Caesar Creek, Ohio [ Cross-Country ] Contributed courtesy of Jim Price, Gil Stengel, and Brian A Stoops Last updated Saturday, 21 January 2006 at 07:55 GMT Based on the 2005 turnpoint list with airports withing 100 sm added. UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK Do not use for navigation, for flight verification only. Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees, expressed or implied. User assumes all risk of use. Waypoint Latitude Longitude Abbreviations for GPS ICAO 1 CCSC 39 28.625 N 84 5.650 W CCS CCSC CCSC CCSC CCSC CCSC CCSC 2OH9 2 Beachy 40 5.816 N 83 21.362 W BCH BEACH BEACHY Beachy Beachy Beachy Beachy I87 3 Ross Co 39 26.425 N 83 1.384 W RSS ROSSC ROSSCO Ross Co Ross Co Ross Co Ross Co RZT 4 Clinton 39 30.172 N 83 51.783 W CLN CLNTN CLINTN Clinton Clinton Clinton Clinton I66 5 Darby Dan 39 56.518 N 83 12.294 W DRB DRBDN DARBDN DarbyDan Darby Dan Darby Dan DarbyDan 6I6 6 Dayton Wright 39 35.338 N 84 13.492 W DTN DTNWR DTNWRG DtnWrght DatnWrght DaytnWrght DayWright MGY 7 Double J 39 13.671 N 83 57.204 W DBL DOBLJ DOUBLJ Double J Double J Double J Double J 8I8 8 Fayette Co 39 34.224 N 83 25.231 W FTT FATTC FAYTTC FayetteC FayetteCo Fayette Co Fayette Co I23 9 Frith 39 20.603 N 84 3.031 W FRT FRITH FRITH Frith Frith Frith Frith 24I 10 Gilmer 39 50.000 N 84 30.665 W GLM GILMR GILMER Gilmer Gilmer Gilmer Gilmer 20I 11 Green Acres 39 44.308 N 84 22.846 W GRN GRNCR GRNCRS Greencrs GreenAcrs GreenAcres GreenAcres 06OI 12 Grimes 40 7.957 N 83 45.204 W GRM GRIMS GRIMES Grimes Grimes Grimes Grimes I74 13 Highland Co 39 11.326 N 83 32.328 W HGH HGHLN HGHLND HighlndC HighlandC HighlandCo Highland Co. HOC 14 Hanshell Flying 39 35.318 N 83 39.325 W HNS HNSHL HNSHLL HnshllFl HnshllFln HnshllFlng HnshllFlyng 84OH 15 Hook 39 31.862 N 84 23.717 W HOK HOOK HOOK Hook Hook Hook Hook MWO 16 Jamestown Lake 39 38.683 N 83 47.713 W JMS JMSTW JMSTWN JmstwnLk JamstwnLk JamestwnLk JmstwnLk OI52 17 Lebanon 39 27.730 N 84 15.111 W LBN LEBNN LEBANN Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon Lebanon I68 18 Lynn-Ind 40 3.185 N 84 56.465 W LNN LNNND LYNNND Lynn Ind Lynn Ind Lynn Ind Lynn-Ind 19 Mad River 40 1.203 N 83 49.713 W MDR MDRVR MADRVR MadRiver Mad River Mad River Mad River I54 20 Madison Co 39 55.964 N 83 27.720 W MDS MDSNC MADSNC MadisonC MadisonCo Madison Co Madison Co UYF 21 Marysville 40 13.482 N 83 21.097 W MRS MRSVL MRSVLL Marysvll Marysvill Marysville Marysville I78 22 Merritt 39 28.735 N 83 29.375 W MRR MRRTT MERRTT Merritt Merritt Merritt Merritt 2OH2 23 Millertime 39 48.000 N 83 7.096 W MLL MLLRT MLLRTM Millertm Millertim Millertime Millertime 4OH4 24 Moraine 39 40.953 N 84 14.580 W MRN MORAN MORAIN Moraine Moraine Moraine Moraine I73 25 Morningstar 39 42.083 N 84 32.792 W MOR MRNNG MRNNGS Mrnngstr Mornngstr Morningstr MorningStar 3OH1 26 Oxford 39 30.136 N 84 47.063 W OXF OXFRD OXFORD Oxford Oxford Oxford Oxford OXD 27 Pickaway Co 39 30.960 N 82 58.929 W PCK PCKWC PICKWC PickawaC PickawayC PickawayCo Pickaway Co CYO 28 Piqua 40 9.882 N 