* NAM ID COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_H RW_L RW_S RW_W RW_G ICAO * * ============================================================================== * * Filename "cild2010.stx" created Thursday, 29 July 2010 at 21:15 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.1 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This is a 'beta' release to support the release of the NK ClearNav and is subject to change. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.1 $CD Y $SKIP_WAYPOINT_MODE_CHANGES Y * Magnetic Variation updated Tuesday, 19 January 2010 at 05:31 GMT $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 4.7W $HOME Alexandria, Indiana [ Labor Day Contest ] $ORIGINAL_CONTRIBUTOR Don Taylor $CONTRIBUTOR_E-MAIL don_taylor@earthlink.net $LATITUDE N $LONGITUDE W $COUNTRY US $CONTEST CISS Labor Day Contest, 2010 $TIMEZONE_NAME US/East-Indiana $URL_INFORMATION $HEADER Central Indiana Soaring Society $ALTITUDE_UNIT Feet $DISTANCE_UNIT SM $COUNTRY US $FILENAME_3 ci0 $FILENAME_4 cil0 $FILENAME_5 cild0 $FILENAME_8 cild2010 * STATE_ABBEV added 30 Jan 10 $STATE_ABBREV IN $STATE Indiana $RW_L_UNIT FEET * ============================================================================== * * Filename "cild2010.stx" created Thursday, 29 July 2010 at 21:15 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.1 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This is a 'beta' release to support the release of the NK ClearNav and is subject to change. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.1 $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 4.7W $HOME Alexandria, Indiana [ Labor Day Contest ] $CONTRIBUTOR_E-MAIL don_taylor@earthlink.net $LATITUDE N $LONGITUDE W $COUNTRY US $CONTEST CISS Labor Day Contest, 2010 $TIMEZONE_NAME US/East-Indiana $ALTITUDE_UNIT Feet $COUNTRY US $STATE_ABBREV IN $RW_L_UNIT FEET $CONTRIBUTION_DATE 27 July 2010 $LONGITUDE West $LATITUDE North * * ============================================================================== * * The next line defines the contents of columns. It MUST appear before the first waypoint line NAM ID COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_H RW_L RW_S RW_W RW_G ICAO * * Starting the waypoints * Alexandria ALEXI 40 13 57 85 38 15 HSFAT 899 122.8 09/27 90 2526 A 60 I99 Anderson ANDEO 40 6 31 85 36 47 AT 922 126.0 12/30 120 5446 A 100 AID Baird-Wolford BAIRD 40 15 53 86 6 10 ATP 879 113.5 E/W 090 2085 G 75 2II6 Belknap-Icarus Acres BELKN 40 8 0 85 13 50 ATP 1040 118.375 09/27 10 1900 G 100 1IN0 Benner BENNE 40 47 53 86 2 58 T 801 170 Bluffton Miller BLUFM 40 43 0 85 15 0 AT 850 122.9 09/27 90 2625 G 100 C40 Caldwell CALDW 40 37 28 86 9 19 ATP 801 113.5 18/36 180 2500 G 100 54II Carroll's CARRO 40 7 37 85 25 55 ATP 942 118.375 09/27 90 2800 G 75 IN56 Converse CONVE 40 34 15 85 53 30 AT 840 122.9 07/25 70 1837 A 75 1I8 Creekside CREEK 40 4 7 85 55 20 ATP 801 05/23 50 1600 G 60 II42 Cruzan CRUZN 40 10 21 85 56 41 ATP 846 09/27 90 2400 G 70 9II4 Ellison ELLSN 40 17 40 85 56 33 ATP 876 122.95 N/S 180 2900 G 100 35IN Finney's FINNE 40 15 34 85 15 38 ATP 965 118.375 09/27 90 1900 G 100 II77 Flora FLOR5 40 32 23 86 32 54 AT 712 122.9 09/27 90 2133 G 93 5I2 Fox Station FOXST 40 38 10 85 41 17 ATP 837 113.5 09/27 90 1850 G 100 78II Frankfort FRANI 40 16 25 86 33 44 AT 860 123.0 09/27 90 5020 A 75 FKR Frankfort Clark FRACL 40 11 40 86 31 23 T 879 118.325 Galveston GALVE 40 35 3 86 15 25 AT 