Site Alexandria, Indiana [ Labor Day Contest ] Contest CISS Labor Day Contest, 2010 Courtesy of Don Taylor Dated 27 July 2010 Magnetic Variation 4.7W Time Zone Name US/East-Indiana File created on Thursday, 29 July 2010 at 21:15 GMT The primary specification of the waypoint coordinates is degrees, minutes, and seconds UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK Do not use for navigation, for flight verification only. Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees, expressed or implied. User assumes all risk of use. Name North/South Latitude [degrees] Latitude [minutes] Latitude [seconds] Latitude [decimal minutes] Latitude [decimal degrees] East/West Longitude [degrees] Longitude [minutes] Longitude [seconds] Longitude [decimal minutes] Longitude [decimal degrees] Elevation [FEET] Control P Turnpoint ID ID[3] ID[5] ID[6] ID[10] ID[12] State ICAO Identifier Alexandria N 40 13 57 13.95 40.2325 W 85 38 15 38.25 -85.6375 899 HSFAT ALEXI ALX ALXND Alxndr Alexandria Alexandria Indiana I99 Anderson N 40 6 31 6.51667 40.1086111 W 85 36 47 36.78333 -85.6130556 922 AT ANDEO AND ANDRS Andrsn Anderson Anderson Indiana AID Baird-Wolford N 40 15 53 15.88333 40.2647222 W 86 6 10 6.16667 -86.1027778 879 ATP BAIRD BRD BRDWL BrdWlf BairdWlfrd BairdWolford Indiana 2II6 Belknap-Icarus Acres N 40 8 0 8 40.1333333 W 85 13 50 13.83333 -85.2305556 1040 ATP BELKN BLK BLKNP Blknpc Blknpcrscr Belknpcrscrs Indiana 1IN0 Benner N 40 47 53 47.88333 40.7980556 W 86 2 58 2.96667 -86.0494444 801 T BENNE BNN BENNR Benner Benner Benner Bluffton Miller N 40 43 0 43 40.7166667 W 85 15 0 15 -85.25 850 AT BLUFM BLF BLFFT Blfftn BlfftnMllr BlufftonMllr Indiana C40 Caldwell N 40 37 28 37.46667 40.6244444 W 86 9 19 9.31667 -86.1552778 801 ATP CALDW CLD CLDWL Cldwll Caldwell Caldwell Indiana 54II Carroll's N 40 7 37 7.61667 40.1269444 W 85 25 55 25.91667 -85.4319444 942 ATP CARRO CRR CRRLL Crrlls Carrolls Carrolls Indiana IN56 Converse N 40 34 15 34.25 40.5708333 W 85 53 30 53.5 -85.8916667 840 AT CONVE CNV CNVRS Convrs Converse Converse Indiana 1I8 Creekside N 40 4 7 4.11667 40.0686111 W 85 55 20 55.33333 -85.9222222 801 ATP CREEK CRK CRKSD Creksd Creekside Creekside Indiana II42 Cruzan N 40 10 21 10.35 40.1725 W 85 56 41 56.68333 -85.9447222 846 ATP CRUZN CRZ CRUZN Cruzan Cruzan Cruzan Indiana 9II4 Ellison N 40 17 40 17.66667 40.2944444 W 85 56 33 56.55 -85.9425 876 ATP ELLSN ELL ELLSN Ellisn Ellison Ellison Indiana 35IN Finney's N 40 15 34 15.56667 40.2594444 W 85 15 38 15.63333 -85.2605556 965 ATP FINNE FNN FINNS Finnes Finneys Finneys Indiana II77 Flora N 40 32 23 32.38333 40.5397222 W 86 32 54 32.9 -86.5483333 712 AT FLOR5 FLR FLORA Flora Flora Flora Indiana 5I2 Fox Station N 40 38 10 38.16667 40.6361111 W 85 41 17 41.28333 -85.6880556 837 ATP FOXST FXS FXSt. FoxSt. Fox Sta. Fox Station Indiana 78II Frankfort N 40 16 25 16.41667 40.2736111 W 86 33 44 33.73333 -86.5622222 860 AT FRANI FRN FRNKF Frnkfr Frankfort Frankfort Indiana FKR Frankfort Clark N 40 11 40 11.66667 40.1944444 W 86 31 23 31.38333 -86.5230556 879 T FRACL FRA FRANK Frankf FrnkfrtClr FrankfrtClrk Galveston N 40 35 3 35.05 40.5841667 W 86 15 25 15.41667 -86.2569444 791 AT GALVE GLV GLVST Glvstn Galveston Galveston