84 18.507 W PIQ PIQUA PIQUA Piqua Piqua Piqua Piqua I17 29 Randolph Co 40 10.137 N 84 55.542 W RND RNDLP RNDLPH RandlphC RandolphC RandolphCo Randolph Co I22 30 Reed 40 5.277 N 83 53.696 W RED REED REED Reed Reed Reed Reed 24OI 31 Richmond 39 45.433 N 84 50.569 W RCH RCHMN RCHMND Richmond Richmond Richmond Richmond RID 32 Ross 39 22.181 N 83 21.121 W ROS ROSS ROSS Ross Ross Ross Ross OI25 33 Springfield 39 50.418 N 83 50.410 W SPR SPRNG SPRNGF Sprngfld Springfld Springfild Springfield SGH 34 Trump 40 7.567 N 84 34.954 W TRM TRUMP TRUMP Trump Trump Trump Trump 16OI 35 Deer Creek State Park 39 37.609 N 83 13.230 W DRC DRCRK DRCRKS DrCrkStt DrCrkSttP DrCrkSttPr DeerCrk SP 36 Greene Co 39 41.504 N 83 59.412 W GRE GRENC GREENC GreeneCo Greene Co Greene Co GreeneCo I19 37 Clarks Dream 39 38.654 N 83 1.094 W CLR CLRKS CLRKSD ClrksDrm ClarksDrm ClarksDrem Clarks Drm 03I Adams Strip 40 3.736 N 84 22.764 W ADM ADAMS ADAMS Adams Adams Adams Adams Strip 83OH Air Jordan 39 33.667 N 84 3.117 W ARJ ARJRD ARJRDN AirJordn AirJordan Air Jordan Air Jordan 2OI2 Allen and Gloss 38 51.420 N 85 6.080 W ALL ALLN+ ALLN+G Alln+Gls Alln+Glss Allen+Glss Allen +Gloss 8II0 Amanda 39 38.120 N 82 44.277 W AMN AMAND AMANDA Amanda Amanda Amanda Amanda OH61 Anderson 39 50.004 N 82 43.994 W AND ANDRS ANDRSN Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson OH43 Andy Barnhart 39 55.854 N 84 0.813 W ANY ANDBR ANDBRN AndBrnhr AndBrnhrt AndyBrnhrt AndyBarnhart 3OH0 Antique Acres 39 14.367 N 84 6.017 W ANT ANTQC ANTQCR Antiqcrs Antiqucrs Antiquecrs AntiqueAcres OH65 Apple 40 8.600 N 84 10.317 W APP APPLE APPLE Apple Apple Apple Apple 0OH7 August Acres 40 9.754 N 82 46.910 W AGS AGSTC AGSTCR Augstcrs Augustcrs AugustAcrs August Acres OH17 Baisden 39 6.133 N 82 36.643 W BSD BASDN BAISDN Baisden Baisden Baisden Baisden 4OI9 Barnett 39 20.000 N 83 51.333 W BRN BRNTT BARNTT Barnett Barnett Barnett Barnett 9I8 Bashore 40 2.753 N 84 20.063 W BSH BASHR BASHOR Bashore Bashore Bashore Bashore 1OA1 Bayes 40 20.404 N 83 17.045 W BAS BAYES BAYES Bayes Bayes Bayes Bayes 9OI7 Beckman 39 44.554 N 83 2.294 W BCK BCKMN BECKMN Beckman Beckman Beckman Beckman 50OI Belknap-Icarus Acres 40 8.003 N 85 13.831 W BLK BLKNP BLKNPC Blknpcrs Blknpcrsc Blknpcrscr Belknpcrscrs 1IN0 Berlin Station 40 15.537 N 83 0.711 W BRL BRLNS BRLNST BerlnSt. BerlinSt. BerlinSta. Berlin Sta. OH57 Bernie's 39 0.517 N 83 54.550 W BER BERNS BERNIS Bernies Bernies Bernies Bernies OA10 Blue Haven Farm 38 10.421 N 84 22.096 W BLH BLHVN BLHVNF BlHvnFrm BluHvnFrm BlueHvnFrm BlueHavenFrm 14KY Bohannan 40 20.730 N 82 56.430 W BHN BHNNN BOHNNN Bohannan Bohannan Bohannan Bohannan 2OH0 Bowman 40 20.104 N 83 8.161 W BWM BOWMN BOWMAN Bowman Bowman Bowman Bowman 63OI Brown's Lakeside Land 40 16.754 N 82 55.011 W BRW BRWNS BRWNSL BrwnsLks BrwnsLksd BrwnsLksdL BrwnsLksdLnd OH14 Brush Creek 39 2.717 N 85 30.917 W BRS BRSHC BRSHCR BrushCrk BrushCrek BrushCreek Brush Creek 8IN7 Buckeye Executive 39 57.702 N 82 32.440 W BUC BCKXC BCKXCT Buckxctv Buckexctv Buckeyxctv