Site Dixalea, Queensland, Australia [ CQGC ] Courtesy of Sue Schluter Time Zone Name Australia/Queensland The primary specification of the waypoint coordinates is degrees and decimal minutes >>>>>>>>>> UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<< Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees, expressed or implied. User assumes all risk of use. Name North/South Latitude [degrees] Latitude [minutes] Latitude [seconds] Latitude [decimal minutes] Latitude [decimal degrees] East/West Longitude [degrees] Longitude [minutes] Longitude [seconds] Longitude [decimal minutes] Longitude [decimal degrees] Control P ID[3] ID[5] ID[6] ID[10] ID[12] Comments CQGC S 23 57 14 57.233 -23.9538833 E 150 16 20 16.33 150.2721667 TAHSF CQG CQGC CQGC CQGC CQGC Hangers Eastern end of airstrip Banana S 24 28 0 28 -24.4666667 E 150 8 0 8 150.1333333 T Bnn Banan Banana Banana Banana Statue of Bull in triangle rd intersection Baralaba A/D S 24 11 24 11.4 -24.19 E 149 49 13 49.21 149.8201667 TA Brl Barlb Baralb Baralaba Baralaba A/D SE edge of town Baralba Weir S 24 10 16 10.27 -24.1711667 E 149 48 50 48.83 149.8138333 T Bar BrlbW BrlbWr BaralbaWer Baralba Weir Weir wall on Dawson River Bauhinia Downs S 24 34 0 34 -24.5666667 E 149 17 0 17 149.2833333 T Bhn BhnDw BhnDwn BauhinDwns BauhiniaDwns Road intersection Biloela Expo Silo S 24 24 16 24.27 -24.4045 E 150 30 0 30 150.5 T Bll Bllxp BllxpS BiloelxpSl BiloelaExpSl White Exhibition Silo - West Side of Town Boundary Hill S 24 12 44 12.73 -24.2121667 E 150 29 7 29.12 150.4853333 T Bnd Bndry BndryH BoundryHll BoundaryHill Administration Building at Mine Callide Dam S 24 22 20 22.34 -24.3723333 E 150 36 45 36.75 150.6125 T Cll ClldD ClldDm CallideDam Callide Dam Dam Wall Dingo A/D S 23 38 56 38.93 -23.6488333 E 149 19 34 19.56 149.326 TA Dng Dingo Dingo Dingo A/D Dingo A/D Eastern End of Airstrip Duaringa S 23 43 49 43.82 -23.7303333 E 149 40 5 40.08 149.668 T Drn Durng Duarng Duaringa Duaringa Northern end of Airstrip Dululu S 23 50 45 50.75 -23.8458333 E 150 15 43 15.709 150.2618167 T Dll Dulul Dululu Dululu Dululu Road Intersection Edungalba S 23 43 0 43 -23.7166667 E 149 51 0 51 149.85 T Edn Edngl Ednglb Edungalba Edungalba Gogango S 23 40 1 40.02 -23.667 E 150 2 29 2.49 150.0415 T Ggn Gogng Gogang Gogango Gogango Creekbridge on Capricorn Highway Goolar S 24 54 30 54.5 -24.9083333 E 150 4 42 4.7 150.0783333 T Glr Goolr Goolar Goolar Goolar Silo Goovigen Silo S 24 10 16 10.27 -24.1711667 E 150 19 26 19.429 150.3238167 T Gvg GvgnS GvgnSl GoovigenSl GoovigenSilo Silo on railway line NW of Jambin Jambin Pub S 24 11 40 11.669 -24.1944833 E 150 22 11 22.189 150.3698167 TB Jmb JmbnP JmbnPb Jambin Pub Jambin Pub NW side of road railway intersection Kokotunga S 24 8 15 8.25 -24.1375 E 149 59 52 59.87 149.9978333 T Kkt Kktng Koktng Kokotunga Kokotunga Grain sheds Kroombit Dam S 24 25 19 25.31 -24.4218333 E 150 46 23 46.39 150.7731667 T Krm Krmbt KrmbtD KroombitDm Kroombit Dam Dam wall Lawgi Hall S 24 34 10 34.17 -24.5695 E 150 39 37 39.62 150.6603333 T Lwg LwgHl LwgHll Lawgi Hall Lawgi Hall Hall on Thangool Monto road Monto A/D S 24 53 48 53.8 -24.8966667 E 151 6 0 6 151.1 TA Mnt Monto Monto Monto A/D Monto A/D Centre of Runway Monto Silo S 24 54 59 54.98 -24.9163333 E 151 7 42 7.7 151.1283333 T Mon MntSl MontSl Monto Silo Monto Silo Silo Moura Silo S 24 35 30 35.5 -24.5916667 E 149 58 30 58.5 149.975 T MrS MorSl MourSl Moura Silo Moura Silo Silos and grain sheds Mulgildie S 24 57 59 57.98 -24.9663333 E 151 7 50 7.83 151.1305 T Mlg Mlgld Mulgld Mulgildie Mulgildie Rannes S 24 6 7 6.11 -24.1018333 E 150 7 11 7.179 150.11965 T Rnn Ranns Rannes Rannes Rannes Road intersection Tenmile A/D S 23 19 29 19.48 -23.3246667 E 149 34 28 34.46 149.5743333 TA Tnm Tenml Tenmil Tenmile Tenmile A/D Airstrip Thangool A/D S 24 29 41 29.683 -24.4947167 E 150 34 23 34.383 150.57305 TA Thn Thngl Thangl Thangool Thangool A/D Near intersection of strips Theodore A/D S 24 59 30 59.5 -24.9916667 E 150 5 30 5.5 150.0916667 TA Thd Thedr Theodr Theodore Theodore A/D Southern end of runway Westwood PO S 23 37 17 37.279 -23.6213167 E 150 9 23 9.389 150.1564833 T Wst Wstwd WstwdP WestwoodPO Westwood PO Shop/PO on southern side of Capricorn Highway Wilsons A/D S 24 7 55 7.92 -24.132 E 150 26 33 26.55 150.4425 TA Wls Wlsns Wilsns Wilsons Wilsons A/D Intersection of runways Wowan Silo S 23 54 23 54.389 -23.9064833 E 150 11 56 11.939 150.1989833 T Wwn WwnSl WownSl Wowan Silo Wowan Silo Silos