Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange

Unofficial Coordinates for the Dixalea, Queensland, Australia [ CQGC ] Control Points

Courtesy of Sue Schluter
Magnetic Variation: 9.4E
Time zone: Australia/Queensland, Offset from GMT is 10:00

Information about soaring at Dixalea, Queensland, Australia [ CQGC ] is available at

The primary specification of the waypoint coordinates is degrees and decimal minutes


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  IDName               Codes      Links       Latitude    Longitude        Latitude     Longitude    Comments                                
                                              °  '  "      °  '  "         °   '         °   '                                                   

CQGC               TAHSF  Q,I,O,g,M,G      23 57 14 S  150 16 20 E  or  23 57.233 S  150 16.330 E                         Hangers Eastern end of airstrip              
Banana             T      Q,I,O,g,M,G      24 28 00 S  150 08 00 E  or  24 28.000 S  150 08.000 E       59       203      Statue of Bull in triangle rd intersection   
Baralaba A/D       TA     Q,I,O,g,M,G      24 11 24 S  149 49 13 E  or  24 11.400 S  149 49.210 E       53       250      SE edge of town                              
Baralba Weir       T      Q,I,O,g,M,G      24 10 16 S  149 48 50 E  or  24 10.270 S  149 48.830 E       52       252      Weir wall on Dawson River                    
Bauhinia Downs     T      Q,I,O,g,M,G      24 34 00 S  149 17 00 E  or  24 34.000 S  149 17.000 E      121       245      Road intersection                            

Biloela Expo Silo  T      Q,I,O,g,M,G      24 24 16 S  150 30 00 E  or  24 24.270 S  150 30.000 E       55       165      White Exhibition Silo - West Side of Town    
Boundary Hill      T      Q,I,O,g,M,G      24 12 44 S  150 29 07 E  or  24 12.730 S  150 29.120 E       36       152      Administration Building at Mine              
Callide Dam        T      Q,I,O,g,M,G      24 22 20 S  150 36 45 E  or  24 22.340 S  150 36.750 E       58       153      Dam Wall                                     
Dingo A/D          TA     Q,I,O,g,M,G      23 38 56 S  149 19 34 E  or  23 38.930 S  149 19.560 E      102       299      Eastern End of Airstrip                      
Duaringa           T      Q,I,O,g,M,G      23 43 49 S  149 40 05 E  or  23 43.820 S  149 40.080 E       66       301      Northern end of Airstrip                     

Dululu             T      Q,I,O,g,M,G      23 50 45 S  150 15 43 E  or  23 50.750 S  150 15.709 E       12         4      Road Intersection                            
Edungalba          T      Q,I,O,g,M,G      23 43 00 S  149 51 00 E  or  23 43.000 S  149 51.000 E       50       311                                                   
Gogango            T      Q,I,O,g,M,G      23 40 01 S  150 02 29 E  or  23 40.020 S  150 02.490 E       40       333      Creekbridge on Capricorn Highway             
Goolar             T      Q,I,O,g,M,G      24 54 30 S  150 04 42 E  or  24 54.500 S  150 04.700 E      108       200      Silo                                         
Goovigen Silo      T      Q,I,O,g,M,G      24 10 16 S  150 19 26 E  or  24 10.270 S  150 19.429 E       25       177      Silo on railway line NW of Jambin            

Jambin Pub         TB     Q,I,O,g,M,G      24 11 40 S  150 22 11 E  or  24 11.669 S  150 22.189 E       29       169      NW side of road railway intersection         
Kokotunga          T      Q,I,O,g,M,G      24 08 15 S  149 59 52 E  or  24 08.250 S  149 59.870 E       35       243      Grain sheds                                  
Kroombit Dam       T      Q,I,O,g,M,G      24 25 19 S  150 46 23 E  or  24 25.310 S  150 46.390 E       73       145      Dam wall                                     
Lawgi Hall         T      Q,I,O,g,M,G      24 34 10 S  150 39 37 E  or  24 34.170 S  150 39.620 E       79       160      Hall on Thangool Monto road                  
Monto A/D          TA     Q,I,O,g,M,G      24 53 48 S  151 06 00 E  or  24 53.800 S  151 06.000 E      134       151      Centre of Runway                             

Monto Silo         T      Q,I,O,g,M,G      24 54 59 S  151 07 42 E  or  24 54.980 S  151 07.700 E      138       151      Silo                                         
Moura Silo         T      Q,I,O,g,M,G      24 35 30 S  149 58 30 E  or  24 35.500 S  149 58.500 E       77       212      Silos and grain sheds                        
Mulgildie          T      Q,I,O,g,M,G      24 57 59 S  151 07 50 E  or  24 57.980 S  151 07.830 E      142       152                                                   
Rannes             T      Q,I,O,g,M,G      24 06 07 S  150 07 11 E  or  24 06.110 S  150 07.179 E       23       233      Road intersection                            
Tenmile A/D        TA     Q,I,O,g,M,G      23 19 29 S  149 34 28 E  or  23 19.480 S  149 34.460 E      100       324      Airstrip                                     

Thangool A/D       TA     Q,I,O,g,M,G      24 29 41 S  150 34 23 E  or  24 29.683 S  150 34.383 E       67       163      Near intersection of strips                  
Theodore A/D       TA     Q,I,O,g,M,G      24 59 30 S  150 05 30 E  or  24 59.500 S  150 05.500 E      117       198      Southern end of runway                       
Westwood PO        T      Q,I,O,g,M,G      23 37 17 S  150 09 23 E  or  23 37.279 S  150 09.389 E       39       352      Shop/PO on southern side of Capricorn Highway
Wilsons A/D        TA     Q,I,O,g,M,G      24 07 55 S  150 26 33 E  or  24 07.920 S  150 26.550 E       26       148      Intersection of runways                      
Wowan Silo         T      Q,I,O,g,M,G      23 54 23 S  150 11 56 E  or  23 54.389 S  150 11.939 E      9.1       315      Silos                                        

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Please contact John Leibacher with any suggestions concerning this material.