Indiana 5I6 Glenndale N 40 26 0 26 40.4333333 W 86 12 12 12.2 -86.2033333 850 AT KOKOG GLN GLNND Glnndl Glenndale Glenndale Indiana 8I3 Greenfield Pope N 39 47 25 47.41667 39.7902778 W 85 44 10 44.16667 -85.7361111 899 AT GREF8 GRN GRNFL Grnfld GreenfldPp GreenfieldPp Indiana GFD Hagerstown N 39 53 21 53.35 39.8891667 W 85 9 48 9.8 -85.1633333 1001 AT HAGER HGR HGRST Hgrstw Hagerstown Hagerstown Indiana I61 Hartman Farms N 40 31 17 31.28333 40.5213889 W 86 12 54 12.9 -86.215 817 ATP HARTM HRT HRTMN HrtmnF HartmnFrms HartmanFarms Indiana 53IN Heinzman N 40 10 48 10.8 40.18 W 86 0 45 0.75 -86.0125 850 T HEIBM HNZ HNZMN Henzmn Heinzman Heinzman Huntington N 40 51 11 51.18333 40.8530556 W 85 27 26 27.43333 -85.4572222 810 AT HUNT8 HNT HNTNG Hntngt Huntington Huntington Indiana HHG I69 Exit N 40 13 6 13.1 40.2183333 W 85 33 37 33.61667 -85.5602778 884 T I69EX I69 I69XT I69Ext I69 Exit I69 Exit Indianapolis Mount Comfort N 39 50 36 50.6 39.8433333 W 85 53 50 53.83333 -85.8972222 860 AT INDI6 IND INDNP Indnpl IndnplsMtC IndnplsMtCmf Indiana MQJ Indianapolis Executive N 40 1 50 1.83333 40.0305556 W 86 15 5 15.08333 -86.2513889 922 AT INDI9 INI INDIA Indian Indnplsxct Indinplsxctv Indiana TYQ Indianapolis Metropolitan N 39 56 6 56.1 39.935 W 86 2 42 2.7 -86.045 810 AT INDI5 INA INDIN Indiaa IndnplsMtr IndnplsMtrpl Indiana UMP Irion N 40 7 42 7.7 40.1283333 W 85 53 10 53.16667 -85.8861111 801 ATP IRION IRN IRION Irion Irion Irion Indiana II94 Kokomo N 40 31 42 31.7 40.5283333 W 86 3 32 3.53333 -86.0588889 830 AT KOKOM KKM KOKOM Kokomo Kokomo Kokomo Indiana OKK Boone N 40 0 26 0.43333 40.0072222 W 86 26 26 26.43333 -86.4405556 961 AT LEBAI BON BOONE Boone Boone Boone Indiana 6I4 Logansport N 40 42 40 42.66667 40.7111111 W 86 22 30 22.5 -86.375 741 AT LOGAS LGN LGNSP Lgnspr Logansport Logansport Indiana GGP Marion N 40 29 24 29.4 40.49 W 85 40 47 40.78333 -85.6797222 860 AT MARI1 MRN MARIN Marion Marion Marion Indiana MZZ Mc Gill N 40 7 12 7.2 40.12 W 86 4 6 4.1 -86.0683333 856 ATP MCGLL MCG MCGLL McGill Mc Gill Mc Gill Indiana 18II Minneman N 40 25 6 25.1 40.4183333 W 85 21 20 21.33333 -85.3555556 906 ATP MINM6 MNN MNNMN Minnmn Minneman Minneman Indiana 21IN Morris N 39 48 51 48.85 39.8141667 W 85 49 8 49.13333 -85.8188889 869 T MORR1 MRR MORRS Morris Morris Morris Mt. Comfort N 39 54 17 54.28333 39.9047222 W 85 55 27 55.45 -85.9241667 850 T INDI1 MTC MTCMF MtCmfr Mt Comfort Mt Comfort Muncie Delaware N 40 14 33 14.55 40.2425 W 85 23 45 23.75 -85.3958333 942 AT MUNCD MNC MNCDL MncDlw MuncieDlwr MuncieDelawr Indiana MIE Muncie Reese N 40 9 15 9.25 40.1541667 W 85 19 0 19 -85.3166667 991 AT MUNCI MUN MNCRS MuncRs MuncieRees Muncie Reese Indiana 7I2 New Castle N 39 52 33 52.55 39.8758333 W 85 19 35 19.58333 -85.3263889 1089 AT NECAI NWC NWCST NwCstl New Castle New Castle Indiana UWL Noblesville N 40 0 13 0.21667 40.0036111 W 85 57 53 57.88333 -85.9647222 820 AT NOBLV NBL NBLSV Nblsvl Noblesvill Noblesville Indiana I80 Peacock Farms N 40 26 4 26.06667 40.4344444 W 85 37 31 37.51667 -85.6252778 867 TP PEACO PCC PCCKF PcckFr PeacckFrms PeacockFarms Indiana 64IN Peru N 40 47 11 47.18333 40.7863889 W 86 8 47 8.78333 -86.1463889 781 AT PERU PER PERU Peru Peru Peru Indiana