BuckeyeExctv 9OA5 Buell 39 11.917 N 85 8.183 W BLL BUELL BUELL Buell Buell Buell Buell II03 Burke's 38 46.220 N 85 29.081 W BRK BURKS BURKES Burkes Burkes Burkes Burkes II53 Chapman 40 17.687 N 82 43.877 W CHP CHPMN CHAPMN Chapman Chapman Chapman Chapman OH71 Chuck's 40 15.603 N 85 15.198 W CHC CHCKS CHUCKS Chucks Chucks Chucks Chucks 0II0 Clearwater 39 7.687 N 84 5.563 W CLE CLRWT CLRWTR Clearwtr Clearwatr Clearwater Clearwater 21OI Clum 39 52.904 N 82 24.876 W CLM CLUM CLUM Clum Clum Clum Clum 8OI5 Collins-Flege 39 21.770 N 84 20.480 W CLL CLLNS CLLNSF CllnsFlg CollnsFlg CollinsFlg CollinsFlege 77OH Conrads 38 42.387 N 84 35.997 W CNR CNRDS CONRDS Conrads Conrads Conrads Conrads 19KY Craw Daddy Landing 38 40.367 N 85 10.967 W CRW CRWDD CRWDDD CrwDddLn CrwDddLnd CrwDddLndn CrawDddLndng 3KY4 Creager 39 1.804 N 84 2.796 W CRG CREGR CREAGR Creager Creager Creager Creager 3OH7 Darby 40 8.420 N 83 23.412 W DAR DARBY DARBY Darby Darby Darby Darby OH93 Deeds 39 38.904 N 82 32.393 W DDS DEEDS DEEDS Deeds Deeds Deeds Deeds OH86 Deer Run 38 28.217 N 85 8.317 W DRR DERRN DEERRN Deer Run Deer Run Deer Run Deer Run 85KY Donner 39 22.000 N 83 36.000 W DNN DONNR DONNER Donner Donner Donner Donner OH28 Eibling Circle E 40 44.453 N 83 40.263 W EBL EBLNG EBLNGC EblngCrc EiblngCrc EiblingCrc Eibling CrcE OI66 Elbel 38 53.504 N 83 58.979 W ELB ELBEL ELBEL Elbel Elbel Elbel Elbel 81OH Erdy Farm 40 20.800 N 82 54.267 W ERD ERDFR ERDFRM ErdyFarm Erdy Farm Erdy Farm Erdy Farm 1OA8 Estes 38 59.004 N 84 39.967 W EST ESTES ESTES Estes Estes Estes Estes 67KY FL-Airfield 40 10.950 N 83 21.057 W FLF FL AF FL AF FL AF FL AF FL AF FL Airfield 2OA5 Farpoint 39 37.350 N 84 28.983 W FRP FRPNT FARPNT Farpoint Farpoint Farpoint Farpoint OI36 Finney's 40 15.569 N 85 15.632 W FNN FINNS FINNES Finneys Finneys Finneys Finneys II77 Fly-A-Way Farm 40 15.020 N 82 59.661 W FLW FLWFR FLWFRM FlyAWFrm FlyAWaFrm FlyAWayFrm Fly AWayFarm OI12 Flying Acres 40 23.037 N 83 6.411 W FLN FLNGC FLNGCR Flyngcrs Flyingcrs FlyingAcrs Flying Acres OI49 Flying J 39 49.037 N 83 45.346 W FLY FLNGJ FLYNGJ Flying J Flying J Flying J Flying J 79OI Forest 40 49.720 N 83 30.829 W FRS FORST FOREST Forest Forest Forest Forest 9OH9 Fortman 40 33.320 N 84 23.197 W FOR FRTMN FORTMN Fortman Fortman Fortman Fortman 1OH4 Francis 39 5.167 N 85 22.267 W FRN FRNCS FRANCS Francis Francis Francis Francis 9II8 Fricke 39 36.787 N 83 59.546 W FRC FRICK FRICKE Fricke Fricke Fricke Fricke OI34 Fry 40 11.611 N 84 15.329 W FRY FRY FRY Fry Fry Fry Fry 0OH8 Gainer 40 1.870 N 83 47.996 W GNR GAINR GAINER Gainer Gainer Gainer Gainer 2OI1 Giltner 38 48.953 N 85 26.781 W GLT GLTNR GILTNR Giltner Giltner Giltner Giltner II54 Good Earth Farm Strip 40 13.569 N 84 50.098 W GDR GDRTH GDRTHF GdrthFrm GodrthFrm GoodrthFrm GoodEarthFrm II73 Green Co Sport 39 41.298 N 83 52.554 W GRC GRNCS GRNCSP GrnCSprt GrenCSprt GreenCSprt GrnCoSpt I20 Grover 40 13.237 N 82 56.778 W GRV GROVR GROVER Grover Grover Grover Grover OH44 Haas 39 13.604 N 83 19.061 W HAS HAAS HAAS Haas Haas Haas Haas 