Yonne" "PNTSRN" "_" "N4817,250" "E00312,333" "Poperinge" "POPRNG" "_" "N5050,983" "E00243,900" "Pouilly sur Meuse" "PLLSRM" "_" "N4932,500" "E00506,317" "Prisches" "PRSCHS" "_" "N5004,933" "E00346,150" "Provins" "PROVNS" "_" "N4833,433" "E00318,517" "Puisieux" "PUISIX" "_" "N5007,167" "E00241,717" "Pussemange" "PSSMNG" "_" "N4948,733" "E00451,800" "Quevauvillers" "QVVLLR" "_" "N4949,533" "E00205,283" "Quincerot" "QUNCRT" "_" "N4756,617" "E00409,750" "Reims 100" "RMS100" "_" "N4918,067" "E00346,183" "Reims Prunay" "RMSPRN" "_" "N4912,500" "E00409,383" "Reims" "REIMS" "_" "N4914,683" "E00402,200" "Rethel Perthes" "RTHLPR" "Aero" "N4928,917" "E00421,850" "Reuth" "REUTH" "_" "N5017,867" "E00628,717" "Rimogne" "RIMOGN" "_" "N4951,067" "E00432,000" "Rocroy" "ROCROY" "_" "N4954,950" "E00425,600" "Rogecourt" "ROGCRT" "_" "N4939,283" "E00325,600" "Romain" "ROMAIN" "_" "N4919,983" "E00346,033" "Romilly" "ROMILL" "_" "N4830,733" "E00344,083" "Rondu" "RONDU" "_" "N4957,783" "E00530,333" "Roth" "ROTH" "_" "N5015,400" "E00637,200" "Roucourt" "ROUCRT" "_" "N5019,700" "E00308,817" "Roye" "ROYE" "_" "N4941,600" "E00247,950" "Rozoy sur Serres" "RZSRSR" "_" "N4942,583" "E00408,100" "Saint Aubin" "STEABN" "_" "N4951,050" "E00159,067" "Saint Denis de lHotel" "STDNSD" "_" "N4753,900" "E00209,950" "Saint Vith" "STEVTH" "_" "N5017,067" "E00607,550" "Sanghem" "SANGHM" "_" "N5046,817" "E00154,800" "Sedan 100" "SDN100" "_" "N4944,650" "E00431,617" "Sedan Douzy" "SEDNDZ" "_" "N4939,550" "E00502,233" "Semur en Auxois" "SMRNXS" "_" "N4728,900" "E00420,567" "Sens" "SENS" "_" "N4811,900" "E00317,250" "Sohier" "SOHIER" "_" "N5004,850" "E00504,100" "Soissons Courmelles" "SSSNSC" "_" "N4920,733" "E00317,017" "Soissons Ville" "SSSNSV" "_" "N4922,600" "E00320,200" "St Avold" "STAVLD" "_" "N4906,367" "E00643,367" "St Etienne a Arnes" "STTNNR" "_" "N4918,650" "E00429,600" "St Etienne sousBarbuse" "STTNNS" "_" "N4830,100" "E00406,550" "St Fargeau" "STFARG" "_" "N4738,450" "E00304,550" "St Florentin Cheu" "STFLRN" "_" "N4758,850" "E00346,600" "St Ghislain" "STGHSL" "Aero" "N5027,500" "E00349,317" "St Hilaire" "STHILR" "_" "N5011,250" "E00324,900" "St Hubert" "STHBRT" "_" "N5002,217" "E00524,283" "St Marceau" "STMARC" "_" "N4942,617" "E00443,100" "St Omer Wizernes" "STMRWZ" "_" "N5043,667" "E00214,067" "St Pierre sur Vence" "STPRRS" "_" "N4941,667" "E00440,417" "St Pol sur Ternoise" "STPLSR" "_" "N5022,433" "E00220,667" "St Quentin A26" "STQNTN" "A26 sortie" "N4951,750" "E00314,217" "St Quentin Roupy" "STQUEN" "Aero" "N4949,017" "E00312,350" "St Riquier" "STRIQR" "Abbaye" "N5008,100" "E00157,033" "St