791 122.9 18/36 180 2723 G 75 5I6 Glenndale KOKOG 40 26 0 86 12 12 AT 850 122.9 18/36 180 2034 G 110 8I3 Greenfield Pope GREF8 39 47 25 85 44 10 AT 899 122.9 18/36 180 2133 G 150 GFD Hagerstown HAGER 39 53 21 85 9 48 AT 1001 123.0 02/20 20 4035 G 200 I61 Hartman Farms HARTM 40 31 17 86 12 54 ATP 817 113.5 18/36 180 2300 G 50 53IN Heinzman HEIBM 40 10 48 86 0 45 T 850 180 Huntington HUNT8 40 51 11 85 27 26 AT 810 122.8 09/27 90 5020 A 75 HHG I69 Exit I69EX 40 13 6 85 33 37 T 884 Indianapolis Mount Comfort INDI6 39 50 36 85 53 50 AT 860 122.7 07/25 70 5545 A 100 MQJ Indianapolis Executive INDI9 40 1 50 86 15 5 AT 922 123.05 18/36 180 5545 C 100 TYQ Indianapolis Metropolitan INDI5 39 56 6 86 2 42 AT 810 123.0 15/33 150 3839 A 100 UMP Irion IRION 40 7 42 85 53 10 ATP 801 118.375 E/W 090 2640 G 60 II94 Kokomo KOKOM 40 31 42 86 3 32 AT 830 123.0 05/23 50 5217 A 150 OKK Boone LEBAI 40 0 26 86 26 26 AT 961 122.8 18/36 180 3642 C 30 6I4 Logansport LOGAS 40 42 40 86 22 30 AT 741 122.8 09/27 90 4429 A 75 GGP Marion MARI1 40 29 24 85 40 47 AT 860 122.7 04/22 40 6037 A 100 MZZ Mc Gill MCGLL 40 7 12 86 4 6 ATP 856 18/36 180 2600 G 70 18II Minneman MINM6 40 25 6 85 21 20 ATP 906 126.675 09/27 90 2283 G 75 21IN Morris MORR1 39 48 51 85 49 8 T 869 124.175 70 Mt. Comfort INDI1 39 54 17 85 55 27 T 850 122.8 60 3018 Muncie Delaware MUNCD 40 14 33 85 23 45 AT 942 120.1 14/32 140 6529 A 150 MIE Muncie Reese MUNCI 40 9 15 85 19 0 AT 991 122.7 09/27 90 2822 A 50 7I2 New Castle NECAI 39 52 33 85 19 35 AT 1089 123.05 09/27 90 4035 A 65 UWL Noblesville NOBLV 40 0 13 85 57 53 AT 820 122.7 09/27 90 3543 G 100 I80 Peacock Farms PEACO 40 26 4 85 37 31 TP 867 18/36 180 2600 G 70 64IN Peru PERU 40 47 11 86 8 47 AT 781 122.8 01/19 10 4035 A 75 I76 Peru Grissom PERUI 40 38 54 86 9 8 YTP 810 133.7 05/23 50 12533 A 200 GUS Portland PORLI 40 27 3 84 59 24 AT 932 122.8 09/27 90 4035 A 75 PLD Randolph RANDO 40 10 8 84 55 34 T 1108 123.0 09/27 92 1960 G 105 I22 Rhoton Farm RHOTO 40 32 0 85 14 43 T 860 126.675 Richmond RICHI 39 45 26 84 50 34 AT 1142 122.7 06/24 60 5545 A 150 RID Roberts ROB39 40 0 8 85 25 44 ATP 1086 118.375 12/30 120 4000 G 100 39IN Robison ROBIS 40 44 10 86 6 55 ATP 735 113.5 N/S 180 2600 G 150 IN33 Rush Strip RUSH3 40 50 4 86 3 8 ATP 771 118.775 18/36 180 1600 G 40 IN34 Sauer-Harter SAUER 39 53 0 85 42 9 ATP 928 124.175 18/36 180 2559 G 80 79II Sheridan SHER5 40 10 40 86 13 2 AT 942 123.075 09/27 50 3740 G 88 5I4 Shinn Bone Lane SHINN 40 39 15 86 1 22 T 810 113.5 180 Skyridge SKYRI 40 10 45 86 6 57 ATP 896 02/20 20 3000 G 200 IN27 Small SMALL 39 45 7 85 33 27 ATP 919 124.175 18/36 180 1200 G 120 IN81 Starkey's STARK 40 2 35 85 15 38 ATP 1109 118.375 09/27 90 2000 G 100 IN21 Stottlemyer STOTL 40 13 36 85 48 59 ATP 866 118.375 18/36 180 2200 G 150 2II3 Summitville SUMMI 40 20 20 85 38 42 T 882 The Last Resort THELR 40 2 15 85 24 38 ATP 1070 118.375 18/36 180 2100 G 75 7IN9 Thorntown Sport THORT 40 6 21 86 31 19 T 899 118.325 60 Vail's VAILS 40 25 4 86 8 2 ATP 860 113.5 09/27 90 2350 G 100 2II0 Wabash WABAS 40 45 43 85 47 56 AT 801 122.8 09/27 90 4429 A 75 IWH Westfield WESTI 40 2 56 86 9 28 AT 932 122.9 18/36 180 3018 G 100 I72 White WHIT4 39 46 25 84 55 22 ATP 1138 118.325 18/36 180 2400 G 60 IN47 Willcox WILLX 39 49 24 85 35 31 ATP 991 124.175 E/W 90 2559 G 70 26IN Windy Knoll WINDK 40 8 24 86 9 9 ATP 919 09/27 90 2600 G 50 IN51 Windy P Ridge WINPR 40 20 25 85 1 5 ATP 1033 126.675 18/36 180 2600 G 100 34IN