17OI Hallelujah 39 12.154 N 84 6.279 W HLL HLLLJ HLLLJH Halleljh Hallelujh Hallelujah Hallelujah OI40 Hammond 39 46.783 N 83 54.550 W HMM HMMND HAMMND Hammond Hammond Hammond Hammond OI91 Heilman 40 40.137 N 83 26.612 W HLM HELMN HEILMN Heilman Heilman Heilman Heilman 14OH Heitman 40 22.567 N 84 15.300 W HTM HETMN HEITMN Heitman Heitman Heitman Heitman OA11 0 Hi Rise Farm 38 34.700 N 85 1.050 W HRS HRSFR HRSFRM HiRisFrm HiRiseFrm HiRiseFarm Hi Rise Farm 81KY Hidden Quarry 38 53.671 N 83 6.811 W HDD HDDNQ HDDNQR HiddnQrr HiddenQrr HiddenQurr HiddenQuarry 0OI9 Hide-A-Way Hills 39 38.587 N 82 28.009 W HDW HDWHL HDWHLL HidWHlls HideWHlls HideAWHlls HideAWayHlls 11OA Hillcrest 39 30.337 N 84 41.930 W HIL HLLCR HLLCRS Hillcrst Hillcrest Hillcrest Hillcrest OI26 Hillenbrand 39 20.670 N 85 15.498 W HIE HLLNB HLLNBR Hllnbrnd Hillnbrnd Hillenbrnd Hillenbrand HLB Hillview 40 18.520 N 83 36.912 W HIV HLLVW HILLVW Hillview Hillview Hillview Hillview OI38 Hogan 39 25.453 N 84 39.547 W HGN HOGAN HOGAN Hogan Hogan Hogan Hogan OA05 Horizon 40 22.003 N 85 20.315 W HRZ HORZN HORIZN Horizon Horizon Horizon Horizon IN63 Hummel 39 35.587 N 84 20.630 W HUM HUMML HUMMEL Hummel Hummel Hummel Hummel OH64 Humphries Rotordrome 39 3.404 N 84 12.246 W HMP HMPHR HMPHRS HmphrsRt HmphrsRtr HmphrsRtrd HmphrsRtrdrm OH33 Hydebrook 39 46.803 N 83 53.996 W HDB HDBRK HYDBRK Hydebrok Hydebrook Hydebrook Hydebrook 7OH7 Industry 39 50.687 N 82 34.776 W IND INDST INDSTR Industry Industry Industry Industry 38OH J-EM 40 9.604 N 83 16.577 W JEM J EM J EM J EM J EM J EM J-EM 82OI JBR 38 54.671 N 84 1.563 W JBR JBR JBR JBR JBR JBR JBR 2OH7 Jenkins 39 58.229 N 83 54.700 W JNK JNKNS JENKNS Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins 0OH2 Jims 39 36.003 N 84 24.997 W JIM JIMS JIMS Jims Jims Jims Jims OH63 Joe Cimprich 39 36.253 N 84 38.100 W JCM JCMPR JCMPRC JoCmprch JoeCmprch JoeCimprch Joe Cimprich 90OI John M. Foree 38 27.621 N 85 10.114 W JHN JHNMF JHNMFR JohnMFor JohnMFore JohnMForee John M Foree 12KY Josephs 39 3.417 N 85 2.133 W JSP JSPHS JOSPHS Josephs Josephs Josephs Josephs IG07 Kelch 38 58.517 N 84 2.050 W KLC KELCH KELCH Kelch Kelch Kelch Kelch 59OH Kemps Field of Dreams 40 6.353 N 84 23.997 W KMP KMPSF KMPSFL KmpsFldD KmpsFldDr KmpsFldDrm KempsFldDrms 6OH9 Kepes Flying 39 55.418 N 83 39.700 W KPS KPSFL KPSFLN KepsFlng KepesFlng KepesFlyng Kepes Flying 1OA4 King Knoll 39 23.225 N 84 47.875 W KNG KNGKN KNGKNL KingKnll KingKnoll King Knoll King Knoll OI84 Knore 38 50.255 N 82 50.094 W KNR KNORE KNORE Knore Knore Knore Knore OH94 Lazy-W 39 30.821 N 82 26.943 W LZW LAZYW LAZY W Lazy W Lazy W Lazy W Lazy W OI01 Leavelle 40 0.720 N 84 16.880 W LVL LEVLL LEAVLL Leavelle Leavelle Leavelle Leavelle 2OH6 Leis 40 12.353 N 84 39.697 W LES LEIS LEIS Leis Leis Leis Leis OH34 Lewis 39 10.903 N 85 9.081 W LWS LEWIS LEWIS Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis 70IN Lindsey L.S 39 41.254 N 83 5.811 W LND LNDSL LNDSLS LindseLS LindseyLS Lindsey LS Lindsey LS OH50 Lisbon 39 52.004 N 83 37.995 W LSB