;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Alexandria, Indiana [ Labor Day Contest ] + ; + ; CISS Labor Day Contest, 2010 + ; + ; User Specified Waypoints formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Don Taylor + ; + ; Generated Thursday, 29 July 2010 at 21:15 GMT + ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Alexandria" "ALXNDR" "122.8" "N4013.950" "W08538.250" "Anderson" "ANDRSN" "126.0" "N4006.517" "W08536.783" "Baird Wolford" "BRDWLF" "113.5" "N4015.883" "W08606.167" "Belknap Icarus Acres" "BLKNPC" "118.375" "N4008.000" "W08513.833" "Benner" "BENNER" "_" "N4047.883" "W08602.967" "Bluffton Miller" "BLFFTN" "122.9" "N4043.000" "W08515.000" "Caldwell" "CLDWLL" "113.5" "N4037.467" "W08609.317" "Carrolls" "CRRLLS" "118.375" "N4007.617" "W08525.917" "Converse" "CONVRS" "122.9" "N4034.250" "W08553.500" "Creekside" "CREKSD" "_" "N4004.117" "W08555.333" "Cruzan" "CRUZAN" "_" "N4010.350" "W08556.683" "Ellison" "ELLISN" "122.95" "N4017.667" "W08556.550" "Finneys" "FINNES" "118.375" "N4015.567" "W08515.633" "Flora" "FLORA" "122.9" "N4032.383" "W08632.900" "Fox Station" "FOXST." "113.5" "N4038.167" "W08541.283" "Frankfort" "FRNKFR" "123.0" "N4016.417" "W08633.733" "Frankfort Clark" "FRANKF" "118.325" "N4011.667" "W08631.383" "Galveston" "GLVSTN" "122.9" "N4035.050" "W08615.417" "Glenndale" "GLNNDL" "122.9" "N4026.000" "W08612.200" "Greenfield Pope" "GRNFLD" "122.9" "N3947.417" "W08544.167" "Hagerstown" "HGRSTW" "123.0" "N3953.350" "W08509.800" "Hartman Farms" "HRTMNF" "113.5" "N4031.283" "W08612.900" "Heinzman" "HENZMN" "_" "N4010.800" "W08600.750" "Huntington" "HNTNGT" "122.8" "N4051.183" "W08527.433" "I69 Exit" "I69EXT" "_" "N4013.100" "W08533.617" "Indianapolis MtComfort" "INDNPL" "122.7" "N3950.600" "W08553.833" "Indianapolis Executive" "INDIAN" "123.05" "N4001.833" "W08615.083" "IndianapolisMetropoltn" "INDIAA" "123.0" "N3956.100" "W08602.700" "Irion" "IRION" "118.375" "N4007.700" "W08553.167" "Kokomo" "KOKOMO" "123.0" "N4031.700" "W08603.533" "Boone" "BOONE" "122.8" "N4000.433" "W08626.433" "Logansport" "LGNSPR" "122.8" "N4042.667" "W08622.500" "Marion" "MARION" "122.7" "N4029.400" "W08540.783" "Mc Gill" "MCGILL" "_" "N4007.200" "W08604.100" "Minneman" "MINNMN" "126.675" "N4025.100" "W08521.333" "Morris" "MORRIS" "124.175" "N3948.850" "W08549.133" "Mt Comfort" "MTCMFR" "122.8" "N3954.283" "W08555.450" "Muncie Delaware" "MNCDLW" "120.1" "N4014.550" "W08523.750" "Muncie Reese" "MUNCRS" "122.7" "N4009.250" "W08519.000" "New Castle" "NWCSTL" "123.05" "N3952.550" "W08519.583" "Noblesville" "NBLSVL" "122.7" "N4000.217" "W08557.883" "Peacock Farms" "PCCKFR" "_" "N4026.067" "W08537.517" "Peru" "PERU" "122.8" "N4047.183" "W08608.783" "Peru Grissom" "PRGRSS" "133.7" "N4038.900" "W08609.133" "Portland" "PRTLND" "122.8" "N4027.050" "W08459.400" "Randolph" "RNDLPH" "123.0" "N4010.133" "W08455.567" "Rhoton Farm" "RHTNFR" "126.675" "N4032.000" "W08514.717" "Richmond" "RCHMND" "122.7" "N3945.433" "W08450.567" "Roberts" "ROBRTS" "118.375" "N4000.133" "W08525.733" "Robison" "ROBISN" "113.5" "N4044.167" "W08606.917" "Rush Strip" "RUSH" "118.775" "N4050.067" "W08603.133" "Sauer Harter" "SRHRTR" "124.175" "N3953.000" "W08542.150" "Sheridan" "SHERDN" "123.075" "N4010.667" "W08613.033" "Shinn Bone Lane" "SHNNBN" "113.5" "N4039.250" "W08601.367" "Skyridge" "SKYRDG" "_" "N4010.750" "W08606.950" "Small" "SMALL" "124.175" "N3945.117" "W08533.450" "Starkeys" "STARKS" "118.375" "N4002.583" "W08515.633" "Stottlemyer" "STTTLM" "118.375" "N4013.600" "W08548.983" "Summitville" "SMMTVL" "_" "N4020.333" "W08538.700" "The Last Resort" "THLSTR" "118.375" "N4002.250" "W08524.633" "Thorntown Sport" "THRNTW" "118.325" "N4006.350" "W08631.317" "Vails" "VAILS" "113.5" "N4025.067" "W08608.033" "Wabash" "WABASH" "122.8" "N4045.717" "W08547.933" "Westfield" "WSTFLD" "122.9" "N4002.933" "W08609.467" "White" "WHITE" "118.325" "N3946.417" "W08455.367" "Willcox" "WILLCX" "124.175" "N3949.400" "W08535.517" "Windy Knoll" "WNDKNL" "_" "N4008.400" "W08609.150" "Windy P Ridge" "WNDPRD" "126.675" "N4020.417" "W08501.083"