Saens" "STSANS" "_" "N4940,433" "E00116,917" "St Simon Clastre" "STSMNC" "Aeroport desafecte" "N4945,000" "E00313,000" "St Supplet" "STSPPL" "_" "N4923,317" "E00544,283" "Totes" "TOTES" "_" "N4940,900" "E00102,533" "Tergnier" "TERGNR" "Pont SNCF" "N4939,067" "E00318,267" "Teterchen" "TTRCHN" "_" "N4914,633" "E00634,100" "Thuillies" "THULLS" "_" "N5017,800" "E00419,767" "Tigy" "TIGY" "Carrefour" "N4747,833" "E00212,017" "Tintange" "TINTNG" "_" "N4952,817" "E00545,167" "Tonnerre Moulins" "TNNRRM" "Aero TONNMOUL" "N4746,000" "E00402,000" "Tonnerre SNCF" "TNNRRS" "_" "N4744,067" "E00412,917" "Tonnerre TGV" "TNNRRT" "_" "N4740,800" "E00404,833" "Tonnerre" "TONNRR" "_" "N4750,983" "E00358,867" "Toucy" "TOUCY" "_" "N4744,067" "E00317,867" "Tournai Maubray" "TRNMBR" "_" "N5031,917" "E00329,667" "Tracy le Mont" "TRCLMN" "_" "N4928,367" "E00300,417" "Trois Ponts" "TRSPNT" "_" "N5022,933" "E00552,617" "Troissy" "TROISS" "_" "N4905,000" "E00342,267" "Troyes Barberey" "TRSBRB" "_" "N4819,333" "E00401,050" "Troyes SNCF" "TRSSNC" "_" "N4817,750" "E00403,883" "Vailly sur Aisne" "VLLSRS" "_" "N4924,550" "E00331,083" "Valenciennes Denain" "VLNCNN" "_" "N5019,567" "E00327,750" "Valenciennes Gare" "VALENC" "_" "N5021,800" "E00331,050" "Val Joly" "VALJOL" "Barrage" "N5007,250" "E00405,600" "Vatry" "VATRY" "_" "N4846,633" "E00411,033" "Vauchamps" "VCHMPS" "_" "N4852,833" "E00336,883" "Vaux Villaine" "VXVLLN" "_" "N4946,317" "E00428,250" "Velu" "VELU" "_" "N5006,550" "E00258,333" "Verpal" "VERPAL" "_" "N4923,150" "E00456,133" "Verrey sous Salmaise" "VRRSSS" "_" "N4726,750" "E00439,917" "Vertus" "VERTUS" "Eglise" "N4854,150" "E00401,233" "Vervin" "VERVIN" "Gare" "N4949,800" "E00353,500" "Vielsam" "VIELSM" "_" "N5017,350" "E00555,000" "Ville en Selve" "VLLNSL" "_" "N4907,900" "E00404,733" "Villemoran" "VLLMRN" "_" "N4812,133" "E00346,650" "Villemorien" "VILLEM" "_" "N4805,083" "E00417,967" "Villers au Bois" "VLLRSB" "_" "N4856,100" "E00356,050" "Villers Bocage" "VILLER" "_" "N4959,900" "E00218,817" "Villers La Bonne Eau" "VLLRSL" "_" "N4956,183" "E00544,850" "Villers sousFoucarmont" "VLLRSS" "_" "N4950,467" "E00133,850" "Villerupt" "VLLRPT" "_" "N4924,617" "E00553,333" "Virton" "VIRTON" "_" "N4933,950" "E00531,483" "Vitry en Artois Aero" "VTRNRT" "123,5" "N5020,300" "E00259,550" "Vitry en Artois" "VITRYE" "_" "N5019,667" "E00258,850" "Vouziers" "VOUZRS" "_" "N4923,767" "E00442,283" "Warmenville" "WRMNVL" "_" "N4921,100" "E00413,250" "Wasigny" "WASIGN" "_" "N4938,250" "E00421,517" "Watignies" "WATGNS" "_" "N5012,117" "E00400,067" "Wissard" "WISSRD" "_" "N5053,667" "E00140,000" "Yerville" "YERVLL" "_" "N4940,133" "E00053,833"