LISBN LISBON Lisbon Lisbon Lisbon Lisbon 1OH8 Logan's Chance 39 59.804 N 83 51.279 W LGN LGNSC LGNSCH LgnsChnc LognsChnc LogansChnc LogansChance 57OI Lumberton 39 33.187 N 83 51.296 W LMB LMBRT LMBRTN Lumbertn Lumberton Lumberton Lumberton OH77 Mackie's 39 14.883 N 83 54.900 W MCK MACKS MACKIS Mackies Mackies Mackies Mackies 2OA2 Madi's Meadows 38 49.017 N 84 40.267 W MAD MDSMD MDSMDW MadsMdws MadisMdws MadisMedws MadisMeadows 20KY Maplewood Orchard 39 23.054 N 84 10.096 W MPL MPLWD MPLWDR Mplwdrch Mplwdrchr Mplwdrchrd Maplewdrchrd OH95 McClary's Indecision 39 34.967 N 84 31.508 W MCC MCCLR MCCLRS McClrsnd McClrsndc McClrsndcs McClrsndcsnc 8OA8 McColloch's 40 10.636 N 84 17.663 W MCO MCCLL MCCLLC McCllchs McCollchs McCollochs McCollochs 1OI9 McGregor 39 50.087 N 84 20.080 W MCG MCGRG MCGRGR McGregor McGregor McGregor McGregor 12OH McIntosh 39 42.171 N 84 26.871 W MCN MCNTS MCNTSH McIntosh McIntosh McIntosh McIntosh OH59 McKinney 38 55.621 N 83 59.313 W MCI MCKNN MCKINN McKinney McKinney McKinney McKinney OI57 McKnight 40 11.420 N 82 39.277 W MCH MCKNG MCKNGH McKnight McKnight McKnight McKnight 5OI8 McMinn 39 31.717 N 85 19.000 W MCM MCMNN MCMINN McMinn McMinn McMinn McMinn 6IN8 Merts 39 33.208 N 83 51.127 W MRT MERTS MERTS Merts Merts Merts Merts 3OH9 Miami Valley 39 50.603 N 84 19.880 W MMV MMVLL MIMVLL MiamiVll MiamiVall MiamiValle Miami Valley OH51 Mill Creek 40 16.104 N 83 13.295 W MIL MLLCR MLLCRK MillCrek MillCreek Mill Creek Mill Creek OI85 Mission 39 25.704 N 82 49.360 W MSS MISSN MISSIN Mission Mission Mission Mission OH35 Mitchell 40 8.237 N 83 13.078 W MTC MTCHL MTCHLL Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell 6OI5 Mite 39 38.970 N 84 37.797 W MIT MITE MITE Mite Mite Mite Mite OI89 Morkassel 39 5.954 N 83 6.994 W MRK MRKSS MRKSSL Morkassl Morkassel Morkassel Morkassel 8OI9 Mueller Farm 38 49.400 N 84 41.083 W MUE MLLRF MLLRFR MullrFrm MuellrFrm MuellerFrm Mueller Farm 4KY7 Mulholland 40 34.403 N 84 29.397 W MLH MLHLL MLHLLN Mulhllnd Mulhollnd Mulholland Mulholland OI99 Neals 39 2.017 N 83 53.167 W NLS NEALS NEALS Neals Neals Neals Neals OH96 Norris 39 39.379 N 84 52.263 W NRR NORRS NORRIS Norris Norris Norris Norris 8II2 Nuckols 40 21.286 N 85 2.948 W NCK NCKLS NUCKLS Nuckols Nuckols Nuckols Nuckols IN41 Obannon Creek 39 14.370 N 84 10.579 W OBN OBNNN OBNNNC ObnnnCrk ObannnCrk ObannonCrk ObannonCreek OH66 Obi One 40 21.170 N 83 3.061 W OB1 OBI 1 OBI 1 Obi One Obi One Obi One Obi One 7OH3 Owen 38 37.367 N 84 46.733 W OWN OWEN OWEN Owen Owen Owen Owen 0KY0 Parknavy 40 4.304 N 83 13.795 W PRK PRKNV PARKNV Parknavy Parknavy Parknavy Parknavy 0OH9 Pelz 39 59.037 N 83 36.795 W PLZ PELZ PELZ Pelz Pelz Pelz Pelz 3OH3 Pentecost 39 51.369 N 84 58.331 W PNT PNTCS PNTCST Pentecst Pentecost Pentecost Pentecost 12II Pine Lake 40 14.087 N 82 55.161 W PNL PINLK PINELK Pine Lk Pine Lake Pine Lake Pine Lake OH39 Planevue 40 6.837 N 82 27.493 W PLN PLANV PLANEV Planevue Planevue Planevue Planevue OH99 Port-O-John 39 47.794 N 83 13.051 W PRT PRTJH PRTJHN PortOJhn