I76 Peru Grissom N 40 38 54 38.9 40.6483333 W 86 9 8 9.13333 -86.1522222 810 YTP PERUI PRG PRGRS PrGrss PeruGrissm Peru Grissom Indiana GUS Portland N 40 27 3 27.05 40.4508333 W 84 59 24 59.4 -84.99 932 AT PORLI PRT PRTLN Prtlnd Portland Portland Indiana PLD Randolph N 40 10 8 10.13333 40.1688889 W 84 55 34 55.56667 -84.9261111 1108 T RANDO RND RNDLP Rndlph Randolph Randolph Indiana I22 Rhoton Farm N 40 32 0 32 40.5333333 W 85 14 43 14.71667 -85.2452778 860 T RHOTO RHT RHTNF RhtnFr RhotonFarm Rhoton Farm Richmond N 39 45 26 45.43333 39.7572222 W 84 50 34 50.56667 -84.8427778 1142 AT RICHI RCH RCHMN Rchmnd Richmond Richmond Indiana RID Roberts N 40 0 8 0.13333 40.0022222 W 85 25 44 25.73333 -85.4288889 1086 ATP ROB39 RBR RBRTS Robrts Roberts Roberts Indiana 39IN Robison N 40 44 10 44.16667 40.7361111 W 86 6 55 6.91667 -86.1152778 735 ATP ROBIS RBS ROBSN Robisn Robison Robison Indiana IN33 Rush Strip N 40 50 4 50.06667 40.8344444 W 86 3 8 3.13333 -86.0522222 771 ATP RUSH3 RSH RUSH Rush Rush Strip Rush Strip Indiana IN34 Sauer-Harter N 39 53 0 53 39.8833333 W 85 42 9 42.15 -85.7025 928 ATP SAUER SRH SRHRT SrHrtr SauerHartr Sauer Harter Indiana 79II Sheridan N 40 10 40 10.66667 40.1777778 W 86 13 2 13.03333 -86.2172222 942 AT SHER5 SHR SHRDN Sherdn Sheridan Sheridan Indiana 5I4 Shinn Bone Lane N 40 39 15 39.25 40.6541667 W 86 1 22 1.36667 -86.0227778 810 T SHINN SHN SHNNB ShnnBn ShinnBonLn ShinnBoneLan Skyridge N 40 10 45 10.75 40.1791667 W 86 6 57 6.95 -86.1158333 896 ATP SKYRI SKR SKRDG Skyrdg Skyridge Skyridge Indiana IN27 Small N 39 45 7 45.11667 39.7519444 W 85 33 27 33.45 -85.5575 919 ATP SMALL SML SMALL Small Small Small Indiana IN81 Starkey's N 40 2 35 2.58333 40.0430556 W 85 15 38 15.63333 -85.2605556 1109 ATP STARK STR STRKS Starks Starkeys Starkeys Indiana IN21 Stottlemyer N 40 13 36 13.6 40.2266667 W 85 48 59 48.98333 -85.8163889 866 ATP STOTL STT STTTL Stttlm Stottlemyr Stottlemyer Indiana 2II3 Summitville N 40 20 20 20.33333 40.3388889 W 85 38 42 38.7 -85.645 882 T SUMMI SMM SMMTV Smmtvl Summitvill Summitville The Last Resort N 40 2 15 2.25 40.0375 W 85 24 38 24.63333 -85.4105556 1070 ATP THELR THL THLST ThLstR TheLstRsrt TheLastResrt Indiana 7IN9 Thorntown Sport N 40 6 21 6.35 40.1058333 W 86 31 19 31.31667 -86.5219444 899 T THORT THR THRNT Thrntw ThrntwnSpr ThorntwnSprt Vail's N 40 25 4 25.06667 40.4177778 W 86 8 2 8.03333 -86.1338889 860 ATP VAILS VLS VAILS Vails Vails Vails Indiana 2II0 Wabash N 40 45 43 45.71667 40.7619444 W 85 47 56 47.93333 -85.7988889 801 AT WABAS WBS WABSH Wabash Wabash Wabash Indiana IWH Westfield N 40 2 56 2.93333 40.0488889 W 86 9 28 9.46667 -86.1577778 932 AT WESTI WST WSTFL Wstfld Westfield Westfield Indiana I72 White N 39 46 25 46.41667 39.7736111 W 84 55 22 55.36667 -84.9227778 1138 ATP WHIT4 WHT WHITE White White White Indiana IN47 Willcox N 39 49 24 49.4 39.8233333 W 85 35 31 35.51667 -85.5919444 991 ATP WILLX WLL WLLCX Willcx Willcox Willcox Indiana 26IN Windy Knoll N 40 8 24 8.4 40.14 W 86 9 9 9.15 -86.1525 919 ATP WINDK WND WNDKN WndKnl WindyKnoll Windy Knoll Indiana IN51 Windy P Ridge N 40 20 25 20.41667 40.3402778 W 85 1 5 1.08333 -85.0180556 1033 ATP WINPR WIN WNDPR WndPRd WindyPRidg Windy PRidge Indiana 34IN