;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; California City, California + ; + ; Region 12 ( 1998 ) + ; + ; User Specified Waypoints formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Walter Rogers 'WX' + ; + ; Generated Saturday, 28 April 2001 at 03:21 GMT + ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Oso Pumping Station" "OSPMPN" "_" "N3448.450" "W11843.167" "General Fox Airport" "GNRLFX" "06/24 50A" "N3444.333" "W11813.567" "Rosamond Intersection" "RSMNDN" "_" "N3451.850" "W11810.250" "Tehachapi Mtn Valley" "THCHPM" "123.0" "N3506.150" "W11825.883" "California City AP" "CALFRN" "06/24 60A" "N3508.983" "W11801.550" "Johannesburg" "JHNNSB" "_" "N3522.367" "W11738.033" "Mojave Airport" "MOJAVE" "04/22 40A" "N3503.550" "W11809.850" "Inyokern Airport" "INYKRN" "02/20 60A" "N3538.900" "W11749.933" "Haiwee Reservoir" "HWRSRV" "_" "N3613.567" "W11758.750" "Darwin" "DARWIN" "_" "N3615.567" "W11735.817" "Panamint Lake Int" "PNMNTL" "_" "N3620.367" "W11725.367" "Trona Airport" "TRONA" "17/35 43A" "N3548.283" "W11719.667" "Baker Airport" "BAKER" "15/33 32A" "N3516.917" "W11604.750" "Afton Cement Plant" "AFTNCM" "_" "N3502.517" "W11626.733" "Hector Vortac" "HCTRVT" "_" "N3447.817" "W11627.717" "Barstow Daggett AP" "BRSTWD" "04/22 51A" "N3450.467" "W11648.150" "Barstow Railroad Yard" "BRSTWR" "_" "N3453.350" "W11705.250" "Helendale Radar" "HLNDLR" "_" "N3448.617" "W11717.883" "El Mirage Airport" "ELMIRG" "04/22 37A" "N3437.417" "W11736.533" "Apple Valley Airport" "APPLVL" "18/36 65A" "N3434.233" "W11711.267" "Lucerne Valley Int" "LCRNVL" "_" "N3426.617" "W11656.967" "Kelso Valley Ranch" "KLSVLL" "_" "N3523.083" "W11813.600" "Valley Vista Airport" "VLLYVS" "09/27 28S" "N3420.250" "W11634.600" "Hi Desert Airport" "HIDSRT" "06/24 25A" "N3409.217" "W11615.833" "Big Bear" "BIGBER" "_" "N3415.550" "W11653.000" "Wrightwood" "WRGHTW" "_" "N3421.933" "W11738.550" "Crystal Airport" "CRYSTL" "07/25 45A" "N3429.100" "W11750.050" "Lone Pine Airport" "LONEPN" "16/34 40A" "N3634.967" "W11802.700" "Independence" "INDPND" "05/23 16D" "N3648.650" "W11812.067" "Road Int N Cal City" "RDXNCL" "_" "N3518.750" "W11759.100" "Bishop" "BISHOP" "07/25 56A" "N3721.933" "W11821.650" "Radar Site" "RADRST" "_" "N3454.950" "W11831.333" "Lloyds Landing" "LLYDSL" "06/24 23D" "N3454.433" "W11818.483" "Borax" "BORAX" "06/24 34A" "N3501.767" "W11742.733" "Four Corner" "FRCRNR" "_" "N3459.550" "W11732.450" "Goler Wash" "GLRWSH" "_" "N3525.533" "W11744.167" "Cinder Cone Int" "CNDRCN" "_" "N3558.633" "W11756.367" "Tera Airport" "TERA" "06/24 35T" "N3535.350" "W11738.217" "Smugglers Strip" "SMGGLR" "_" "N3525.367" "W11804.600" "Kern Valley Airport" "KRNVLL" "17/35 35A" "N3543.417" "W11825.167" "Shoshone Airport" "SHOSHN" "15/33 24A" "N3557.917" "W11616.067" "Lida Junction Airport" "LIDJNC" "18/36 65D" "N3729.150" "W11711.450" "Beatty Airport" "BEATTY" "_" "N3651.667" "W11647.217" "Basalt Intersection" "BSLTNT" "_" "N3800.617" "W11816.483" "Lee Vining Airport" "LEVNNG" "14/32 41A" "N3757.150" "W11906.167" "Mammoth Lakes Airport" "MMMTHL" "_" "N3738.000" "W11850.133" "CalTrans Quarry" "CLTRNS" "_" "N3533.267" "W11755.500" "Cottonwood Power Plant" "CTTNWD" "_" "N3625.567" "W11803.450" "Hwy 14 Hwy 178 Int." "HWY14H" "_" "N3536.183" "W11755.233" "Westgard Pass Ranch" "WSTGRD" "_" "N3710.000" "W11804.000" "Janie Sporting Ranch" "JNSPRT" "_" "N3755.600" "W11824.250" "Whitney Portal" "WHTNYP" "_" "N3635.350" "W11813.967" "Wildrose Ranger Sta." "WLDRSR" "_" "N3615.717" "W11710.350" "Searles Dry Lake SW" "SRLSDR" "_" "N3540.167" "W11722.833" "Start Gate" "STRTGT" "06/24 60A" "N3509.150" "W11800.967" "Finish Gate" "FNSHGT" "06/24 60A" "N3509.150" "W11800.967" "GPS Start North" "GPSN" "_" "N3512.000" "W11802.000" "GPS Start South East" "GPSS E" "_" "N3506.500" "W11755.000" "GPS Start West" "GPSW" "_" "N3507.500" "W11806.500" "GPS Start Mountain" "GPSMTN" "_" "N3509.000" "W11816.000"