PortOJohn Port OJohn Port-O-John 2OH8 Pruss 38 58.703 N 85 6.581 W PRS PRUSS PRUSS Pruss Pruss Pruss Pruss 17IN Raylene 39 18.003 N 84 44.997 W RLN RAYLN RAYLEN Raylene Raylene Raylene Raylene OH68 Ripley 40 40.903 N 84 38.181 W RPL RIPLE RIPLEY Ripley Ripley Ripley Ripley 9OA1 Rising Sun 38 55.554 N 84 54.714 W RSN RSNGS RSNGSN RisingSn RisingSun Rising Sun Rising Sun 31II Riverview 39 2.087 N 84 52.364 W RVR RVRVW RIVRVW Riverviw Riverview Riverview Riverview 71KY Roberts 39 55.304 N 82 27.543 W RBR RBRTS ROBRTS Roberts Roberts Roberts Roberts 2OH3 Rohrer 39 17.054 N 84 12.679 W RHR ROHRR ROHRER Rohrer Rohrer Rohrer Rohrer 5OI0 Ronshausen 39 41.767 N 83 4.522 W RNS RNSHS RNSHSN Ronshasn Ronshausn Ronshausen Ronshausen 38OI Ryan 38 48.217 N 84 39.667 W RYN RYAN RYAN Ryan Ryan Ryan Ryan 7KY2 S and S 40 18.086 N 83 58.563 W S+S S + S S + S S and S S and S S and S S and S 1OH1 San Mar Gale 39 27.504 N 84 7.913 W SNM SNMRG SNMRGL SanMarGl SanMarGal SanMarGale San Mar Gale OH79 Schoettmer Farm 39 22.283 N 85 35.533 W SCH SCHTT SCHTTM SchttmrF SchttmrFr SchttmrFrm SchoettmrFrm 67II Schroder 38 33.004 N 84 45.797 W SCR SCHRD SCHRDR Schroder Schroder Schroder Schroder 61KY Sell 40 7.233 N 84 27.217 W SLL SELL SELL Sell Sell Sell Sell OH67 Smith 39 23.186 N 85 37.032 W SMT SMITH SMITH Smith Smith Smith Smith II71 Soltis 40 30.220 N 83 5.411 W SLT SOLTS SOLTIS Soltis Soltis Soltis Soltis 75OI Squires 39 43.103 N 85 2.931 W SQR SQURS SQUIRS Squires Squires Squires Squires 10IN Starkey's 40 2.586 N 85 15.631 W STR STRKS STARKS Starkeys Starkeys Starkeys Starkeys IN21 Stevens Farms 39 39.633 N 85 32.900 W STV STVNS STVNSF StvnsFrm StvnsFrms StevnsFrms StevensFarms IN05 Stone 39 46.203 N 84 24.997 W STN STONE STONE Stone Stone Stone Stone 1OI6 Sunset Strip 40 11.117 N 83 10.417 W SNS SUNST SUNSET Sunset Sunset Sunset Sunset Strip 33OH Swigart 39 58.053 N 84 24.530 W SWG SWGRT SWIGRT Swigart Swigart Swigart Swigart OH78 Transportation Resear 40 18.487 N 83 32.504 W TRN TRNSP TRNSPR Trnsprtt Trnsprttn TrnsprttnR TrnsprttnRsr 9OI5 Ty Combs 39 4.917 N 84 45.417 W TCM TCMBS TYCMBS Ty Combs Ty Combs Ty Combs Ty Combs 1KY8 Unger 39 21.587 N 83 25.062 W UNG UNGER UNGER Unger Unger Unger Unger 0OI2 Utter 38 51.083 N 84 6.333 W UTT UTTER UTTER Utter Utter Utter Utter 2OA7 Valley Vista 39 14.254 N 83 15.645 W VLL VLLVS VLLVST ValleVst ValleyVst ValleyVist Valley Vista 3OA8 Victory 39 55.908 N 83 54.450 W VCT VICTR VICTOR Victory Victory Victory Victory 2OA4 Wagner 39 59.487 N 84 17.497 W WGN WAGNR WAGNER Wagner Wagner Wagner Wagner OI06 Webster 39 34.603 N 85 35.265 W WBS WBSTR WEBSTR Webster Webster Webster Webster 1II0 Weston Farm 39 13.670 N 85 30.832 W WST WSTNF WSTNFR WestnFrm WestonFrm WestonFarm Weston Farm 81IN White 39 46.476 N 84 55.090 W WHT WHITE WHITE White White White White IN47 White's 39 42.170 N 83 5.633 W WHI WHITS WHITES Whites Whites Whites Whites 63OH Willard 39 41.064 N 82 28.005 W WLL WLLRD WILLRD Willard Willard Willard Willard 62OH Williamson 39 42.754 N 83 48.229 W WIL WLLMS WLLMSN Willimsn Williamsn Williamson Williamson OI73 Windy P Ridge 40 20.419 N 85 1.081 W WND WNDPR WNDPRD WindPRdg WindyPRdg WindyPRidg Windy PRidge 34IN Wright-Patterson AFB 39 49.570 N 84 2.900 W WRG WRGHT WRGHTP WrghtPtt WrghtPttr WrghtPttrs WrghtPttrsnF FFO Action 39 7.950 N 84 49.717 W ACT ACTIN ACTION Action Action Action Action I38 Ada 40 47.436 N 83 49.746 W ADA ADA ADA Ada Ada Ada Ada 0D7 Airborne 39 25.675 N 83 47.527 W ARB ARBRN AIRBRN Airborne Airborne Airborne Airborne ILN Alberta 38 23.800 N 84 27.817 W ALB ALBRT ALBERT Alberta Alberta Alberta Alberta 8KY0 Alexander Salamon 38 51.088 N 83 33.976 W ALX ALXND ALXNDR AlxndrSl AlxndrSlm AlxndrSlmn AlexandrSlmn AMT Bellefontaine 40 22.339 N 83 49.141 W BEL BLLFN BLLFNT Bellfntn Bellefntn Bellefontn Bellefontain EDJ Bloom 39 38.004 N 83 44.995 W BLM BLOOM BLOOM Bloom Bloom Bloom Bloom 14I Bluffton 40 53.127 N 83 52.118 W BLF BLFFT BLFFTN Bluffton Bluffton Bluffton Bluffton 5G7 Bolton 39 54.070 N 83 8.214 W BLT BOLTN BOLTON Bolton Bolton Bolton Bolton TZR Brookville Air-Park 39 51.753 N 84 25.997 W BRO BRKVL BRKVLL Brookvll Brookvill Brookville Brookville I62 Brown 38 52.917 N 83 52.964 W BOW BROWN BROWN Brown Brown Brown Brown GEO Butler 39 21.825 N 84 31.317 W BTL BUTLR BUTLER Butler Butler Butler Butler HAO Cincinnati 39 6.200 N 84 25.117 W CNC CNCNN CNCNNT Cincinnt Cincinnat Cincinnati Cincinnati LUK Cincinnati West 39 15.537 N 84 46.458 W CIN CINCI CINCIN CincnntW CincinntW CincinnatW Cincinnati W I67 Cincinnati-Blue Ash 39 14.802 N 84 23.338 W CIC CINCN CINCIA CncnntBl CncnntBls CncnntBlsh CincinntBlsh ISZ Cincinnati/Northern K 39 2.930 N 84 40.069 W CII CINCA CINCIT CncnntNr CncnntNrt CncnntNrth CncnntNrthrn CVG Clermont 39 4.704 N 84 12.612 W CLO CLRMN CLRMNT Clermont Clermont Clermont Clermont I69 Columbus Southwest 39 54.670 N 83 11.328 W COL CLMBS CLMBSS ClmbsSth ClmbsSthw ClmbsSthws ColmbsSthwst 04I Cutler 40 11.583 N 83 6.717 W CTL CUTLR CUTLER Cutler Cutler Cutler Cutler OH41 Cynthiana-Harrison 38 21.970 N 84 17.001 W CNT CNTHN CNTHNH CnthnHrr CnthnHrrs CnthnHrrsn CynthinHrrsn 0I8 Darke 40 12.265 N 84 31.915 W DRK DARKE DARKE Darke Darke Darke Darke VES Dayton-New-Lebanon 39 45.953 N 84 20.597 W DAY DTNNW DTNNWL DtnNwLbn DtnNwLbnn DatnNwLbnn DaytonNwLbnn I44 Delaware 40 16.782 N 83 6.888 W DLW DELWR DELAWR Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware DLZ Elliot's Landing 40 31.483 N 83 30.700 W ELL ELLTS ELLTSL ElltsLnd ElltsLndn ElltsLndng ElliotsLndng O74 Fairfield 39 45.338 N 82 39.426 W FRF FRFLD FARFLD Fairfild Fairfield Fairfield Fairfield LHQ Fleming-Mason 38 32.508 N 83 44.603 W FLM FLMNG FLMNGM FlmngMsn FlemngMsn FlemingMsn FlemingMason FGX Gene Snyder 38 42.254 N 84 23.496 W GNS GNSND GNSNDR GeneSndr GeneSnydr GeneSnyder Gene Snyder K62 Georgetown Scott Coun 38 14.066 N 84 26.081 W GRG GRGTW GRGTWN GrgtwnSc GrgtwnSct GrgtwnSctt GrgtwnScttCn 27K Glade 39 0.704 N 82 47.310 W GLD GLADE GLADE Glade Glade Glade Glade OH37 Greater Portsmouth 38 50.428 N 82 50.839 W GRT GRTRP GRTRPR GrtrPrts GrtrPrtsm GrtrPrtsmt GretrPrtsmth PMH Greensburg-Decatur 39 19.615 N 85 31.352 W GRS GRNSB GRNSBR GrnsbrgD GrnsbrgDc GrnsbrgDct GrensbrgDctr I34 Hagerstown 39 53.350 N 85 9.800 W HGR HGRST HGRSTW Hagrstwn Hagerstwn Hagerstown Hagerstown I61 Hardin 40 36.643 N 83 38.616 W HRD HARDN HARDIN Hardin Hardin Hardin Hardin I95 Hollister 39 26.254 N 83 42.495 W HOL HLLST HLLSTR Hollistr Hollister Hollister Hollister 2B6 James M Cox Dayton 39 54.143 N 84 13.163 W JAM JMSMC JMSMCX JmsMCxDt JmsMCxDtn JamsMCxDtn JamesMCoxDtn DAY Lakefield 40 29.045 N 84 33.607 W LKF LKFLD LAKFLD Lakefild Lakefield Lakefield Lakefield CQA Lima Allen 40 42.417 N 84 1.600 W LML LMLLN LIMLLN LimaAlln LimaAllen Lima Allen Lima Allen AOH Litzinger 39 2.767 N 85 9.400 W LTZ LTZNG LTZNGR Litzingr Litzinger Litzinger Litzinger IG04 Madison 38 45.533 N 85 27.932 W MAI MADSN MADISN Madison Madison Madison Madison IMS Marion 40 36.975 N 83 3.808 W MAR MARIN MARION Marion Marion Marion Marion MNN Mettel 39 41.910 N 85 7.782 W MTT METTL METTEL Mettel Mettel Mettel Mettel CEV Miller Farm 39 53.070 N 82 35.343 W MIE MILLE MILLER MillrFrm MillerFrm MillerFarm Miller Farm 7B4 Morrow 40 31.472 N 82 51.003 W MOO MORRW MORROW Morrow Morrow Morrow Morrow 4I9 Neil Armstrong 40 29.603 N 84 17.937 W NLR NLRMS NLRMST Nlrmstrn Nlrmstrng Nelrmstrng NeilArmstrng AXV New Castle-Henry 39 52.551 N 85 19.588 W NWC NWCST NWCSTL NwCstlHn NwCstlHnr NewCstlHnr NewCastleHnr UWL Newark-Heath 40 1.480 N 82 27.709 W NWR NWRKH NWRKHT NewrkHth NewarkHth NewarkHeth Newark Heath VTA North Vernon 39 2.738 N 85 36.320 W NVR NVRNN NVERNN N Vernon N Vernon N Vernon North Vernon OVO Ohio University 40 4.787 N 83 4.382 W OHN OHNVR OHNVRS Ohinvrst Ohionvrst OhioUnvrst OhioUniverst OSU Packer 40 24.479 N 83 13.162 W PAC PACKR PACKER Packer Packer Packer Packer 5E9 Phillipsburg 39 54.797 N 84 24.025 W PHL PHLLP PHLLPS Phllpsbr Phllpsbrg Phillpsbrg Phillipsburg 3I7 Pike 39 10.016 N 82 55.691 W PIK PIKE PIKE Pike Pike Pike Pike EOP Port Columbus 39 59.878 N 82 53.513 W POR PRTCL PRTCLM PrtClmbs PortClmbs PortColmbs PortColumbus CMH Reese 40 9.253 N 85 18.998 W RES REESE REESE Reese Reese Reese Reese 7I2 Rice 40 42.007 N 84 14.062 W RIC RICE RICE Rice Rice Rice Rice OH91 Rickenbacker 39 48.827 N 82 55.669 W RCK RCKNB RCKNBC Rcknbckr Ricknbckr Rickenbckr Rickenbacker LCK Robinson 38 41.670 N 85 11.897 W RBN RBNSN ROBNSN Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson 8I1 Sidney 40 14.477 N 84 9.061 W SDN SIDNE SIDNEY Sidney Sidney Sidney Sidney I12 Troy Skypark 39 59.453 N 84 16.230 W TRS TRSKP TRSKPR TroSkprk TroySkprk TroySkyprk Troy Skypark 37I Vinton 39 19.688 N 82 26.509 W VNT VINTN VINTON Vinton Vinton Vinton Vinton 22I Waco 40 0.886 N 84 11.883 W WAC WACO WACO Waco Waco Waco Waco 1WF Waynesville 39 30.320 N 84 7.313 W WNS WNSVL WNSVLL Waynsvll Waynesvll Waynesvill Waynesville 40I Weller 40 5.355 N 83 41.444 W WEL WELLR WELLER Weller Weller Weller Weller 38I Zurik 40 20.820 N 82 46.661 W ZRK ZURIK ZURIK Zurik Zurik Zurik Zurik 0OH4